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I used to play a lot of Heroclix when they first came out. I got out of it at Critical Mass but last year my kids discovered them so we began to play. At first, my son did a lot attack and run stuff while my daughter camped and attacked the winner of any prior confrontations (we play all three teams at once).

The kids are getting good enough now that I have to think about the game more. I began buying a few new figures and discovered the disks are completely new and the game has changed a great deal. So I was limiting my purchaces to older sets that still used the REV / Unique systems without cards and ignored Battle Condition cards.

Now a co-worker at the factory has taken an interest in the game and will be over next weekend to learn the game. So I decided it may (or may not) be fun to share our games and game experiences with you folks at EN World.

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MAP: Outdoor with building not set in the cornners

TIM: Thanos from Supernova, Con Arts Ex2 and one Rookie

CATHY: Spider-Girl, Spider-Woman, Venom (E?), Medic (E), Moon Knight (E) Crital Mass, Scarlet Witch (V F Forces), a Moliod (V F Forces) and Malice.

MYSELF: (tried for a Theme) Jericho, Raven (V), Jessie Quick, Con Art (E and V), Medic V

First off.....
If I had known Tim was going to use Thanos I would have used a very different team. Cathy and I were forced into a cat and mouse battle with Tim taking his time picking us off. I didn't have anyone that could do any real harm to Thanos and Cathy couldn't organize her team to attack him with his long range.

Finally, I decided to try something. Jericho took a lumping but he possessed Thanos and walked him down to Moon Knight and Venom whom had heavy objects in hand trying to attack me. Tim not sure what was about to happen suddenly didn't like the fact he had two token on him and was forced to be pummeled by Cathy. He was thumped down to one clix which Raven dealt (275 Victory Pts for me!)

Tim's Con Artists then fled from Spider-Girl as she chased them down in the alley. I then went to take out Cathy but discovered something I forgot to look at. Most of her characters had a very high defense score and with my characters weakened from Thanos I couldn't do much to hit her. She kept after me so that I couldn't heal or switch off damage.

In the end, Cathy won as the last one standing and for Victory points-

TIM 9 (pummeled me but never KO'd anyone)
CATHY (lost her Moliod to Tim and her Support and Moon Knight to me) so she ended up with about 550 pts (of 900)
MYSELF Thanos and much of her Support gave me about 475 pts.

For my next game I'm hoping to go with an Avengers theme. Cathy was thinking of this also. Tim, ever hopeful, wants to use Superman Prime (which I don't even have).

Lee, the co-worker, has at this point a handful of DC figures from the new set and I plan on giving him many of my duplicates from the first 7 sets.

Anyone else play Heroclix?

and yes, I know Topps has discontinued the game as now immediately so we won't even get "Hammer of Thor" next Febuary. :confused:

Okay- Today I introduced Lee to Heroclix. He used figures from the newest set. I had suggested a 200pt team as an intro but he did a 300pt team. So with a quickly modified team of 200 I was ready for combat.

He used Plasm, Cosmic King, something Savage and another character I had never heard of that was decent (sorry- we had less than two hours to do this which meant i didn't take notes).

I had the basic Rookie Fantastic Four from Clobberin' Time then added in haste paramedics, Con Artists and Black cat Expert.

Game started slow as I was going over rules, possibilities and trying to learn the newest rules (I used to 1st ed and now at 4th there are several changes that are major).

3 of the 4 of his characters had Willpower so he crossed the field quickly. I had Torch fly Thing to the nearest object as the others took to the building for better vantage points or hunkerdown with a 18 defence from Invisible Girl.

Over the next few rounds I would always miss by 1 on my attacks (hate it when the dice decide a game) while he widdled at Black Cat and moved Plasm with his Quake next to the girls. His damage was getting through to most of them which sucked. Cosmic King killed Black Cat (and I promtly forgot to give the Thing some healing from her death TA of F Four). Torch blasted him but drove him off the building with knock back placing him out of reach for Mr. Fantastic.

Eventually I do hunt down the King and kill him and another Con Artist his killed. 10 rounds and it is 5 minutes past when Lee needed to be going.

Victory Points-

Andy (me)- +85 (Cosmic King) + survivors (278)= 345

Lee- 32+(Black Cat) 10+ (Con Artist) + survivors (215)= 257

Lee left thinking of new teams and happy with printed out new rules, TA and Power lists for his use and a turning ring.

