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[Diaspora] Friday Night Science Fiction



* Aggressively Imperialistic
* Fading Glory
* Plague-Ridden

Tech: +2
Env: -2
Res: -2

If the name of the Vestal system resonates in your bones, that’s only because it’s the lynchpin of the entire star cluster. When our ancestors arrived here from Earth, it was the Vestal system that first attracted their attention. A number of inviting worlds and moons with both appropriate environments and needed supplies; it became the lynchpin of man’s development here; with only the settlers of New Ovid as any serious competition.

However, years, decades, and centuries of the need for growth and expansion lead to the depletion, degradation, and destruction of everything that had attracted the settlers here in the first place. The environments of the habitable moons were choked by the extraction of planetary mineral wealth for construction, and became less pleasant, then unpleasant, then hostile. Oh, you can survive on most of the established worlds, but only long enough to die an unpleasant lingering death rather than an immediate one. As the atmosphere grew worse, the worlds of the Vestal system (2 Earth-like planets and 1 habitable moon) moved more and more in to domes and tubes. These aren’t necessarily air tight, even if there are airlocks to the outside – they don’t need to be. They just filter all the crap out and leave the pure. The richer you are, the better domes you can afford to make your home in, and the better the filters make your air. In the poorest dome slums, the major difference between the outside and the inside is that inside, you’re more likely to be mugged.

As it became obvious that Vestal was not going to last forever, waves of manifest destiny swept the people, and 2 grand colonization efforts were sent out. In the Ithaca system, a variety of garden worlds made the colonization easy. They quickly became self-sufficient, self-ruling, and a valuable trade partner. Binghamton was always going to be a massive effort, and the effort was made… but… it just never worked out the way one would hope. There are some who say – probably rightly – that it was Binghamton that broke the Empire.

The war came, and the war went. Vestal was already out of funding from the failed efforts at Binghamton, but the worlds were never in really grave danger from the war – the system just had too much military might to really be in danger of outright destruction. Maybe that’s why the war went “bacterial”. People talk about the Plague as if it were one disease, but that’s not how it was. Weapons labs weaponized, and deployed, militant versions of over 2 dozen of the virii, bacterium, and fungi that mankind has been dealing with for millennia. Sure, there were communities devastated by the more expected necrotizing bacteria and deadly flus, but there was also a dome-city completely destroyed by a monstrously infectious and hungry variation on ringworm. For the most part, the plagues were programmed to destroy themselves after a few days, but sometimes, someone opens the wrong box with the wrong spores left over…

Everyone knows that the days of Vestal's glory is behind them, but no one in power is ready to really acknowledge it yet. In fact, a new wave of hawkish politicians have swept in to office, even with the war a recent memory, who are pushing for military power to be the only power that matters in the system, and who want to take whatever they want “for the greater good”. Strangely, this has also led to the rise of the anti-slavery movement. The movements started on the more enlightened communities of Ithaca, but were taken up by those who correctly identified New Ovid as the main rival for power, and is used as an “us versus them” scenario. In the end, how many people in Vestal actually care if a clone has rights or not is probably fairly different from how many say they do.

So, Vestal. The Old Crown, the Tarnished Jewel. The blackened heart at the center of all human endeavor. God help us all.

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* Heavy Worlder Miners
* Hangs in the Balance
* Ferociously Independent

Tech: +1
Env: +2
Res: 0

Candor is a G Class Yellow star surrounded by 4 planets:

Castor: A “dwarf giant” planet. Castor’s orbit takes it close to it’s neighbor Bellerophon twice a year. This unique positioning makes it a sub-tropical environment for part of the year. The Castorians also live in a 2.1g environment. The planet is home to some 11 million people and is ruled by a global government acting under a Jeffersonian 3 democracy (Executive officer is chosen by lottery from the population and serves 6 years, Legislative Parliament is comprised of ministers from some 400 parishes and manors serving 4 year terms with only one re-up, Judiciary is comprised of a Tribunal chosen by Executive)

Bellerophon: A Hot Jovian planet, its surface temperatures and pressures are so great that it emits nearly the same amount of temperature as a red star, reflects almost no light, and metals form a vapor in its atmosphere. These vapors are mined by Heavy Worlders from Castor. Bellerophon is the 2nd furthest from Candor.

