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Differentiating Races: Racial Classes


So someone made a thread on the Wizards boards asking how to differentiate races more. Someone else brought up WotC's earlier assertions that races would advance just like classes, and I figured hey, if you have Paths in the Paragon tier and Destinies in the Epic tier, why not some sort of racial class in the Heroic tier? To separate them from regular classes, I'll call them Racial Prodigies for now.

I'm giving so many things with these Prodigies because (A) the extra features add a bit more flavor, so you can never have too many, and (B) I personally think classes get too few powers as-is, so 3 more won't hurt. What I'm going to try to do here is come up with the 3 racial powers for each role and the 2 abilities for each race. It's a crazy idea, and I have no idea if it could work and be balanced, but anyone who wants to help, feel free to join in!

Starting with the PHB races (I'll edit them in as I make them; I've made stuff for dragonborn and tieflings so far):

Dragonborn Feats

Dragonborn Prodigy
As a dragonborn adventurer, you specialize in hard-hitting weapons making good use of your strength, and as you've adventured you've had an opportunity to improve those skills with which you already have a knack.
Prerequisite: Dragonborn
Benefit: You gain a +2 racial bonus to damage rolls with high crit weapons and an additional +2 to Bluff and Stealth checks.

Improved Draconic Heritage:
You exemplify your heritage more than fellow dragonborn.
Prerequisite: Dragonborn Prodigy, level 4
Benefits: Your healing surge value equals 1/4 your maximum HP plus twice your Constitution modifier.

Relentless Honor:
As terrifying as your foes may be, you are duty-bound to carry on.
Prerequisite: Dragonborn Prodigy, level 8
Benefits: You gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear effects.

Dragonborn Utility
Your connection to the great dragons gives you a few options not available to lesser beings.
Prerequisite: Dragonborn Prodigy, Improved Draconic Heritage, level [TBD]
Benefits: Choose one of the following powers based on your role (a multiclassed character may choose a power based on either class's role):
  • Controller--breath of Tiamat
  • Defender--[TBD]
  • Leader--draconic affinity
  • Striker--[TBD]
You gain this power in addition to those gained from your class, rather than replacing an existing power, but you do not gain an additional power slot. Instead, you may choose to use it instead of another utility power you know. You do not need to choose to do so ahead of time; instead, you simply use up a utility power slot of your choice and use this power in its place.

Dragonborn Encounter
Your connection to the great dragons gives you a few options not available to lesser beings.
Prerequisite: Dragonborn Prodigy, Improved Draconic Heritage, level [TBD]
Benefits: Choose one of the following powers based on your role (a multiclassed character may choose a power based on either class's role):
  • Controller--[TBD]
  • Defender--[TBD]
  • Leader--draconic presence
  • Striker--[TBD]
You gain this power in addition to those gained from your class, rather than replacing an existing power, but you do not gain an additional power slot. Instead, you may choose to use it instead of another utility power you know. You do not need to choose to do so ahead of time; instead, you simply use up a utility power slot of your choice and use this power in its place.

Dragonborn Daily
Your connection to the great dragons gives you a few options not available to lesser beings.
Prerequisite: Dragonborn Prodigy, Improved Draconic Heritage, level [TBD]
Benefits: Choose one of the following powers based on your role (a multiclassed character may choose a power based on either class's role):
  • Controller--lasting exhalation
  • Defender--[TBD]
  • Leader--Io's wrath
  • Striker--fangs of Tiamat
You gain this power in addition to those gained from your class, rather than replacing an existing power, but you do not gain an additional power slot. Instead, you may choose to use it instead of another utility power you know. You do not need to choose to do so ahead of time; instead, you simply use up a utility power slot of your choice and use this power in its place.

[sblock=Controller Powers]
Breath of Tiamat Dragonborn Utility 4
Inspired by the Fivefold Dragon, you alter your breath to best combat your foes.
Encounter ~ Racial, Dragonborn
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Choose a damage type: fire, lightning, cold, poison, or acid. Until the end of the encounter, you may choose to use this damage type for any effects dealing with your breath weapon, including the breath weapon itself, in place of its normal type.

Lasting Exhalation Dragonborn Attack 10
Taking a deep breath, you breathe on your foes...and breathe, and breathe, until they are no more.
Daily ~ Racial, Dragonborn
Standard Action Close blast 5
Target: Enemies in blast
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Hit: Deal your breath weapon damage to affected targets.
Sustain Minor: Each round you sustain this power, you may deal your breath weapon damage in another Close blast 3. You may sustain this power for a maximum of 4 rounds; in the second round, the radius is reduced to 4 squares; in the third round, the radius is reduced to 3 squares, and in the fourth the radius is reduced to 2 squares.
[sblock=Defender Powers]
Resilient Scales Dragonborn Utility 4
You constantly position yourself so that your hardest, largest scales are facing your enemy--no weapon will get through those.
Encounter ~ Racial, Stance, Dragonborn
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You gain a +4 racial bonus to AC until the end of the encounter.

