The Wayfinders - Expedition to Tempest Isle

Deuce Traveler

"Well, isn't this a surprise," Doral asks as he leans down and casts detect magic on the items.

OOC Healing question
Will we be fully healed when we wake up, or should we detail how we want to have divine magic distributed?

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Dr Simon

"I guess this thing's been eating well," says Kraken as he squats down beside Doral and pokes through the treasure. He picks up the copper bracelet and turns it in his hand (having wiped the acidic juices off first!). "Wonder if it was anyone I know?"

Does Kraken recognise any of the jewellery?

Also - levelled up, but I need a 6th level feat. I don't have my Eberron book anymore, but I recall a couple of feats based on Action Points. One increased the dice to a d8, the other added some extra points per level. I see Kraken as a gung-ho sort of guy, relying on luck and wits, so I'd like one of those. Can you remind me of them?

Also on APs, I'm pretty sure that they reset each level (we should now have 8, right?). The description on makes it sound like you add them on each time (i.e. we get another 8 on top of what we have), but this seems like a lot to me. Can you remind of that, too?


Walking Dad

First Post
AC 19 (T13, FF16), HP 46/46, F +5,R+5,W+5
Eldritch blast: +6/+7, 3d6 damage

Glaive uses his powers to dtect any magic on the items, too.
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First Post
Does Kraken recognise any of the jewellery?

Also - leveled up, but I need a 6th level feat. I don't have my Eberron book anymore, but I recall a couple of feats based on Action Points. One increased the dice to a d8, the other added some extra points per level. I see Kraken as a gung-ho sort of guy, relying on luck and wits, so I'd like one of those. Can you remind me of them?

Also on APs, I'm pretty sure that they reset each level (we should now have 8, right?). The description on makes it sound like you add them on each time (i.e. we get another 8 on top of what we have), but this seems like a lot to me. Can you remind of that, too?


After examining the jewelry, Kraken is certain that it was not made by any of the tribes he is aware of.

Action points reset every level, so any that aren't used are replaced with you level up.

Action Boost - roll d8 instead of d6
Action Surge - spend 2 action points for extra move or standard action
Heroic Spirit - +3 action points per level
Raging Luck - While raging gain 1 free action point
Pursue (prereq Combat Reflexes) - spend 1 AP to immediately follow a person that attempts a 5' step.

If anyone knows of one I missed, let me know.


First Post
"Well, isn't this a surprise," Doral asks as he leans down and casts detect magic on the items.

OOC Healing question
Will we be fully healed when we wake up, or should we detail how we want to have divine magic distributed?

OOC - Yes, you will be fully healed when you awake.

Detect Magic - Dorel
You examine the items carefully. The armband is a solid piece of copper with various runes carved into its surface related to the school of transmutation. The magical glow confirms it, likely a form of ability enhancer.

The ring is formed of darkened steel. It has a small skull and two crossed sticks, possibly wands, below it forming the skull-and-crossbones shape. It radiates a necromantic aura.

The piece of cloth is about the size of a shirt sleeve and does not radiate any magical aura. It is dyed a deep red color and seems to be made of a tough fabric. The surface feels strange, as if it were coated with some kind of oily substance to protect it. Possibly a repellent for local insects and animals, or waterproofing, or some other form of protective coating against an environmental hazard.

Detect Magic - Glaive
While Dorel examines the magical items, you feel yourself drawn to the mysterious chunk of khyber shard. You recall that khyber shards are often associated with elemental binding magics. They power the great elemental ships along with weapon and armor enchantments. Your fingertips tingle and twitch as you touch the shard. Again you experience a chilling familiarity of otherworldly taint. The object seems to throb under your touch in response to the beat of your heart. Under your steady concentration you can sense the presence of magic, but it seems somehow elusive. You can't quite pin down the source of it. It feels strong and... aware. Perhaps its power, whatever it is, can be bent to serve your will rather than whatever its original purpose was.


First Post
Whisper watches Dorel and Glaive examine the objects. After a few moments, when it seems that they've completed their efforts she produces a small monocle of clear faceted crystal held in a golden rim.

"Mind if I take a look?" she inquires with a hint of wryness.

(I'll use the Artificer's Monocle to analyze the object's functions as time permits. :))

Deuce Traveler

"Not a problem. The armband seems to be an enhancer of some sort and radiates magic from the transmutation school. The ring has necromantic energies associated with it. The cloth is coated with some strange substance I can't figure out, but seems to be otherwise non-magical. Your expertise will be helpful," Doral suggests as he hands the three items over.


First Post
Identified Magic Items
Armbands of Might - When you wear these armbands, you gain a +2 bonus on Strength checks and Strength-based skill checks. If you have the Power Attack feat, you also gain a +2 bonus on melee damage rolls for any attack on which you use the Power Attack feat and take a penalty of at least - 2 on your attack roll.

Ring of Piercing Spells - A ring of piercing spells allows you to deal additional damage with your spells against a nearby, distracted target. When you activate this ring, the next melee touch spell you cast against an enemy you are flanking deals an extra 2d6 points of damage. Touch spells that don't normally deal hit point damage don't gain any benefit from this ability, if you don't cast a touch spell that deals hit point damage before the end of your turn, you gain no benefit from the ring. This ability functions three times per


First Post
Whisper grimaces in distaste as she pries the bones away from the baubles and spends a few minutes peering at them through the monocle. She's used a detection cantrip too, but from how the instrument whirrs and spins in its socket, the magical device is doing most of the work.

Finally she casts the bracelet aside. "This acts on the forces of leverage, making its wearer able to exert more force with his strength. Good for moving things, lifting things...would help in an armwrestle, I suppose." She sniffs disdainfully. "It could help anyone, but I think if one used a heavy weapon with an emphasis on a strong swing, it would make it hit harder."

The process is repeated on the ring, after which she says, "And this allows spells to be delivered with great..." she makes a punching motion, "force and accuracy to vulnerable places. But only conditionally. Your target has to be distracted enough not to see what you're doing, and you have to be using a spell that's channeled through your hand."

She wiggles her fingers to emphasize this. "So no blasts or rays."

Dr Simon

Finally she casts the bracelet aside. "This acts on the forces of leverage, making its wearer able to exert more force with his strength. Good for moving things, lifting things...would help in an armwrestle, I suppose." She sniffs disdainfully. "It could help anyone, but I think if one used a heavy weapon with an emphasis on a strong swing, it would make it hit harder."

Kraken raises an eyebrow.

"Fair dinkum?" he asks. He looks around the group. "Reckon I'm the only one here who goes round waving a big sword about, eh?"

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