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Things you did NOT like about Fellowship of the Ring.


Let me start by saying that I understand the difficulties of transposing a book to the big screen.

That said, let me also say that I liked the movie overall but, as you shall see, as a generic fantasy movie, not as a representation of the book upon which it was based.

Now, on to the gripes...

*I thought the entire early pace of the movie was, how could I put it, wrong .

In the movie, Frodo is basically thrown out of house by Gandalf, while this was clearly not the way in which events took place in the book.

I believe the director could have left this part unaltered (by using fade-ins and fade-outs to represent the passage of time, for example), and it would, in this unaltered way, more clearly present the situation of Frodo in the beggining, that is, he was basically still in a jolly mood and did not think long or hard about problems lying ahead.

The journey of the Hobbits to Bree seemed like it took about a day (since we only see night once).

*Also, I didn't like the director's choice to portray Pippin and Merry as hardly-disguised human children, while in the book they were already out of their "tweens", and thus were grown men. Let me also remember that Frodo was a man of fifty when he left Bag-End, which does not seem to be the case in the movie.*Taking Tom Bombadil out of the movie entirely was wise, and compliant with Tolkien's own guidelines for treating characters. Either portray them fully, or take them out entirely.

*But I thought taking the conspiracy of the Hobbits out simply weakened the whole idea of Pippin and Merry going with Frodo. In the movie, they seem to "just be going along".

*Arwen....oh god, arwen...

Why did they hire Liv Tyler for the part? They then proceeded to mangle out Glorfindel (one good character, even though I dislike elves), and expanded the part Arwen plays. And on top of that, they gave her powers which were inexistent in the books. She ended up causing the flood of the Fords of Bruinen, when it was Elrond and Gandalf together that created it in the books. This seemed only a way of increasing the importance of a character that was being played by a high-budget hollywood star. And a bad actress to boot. I almost cried when she released that one-liner about the Nazgûl coming over to get the Hobbit from her.

I secretly wished for them to get past the flood somehow, and thus end my pain.

*Legolas reveals to everyone who wants to listen that Aragorn is the heir of Isildur, while this is kept more or less secret in the books.

*Gandalf putting the burden of choosing the way (Caradhras or Moria) the Fellowship would go in Frodo's shoulders, while in the book it was a very private business between Gandalf and Aragorn. I really don't know how putting the decision on Frodo's character made the screening any easier.

*Again, Frodo gets a part he did not deserve, or have in the books, by finding the solution to the riddle at the West-door of Moria.

*The movie progresses a lot better once the characters enter Moria, and the story is not altered in any deathly significant way.

*In Lothlórien, the characters are basically all lumped to the background, and the reasons for the emerging friendship of Gimli and Legolas are lost, since the only appreciation of Gimli for Galadriel's beauty is a first look of awe. Unless the director finds a novel way, it's going to be difficult to make audiences understand why Gimli and Legolas become friends, later in the story.

As I said in another thread, a scene that was in some of the early (and in the final) trailers, showing the whole Fellowship receiving presents from the elves in Lothlórien, was cut from the movie. A sad thing, for many beautiful things are lost, like the present which the Lady gives to Gimli and the one that Legolas takes, aside from the elven cloaks and whatnot.

*When the Fellowship arrives at the Falls of Rauros, Aragorn guides the boats to shore with the bare explanation that Orcs prowl the eastern shore, and as such they will await the cover of darkness. Funny thing to be said, since everyone is led to believe, correctly BTW, that Orcs tend to have a problem with sunlight, and thus it would be better for the Fellowship to bound right away.

The director could have added a 10-second dialogue with Aragorn explaining the importance of the decision Frodo would have to make now, choosing the way of the Fellowship. Instead, it is seen just as a stopping point before they follow a pre-determined course. In the books, even Aragorn is doubtful Gandalf had planned anything beyond the Falls.

Also, and this is a personal gripe, the seats of Amon Hen and Amon Lhaw are not explained, and thus the viewer is left with the impression that Frodo saw Barad-Dûr because he put the ring on his finger, and not because he was seating on Amon Hen.
But overall, I thought the movie was good. I wouldn't rank it over Excalibur or Ladyhawke, but it's definitely in my all-time best 5 list.

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Teflon Billy

Wow!...that's a lot more nitpicking than I would have lain at the movie's doorstep. My only real complaints are....

  • The elimination of Glorfindel in preference to juicing up the Arwen role for the female demograhic.
  • The elimination of the "blindfolding" scene in Lothlorien (it's the beginning of Gimli and Legolas's friendship. we' saw Gimli's hatred of Elves, it would've been good to see him come to realize that they aren't all the devil)
  • The failure to include the reforging of the fragments of Narsil into Anduril. I mean, why include that sword fragment scene at all without it?

That's about it. Otherwise it was all good


First Post
In addition to Teflon Billy's aforementioned gripes, I was a bit rattled at the orcs in Moria scuttling like spiders all over. How will this be reflected in the large battles to come? I like the images of siege engines and ladders. Will the orcs just swarm and scuttle over the walls?

All in all, though, I still think Peter Jackson did an excellent job and did much better than what I could of cobbled together. The attention to detail was astounding, for example, Legolas being unaffected by the snow and Boromir's greave decorated with the tree of Gondor.