Draconic Presence Dragonborn Attack 7
Though you are not as terrifying as the true dragons, others still cower before you.
Encounter ~ Racial, Dragonborn
Standard Action Close burst 5
Target: Creatures in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 1d6 psychic damage
Effect: Push targets 1 square away

Io's Wrath Dragonborn Attack 10
In the name of Io, the progenitor dragon, you blast your enemies with eldritch energies.
Daily ~ Racial, Dragonborn
Standard Action Close burst 5
Target: Enemies in burst
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 damage of the same type as your breath weapon, and push enemies back 2 squares.
[sblock=Leader Powers]
Draconic Affinity Dragonborn Utility 4
Calling on your draconic heritage, you render an ally resistant to your breath.
Encounter ~ Racial, Dragonborn
Minor Action Close burst 3
Target: One creature in burst
Effect: The target gains resistance 5 against the damage type of your breath weapon until the end of your next turn.
Sustain Minor: The target remains resistant.
[sblock=Striker Powers]
Fangs of Tiamat Dragonborn Attack 10
Drawing on your inner reserves of strength, you make five attacks in the space it takes your enemies to take one.
Daily ~ Racial, Dragonborn, Weapon
Standard Action Melee
Target: Adjacent creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 5[W] damage
Miss: 5 x Intelligence modifier damage
Effect: You are slowed and grant your enemies combat advantage until your next turn.
[sblock=Controller Powers]Coming soon![/sblock]
[sblock=Defender Powers]Coming soon![/sblock]
[sblock=Leader Powers]Coming soon![/sblock]
[sblock=Striker Powers]Coming soon![/sblock]
[sblock=Controller Powers]Coming soon![/sblock]
[sblock=Defender Powers]Coming soon![/sblock]
[sblock=Leader Powers]Coming soon![/sblock]
[sblock=Striker Powers]Coming soon![/sblock]
[sblock=Controller Powers]Coming soon![/sblock]
[sblock=Defender Powers]Coming soon![/sblock]
[sblock=Leader Powers]Coming soon![/sblock]
[sblock=Striker Powers]Coming soon![/sblock]
[sblock=Controller Powers]Coming soon![/sblock]
[sblock=Defender Powers]Coming soon![/sblock]
[sblock=Leader Powers]Coming soon![/sblock]
[sblock=Striker Powers]Coming soon![/sblock]
[sblock=Controller Powers]Coming soon![/sblock]
[sblock=Defender Powers]Coming soon![/sblock]
[sblock=Leader Powers]Coming soon![/sblock]
[sblock=Striker Powers]Coming soon![/sblock]
Tiefling Prodigy
[B]Level 1:[/B] --
[B]Level 2:[/B] +2 to damage with light blades
[B]Level 3:[/B] Improved Blood Hunt
[B]Level 4:[/B] [I]Utility power[/I]
[B]Level 5:[/B] +2 Bluff, +2 Stealth
[B]Level 6:[/B] --
[B]Level 7:[/B] [I]Encounter power[/I]
[B]Level 8:[/B] +1 Intelligence, +1 Charisma
[B]Level 9:[/B] Dark Heritage
[B]Level 10:[/B] [I]Daily power[/I]

Racial Powers: At 4th, 7th, and 10th levels, you gain additional powers based on your race and the role of your class. If you are a multiclassed character whose classes are of different roles, you may choose the power belonging to either class. Power descriptions can be found in the sblocks below, under the appropriate role; these powers are in addition to, not instead of, powers granted by your class, and they follow all of the same rules as normal class powers.

Dark Heritage: You gain a +4 racial bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Insight checks against creatures of immortal origin.

Utility Power: You gain a utility power based on your role:
  • Controller--[TBD]
  • Defender--[TBD]
  • Leader--trial by fire
  • Striker--shadows of Bael'Turath

Encounter Power: You gain an encounter power based on your role:
  • Controller--[TBD]
  • Defender--[TBD]
  • Leader--perfect distraction
  • Striker--flaming strike

Improved Blood Hunt: Your racial attack bonus against bloodied foes increases to +3.

Daily Power: You gain a daily power based on your role:
  • Controller--[TBD]
  • Defender--[TBD]
  • Leader--fires of victory
  • Striker--infernal blow

[sblock=Controller Powers]Coming soon![/sblock]
[sblock=Defender Powers]Coming soon![/sblock]
[sblock=Leader Powers]
Trial By Fire Tiefling Utility 4
Having forged bonds of friendship with you, your allies pass through the fire and come out unharmed. Your enemies just pass through the fire.
Daily ~ Racial, Tiefling, Healing, Fire
Minor Action Area
Target: All creatures in the area
Hit: Enemies in the area take 1d10 + Intelligence modifier fire damage
Effect: Allies in the area gain 1d6 + intelligence modifier temporary hit points.

