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Mor's End Craft & Trade Submissions

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The Grey Dwarf

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Kilmore said:
Silk fish? Crap, I was about to suggest a spider ranch.
So? Spiders make good spell components (and poisons). And there's a nice forest west of the town, on the big island. You could use the yellow camp from the map for your ranch as it's not suitable for the silk gatherers.
Waiting for your ranch, then. :D


First Post
Hi Buttercup...

I saw a breakdown of the names of the city's coins somewhere in another thread... do you think they could be posted here as well... it'll make life easier for those wanting to keep the flavour of the city alive in their submissions...


thank you...


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my first contribution...

Tailor – Watersilk specialist
Naithar’s Couture

Laucian Naithar, Tailor Extraordinaire by his own exclamation, and those of his clients, was born into a family of clothiers and has continued the family trade throughout his long life. When Naithar was still a young elf he learned of the exquisite watersilk made from the tendrils of the jellyfish in Mor’s End and just had to come and see it for himself. When he came to Mor’s End he found that the delicate fabric surpassed many to the finest elven materials and he immediately bought all the silk he could afford and set himself about the business of establishing a store and clientele worthy of the Naithar family name. Thanks in no small part to his skill at designing and creating garments of exceptional magnificence, Naithar’s Couture rapidly became one of the premier clothiers of Mor’s End, particularly amongst the more affluent population and members of the city’s ‘high society’. Laucian has now plied his incomparable trade in Mor’s End for over 160 years and has been a guiding influence in high fashion of the city for most of that time. Naithar’s Couture stocks nothing less impressive than clothing fit for court, starting with courtier’s outfits worth nothing less that 45gp (50% increase from regular prices) and has made garments for Lady Kelvin and the Castellan that have been valued at well over a thousand pieces of gold.

As he became ever more popular, Laucian began to develop an arrogance and intolerance towards “lower” social classes that has garnered him quite an unpleasant reputation amongst anyone not in his target market. His store has been vandalised several times recently and his feeling is that this is the work of “some poor desperate lout with nothing better to do”, but despite his bravado, the aging elf has been quite intimidated by this activity and is not so moral as to being averse to paying for “protection”.*

As the tailor of many rich and influential figures in Mor’s End, Laucian often finds himself measuring clients while they discuss matters of business and state, which means he is often quite well-informed in issues relating to the “behind-the-scenes” machinations of the city’s politicians, nobility and guilds. Most of his clientele are completely unsuspecting of the wealth of information Laucian holds, but recently the elderly tailor has been approached by some of the city’s less savoury characters about ‘collecting information’ on their behalf.*

* potential plot hooks.

Laucian Naithar, Tailor, old male elf Expert7: HD 7d6-7; hp 20; Init –1 (Dex); Spd 30ft; melee +5 (masterwork rapier 1d6-1/18-20); SQ elven traits; AL CN; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +8; Str 6, Dex 9, Con 8, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 14
Skills & Feats: Appraise +13, Bluff +12, Craft (clothing) +18, Craft (weaving) +18, Diplomacy +11, Gather Information +11, Innuendo +11, Knowledge (local) +12, Profession (tailor) +13, Sense Motive +13; Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (Craft (clothing)), Skill Focus (Craft (weaving))
Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, and Sylvan
Possessions of note: masterwork rapier (sword cane), masterwork artisan’s tool (clothes making), and masterwork artisan’s tools (loom)
SQ- Elven traits: low-light vision, immunity to sleep spells & effects, +2 saving throw bonus vs Enchantment spells & effects, +2 bonus to Listen, Search and Spot checks, proficient with rapier and bows


First Post
Idea for a restaurant/inn came to me. What does silk-fish taste like? It's going to be expensive - the cost of the silk that the silk-fish produces has to be paid, in essence. Since it's a jelly fish, I can't imagine it would be very nice - but caviar isn't that pleasant either. What do other people think? Too weird?

Just imagining an inn - sort of a place which represents all the unique things about Mor's End. Glazed pottery dishes, poached silk-fish, and silken sheets - maybe that'd be a good way to introduce PCs to the city.

Also think the idea for gloves being used to harvest silk-fish is a really cool detail. I've also put a post up on the Government Affairs thread regarding a Glazers Guild - should it be here?

Jolly Giant

First Post
GladiusNP said:
What does silk-fish taste like? It's going to be expensive - the cost of the silk that the silk-fish produces has to be paid, in essence. Since it's a jelly fish, I can't imagine it would be very nice - but caviar isn't that pleasant either. What do other people think? Too weird?

Hey, as long as it's expensive enough, some jerk with too much money on his hands will consider it a delicassy! :p There should definitely be such a restaurant in the posh district!


First Post
This is great; I thought I’d give contributing a try. (Constructive criticism always welcome)

Starkad Family Archery Shop

Lev Starkad was a captain in the local military until he was forced into retirement due to injury. The pinkie and ring finger of his right hand were severed (as was part of his palm) by a broad head arrow during a local skirmish. With what little savings he had he took his young wife and opened up a Bowmaking shop in Mor’s End. Now at the age of 56 he is well established in the town, “three finger” Lev is known for his quality weapons and his archery skill, which he loves to demonstrate during local fairs and celebrations.