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All the people trying to disenchant others about the movie through nitpicking criticism...that's the worst association I have with this enchanting movie....


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Did anybody actually like Arwen? Liv Tyler can't act IMHO.

I love the movie and I've seen it several times, but it did disappoint me in a couple of places. I too am unhappy with how little of Lothlorien was actually shown. The director's cut will certainly put a lot of it back in but they really should've shown the start of Legolas and Gimli's friendship.

And why didn't they show the reforging of Narsil?

Lastly, the length of the scene when Sam "drowns". It was way too long. Even someone who's never read the books would know that the director's not going to kill off a character at that point, so building suspense just ain't going to happen.

Of course, these are just minor quibbles. PJ filmed the unfilmable book and gave us a great movie to enjoy.


First Post
BronzeDragon said:

*When the Fellowship arrives at the Falls of Rauros, Aragorn guides the boats to shore with the bare explanation that Orcs prowl the eastern shore, and as such they will await the cover of darkness. Funny thing to be said, since everyone is led to believe, correctly BTW, that Orcs tend to have a problem with sunlight, and thus it would be better for the Fellowship to bound right away.

Good catch. That's a funny one. I was only bothered by four things really:

1. Because they compressed time in the beginning, Saruman somehow hatches an entire half orc army out of sticky goo, trains, and arms them, destroys the landscape around his tower, opens giant fissures in the earth, and creates a series of mines and tremendous forges, in what seems to be a couple of weeks.

2. The interior shots of Orthanc looked like the set of either a cheesy Las Vegas show, Krull, or Disney on Ice - perhaps a mix between the three. It was definitely not my vision for Orthanc.

3. The script, directing, and the acting were all overly melodramatic. Powerful scenes comes from the situation, the choices that must be made, the strength (or lack thereof) of a person's character, and similar things, not by saying as many things in as grandiose a way as possible. They could have played down some of the scenes a bit more and I think they would have had much more impact. Boromir's death is probably the best example. It would have been much better if it wasn't so overdone - probably one of the most overdone death scenes that I can recall in any film.

4. I could let Arwen's expanded role slide, despite the fact that I also really don't care for Liv Tyler, but her calling of the flood just went too far. That was a task for people far more powerful than her. Magic of that miraculous magnitude is something that only very powerful people can invoke. Her doing so kind of cheapened it for me.

It's a really great movie though. I enjoyed it thoroughly and think that Peter Jackson did a fantastic job with incredibly difficult source material.

As an aside, something I thought was really funny is that, after all of the huffing and puffing from Ralph Bakshi, it seemed that Peter Jackson did indeed lift the scene where the Nazgul attacked the beds in the inn almost verbatim from the cartoon. I think that he also borrowed very liberally from the cartoon for the much touted effect that Frodo experiences when putting on the ring. Of course the movie is much better than the cartoon. I just think that it's interesting.

Squire James

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A lot of stuff had to be cut to shorten the movie (the original cut is reputed to be 4.5 hours, 50% larger than the final cut), but I guess one has to judge what is left. I'll respond to your gripes that I disagree with first, then offer my own gripes...

Glorifindel had a very minor part in the books... Tom Bombadil had a bigger part! Replacing him with a woman in order to bring the male/female character ratio down to, oh, 10 to 1 seemed a reasonable thing to do.

I think Aragorn was revealed as the heir of Isildur at the Council of Elrond in the books, though it wasn't Legolas who did so (I think it was Gandalf). Boromir had about the same reaction as in the movie, something like "That's all well and good, but I doubt our problems will be solved by Isildur himself, much less this guy I don't even know!"

OK, on to my gripes about the movie:

1. Saruman, in my opinion, never thought of himself as "joining with Sauron". He simply thought it was best to use Sauron's methods in opposing him, take the Big Boss' job (and Ring), and rule the world himself. The movie made him too much like, oh, a Nazgul. A lackey who knows he's a lackey.

2. I'll echo the sentiments that the Lothlorien scene was way too short. I understand a lot of it is sitting on the cutting room floor, but this is one part of the movie that needed to be cut so much. I imagine Legolas and Gimli will have to become friends the old fashioned way... by fighting in a war together (which is mostly how I understood it happening anyway).

3. Another echo... show Narsil being reforged, or leave out that "broken sword" scene altogether! Maybe the movie delayed the reforging of the sword, perhaps to be delivered by Halbarad later. Maybe the new Arwen forges swords as well as she does needlework on standards?

The Sunderer

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My only gripe was the year I have to wait until they continue the story.... :(

Other than that it was all good, but then I tend to try and watch a film for entertainment value rather than searching it for nitpicks


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Gandalf's Toque - I'm from canada so i would have like this addition
Gimli's Eye Patch -- Gimli lost an eye to the elves (which is why he was so bent out of shape at them)so he should have had the patch, i couldn't tell behind all the hair but i don't think it was there
The Sexual Tension Between Borimor and Aragorn -- forget Arwen and all that, you know that they should have left this in

the movie could have had stuff to pander to the masses be happy with what you got, if the nitpickers had had their way you would have had a movie that was 29 hours long and been mostly boring and had everyone who had never read the series, still wondering what all the fuss was about


ps that being said i hope the Gimli - Galadriel stuff is on the dvd
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