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First Impressions – Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage

Calling Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage the “dungeon to end all dungeons” would be a mistake but clearly Wizards of the Coast is aiming for fans of such things. While it's big, it's not the biggest dungeon ever produced. It is, however, the biggest ever produced for 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons and Undermountain is considered the largest, deepest Forgotten Realms dungeon.

Calling Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage the “dungeon to end all dungeons” would be a mistake but clearly Wizards of the Coast is aiming for fans of such things. While it's big, it's not the biggest dungeon ever produced. It is, however, the biggest ever produced for 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons and Undermountain is considered the largest, deepest Forgotten Realms dungeon.

My full review will delve into the book more thoroughly. This is my first look at it, and I have to say I'm intrigued despite not being a fan of dungeon adventures (Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, Storm King's Thunder and Curse of Strahd are more my speed).

The Appendix doesn't have as many new or adventure-specific creatures as prior adventures and no special items. It does come with Elder Rune “cards” and Secret “cards” that can be photocopied or – if the book is purchased from D&D Beyond, printed on paper for delivery and easy reference.

Despite trying to seem difficult, the dungeon has two options for saving characters from sudden death. That's not to say the adventure is easy – I still need to do the deep-dive reading. But between Jhesiyra Kestellharp trying to keep them within their challenge levels and “Alterdeep,” it's easy for GMs to spare the lives of characters that would otherwise die, which surprises me.

Dungeon of the Mad Mage is for characters of levels 5-20 – higher than prior adventures. It features 23 levels of traps, creatures and danger below Waterdeep to be played solo or after Waterdeep: Dragons Heist.

Each level has its own flair and the backstory of the dungeon explains Halaster's history and why some of the levels have radically different environments. Additionally, Skullport, the city beneath the city of Waterdeep, gets its own chapter.

Level 2 involves the Xanathar Guild and Zhentarium so it can connect quite well to the events in Dragons Heist. The constant thread of madness among those in Undermountain could also connect to Rage of Demons if a GM wished to tweak both adventures.

Wyllowwood is a forest below ground with temperate forests created by Halaster to appease a moon elf druid. Interestingly, it's also the home of a neutral good green dragon. Yes, you read that correctly. A new creature, werebats, are also associated with this level.

Undermountain also features a castle, albeit one that's one-twelfth the size of a normal fortification. Other levels involve oozes, mind flayers, swamps, mazes, githyanki, drow and duergur enclaves and much, much more.

Thankfully for GMs, each chapter also has a similar layout addressing first what dwells there, then a summary of its denizens, exploring the level, with maps, and an aftermath that provides additional hooks. Orderly, predictable layouts make life easier for busy GMs because you know where to find things.

Speaking of hooks, if Durnan isn't enough of hook to draw characters into Undermountain, Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage provides other characters and enticements. Generally though, in my experience, when you put players in the Yawning Portal, someone wants to go below to seek adventure so it's not very difficult.

I really like the hooks in the Secrets deck. I wish they had provided far more of those, though you could create your own.

The Runestone Cavern level is really intriguing. And despite the name, Arcturiadoom isn't an ice world, which would have been fun with the fire giants visiting there. Instead it's named after a lich who lives in Undermountain.

The adventure culminates in a face-off with Halaster, of course, the titular “mad mage.” The opening of the book explains an interesting out for Halaster. I'm still undecided as to whether it's inspired or a cheat.

That's just my first impressions from a quick skim through of the book. A more in-depth examination of Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage will follow soon.

This article was contributed by Beth Rimmels (brimmels) as part of EN World's Columnist (ENWC) program. If you enjoy the daily news and articles from EN World, please consider contributing to our Patreon!!

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Beth Rimmels

Beth Rimmels

Question for folks who have the book: Is the book a single adventure that takes characters from 5th-20th level, a series of self-contained adventures spanning 5th-20th level that all take place in Undermountain, a sandbox that includes challenges for characters ranging from 5th-20th level, or something in-between?

Something in between. It could easily be run as a linked mega-campaign, or split into 23 separate dungeons to be run on their own. Basically, there are some links between levels, and there's the over-arching Halaster theme, but these aren't so vital that they couldn't be easily done away with and/or replaced.

It reminds me very much of the giant strongholds in SKT, which were made for a particular campaign, and have links to it, but would be very simple to break out individually and be used on their own for something entirely different.

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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Something in between. It could easily be run as a linked mega-campaign, or split into 23 separate dungeons to be run on their own. Basically, there are some links between levels, and there's the over-arching Halaster theme, but these aren't so vital that they couldn't be easily done away with and/or replaced.

It reminds me very much of the giant strongholds in SKT, which were made for a particular campaign, and have links to it, but would be very simple to break out individually and be used on their own for something entirely different.

Cool! So there’s not necessarily an overarching objective like “stop the return of Tiamat” in HotDQ or RoT, or “defeat Strahd and escape Barovia” in CoS, but more of a common theme of “Halaster has done some crazy stuff down here”?


Cool! So there’s not necessarily an overarching objective like “stop the return of Tiamat” in HotDQ or RoT, or “defeat Strahd and escape Barovia” in CoS, but more of a common theme of “Halaster has done some crazy stuff down here”?

There are... possibilities...once you get way down in the level, but there is no metaplot or goal per se. Lots of smaller goals that can add up, and maybe eventually a confrontation with Halaster. But it's not like there is an apocalypse or grander implications on the line.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
There are... possibilities...once you get way down in the level, but there is no metaplot or goal per se. Lots of smaller goals that can add up, and maybe eventually a confrontation with Halaster. But it's not like there is an apocalypse or grander implications on the line.

I like the sound of that.

Loren the GM

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Hmph. I'll just photo copy the maps then.
The dungeon seems to be a condensed version of the boxed sets, plus some other old products, which all the extraneous empty corridors blacked out. The weird thing is that this means the old maps don't work, but those maps DO have wandering monster tables, which the book inexplicably does not provide. First thing I did was make a wandering monster table for the level I wanted to run.
I got the book yesterday and ran two veterans of the SKT giant wars (13th level) through a session of level 7, Maddgoth's Castle. I chose a weird item on the level as the quest item. Interesting dungeon. Definitely surprising for the players with lots of interesting features. I'm stoked to use these dungeons and maybe add others on the offshoots (DeadStone Cleft from SKT could easily be appended to level 7)
Layout is a bit better than its been. The dungeons have a uniform key, which I realized partway through. There are bolded entries for some key features. They still do things like "this room is full of quicksand, go to chapter 5 of the DMG to find the rules on quicksand" when it could just say, "Characters trapped in quicksand sing 1d4 ft per round. DC10+feet sunk.) Also the partial stat thing: "This monster is just like a normal one but with Xhps and Xstr." Just print the dang stats already, at least the vitals. Quibbles.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Hmm... So, for the most part it’s a smaller subsection of the level as depicted in 2e, but with some subtle differences.


The focus of Mad Mage is definitely to hit the core of each level, instead of having 23 levels that are each megadungeons in their own right. I can imagine some diehard Undermountain fans not liking this, but without it the book itself would be pretty hard to approach.

It has a lot of gonzo stuff that I find charming, and the overall tone is way lighter than almost every other adventure. References abound throughout, including an autographed picture of Jim Darkmagic, valuable gold foil cards you can collect, and a book you can get that is basically just a Planescape source book. Plus there is significant Spelljammer content in there. Basically as much Spelljammer as they could put into an adventure without just making a Spelljammer adventure.

I look forward to running it at some point, even as a low-stakes pulpy dungeon delve.

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