The Upcoming Adventures thread

Mal Malenkirk

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I didn't apply for Stringbean's adventure because I am still awaiting approval but would be glad to join.

Kendrick isn't approved either. You can start adventuring before full approval if the DM is okay with it. You need you need to be approved before receiving XP, though.

Veruzak would play in an adventure, I don't have him in the active characters thread yet, he isn't approved, but has been submitted, he isn't in the Tavern because Kamotz is in there. Kamotz has an excuse to leave.

But if you'd rather he not come along, that's fine, because he is in an arcane society with 7 Rabbit, and would enjoy adventuring with him.

Good to know. My adventure for 7 Rabbit is ready to go as soon as Renaug1 gets off the ground and I spotted a second approval for his a few days ago so I guess it should happen anytime now.
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That would rock so hard, it should be illegal.



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I'm fine with Lily joining Stringbean's adventure as long as it's not stepping on anyone's toes or blocking a better choice of class for the group.


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So, in relation to the actual thread topic, I've started pondering the next adventure I'll run here. It'll involve a themed group of adversaries from no less than three books, with possible tweaks added in the monster builder. I've got the plot and concept together, I just need to sketch out the particulars and run it past the other Judges. Given the current "more adventures than players" situation, I don't think I need to rush. :)


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Well considering we are discussing several new and unapproved characters I will cede to the Dm's judgment about which characters he would like to take on and he thinks will work well.

It certainly seems like everyone is quite willing, but I certainly will not mind waiting if need be.


First Post
Alternatively, Ken could join his old crew with his new guy (If that's what he wants and the DM is all right with that) and Stringbean could string up the two other level 1 character looking for an adventure at the tavern; Scorpiusrisk's bard and Oni's Shaman. That'd be 4 (1 controller, 1 striker and 2 leader, it's workable). Both have expressed desire to adventure but neither have applied to Stringbean's adventure perhaps because Hacker is a bard (Bell's bard is also an INT bard...) and they think there is no room for more leaders.
I'll admit that I'll take whatever adventure can get started first...


Hey guys, I'm nearly done with my prep work for adventure i want to run, but looking through the forum I can see that there aren't too many lvl 1 characters available at the moment, and there are some lvl 1 adventures still in limbo without a full compliment of characters. I was wondering if you thought it would be worth my while going back through what i've done and upping the adventure level a bit? If so, what sort of level would you suggest?

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