Pegasus: Bellerophon’s major moon. Habitable and used as the mining companies’ base of operation.

Glaucus: Bellerophon’s minor moon. This moon crosses the planet’s magnetic field generating massive electrical discharges which are harnessed by the miners for their continued operations.

Pollox: 3rd from Candor and much colder, but still habitable. Most of this planet is aqueous and ice-encrusted which is used to provide other areas with fresh water and ablative shielding for spacecraft. Candor is home to 1 million souls and follows Castor in its government. Pollox also has an array of mass drivers used to slingshot asteroids and ice chunks in-system for processing.

Aegeus: The other Gas Giant in the system, this planet has rings. The atmosphere is too turbulent to be an effective mining operation. The rings on the other hand…

Originally, a mercantile colony of New Ovid in the Days Before, Candor now enjoys a respectable independence and a curiously involved constituency. The system allows indentured servitude, usually with a 40 year contract, for clones to do the menial jobs around the various habitable planets. The more hazardous jobs of mining in dangerous atmospheres, etc., are dealt with by semi-volitional robots. The resurrected motto of Candor is: “Live Free or Die!”



* Backs against the wall...
* Ancient Archive
* One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter

Tech: -1
Env: -1
Res: -2

"Oh no, stuck in Lodi again."
- ancient folk song

Description of Lodi System: Lodi consists of five gas giants circling a pair of dim suns. The suns are known as The Crones and the gas giants are known as the Five Cruel Brothers. There are archaeologists who believe the moons once were terra-formed for human occupation but even if this was true, the effects have long since been reversed, either through poor xeno-terra-engineering or biological warfare with technology too horrifying to contemplate.

New Ovid once tried to colonize the system and set up a series of satellites around many of the moons but the endeavor was not cost-effective and the satellites were abandoned. The satellites whose orbits have not entirely deteriorated have no more air. Air is obtained through lengthy and expensive processes that draw oxygen out from ice under the moons' crusts and from mercy missions from New Diaspora.

The only gates to Lodi lead to Candor and New Ovid.

During the war, New Ovid used the system as a place to safely re-fuel its battleships and sometimes press gang Lodi folk into naval service. Many of these press-ganged veterans have returned to the system to inform their brethren of the garden worlds to be found in other systems, causing agitation and preaching revolt.

Habitation: The population is just under five million, a staggering amount, considering the brutal conditions these people live under. They are seen as desperate and are known for hijacking spaceships or breaking them down for parts or stealing their breathable air and burying the crew in a crater. Before the war, there was talks of relocating everyone in the system but negotiations broke down when no one could figure out where exactly to put them and as talks were underway, several goodwill ships containing air and water were hijacked, crews left to the vacuum.

The indigenous space travel is not done with fuel as much as using the gas giants' gravity and the satellites as whiplash stations to break orbit and be sent into space. Lodi-born space travelers are known as Whips and have the mystique that cowboys, samurai and astronauts did on Old Earth.

The pride of the system is the archive, built in a bunker, built deep within New Daedalus. Several terrorist groups have tried to take it over by force, holding its knowledge for ransom to the rest of the cluster but the Archivists have a brutal counter-terrorism team, comprised almost entirely of free-clones from New Ovid. Air and water comes from all over the star-cluster to the archives, in order to keep governments' rights to seek out its information resources.



