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Airwalkrr's Shatterscape IC (Cooperative Design-As-You-Go PBP)

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very well One who falls in with chaos and it's armies or who comply or abetes chaos where ever it stands instead of destroying it am I correct?


First Post
very well One who falls in with chaos and it's armies or who comply or abetes chaos where ever it stands instead of destroying it am I correct?

Micheal sighs and says "Sadly that would most likely define me as a heretic, as without choas, Krendon's blessings and scorn would most likely never occur.


Arden listens as her companions debate the definition of heretic and smiles to herself. By all accounts, or rather, the account of the church of the Lawgiver, Arden herself is a heretic. She sighs. Life was so much more normal when she was nothing but a potter's apprentice; but not nearly so interesting. "Fair enough definition as I've ever heard, Lestrivius. Though I think it would also include myself in that number, Michael. How 'bout Saint Matthias, Kleb? Does he say anything about heretical beliefs in your book?"

Arden picks up the pace. Too many nights in the unprotected wild sleeping under the stars and threat from creatures taken by chaos. She'd much rather spend as little time traveling after dark as possible. "And, ah...stretch those legs, men, or it'll be dawn before we get there." She grins so that all know she is jesting.

Deuce Traveler

"Well, there are numerous passages. Let me see if I can find one," the paladin answers as he flips through his book. "Ah, here is a passage. 'Love one another as brothers, as to show the heretic the error of his ways. Be an example and he himself will see his mistakes and become as a brother. Do not take heretics into your family until they are of like mind, else they will sow discord. Be not afraid of the heretic who threatens to punish you for not worshipping his belief, for his words will only be spread through threats and he has no true power over you as your life will be eternal in the Sunlit Lands. Do not fear to take the pommel of the sword yourself, as the People must defend themselves and will always do so until the End of Nights.' I should say that though some in our group my not worship as I do. Since none of you seem as bad people I will try to be an example and show you the error of your own heretical ways while helping you when you falter. And should you join me in my beliefs, know that I will defend you from now until my own death. As for Micahael, I think we should judge him more by his deeds and so far I believe his deeds to have been just. He has, after all, protected Arden when she placed herself in danger to save a woman... I think I'll take point now," Kleb answers, rubbing out the soreness in his leg and moving out to the front of the party.
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You make your way outside the questionably safe city walls of Narovan and out onto the great highway south. Though you know you should be relatively safe during daylight, you worry about talk of werewolves, and the danger of knowing orcs are nearby means even they might be prowling about.

After several hours of travel, twilight sets in, and dark overtakes the sky. Brilliant stars shine through the clear night and a rich full moon casts its gentle glow upon you. Kleb lights a torch to guide the way, as he seems to be the only person to have brought one. Great loud howls pierce the night as you quicken your pace, hoping that the nearest roadside in is going to show itself around just the next bend. The last two hours of your journey are particularly grueling, and Kylest seems to be growing weary from the long hours of marching. Kleb is forced to light a second torch when the first burns out and the howls seems to be growing closer. Passing through small glades of trees is the worst, for the treetops obscure even the star and moon light and you are forced to rely ever more on the limited illumination of Kleb's torch. You consider stopping along one of the paths that lead off the highway at one point, hoping it might lead to a farmhouse where you can seek shelter for the night. But these paths are difficult to follow, even with torchlight to guide you, and the last thing you want is to get lost outside.

Finally your greatest wish is granted, as off in the distance a warm inviting glow catches your sight. It is the most welcome sight you have seen in weeks, and you gather your failing energy to there as quickly as possible. When you arrive, you see a roadside inn, complete with stable. A sign out front proclaims it to be Safety's Rest. A more fitting name you could never imagine.

Inside the Safety's Rest is a counter with a wall behind it holding a number of keys. A man with shaggy brown hair and week-old stubble stands behind the counter, leaning on it with his elbows. He straightens up when you arrive and gives a toothy smile. "Welcome to the Safety's Rest! Will you be staying the night?"

Off to the side you can see a taproom which is barely half-full with patrons of various sorts. To the other side is a stairway that leads up next to a long hallway with several doors.

[sblock=OOC]Kylest takes 4 points of damage from the forced march. Not that I'm sure it matters as I haven't heard from hafrogman in a while. I will continue NPCing him for now.[/sblock]
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Deuce Traveler

Kleb assists the exhausted Kylest up to the door, "Yes, sir. We'll all be staying and I'd like to get my friend here some hot soup and then some rest. As you can see, he's a bit worse for wear."


First Post
(OOC:it would suck if we lost him.)

Micheal takes a moment to gather himself a little, and looks twoards the tap room. "I could probably use a drink and some food myself" he says and then looks to Kleb. "shall we begin agian tommarow at first light?"


Safety's Rest has small private rooms available for 5 sp, or you can nab a mat and a place on the floor in a common room for 2 sp. Meals can be had in the taproom for 3 sp. The innkeeper provides you with keys to any rooms you pay for and begs you to enjoy your stay.

The taproom contains a variety of characters, mostly farm folk and a few travelers, most likely pages and couriers. The most unusual fellow is a hulking bald man with hide armor made from what can only be wolf pelts and a huge axe resting at his side. He is enjoying an entire roast boar by himself in the middle of the room. He wipes his bushy, black mustache as he reaches for his tankard and takes a huge swig.


Arden sighs with relief as they arrive at and enter Safety's Rest. It wasn't that the trip was so harrowing (ok, ok, it was very harrowing) but the Coward's constant wailing added to the tension of the journey. She pays for a private room and a meal and then sits near the hulking man feasting on the boar. She glances over at him as she sits. Doesn't look like you are too troubled by wolves. Howling is all we've heard since the sun went down." She shivers with mock horror. "I'm certainly glad that we arrived here when we did. Oh, I'm Arden, by the way."

Voidrunner's Codex

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