Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man

Dawn Raven

First Post
Ah, so my first guess was right. I wonder if is offended by the weak comparison?

Les gives him a weak smile. "That is interesting. I would guess then, that you are the seventh child and your brother is the sixth? That is quite a big family."
The skinny Githyanki pushes herself up from the bar, leaving the mostly empty chalice on the countertop. "Sitting seems like a good idea. I would like to learn more about this errant brother of yours. Perhaps your newfound companion would like to join us?" Les looks to Krulk and quirks an eyebrow before striding to the empty table.

She tips the chair back and props both her booted feet upon the table's scarred wooden surface. "I suppose my next question is for an exegesis on your brother. I am yet young but have seen quite a bit of the islands already and know my share of lore. Some say we Gith have a natural affinity for picking up information on the strangest places."
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7 Rabbit laughs out loud. "I have a friend named 13 Rain. That would be a large family!" He takes his drink over to the table. "No, I have a calendar name. I am named after the day of my birth. It is common where I am from, although not everyone is named that way." He sighs. "Because you are confused, I assume that is not very common here. That will make my task more difficult."

"I am sorry. I started talking to myself. What does 'exigesis' mean? I am sorry, but I do not know the word."

Dawn Raven

First Post
Seems I am not so wise after all. I would never have thought it was based around the day of birth...I wonder if there are many issues with name cross-overs?

"No, it is not very common. At least not in Daumon or where I come from. However, it seems that rather than hindering your search that it would cause it to be more simplified. A name such as Six Eagle would surely stand out to innkeeps and barkeeps in the city.

After Seven Rabbit asks his question, Les opens her mouth and then closes it again. A brief smile crosses her face and she shakes her head at her own enigmatic phrases. "Of course, I am sorry. I find the use of rare words to be a pure eloquent pleasure. Even if it does make expatiating with me a bit difficult for most. I was simply asking you to evince..er..to clearly describe and discuss your brother.

, Les speaks slowly and pronounces each syllable to make it more clear, is an explication or examination...although typically I suppose its used to refer to the analysis of religious texts. It's simply a pretty word and rolls of the tongue so well. The Allarian language is an beautiful language.

Anyway, I digress. If you would be kind enough to describe your brother, or at least his reasons for coming here, I may be able to help you locate him. However, before we continue, I should inquire...how exactly do you plan to find him? I would be glad to tender aid; but of course I can not offer such services for free, you understand."

Lord Sessadore

Once again, the door to the tavern opens, showing a tall elf in full plate, wearing a white tabard and maroon cloak. He stands perfectly straight, almost military, as he walks over to the bar.

"Excuse me, barkeep. A glass of white wine, if you please," the elf asks, his voice smooth and melodic, a pleasure to listen to.

Now, if I recall correctly from my brief visit to Daunton, one announces their name and profession when they enter.

"I am Raiyek Meliam, paladin of Palladys, or Mireva, as the bright-eyed goddess is called locally. I am looking for exciting employment, and I have heard this is the place to look for it,"
he announces to the bar room as he waits for his drink. When it comes, he politely thanks the barkeep before turning to look around the tavern as he sips his wine. His posture is still ramrod straight as his sharp elven eyes take in all of the surrounding commotion. A group composed of a gith, two dwarves, and an ancient looking human catch his eye, his gaze lingering on them for some time.
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Dawn Raven

First Post
Les looks at the newcomer and shakes her head. How come everyone insists on wearing their armor all the time. She puts her arms up over her head and stretches, enjoying the fact that her hide is packed securely back at her quarters in the Barracks. Hmm, did he say Palladys? That's what the Imperium calls Mireva. I wonder what brings a paladin from the Imperium here. Perhaps the same thing that brings so many of the others, a curiosity. That may be the only thing many of us in here share.

The gith continues to stare at the elf while her mind tumbles over its own inner monolgue, flitting sporadiclly between subjects and thoughts. Wait, wait a paladin? Oh this might not be all that good. Les suddenly sits up in her chair and swings her feet off the table. Her eyes widen slightly but then she looks away, concentrating on what Seven Rabbit is saying. Paladin's work for free don't they? I hope he doesn't notice us. Immediately following this thought is another realization that causes a gauche smile to briefly reach her lips. Ah, but he's from the Imperium. No way he will know much about the Isles. This could actually be useful..
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Lord Sessadore

As Raiyek continues to calmly survey the tavern, the gith's sudden movement catches his eye. He catches her quick glance at him, and her subsequent attempt to appear as though it never happened. The elf quirks one eyebrow as he studies the gith woman, taking another sip of his wine.

Well, it appears I've been noticed, he thinks with a mental chuckle. I didn't think I'd stand out that much in a crowd like this. Oh well, that's what I want, isn't it? Perhaps I should go and properly introduce myself. With a mental sigh he laments, I wish I knew the customs of this place better. I hate not knowing what one is expected to do.

His mind made up, the armored paladin strides over to the table the group has moved to. His movements are surprisingly fluid for someone wearing plate mail, suggesting a great familiarity with wearing armor or a natural agility belied by his heavy equipment, or perhaps both. He takes off his helmet as he walks up, the ponytail of his long black hair let loose to hang behind his head. Holding his helmet in the crook of his left elbow, he moves his chalice to his left hand as well before offering his right to the woman. "Raiyek Meliam. I do not believe we've had the pleasure of meeting. What name does an exotic woman like yourself go by?" The elf waits for her response, then asks if the group would mind if he sat.