* Colony, Scranton
* :):):):)ed
* Wild Frontier

Tech: +1
Env: -2
Res: -3

Description of Binghamton System: The Slipknot for Vestal is the only route to the Binghamton System. It consists of 1 large yellow star, 4 large gas giants and 12 planetoids (pluto size), none of them anywhere near the 1g mark. The moon called Scranton that is around Bing III is the only body at or near 1g and it happens to be exactly at 1g. But due to its orbit, it is an erratic planet, with large tidal oceans that are barely oxygen producing and 1/2 of the 435 day year, they dry up as the planet moves away from Bing III and gets too much radiation and heat. This dries up the oceans and locks it into swirling clouds of methane, hydrogen and barely any oxygen. When the planet moves into the shadow of Bing III again, the Monsoons begin, and the deluge starts.

Habitation: Pop: approx 701,000. The colonization of Binghamton system was an enormous financial burden on the Vestal Empire. It cannot sustain itself. The atmosphere calls for rebreathers and head to toe covering in the "summer" and aquatic versions of self contained space suits in the "winter". Most of the life on the planet is inedible, yet doesn't seem to mind eating us, like the giant Siltworms that slither in the silt of the oceans. What it does have in abundance is easily transformed silica into microchips. But with no space elevator, too expensive to export. There are 3 major robotic factory/firms and 5 dozen mom & pop robotic manufacturers on Binghamton.

Most of the population live in the Spheres, ranging from 1000 to 10,000 pop in size. Designed to ride out the tidal waves, volcanoes and earthquakes during the "winter" months when the ocean is raging, they settle into the silt during the summer months. There is also one decrepit space station that has shuttle service down to the planet and a slightly better Research station around Bing III.

Scranton is actually quite mineral rich, occasionally diamonds can be found on the ground. Rubies, sapphires, plenty of natural gas, oil from yearly dying plant life are on the moon. However, it is SOOO lethal to try and get it. Seems that the alien lifeforms have a preternatural desire to rip apart man and machine. Robotic platforms the size of ancient terran oil rigs have been dismantled in a night. Then it is so expensive to try and move it out of Bing III's orbit. But it is the Big Score that keeps Binghamtonians in system. And that they have no where else to go.



* Enclave (Of Vestal Empire, but can keep their own systems/money aka Hong Kong)
* System works
* Everything happens under the surface

Tech: +1
Env: +1
Res: +1

Remaining cluster data forthcoming.

Please stand by...


Valiance Corporation Action Memo - Sars Family Oxygen Mining Company Contract

Valiance Corporation Action Memo - Sars Family Oxygen Mining Company Contract

To: The Board, Diplomatic Corps. - Candor, Diplomatic Corps. - Lodi, Paul Rojas, Libertine Logbook

Opportunity: Sars Family Oxygen Mining Company arrived at the Valiance main satellite, in geosynchronous orbit above Vestal City. They docked with a newly christened slipship from New Ovid but registered as the Credence with a Vestal shipyard, on the fringe but surely trustworthy.

Paul Rojas, an up and coming middle manager, was given a crew with all of the skills necessary to broker corporate policy across slipstreams. Along with Mr. Rojas was Captain Carter Manning of his Valiance-leased ship, The Libertine, and Anton Kilkenny, a new hire, a highly decorated engineer from Ithaca.

The Sars family was seeking supplies, military-grade weapons and the ability to ship their deep-mined oxygen beyond Lodi.

Actions: Rojas' team had legitimate concerns. Lodi has a reputation for piracy and terrorism and the Sars family's ship was of dubious origin, a New Ovid made slave ship. Kilkenny's initial scans noted that the ship's hold was filled with cryo-tubes filled with clone slaves. As part of the negotation process, these slaves were awoken and freed, relocated by a non-profit, non-governmental organization that aids clone-refugees who have made their way to the Vestal system.

The Sars family's mining is among many holdings on their moon. They are also involved in the Lodi barter economy and to some interpretations, their family could be seen as a crime family or even a full-blown syndicate. The Sars delegation was comprised of the eldest son, Carlov Sars, their eldest daughter, Min Sars and a cousin named Solace, a clone. How Solace was a cousin when he was indeed vat-grown was not clear, though the adoption of outsiders into a family, even clones, and calling them cousins is not uncommon in Lodi.

