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[Pathfinder] Burnt Offerings


Hi --

I would be interested in playing. I will post a concept later, after I have had time to look up the game world. But my first impulse is to play a wizard, possibly a conjuration specialist. I would be amenable to having a dragon pretending it was my character's familiar, as was suggested above. We would need to work out a good backstory for that.

Since you are collecting votes on rules, I guess my preference would be to try Pathfinder, not least because it makes low-level arcane spell-casters much more playable (or at least it seems to, I've never tried it). But I don't feel strongly about it.

Could anyone direct me to a basic intro to the Pathfinder universe that does not require my buying a whole sourcebook?


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Burnt Offerings is the first adventure in the Rise of the Runelords adventure path series by Paizo. Published in the fall of 2007. We'll be running through Burnt Offerings (but probably not--though the door is open--the other modules in the Rise of the Runelords (RotRL) adventure path. The RotRL Player's Guide is on my list of suggested sourcebooks. Cost: FREE .pdf, $2.00 for the softcover product. Page count: 16 pp. Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide

If you've time and inclination, you might also care to download the Pathfinder beta ruleset. The full hardcover product is set to appear later this year at a costof $50, but the beta ruleset is free. Page count: 410 pp.
Pathfinder RPG Beta Ruleset


First Post
I like the Pathfinder rules and would be interested in playing in another Pathfinder game. Currently can't decide whether to go with Chan Ti my Monk character from a dead game or introduce a Halfling Wizard.


As I mentioned originally, I'm rather enamored of the Pathfinder system. I even switched my tabletop Planescape campaign to it. I'm particularly anxious to see the final published version in August. I don't know how much it'd affect a dragon PC, but that's my vote. I've no problem with sticking with the 3.5 system though; they're designed to be largely interchangeable anyways.

We'll use the Pathfinder RPG Beta Ruleset for character creation and will rely on it for most of our rule adjudication. I'll leave the 3.5 PHB on the suggested sourcebooks list--it's got some equipment and feats that may still prove of use. Please go with the PF RPG for nearly everything else, though.

I flat-out can't afford the PF RPG bonafide hardcover when it comes out in August--not on my part-time salary at the moment, so while we may be tempted to switch after the August release, switching to the official PF RPG hardcover won't be a financial reality for me. I hope you understand that going in to the game and don't later become distressed because we're still using the beta ruleset.

I'll also caveat that I shall be counting on whomever plays in this thing to gently point out to me when I make errors, particularly with regard to the beta ruleset, which I'll inevitably do due to lack of familiarity with specific mechanics. My newness to the beta ruleset will also impart a potential time lag during DM posting if/when I look up mechanics in the .pdf.

I notice that a great number of you have declared an interest in playing an arcane caster. Awesome! We'll also need wilderness- and dungeon-oriented characters and the standard complement of "core" characters--rogue, cleric, and fighter. I'll be looking to form a relatively well-rounded party, so to ease the competition on yourselves, you might wish to consider something other than an arcane caster. --> watch me say that and then no one will officially offer up an arcane firebox! :p

I've updated the first post in the thread to include teaser information on Sandpoint and the surrounding locale. Those of you who've played or DMed the module will already have seen the material, but it's my hope that those who haven't will find a bit of inspiration in the description that will help create a character.

I'll continue to update the originating post with teasers throughout the coming days, so if you're interested in reading more on the setting, please do follow along.


I was going to go "arcane firebox," because the Pathfinder rules make that look really cool, but when I saw the world I decided I wanted a ranger instead.


Name: Elyra
Race: Human (Varisian)
Class: Ranger
Align: LG
Feat: Precise Shot,?
Skills: Survival, Spot/Listen, Knowl. Nature and Geography

Elyra is a tall Varisian woman with olive skin and close-cropped black hair. She is broad-shouldered and well-built, but her chiseled features would be better described as handsome than beautiful. Like most Varisians she wanders from place to place, making her way in the world as a string of odd jobs rather than plying a single trade. She has worked variously as a hunter, guide, drover and sellsword. Despite these changing careers, she has always chosen honest work, a decision that sometimes puzzles her family.

She left her family in the north when she received a good offer to work as a caravan guard. A string of such jobs brought her to Sandpoint, where she waits, looking for the next good opportunity to come her way.

For all her wanderlust, Elyra is a hard-headed and practical woman. She knows that the gods move in the world, that spellcasters wield twisted arcane powers, and exotic beasts lurk in the forgotten places of the world. But these are only her problem if they cross her path. For her, life is putting her feet on the road, food in the pot and, Erastil willing, coin in her purse.

Voidrunner's Codex

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