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Kruk had walked to the table with the dwarf and the mysterious lass. As the conversation begins at the table, Kruk listens intently for a few minutes, waiting for some chance of news or opprotunity to find something to sink his axe into, but does not. His mind and eyes wander and then lock on the spell caster sitting by himself. "Hmmm...what's he up to?", he thinks to himself.

Just then an elf in plate enters the bar and orders a drink. "Hmmm, another wine drinker I see," he states outloud to anyone. He eyes the elf as he approaches the table. As the elf speaks to the the lady Kruk slams the table with his fist and shouts "Well well well...this is a strange gathering indead!," then belts out a hearty laugh.
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That odd dwarf may find himself in over his head, I fear... Cross thinks to himself. His own reasons for striking out into the world were also motivated by family matters, and he wonders if he lend this 7Rabbit fellow his aid. He seems a worthy enough fellow, but his strange dress and open demeanor seems to be drawing a crowd... I would hate to see him taken in by poor company. Perhaps if I were to make a show of "wealth", it would divert the attention of anyone with less than sterling intentions...

Cross stands to his full 6' height, making sure shade from the brim of his hat still conceals the bulk of his features. He raps his well-worn & beaten oak staff firmly upon the floor three times (and some more perceptive patronss may catch a growing scent of sulfur in the air, with each successive rap of his quarterstaff).

"Barkeep, I have recently come into a bit of good fortune, and wish to celebrate by buying a round for all those assembled here"

Cross makes a mental note of the crowd as they order their drinks from the tavern wenches, and waits for everyone to get their drinks before raising his glass in a toast...

"For the continued blessings of The Fjord"

With that Cross resumes his seat and waits...

Dawn Raven

First Post
dimsdale said:
Just then an elf in plate enters the bar and orders a drink. "Hmmm, another wine drinker I see," he states outloud to anyone.
Kruk’s announcement drew Les’s attention to the dwarf she had momentarily forgotten. A blatant warrior, but someone whose intentions were unknown to her. He had followed them to the table so he must wish to help the dwarf from the Valley of Bone. That made him an interesting person in Les’s book. Anyone willing to help a stranger for nothing is either naïve or has ulterior motives. When Kruk pointed out the elf’s choice in drink Les can but smile wryly. White wine and a paladin, an interesting mix, she muses. As the elf approaches the table several thoughts run through her mind. Oh no, and, I wonder if his personality is as fruity as his drink, were among them.
Lord Sessadore said:
"Raiyek Meliam. I do not believe we've had the pleasure of meeting. What name does an exotic woman like yourself go by?"

Les looks up and smiles at the paladin, appearing stoic and nonchalant. So much for attempting to avoid attention. “Good afternoon, Sir Meliam. You may call me Les. So what brings a holy man from the Imperium to the Hanged Man?
SeaPainter said:
[FONT=&quot] "Barkeep, I have recently come into a bit of good fortune, and wish to celebrate by buying a round for all those assembled here"
That is indeed interesting. It looks like I came to the right place if I am to look for clients. I wonder who he worked for to get so much money? Well, it looks like we have the good fortune to a free drink. I for one will not gainsay that! Feel free to sit with us, Raiyek. The dwarf to my right is Kruk, and the one to the left is Seven Rabbit. If you three tell me what you want, I’ll go place the free order with the barkeep.
SeaPainter said:
[FONT=&quot] "For the continued blessings of The Fjord"

[FONT=&quot]The Fjord? I don’t think I know a god referred to as that…I’ll have to make a note to ask that man about it later. I would like to know who he is referencing.[/FONT]

Lord Sessadore

Good afternoon, Sir Meliam. You may call me Les."
"A pleasure to meet you, Les," says Raiyek.
So what brings a holy man from the Imperium to the Hanged Man?
The paladin lets out a chuckle. "'Holy man from the Imperium' - that makes me sound a good deal more important than I am! Perhaps I'll regale you with my dry tale sometime, but suffice to say that I am here seeking excitement after too long without," he says with a wink.
Well, it looks like we have the good fortune to a free drink. I for one will not gainsay that! Feel free to sit with us, Raiyek. The dwarf to my right is Kruk, and the one to the left is Seven Rabbit. If you three tell me what you want, I’ll go place the free order with the barkeep.
"I am satisfied with just this drink for now, thank you," he says in reply to Les. Raiyek sits in one of the empty chairs at the table, and his posture maybe relaxes just a hair ... it's hard to tell, however, as he still sits almost perfectly straight. "Greetings Kruk, greetings Seven Rabbit," says the paladin, offering a small seated bow to each. "A pleasure to meet you both, I'm sure. What brings the two of you to the Hanged Man?"
"Barkeep, I have recently come into a bit of good fortune, and wish to celebrate by buying a round for all those assembled here"

"For the continued blessings of The Fjord"
As the man makes his announcement, something about his dress and hat strike Raiyek as a little odd ... That, and the man was already in the tavern when Raiyek arrived. If one were celebrating good fortune, wouldn't they celebrate immediately upon entering? I wonder what he's up to...

"Blessings of the fjord? Do any of you know what he's referring to? I'm afraid I'm new to this area, I don't believe I've heard of this fjord before."

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