Perfect Distraction Tiefling Attack 7
For a few crucial seconds, your enemy is more concerned with your blade than with your allies' movements.
Encounter ~ Racial, Tiefling, Weapon or Implement
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage and the target may not make opportunity attacks against your allies until the end of your next turn.

Fires of Victory Tiefling Attack 10
As you kill an enemy, your burning emotions are made real in a blinding fire.
Daily ~ Racial, Tiefling
Immediate Reaction Action Close burst 3
Trigger: You kill an enemy
Target: All enemies in the burst
Hit: 3[W] fire damage
Effect: Targets take a -3 power penalty to their defenses and attack rolls until the end of the encounter.
[sblock=Striker Powers]
Shadows of Bael'Turath Tiefling Utility 4
You cloak yourself in the shadows that once surrounded the tiefling empire.
Encounter ~ Racial, Tiefling
Move Action Personal
Effect: You gain a +5 bonus to the next stealth check you make.
Sustain Move: You can sustain this effect for up to 5 minutes.

Flaming Strike Tiefling Attack 7
You draw upon your fiery bloodline to strike down your enemies.
Encounter ~ Racial, Tiefling, Fire
Standard Action Melee or Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + Intelligence modifier fire damage
Effect: The target takes 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends).

Infernal Blow Tiefling Attack 10
You unleash the power that lies within your lineage.
Daily ~ Racial, Tiefling, Fire
Standard Action Melee or Ranged
Special: Make a melee basic or ranged basic attack as part of this power.
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC or Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: Basic attack damage plus 4d6 fire and poison damage
Miss: 2d6 fire and poison damage, no basic attack damage
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Dog Moon

Interesting idea, however, the first question that came immediately to my mind was why levels 1-10? Why not 1-30? Why should someone become a better Human for a while and then stop? Is that the pinnacle of Human evolution, or what?

If you cannot think of any cool abilities for that many levels, why not give a bonus 1 per 3 levels?


Interesting idea, however, the first question that came immediately to my mind was why levels 1-10? Why not 1-30? Why should someone become a better Human for a while and then stop? Is that the pinnacle of Human evolution, or what?

If you cannot think of any cool abilities for that many levels, why not give a bonus 1 per 3 levels?

Really, the only reason it's 1-10 and not 1-30 was because I didn't want to step on the toes of Paths and Destinies--you'd get your class stuff and race stuff from 1-10, but class+race+Path at 11-20 and class+race+Destiny at 21-30, so the Heroic tier seems like it loses out.

If people think it's a good idea to have to overlap, then I'll power up some of the later abilities and make it 1 per 3 levels.


This sounds like a spark of genius to me, well beyond just racial classes.

Multiclass-only classes were only mentioned in passing regarding the FRCS and a Spellscarred multiclass-only class, so keep in mind that we're not sure how they work yet.

So what were you thinking, generalhenry? Two abilities from the initial feat and then the powers from the other 3? The problem with getting the benefits through multiclass is that (A) that locks out other multiclassing options, obviously, and (B) you don't automatically get racial features. It doesn't really solve the racial-differentiation-as-you-advance problem if you can choose to be more or less "eladrin-y" or "human-y" as you go on; if some of the race take the benefits, what happens to the rest of them?


First Post
not sure how they work yet.

My thinking is that the multiclass feat is like any other.

But there's no base class entry. Nor any at will powers.

There is a class power list (for power swap feats) and there are class exclusive feats.

(A) that locks out other multiclassing options

I think that's ok. If you want a very dwarven fighter, you don't need any further multiclassing.

(B) you don't automatically get racial features

Yes, but making them more exclusive allows them to be more specific and powerful.

if some of the race take the benefits, what happens to the rest of them?

They end up blending to their class. But I think that's ok. Some people like to play elves, other people like to play fighters.

The 3E racial paragon classes some to mind


The 3E racial paragon classes some to mind

The basic idea for this was that it overlaps your class just like a Path or Destiny; everyone has one, and everyone gains the benefits. It's not so much a class that exemplifies a race's best traits, as I assume PCs (the only people who have to worry about classes) are the best of the best.


First Post
I glanced at your Tiefling and I see a bonus to heavy blades. That doesn't make sense to me. Tieflings are meant to favor Warlocks and Rogues. Their Monster Manual entry are daggers and short swords. Tiefling is a definite light blade wielder, historically and today.

I'd also drop necrotic from Infernal Blow. That's not particularly in-line with them, either. This is in addition to it being completely useless to the Warlock, one of their preferred classes.
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First Post
everyone has one, and everyone gains the benefits.

yeah that's where we're butting heads. I'm thinking about ways to give players the option of having characters be exemplars of their race.

While you're looking at ways of making all races differentiate more by adding to the base race feature, just at higher levels.

I think the good news is they're very parallel projects. They both take power lists.

in your version controller dragonborn automatically get Breath of Tiamat

in my version you first take a racial multiclass feat then a powerswap feat to get Breath of Tiamat

adding options rather than adding power.

making characters more power is always problematic since it unbalances encounters.

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