Paths of Legend: The Sunless Citadel [OOC]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
a point that was made earlier:

Here is my Elven Fighter. I must admit I am a little concerned with the martial prowess our potential party possibly possesses. We still lack a rogue and a cleric. This could be interesting.

I can change my character to maybe a rogue to supply the party with that need. does anyone know where the wilderness rogue is?

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First Post
Stats not posted yet, it seems.

A rogue isn't essential for this adventure, though it would be handy. Slight spoilerage...without a cleric, you won't be able to access one room in the Citadel. The room isn't vital to the completion of the adventure, however.


First Post
Crazy_Monkey1956, Vlastos is out. I just a new ScreenMonkey obligation on my plate so I can't commit to your PbyP. Games sounds cool, though, best of luck with a great campaign.



First Post
Woohoo, character background and sheet are complete. Let me know if anything needs fixing or feel free to give me helpful suggestions :)

[sblock=Rashana, Human Sorceress]
PC Name : Rashana           Gender : Female        HD : 1
Player  : evillyn666        Height : 5'9"
Race    : Human (Thune)     Weight : 128 lb.       HP : 6 / 6
Class   : Sorcerer          Age    : 18            Current/Normal
Level   : 1                 Hair   : Black
Align   : Neutral Good      Eyes   : Brown         XP : 0
Deity   : None              Speed  : 30'           Needed for
Size    : Medium                                   Next Level : 1000
SHEET UPDATED : 1/15/2009
     Base  Racial  Magic  Misc  Ability / Modifier
            Bonus   Item          Score
STR : 10     --     --     --      10 / +0
DEX : 14     --     --     --      14 / +2
CON : 14     --     --     --      14 / +2
INT : 14     --     --     --      14 / +2
WIS : 10     --     --     --      10 / +0
CHA : 16     --     --     --      16 / +3
+1 ability increase every 4th level is added to base number.
ARMOR CLASS                         BASE ATTACK BONUS
  AC Total        : 12                MELEE         RANGED
  AC Flat-Footed  : 10                  Total : +0    Total : +2
  AC Touch Attack : 12                  Base  : +0    Base  : +0
  Base            : --                  STR   : +0    DEX   : +2
  Armor           : --                  Misc. : --    Misc. : --
  Shield          : --
  Dexterity       : +2                INITIATIVE
  Size            : --                  Total : +6
  Magic           : --                  DEX   : +2
  Misc.           : --                  Misc. : +4
           Total   Base  Ability  Misc  Magic
Fortitude : +2  =   0      +2      +0    +0
Reflex    : +2  =   0      +2      +0    +0
Will      : +2  =   2      +0      +0    +0
+1 skill point per level
bonus feat
FEATS                                      Indicate for level, class, race, etc.
Improved Initiative (hu)
Skill Focus (Concentration) (1st)
Common (Thune)
CLASS ABILITIES                                  Indicate current abilities only
Familiar (Hawk) (ritual pending!)
Spell Casting Level 1
SKILLS                        Fill in skills you have ranks in AND skills that
                              can be used untrained. Mod is the final score, Rnk
Skill Point Total     : 20    is the number of ranks attained in the skill, Abl
Max Class ranks       : 4     is the related ability modifier, and Msc is for any
Max Cross-Class ranks : 2     miscellaneous bonus from feats, race, synergy, etc.
Skill                                                        Related
    Mod    =  Rnk  Abl  Msc  |  Skills:                      Ability
    +2     =   0   +2   +0   |  Appraise                     (INT)
    +2!    =   0   +2   +0   |  Balance                      (DEX)
X   +7     =   4   +3   +0   |  Bluff                        (CHA)
    +0!    =   0   +0   +0   |  Climb                        (STR)
X   +9     =   4   +2   +3   |  Concentration                (CON)
X   +0     =   0   +2   +0   |  *Craft:                      (INT)
    +0 t   =   0   +2   +0   |  Decipher Script              (INT)
    +5     =   2   +3   +0   |  Diplomacy                    (CHA)
    +0 t   =   0   +2   +0   |  Disable Device               (INT)
    +3     =   0   +3   +0   |  Disguise                     (CHA)
    +2!    =   0   +2   +0   |  Escape Artist                (DEX)
    +2     =   0   +2   +0   |  Forgery                      (INT)
    +3     =   0   +3   +0   |  Gather Information           (CHA)
    +0 t   =   0   +3   +0   |  Handle Animal                (CHA)