With Kilkenny on board the Credence as engineer and Min on board the Libertine the ships traveled to Lodi via the Candor slipknots.

Profit: After a month of hard negotiations, the team set up a foothold with the Sars Family that should prove profitable before too long, giving the Valiance Corporation a strong place at the Lodi table. Rojas convinced the patriarch of the family, a hard-nosed vacuum-warrior named Kale Sars to give Candor's mining robots a try, despite Lodi's strong superstitions and bigotry against machines of that sort.

Kale signed his name to an agreement that would get the mining operations away from its slave-based economy and into a robotic foundation, as long as it proved profitable after a quarter of work.

Congratulations to Paul Rojas, who not only sealed a fine deal for Valiance Corporation profit and anti-slavery morals but also found himself a fine relationship with Min Sars, with whom he has entered into a romantic engagement. Should marriage blossom, this will only further strengthen the corporation's base in Lodi, as Min is cunning, archive-trained librarian and based on Lodi law, stands to inherit a controlling share of the mining company along with her brother.

Stockholders Major and Stockholders Minor will be notified of this success once the deal is brokered with Candor's robotic engineers and we have a firm quarter of robot-driven profit at the mines. The Board is pleased that not only was a profit opportunity was created in a place where few see any but that in doing so, New Ovid was given a nice bruised eye in the process.

Mechanical Thoughts:

We had set up a cool playground but could we play there?

Yes, we could. We breezed through stunts and left some blank for later. Honestly, I think we could start the game with nothing but aspects and fill in skills and stunts as we went.

I set up a nice situation with profit coming into conflict with morals and family and corporation with the possibilities there for gun-play and space piracy if that is how the star decides to go nova.

All being very corporate, I basically sent the players on a mission and off they went. The first part of the game was spent making rolls that put aspects on things in case :):):):) went poorly.

Storn's hard gambling starship engineer made an engineering roll to put a shut-down over-ride on the Sars family's ship, the Credence and it was an aspect, Shut-down over-ride.

Pete's clone space captain tossed up an Emergency Shut-down for his own ship in case the Sars kids tried to hijack 'em.

This was all being done together, as a group, a kind of team effort. I wanted some scenes with the characters alone, a kind flash of them each in their home environment.

Did a scene with Pete among his clone brothers and sisters, all touching in a kind of web of hands on shoulders and on hips, discussing their distrust of Valiance but hope now that they were free. Pete made a nice speech and I asked him to make an Orate roll and put an aspect on the clone family, "Hope for the future..."

JC's corporate middle man had a scene at a party of corporate suits, all discussing Rojas' most recent assignment, with jokes being amde about clones and a backwater assignment to Lodi. JC delivered a really nice line about how teams like his were the future of the company and again, I asked for a roll, putting the aspect on the company, "We are the future of Valiance Corp."

Storn's gambler was in a high stakes game with the upper level CEO's when the Sars eldest son came in and started playing. Storn used gambling to put a taggable aspect on him, "I know your tell."

I like those kinds of little conflicts. The conflicts don't change the world as much as allow the character to attempt to put a spice in the soup. Even if they failed, something would have happened to add taste. As it is, the aspects are there, offering mechanical benefits for future conflicts.

I need to write about the social combat we had but its getting late and I am getting tired. More on the social combat tomorrow. I really liked how it shook out.


My character is Anton Kilkenny and is basically Bret Maverick who is an ex-starship engineer.

The "VA" was my quickie logo for "Valiance Arms", a sorta proxy for the Dutch East Indian Company for this scifi world/cluster. We work for Valiance Arms as explorers, diplomats and traders in the game itself.

Next up is the spaceship, Libertine. Which is based on some concepts from Atomic Rocket. These ships are never atmospheric. It was my morning warm up sketch this morning.


