Making your own power cards


I have a confession to make.

"Hi, I'm Hirahito, and I'm terrible with Wiki's."

"Hi Hirahito."

I. Just. Can't. Do. It.

They scare me a little bit.

*blinks back the tears...*

-- Hirahito

I shouldn't laugh, I know, but that was funny. Hirahito, don't cry. You have the skills to wiki. You just need to see how easy it is. Head here to the card wiki.

Now click on the tab labeled Edit. Don't worry, you won't bust anything...

See how the formatting is mainly plain text? The only thing to wikis is adding separators such as "==" around headings and adding links with "[" and "]" around them for external links and "[[" and "]]" for internal links.

For anything else, just copy the example of another page you like. It is really easy. Once you get the basics down, click on Editing Help on the bottom of the page or keep copying increasingly complex things other people have done. You will be editing the entry for cellulose insulation on Wikipedia before you know it...

Teos, rabid cellulose insulation fan

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LOVE THE CARDS! My suggestion would be to include page ranges for the classes, magic items, etc, so if folks need to print a select few extras, it is easy for them to do so. Could put in the notepad file (ie, "Cleric 20-50" or whatnot) Thank you very much!


First Post
I'm going to admit, i'm too lazy to ready through 14+ pages of replies to see if this has already been mentioned, but:

Educated Gamer has a 4e Fan Publishing site hosted by Google Sites with a download specifically for Magic Set Editor (MSE)

It includes fonts for the symbols as well as templates and backgrounds for your power cards. Quite potent. I use them with green/red/blue card sleeves. Printed on plain ole paper with a regular Magic card for support (usually a basic land, LOL). Green for At Will, Red for Encounters & Blue for Dailies.

You should be able to find them on


First Post
Those are cool as hell!

Have you got a card type that you envision them going on?

Maybe.... a wood type set or something?

-- Hirahito

This is a mockup of a card design (latest of many, actually) that I did initially in Fireworks.

Is there a better place to post icon sets than this board?


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  • PC31.jpg
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David Jose
I haven't had a chance to look through a lot of your set Hirahito, but I noticed a typo in my first run. "Warforged's Resolve" was missing it's apostrophe.

Have you thought about adding an "Action Point" card?

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