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A second chance at a Second Life?


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OK, for better or for worse, my new virtual self on Second Life is...

:::angelic chorus:::

ENtrepid Hermit

I'm on Second Life, bewildered and dirt broke (who says this isn't like real-life?).

IM me or message me (message more like, I'm on less than I'm off), let's get this party started...

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Aeolius, Thanks for the welcome, please ignore any confusing replies I may have sent re-entering SL. It's good to hear from you. :cool:

airwalkrr, Hi. I thought living a mundane life in a virtual world was the point of Second Life. :D I mean, think how many people let their chores go undone so that their Sims can finish theirs. :p

Since it looks like this experiment might actually work, I suppose I better suggest a game to actually run in SL. My thoughts are that the method of play is actually what we're testing rather than the game itself.

So, does anyone have a classic module from a simple system that they would like to relive? I have a little DriveThruRPG credit left...


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I've been running a beginner level 4th-Edition D&D game in Second Life for a number of months now. I rent a house on an island that floats in the sky, we play the game "tabletop" style (not dressing up and running around after monster avatars), but with the Second Life slant of being able to upload map grids, parts of dungeons, images for use as minis, etc.

The timezones may prove problematical as we play on Thursday from 12.00 noon SLT (8.00pm UK) until 2.00pm SLT (10.00pm UK). I'll try and post a picture of our game setup below from a few weeks ago....


And a week before that....


And where we ended up last session....


If anyone is interested in D&D in SL, please Search in SL for my avatar, Si Lytton, and in my profile Picks you'll see a TP to the location. Otherwise, feel free to join Si Lytton's Dungeons & Dragons Group to receive IMs and Notices while in Second Life.


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I thought this thread was long dead and buried.

But it looks like WillieW has been doing what I was hoping for all along. :D

Good Luck, and I (for one) will try and drop by during game time.


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I thought this thread was long dead and buried.

But it looks like WillieW has been doing what I was hoping for all along. :D

Good Luck, and I (for one) will try and drop by during game time.
Please do. In any case, we're soon playing a one-shot that jumps to a slightly scaled up model of floorplan. I'll post a pic of the game in session with the minis that come up to the player's knees.... :)

There's a FAQ section for the Group available online [not in Second Life] at this link.


I just found this thread, and was going to mention Willie's game... Good thing I read the whole thing first, eh?

/me = 'Normal Rayna' in SL


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We had to resort to kidnapping players and passersby to finish off the game on Thursday. New experience to me. 4th Edition combat is *long*, isn't it....?

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