I am thinking how he plays different from the kids and I need to rethink my team construction. He is much more aggressive than my kids are.

So.... until the next game.....

Personally, I prefer Horrorclix. I've got well over a thousand and I'm expecting a brick of Cthulhu next week.

Just got my first "Horror" clix in yesterday.

The Predators!

I got them for a possible Strikeforce: Morituri idea I had (x-multiverse game) but After your comments on the Horror clix set being better I may play with those as well.

Nice figures.

My son wants Aliens now but I have a limited budget.

This weekend's game was a test of patience. Tim had a friend over whom insisted on playing Sentinels. So after learning the rules for them I then found out they wanted to team up against Cathy and me. oye....okay.


Sean- Sentinel Mark II and a Sentinel Mark IV
Tim- Flash Unique from Cosmic Justice (lordy how I hate his range) along with Taskmaster V, Johnny Alpha V and Spider-Girl

Cathy- a fire based team- Nova U, Pyro R, Firelord E, Human Torch R (Clob Time) a Con Artist R and a Paramedic R
Andy (me)- Johnny Alpha V, Spiral U, Flash U (icons), Black Cat E, Con Art V and Black Panther R.

I didn't expect a hard game. The dice failed me and I seriously underestimated Sean's grasp of stategy with something like Sentinels.

Outdoor basic map

Sean came down along the building using them as shields against me. Timmy had seen me use this team I built while testing it and also avoided being in line of view. Cathy waited uncertain what to do with such large figures (the Sentinels)

It looked good at first as She with two Running shot attackers dropped the Mark II to a damaged Mark IV in one round. I was however still in trouble as the Sentinels landed where I could not drop Flash or Spirial into a good attack position without risk of being "captured"

Then Tim with his Flash and range 20 began the favorite hypersonic attack method- run around the corner of the building , hit, then run back. He began to widdle down my characters. :-S (The pupil surpasses the teacher)

Everytime we tried to heal we got a 1 :uhoh: Everytime we attacked (even perplexed) we missed by one or missed by one twice after Prob Control :confused: Then as a final insult, it was an all or nothing attack by the Torch as we cornered and outwitted the flash but rolled doubled ones so not only did we fail but we took damage....Flame Off...:.-(

Then came Spider-Girl. The kids have used her only twice and each time I have a really hard time with her. Incredible defense, escape abilities and with her special attack it is hard to pin her down. The fact that Spiral was beat up from fighting a sentinel by herself didn't help either. Again, I would always just miss her. :rant:

Cathy's Nova took her out in a truely Posmic Power way however (our one round that looked like we knew what we were doing :))

Then the worse.... Tim parked both Johnny Alpha (with two heavy objects on either side of him) in the bushes and Taskmaster (now with outwit) in the bushes.

No more healer, only one perplexer, no running shot (Stealth and bushes= doesn't really matter) so we had to take it to them and hope for the best. Spiral was taken out trying to get at Taskmaster as she ate two motorcycles thrown by Johnny Alpha and Firelord was rattled also.

Once Taskmaster went down I saw the time 12:30am and after 5 hours of game play Tim and Sean conceded (if only to see Predator 2 on TV)

So Cathy and I won but it wasn't pretty and I felt like a newbie at the game.

Proof my son is watching, listening and learning from what I do with the game.

Most important, we all had fun, even Sean whom decided Sentinels were not as much fun after all. Bigger doesn't equal better.....


First Post
What makes the horror clix better? I know of them but have never bought / played that version of the game.
Minis of Guys in spandex tend to be less useful to other systems than the monsters of horrorclix?

Speaking of horrorclix, those who want to stock up on them should scope out this sale, one case of each of the four Horroclix sets set for $200. $1.21 a pack sounds pretty good [5 minis in a pack]. I've ordered one time before with them and I have another package on the way. They'll take paypal as well as credit card.

COMBO DEAL - WizKids HorrorClix Booster Cases - Holiday Special | Dave and Adam's Card World

Isn't the Predator / Alien set a Horror clix?
Yes. So is the Freddy vs Jason pack.
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I saw that at the store. I suspect the wife bought the Hellboy pack instead ;)

Must behave and not inquire or snoop here nor there.

Is the quality of the regular series as good as the Predator figures? I may be talked into trying it even though I am by no means a horror movie fan.

What other creatures are represented in the main series?

Voidrunner's Codex

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