Homebrew Firearms


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An NPC that I was cooking up was a Gnome Ranger that tinkers a lot (classic gnome) and uses a double barrel gun so that he can perform double shot attack powers. He would be one of those Gadgeteer Geniuses, so he would be one of the few in the world to have a gun, but your setting sounds more like guns are more common than that! :)

For "magic" properties of the weapon, such as a +1 weapon, I would have him tinker with the gun and create a scope for better accuracy, and a new formula of gunpowder for more damage. Other magically properties could also be explained in similar ways, such as adding magnesium to rounds for "flaming" weapons.

You might also want to look at the rules regarding the Repeating Crossbow, found in the Adventurer's Vault (pg 10):
Repeating Crossbow: A rectangular magazine
attaches to the top of this crossbow. A double-action lever drops a bolt into place as a free action, then fires it as a standard action. A repeating crossbow does not need to be reloaded as long as it has ammunition
in its magazine. A magazine costs 1 gp and holds 10 bolts. It takes a standard action to remove an empty magazine and load a new one.
Prof +2 Dam 1d8 Range 10/20 Weight 6lbs Group Crossbow Prop Load Free

We can see it gives us rules for Magazines, specifically their cost, ammo capacity, and what is required to load a new magazine into the weapon. I feel that modifying and incorporating such rules into a setting with guns should be considered, as it makes for a lot more elegant solution than trying to explain muzzle loading guns and the time it takes to reload them....unless that's the flavor you want for your campaign!

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First Post
Looking at the load times of ancient firearms, wouldn't it be better to make them an Encounter item?
For example, a pistol could be:

Wheel-lock Pistol, Level 3
Wondrous Item: 340 gold
Ranged 10
Power (Encounter • Fire): Standard Action. Make a Dexterity vs Reflex; on a hit deal 3d10 + Dexterity modifier fire damage. Each shot requires 35 gp worth of materials, that are consumed in its use.


First Post
Also, you might consider your preference for these firearms. Historically of course, they change everything. But in your game-world it is up to you what impact they have.

One way to power-down the effect as mentioned above is to make them work like an encounter power. Here is a different idea:

Make your attack DEX vs REFL *and* vs AC. Still one d20 roll. Still a great roll hits. But now a marginal roll has more chance to miss, as the shot either goes wide or bounces off.

Also, it is almost too good to not add a "critical miss" effect for new tech.


Looking at the load times of ancient firearms, wouldn't it be better to make them an Encounter item?
For example, a pistol could be:

Wheel-lock Pistol, Level 3
Wondrous Item: 340 gold
Ranged 10
Power (Encounter • Fire): Standard Action. Make a Dexterity vs Reflex; on a hit deal 3d10 + Dexterity modifier fire damage. Each shot requires 35 gp worth of materials, that are consumed in its use.

This is how the real pirates used firearms, which is why they carried several. Fire them all, toss them to the side and use the sword. Thus one use per encounter. I think this is the most elegant mechanic to allow firearms into a campaign.


That's the way that we do it. It's been very satisfactory so far. One thing I had to address was how many pistols a character could then carry though :) I just made an arbitrary ruling of 2 pistols max.


That's the way that we do it. It's been very satisfactory so far. One thing I had to address was how many pistols a character could then carry though :) I just made an arbitrary ruling of 2 pistols max.


You could just say that a character could only load 2 pistols during a short rest. That would significantly reduce the incentive to carry more than 2.

Holy Bovine

First Post
Looking at the load times of ancient firearms, wouldn't it be better to make them an Encounter item?
For example, a pistol could be:

Wheel-lock Pistol, Level 3
Wondrous Item: 340 gold
Ranged 10
Power (Encounter • Fire): Standard Action. Make a Dexterity vs Reflex; on a hit deal 3d10 + Dexterity modifier fire damage. Each shot requires 35 gp worth of materials, that are consumed in its use.

I love it! I am definitely adding these to my games. I will even have the perfect time to do so when the group arrives at the Grand Bazaar in one game and the City of Brass in the other!

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