Atomic Rocket: Atomic Rocket main page

These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Generic



These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Generic

H.R. Report: Mr. Kilkenny is a new hire, taken out of incarceration in order to serve under Mr. Rojas' Special Project team aboard the Libertine. His military background has saved the cooporation valuable time and money that would have had to be invested to train an engineer of his talents and his underworld contacts and his inter-personal skills are seen as an asset to any team he is put on as long as his heightened sense of honor and moral code do not conflict with corporate policy.

Name: Anton Kilkenny (its a irish surname)
Homeworld: Ithaca Age: 36 Hair: Black Eyes : Blue

Rank 5 Skill: Profession: Gambler
Rank 4 Skills: Charm, Agility

Rank 3 Skills: Alertness, Resolve, Engineering

Rank 2 Skills: Assets, EVA, Repair, Slug Thrower

Rank 1 Skills: Arts, Brawling, Micro-g, Pilot, Stealth

Stunts: Military Grade, Engineering:
Silver'd Tongued Storyteller: [skill swap]: May use Charm as Oratory at rank 3.
With 1 FATE pt, may use at rank 4.
Military Grade: Slugthrowers:

Aspects: ??

H.R. Report: The Valiance Corporation has a long history of successful employees who came to work with the company after escaping slavery. Carter's skillset are invaluable and due to his entire series being employees and signing on with different ships and duties all over the cluster, his sense of isolation and other-ness will be lessened to a great extent. Upon signing an employment agreement, he also signed a lease on a slipstream-capable cruiser, the Libertine, that he uses in the course of his job-related travels.

We have high hopes for Mr. Manning and the entire newly freed Manning Series.

Name: Carter Manning
Homeworld: Covert, New Ovid
Age: 14/Hair: Strawberry Blond/Eyes: Dark Brown/Clone series distinguishing marks: high ear mark indicating bred/blessed for leadership, type 4 skin tone, batch number indicated on left scapula.

Rank 5 Skill: Pilot

Rank 4 Skills: Energy Weapons

Rank 3 Skills: Brawling

Rank 2 Skills: Computer

Rank 1 Skills: Stealth

Stunts: Military Grade Brawling
Thing: Slipship - The Libertine
Skill Swap: "The Cut of Her Jib" use Piloting in place of Engineering

Aspects: Fast to Act
One of Many
Made to Lead
Praise Seeker
Loving the Taste of Freedom
My Life, My Love, and My Lady
Secret Admiration
Non-clones confuse me

H.R. Report: Mr. Rojas is the Project Manager for this team. The concept is a new idea in the company, championed by Rojas, a diverse group of skilled corporate operatives who can be trusted to enforce corporation policy and increase the profit margin for our stockholders.

He is taking an intense risk, spending company money to Mr. Kilkenny and vouch for a convict. Other middle-managers who have worked alongside Rojas describe him as competent and competitive, aspects that are necessary when operating in the less civilized systems in the cluster.

Name: Paul Rojas
Homeworld: Vestal

Rank 5 Skill: Bureaucracy

Rank 4 Skills: Assets, Computer

Rank 3 Skills: Communications, Resolve, Brokerage

Rank 2 Skills: Survival, Stealth, Charm, Oratory

Rank 1 Skills: Energy Weapons, Archeology, Stamina, Culture, Brawling

"Military Grade" Assets
Skill swap: Use Bureaucracy in place of Intimidate
Thing: Valiance Corporate database and AI installed in his head / appears as an image only he can see.

Saw the power of money
Survivor at all costs
Coward at heart
Power keeps one safe
Why does religion matter?
The company isn't always right
Makes gold out of straw
Every man for himself
Desperate for the pay-off
Always needs an out


First Post
Love the naming convention for the systems! I went to college at SUNY Binghamton so all the names invoke certain emotions that might get lost with someone else not familiar with the Southern Tier. Plus I'm real interested in this game so I am definitely keeping an eye on it!


Social Combat

We tried out social combat at the end of our first game.

The situation: The Sars Mining Company is owned and run by the Sars family, who are also a fairly formidable criminal syndicate in the Lodi system. They use slaves for their mining operations, not seeing any other way to make money. Lodi is a desperate place, one of the Aspects for the system is, Backs against the wall.