Lev’s bows are some of the finest in town and he normally has a waiting list for his masterwork bows. He also has a contract to supply bows and arrows to the city guard, which keeps him very busy. While he generally doesn’t sell magic weapons or arrows he does have connections and has done “special order” items before.

He is aided in day-to-day business by his teenage daughter Ariana who has cared for him since his wife died many years ago. She also has shown some talent for bowmaking and spends much of her day fletching arrows and making the occasional short bow.

Lev also has two sons Baltus and Elias. Baltus, the elder is a prominent squad captain in the Castilian’s elite guard and a well renowned archer in his own right, some say better than his father was in his prime. His younger son Elias is equally well known but for much different reasons, at an early age he took to the road to lead the life of a wondering Bard.

Lev keeps himself in good shape and is a member of the local militia; he keeps his old chainmail and long sword well oiled and close at hand.

Plot hooks

1. Lev is very jealous of his young daughter’s suitors and occasionally hires adventurers to “check them out”. One of her recent suitors is particularly troubling as the people he hired to watch this certain suitor were never seen again.

2. Lev’s son Baltus has discovered a plot to overthrow Lady Kelvin and has asked his father to help him find local adventurers to aid him in getting to the bottom of this while keeping it quiet. Baltus doesn’t have enough information to go to the Castilian and is afraid of retribution from powerful enemies if he makes unsubstantiated accusations. Lev knows many adventurers and wishes to help his eldest son out of this mess.

3. Lev’s younger son Elias has recently returned to town and started performing a song that many felt mocked a prominent family for being heavily involved in local corruption. Elias claimed it was just a simple little tune he picked up in a far off land and that it has nothing to do with the local family, but Elias has a reputation for stirring up trouble. Now Elias has disappeared. Lev is willing to pay any price to have his son found and returned to him safe. Lev is not a rich man but he does have his “secret treasure”; Bracers of Archery he was gifted with when he was younger. (Note: the same family could be behind plot hook 2 and 3)

Lev Starkad: Male Human War6; HD 6d8+6;hp 46; Init +2; Spd 20; AC 17; melee + 8 (1d8+1, Longsword); ranged +10 (1d8+2, +1 Mighty composite longbow); AL LG; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +3; STR 12, DEX 14, CON 13, INT 11, WIS 12, CHA 12.
Skills: Appraise+2, Craft (Bowmaker)+6, Knowledge (Local)+1, Knowledge (War)+1, Knowledge (Weaponry)+2, Profession (Bowmaker)+5. Feats: Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus: Longbow, composite
Possessions: +1 Mighty composite longbow (+1 STR); Dagger, Masterwork; Longsword; Chainmail, Masterwork; Shield, small, wooden; Bowmaker's tools, Masterwork
Magic: Wondrous: Bracers of archery
Ariana Starkad: female human Exp2: CR 1; HD 2d6+2; hp 12; Init +4 (+4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack +1 melee, or +1 ranged; SV Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +3; AL LG; Str 10, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Languages: Common, Elf
Skills and feats: Bluff +2, Concentration +3, Craft (Bowmaking) +3, Innuendo +1, Knowledge (Local) +5, Profession (Bowmaking) +1, Sense motive +2; Feats: Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot.
Possessions: Composite shortbow; Bowmaker’s tools, Masterwork.
Baltus Starkad: male human Ftr5: CR 5; HD 5d10+10; hp 47; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17; Attack +7 melee (1D8 +2 longsword), or ranged +10 (1D8+2 Mighty Longbow Composite [STR +2]); SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1; AL LG; Str 14, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 15.
Skills: Balance +2.5, Disguise +2.5, Hide +1, Knowledge +3, Knowledge (nature) +4, Listen +2, Move silently +1, Perform +3, Ride +7, Spellcraft +3, Spot +2; Feats: Combat reflexes, Dodge, Endurance, Point blank shot, Rapid shot, Weapon focus (longbow, composite).
Possessions: Longsword; Mighty Composite longbow (+2 str); Chainmail.
Elias Starkad: male human Brd4: CR 4; HD 4d6+12; hp 26; Init +6 (+4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14; Attack +3 melee (1D6 short sword), or +6 ranged (1D8 Composite Longbow); SV Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +4; AL CG; Str 10, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18.
Languages: Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Infernal, Orc.
Skills: Appraise +2, Hide +2, Knowledge (local) +7, Listen +1, Move silently +2, Perform +10, Scry +6, Speak language +7, Spellcraft +7, Spot +1; Feats: Ambidexterity, Point blank shot, Improved initiative.
Possessions: Masterwork Lute; short sword; composite longbow.
Magic: Ring of protection +2
Bard Spells Known (3/3/1)

(should I cross post brothers to the NPC thread?)
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(should I cross post brothers to the NPC thread?)

If you wish but fill them in with more details. eg: description, motives etc. :) Maybe even a phrase or two that they might use!

And it's great!


First Post
Krug said:

If you wish but fill them in with more details. eg: description, motives etc. :) Maybe even a phrase or two that they might use!

I cross posted the two brothers with their own backgrounds and discriptions to the NPC thread. I couldn't think of any quotes offhand if I come up with anything I'll edit into the discriptions.

Voidrunner's Codex

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