    +0     =   0   +0   +0   |  Heal                         (WIS)
    +2     =   0   +2   +0   |  Hide                         (DEX)
    +3     =   0   +3   +0   |  Intimidate                   (CHA)
    +0!    =   0   +0   +0   |  Jump                         (STR)
X   +4     =   2   +2   +0   |  *Knowledge: arcana           (INT)
    +0     =   0   +0   +0   |  Listen                       (WIS)
    +2!    =   0   +2   +0   |  Move Silently                (DEX)
    +0 t   =   0   +2   +0   |  Open Lock                    (DEX)
    +3     =   0   +3   +0   |  *Perform:                    (CHA)
X   +0 t   =   0   +0   +0   |  *Profession:                 (WIS)
    +2     =   0   +2   +0   |  Ride                         (DEX)
    +2     =   0   +2   +0   |  Search                       (INT)
    +2     =   2   +0   +0   |  Sense Motive                 (WIS)
    +0!t   =   0   +2   +0   |  Sleight of Hand              (DEX)
X   +4 t   =   2   +2   +0   |  Spellcraft                   (INT)
    +0     =   0   +0   +0   |  Spot                         (WIS)
    +0     =   0   +0   +0   |  Survial                      (WIS)
    +0!    =   0   +0   +0   |  Swim                         (STR)
    +0!t   =   0   +2   +0   |  Tumble                       (DEX)
    +0 t   =   0   +3   +0   |  Use Magic Device             (CHA)
    +2     =   0   +2   +0   |  Use Rope                     (DEX)
! = Armor Check Penalty (-0) applies
t = trained only
* = Requires specialization
                Base       Ability
LVL    DC     Spell/Day     Bonus      Spell Per Day      Known
 0     13         5      +    0     =        5              4
 1     14         3      +    1     =        4              2
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯Spell Lvl 0¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Message, Prestigidation
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯Spell Lvl 1¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Magic Missile, Silent Image
WEAPONS                 ATT is your final attack modifier when using the weapon.
                        Monks should also list bare-handed attacks here.
NAME : Spear              NAME : Sickle             NAME : Light Crossbow
ATT  : +0/+2              ATT  : +0                 ATT  : +2
DMG  : 1D8                DMG  : 1D6                DMG  : 1D8
CRIT : x3                 CRIT : x2                 CRIT : 19-20/x2
RNG  : 20'                RNG  : N/A                RNG  : 80'
WGHT : 6                  WGHT : 2                  WGHT : 4
SIZE : 2H Medium          SIZE : Light Medium       SIZE : Medium
TYPE : Piercing           TYPE : Slashing           TYPE : Piercing
PROPERTIES :              PROPERTIES :              PROPERTIES :
COST : 2                  COST : 6                  COST : 35
ARMOR                                    SHIELD
  NAME          :                           NAME          :
  TYPE          :                           TYPE          :
  AC BONUS      :                           AC BONUS      :
  MAX DEX       :                           CHECK PENALTY :
  CHECK PENALTY :                           SPELL FAILURE :
  SPELL FAILULE :                           WGHT          :
  SPEED         :                           PROPERTIES    :
  WGHT          :                           COST          :
  COST          :
EQUIPMENT          Indicate in notes which item(s) are bonus regional equipment.
                   Don't forget to add weapon, armor, magic items, and treasure
                   weights to total weight carried.
Cost   Wt    #   Item                                   Notes
   2   6.0       spear
   6   2.0       sickle
  35   4.0       light crossbow
   2   2.0   20  bolts
   5   2.0       spell component pouch
   2   2.0       backpack
   1   4.0       --waterskin
 0.5   1.0       --trail ration
   6   3.0       --sunrod
   5   0.0       --tindertwig
 0.1   0.0   10  --chalk
 0.2   0.2       --soap (0.2 lb.)
   1   0.5       --scroll case
   8   0.0       --ink (8 oz.)
 0.1   0.0       --inkpen
 0.6   0.0       --parchment
MAGIC ITEMS      List items weights, costs, location, number of charges (if any)
[X] Light  (0 - 33 lbs)     30 ft
[ ] Medium (34 - 66 lbs)    20 ft, Max Dex +3, Chk Pen -2, Run x4
[ ] Heavy  (67 - 100 lbs)   20 ft, Max Dex +1, Chk Pen -6, Run x3
TREASURE                                                      List where carried
SP: 5
FAMILIAR (ritual pending!)
Name : Typhon           BAB     : +0        Speed : 10' (60' fly) 
Size : tiny             Init    : +2        HD    : 1
Type : magical beast    Grapple : -10       HP    : 3 / 3
Space: 2.5'             Reach   : 0'           Current/Normal