The players wanted to convince the Sars that they could stop using slave labor. The social combat was on.

It was a montage, in the fiction, a representation of a month of negotiations and back and forth. Social Combat in Diaspora has a map, which is something new for me. Making the map was really interesting. I quartered the map into four sections: Family, Profit, Morals, Corporation. In the corners of the Family section were Clones and Sars. In the corners of the Profit section were Sars and the Valiance Corporation. Morals had Anti-slavery, Justified Servitude and in Corporation there was Valiance gains foothold and Valiance Owes Sars.

On the map were each of the PC's and the four major members of the Sars family: Carlov, Illen, Min and Solare, the father, mother, daughter and son - respectively. We set up a time limit, in this case, 3 rounds of combat, going around the table, with a Sars NPC acting in between each of the players' actions.

In Social Combat, you can do a few different things. You can erect a barrier around a spot, making it harder for someone to get into that position or to get in. Right away, JC used Rojas social prowess to make it really difficult for the Sars family to gain a profit and made it hard for them to feel they had the moral high ground on Justified Servitude. We saw this as him showing them that they could make money in other ways. You can put an aspect on a character so that another character can use the free tag to gain a +2 to an attack on them. You can move yourself or another character, all by rolling to move.

Storn attacked, destroying the son's social hit points, so to speak, using gambling. We decided that he cleaned the son right out. As a side-effect of this, I had Storn win a container of clone-slaves the son had picked up during the last game. This would be a huge part of the next session, when they found out what exactly kind of clones they had acquired and also, because Storn's character is an active anti-slavery proponent. I knew that gaining a container filled with clones in a kryo-sleep would be problematic and interesting for him.

As I recall, Pete's character ended up squaring off with the matriarch of the family and moved her firmly into the anti-slavery camp. There were scenes where Pete's clone captain and her went into zero-G to look at their ship from the outside, as she has a love of spaceship architecture. They bonded and she realized that clones are in fact people too and holding them to work for their company was wrong.

The father barricaded himself in the Sars corner of the Family quarter.

The daughter got interesting. She moved into Valiance gains foothold and on the last turn, the father moved her over to Valiance Owes Sars. This, coupled with her attacking JC's character earlier with an attack using a seduction skill, meant that we decided the characters got engaged. The Valiance company could have a share in the Sars Family Mining but she would marry into the company, sealing the pact. For now, they are engaged.

As it turned out, they convinced the Sars to adapt robots for their mining and to free the slaves once the robots proved profitable with the Valiance Corporation picking up the tab on the robot acquisition in return for a share of the profits.

So, there are a couple of techniques we used in making Diaspora Social Combat interesting, gleaned from our years of playing Burning Wheel's Duel of Wits:

Tangible Effect: The Social Combat has a tangible effect on the in-game fiction. Otherwise, you are just moving pieces around a board for no damned reason. When Storn's gambler blew the Sars son right out of the combat, there were consequences and in-game stuff happened.

Compromise: There has to be a mechanic for compromise. In this case, I used several different members of the opposing factions, each of which with slightly different goals. The father wanted what was best for the family. The mother wanted to keep the slaves. The son wanted to see the family gain control over the corporation and the daughter wanted profit. By seeing where everyone was positioned at the end, we could see how the combat shook out. If the players had just attempted to destroy every member of the Sars family's damage track, it would have gone very differently; they might have just liberated the clone-slaves on the spot.

As it was, I was very pleased with how it shook out. The map is a really interesting way to represent the whole abstracted process and it really allowed us to compress a month of game-time into a half hour or so of play. We got to roll dice and be strategic while giving the night a fun, dynamic and interesting conclusion.

Now to write up last night's game, in which they find out that Anton Kilkenny, in a card-game with Carlov Sars, won a cargo container filled with lost black-ops Void Marine clones, lost since the New Ovid-Vestal war that ended 20 years back...

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