Attack : talons +5 melee (+2 size +3 DEX)
Armor Class   : 18 (+2 size +3 DEX +3 natural)
  Touch       : 15
  Flat-Footed : 15
  Fort : +2 (+2 base)
  Ref  : +5 (+2 base +3 DEX)
  Will : +4 (+2 base +2 WIS) 
Ability Scores
       Base  Modifier
  STR :  6     -2
  DEX : 17     +3
  CON : 10     +0
  INT :  6     -2
  WIS : 14     +2
  CHA :  6     -2
Notable Skills
  Listen :  +2 (+2 WIS)
  Spot   : +14 (4 ranks +8 race +2 WIS) 
Special Abilities
  weapon finesse
  low-light vision
  improved evasion
  share spells
  empathic link
Rashana’s family hails from the abandoned Thune colony with a long
and twisting history that reaches far back to the empire proper. The
gift of sorcery is a well kept secret that has been passed down
through the maternal side of the family tree. In this recent century,
however, that power has unfortunately been waning over time and has
begun to skip entire generations. Rashana’s maternal grandmother, a
kind but shrewd old crone, had been blessed with this gift.
Unfortunately she chose to live a quiet life of familial devotion
rather than develop this power to its fullest.
Rashana is the eldest sibling of her immediate family followed by
two younger brothers. Her father does fairly well for himself and
works as traveling merchant scouring the land for the next commercial
opportunity or sometimes brokering trade agreements on behalf of
interested parties back in Thune. Authority within the family is
vested solely with Rashana’s father with females expected to assume
subservient roles. Despite being the eldest, Rashana learned to
quietly accept such inequality as her father poured most of his time
and attention into her brothers in teaching them the family trade.
While her mother was always left at home, Rashana was made to
accompany her father on his business trips and look after the needs
of her brothers. And although she never participated directly in his
numerous negotiations, she was often present as quiet observer. One
of her father’s more overused tactics was to use the beauty of his
daughter as a weapon of distraction during business dealings.
Rashana’ childhood was not with out any love or attention. Her main
tier of support was provided by her grandmother who noticed the gift
within Rashana early on. Under a veil of secrecy, she quietly
tutored her grand daughter in the art of sorcery with focus on
control and secrecy. Rashana, much to her dismay, was taught to hide
her gift for her grandmother feared that her father would surely
attempt to exploit it should she be discovered.
Rashana’s father has recently arrived in Oakhurst for an extended
business venture. With her brothers much more older (and thankfully
self-sufficient) and participating in the business full time, there
is little for Rashana to do except occasionally act as a pawn in
negotiations. She is brought along more out of habit than for any
real need and her ever busy father has not bothered to keep track of
her. The situation has provided the sorceress with an opening to
explore, practice her magic, and perhaps strike out on her own for a
bit. The idea that she should simply hide such a gift never truly sat
right with the young woman all of these years. She yearned for an
opportunity to put her talents towards a good cause.
Rashana technically stands at rather average height but carries
herself with a graceful poise so as to appear at least an inch or two
taller. She naturally exudes a sense of serene calm and a startling,
almost exotic, beauty at first glance. Long jet black curls hair frame
a rich olive complexion that is accentuated by a pair dark hazel eyes.
Sadly the bulk of her voluminous hair is tucked underneath a pale azure
headscarf in an act of ingrained traditional modesty. Rashana’s simple
attire consists in part of loosely flowing alabaster blouse and long
dress trimmed at the hem with swirls of blue.
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First Post
Scott DeWar, we're going to have a party of 8, so there's bound to be some doubling up, which is perfectly fine.

evillyn666, nice character sheet format. :D

I'll be looking over stats tomorrow.


First Post
Stats not posted yet, it seems.

A rogue isn't essential for this adventure, though it would be handy. Slight spoilerage...without a cleric, you won't be able to access one room in the Citadel. The room isn't vital to the completion of the adventure, however.

I could switch my half orc to a cleric of Kord with no trouble. Same background just would need to change some stats. Bump up wisdom and lower something.

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