The Friday Knights in Thunderspire Labyrinth (with Pics).


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The Friday Knights

Session 11- The Keep on the Shadowfell Part 5

In play this week we have-
Antaurea, Eladrin Ranger Level 2
Astaroth, Human Fighter Level 3
Cathal, Human Fighter Level 3
Farkill, Dwarven Cleric of Moradin Level 1
Ignaran, Human Druid Level 3
Immeral, Eladrin Artificer Level 3
Lucan, Elven Rogue Level 2

Seven PCs, that's too many- we'll sacrifice some along the way, particularly as two of the players are doubling up- Simon with Cathal and Immeral; Mike with Antaurea and Ignaran. However nobody wanted to back down for the final fight, particularly after the fracas earlier with the Bloodreavers. I think they see me as a cruel DM out to push them to their limits, in truth the series of encounters after they entered the Keep's catacombs were extremely difficult, especially for the lower level characters- but also heavy on the Defenders too, racing through their Healing Surges. Zoran, who plays Farkill, is a godsend- Immeral couldn't keep up with the damage being dished out to the Knights in the previous battles.

So we'll be dropping a few of the secondary characters as soon as we're able.

Now back to the action.

The Cathedral of Shadow has been fully investigated by Lucan, all of the enemies except the Dark Creeper, RumpledSplitSkin, had been spotted prior to the Knights' charge into the fray, and that's the tactic they know best- with Cathal and Astaroth in the front row the Knights rumble into the fight.

The stout defenders charge into the Human Barbarians and instantly make their mark, which draws out all manner of creatures- actually mostly Vampire Spawn, who menacingly glide to attack.

The fact that they are minions is soon divined, much to the chagrin of the players, Cathal cleaves through two of them with a swat of his mighty longsword.

There follows a concerted effort by all of the Knights and moments later there are only the Berserkers, one of whom is badly bloodied, the Flesh Prince who has yet to hit anything and Fat Ralph, the Orcus Underpriest- who has yet to miss.

The Underpriest gets up close quickly, buffs one of the Berserkers with his Infuse With Shadow power; hits Farkill with a Shadow Curse- welcome to the Knights, and then goes mental with his Mace as he's dragged into the slugfest.

And just when the Knights think they're really winning, with only Cathal and Astaroth bloodied, RumpledSplitSkin, the Dark Creeper appears and plants his dagger in Ignaran's back.

It's not enough however...

[DM Interlude- will it ever be enough I ask myself, kidding- loving it as usual.]

Soon after, the bad guys are biting the dirt with alarming regulatory, the Human Berserkers fall, the Dark Creeper keeps taking bow shots, and Lucan has moved behind Fat Ralph - which usually means the bell is about to ring to signal the end of the fight.

The Flesh Prince, the Clay Scout who has been pestering the Knights for a while now, takes the opportunity to, in the idiom of the streets (here in the UK), 'do one.' He heads below, down the bloody hole in the centre of the chamber.

And so it goes, and so it goes...

The Cathedral of Shadows, briefly illuminated by the Friday Knight experience.

[DM Interlude Encounter #31 [1315 XP = Level 4] Vampire Spawn x5 (Level 6 Minions); Flesh Prince, Clay Scout (Level 3 Lurker); Dark Creeper (Level 5 Skirmisher); Human Berserker x2 (Level 5 Brutes) & Fat Ralph, Underpriest of Orcus (Level 6 Controller)]

[DM Interlude- Antaurea now has enough XP to advance to level 3, all he needs is an extended rest.]

The Knights search the dead and find little of value, Farkill has made a friend in Astaroth- the pair take out their frustrations (whatever they may be) on the statue of Orcus in the chamber, and the altar- they smash the place up.

The blood however continues to flow- which is extremely off putting.

Eventually the Knights congregate around the bloody hole, there are chains leading down into the abyss below, and lights down there.

“Follow that Clay Scout.” Cathal declares. There follows a scrambled descent of the chains, all the more miraculous because none of the Knights, save one- Astaroth, the big lug, make the descent without injury and in good time. It's a shame, then, that their climb leaves them standing knee deep in a massive trough of blood.

“My armour!” Cathal declares, chews on his 'tache a moment and then launches himself at the nearest enemy, a flailing tentacled monster, a Dolgaunt Warrior.

The chamber the Knights find themselves in is huge, to the south is an altar affair guarded by a cowled figure, which is initially identified as the end-of-level-bad-guy; alas the shy creature turns out to be 'the Stig', a Deathlock Wight, still he's pleased of the company.

To the east is a great portal, that is to say a stone arch of ancient construction, captured within it's window an inky black screen which shapes and bulges, as if something terrible were trying to break through its fragile skin. Before the portal a great magical circle which fizzes and spits with raw power.

To the west another huge statue of Orcus, the Lord of Undeath; Farkill pulls Astaroth from his bloody bath and nods towards it- the pair lick their lips (metaphorically you understand).

To the north is another altar, at which Kalarel stands- ah here's the end-of-level-bad-guy; a cowled and robed man, subterranean white skin and bulging eyes, he's no looker. The fell Scion of Orcus points a skull-topped rod at the Knights and declares- “my master awaits your embrace...”

And it kicks off.

Naturally there are quite a few bodies preventing the Knights getting straight to Kalarel, including a pair of flailing Dolgaunt Warriors, also a pair of heavily armed and armoured Skeleton Warriors and the Flesh Prince, yep he's back, and about to make his stand for homunculi everywhere.

Cathal forgets what he's doing, dazed - courtesy of the Flesh Prince's dark powers. Which more than makes up for the fact that the Dolgaunt Warriors seem not to be able to hit a barn door from a yard away- they flail ineffectively right through to their inevitable demise.

The Skeleton Warriors are much better equipped however. Soon Cathal, Astaroth and Farkill are bloodied. Immeral is consigned to healing duties once again; Ignaran is having a very tough time with 'the Stig', and is soon after bloodied also; Lucan is just staying out of the way as much as he can- content to fling daggers into the fray with only limited success.

The Knights' situation goes from bad to worse when Kalarel's Decaying Rays start to hit the defenders, leaving them weakened and only able to dish up half damage, when they do manage to connect.

[DM Interlude- it looks like I've got them, the Dolgaunts are not making a difference, but the Knights are missing a lot, and getting worn down quickly.]

Farkill has to back out of the fight, badly in need of more healing, he finds a safe-ish spot and concentrates his efforts on healing the others and failing to hit with his ranged Divine effects.

[DM Interlude- Farkill failing to hit things will become one of the most prominent themes of this saga, when the going gets tough Farkill's dice are almost always found wanting- never in my life have I witnessed a player roll so many natural 4's. Uncanny.]

And what turns it is this- Ignaran and Immarel take down 'the Stig', alas not some titanic assault rather a war of attrition, death by a thousand paper cuts, that's not to say it's anti-climactic, for a long moment the Knights' struggle has gripped the undefined on-line confines of our collective imagination, er... where to go with that statement.

'The Stig' falls, his last words a plea for forgiveness- “I'll see you in hell, I'll be the one gnawing on your spleen!” directed at Lucan, who delivers the final blow- from a safe distance you understand. At least I think it was a plea for forgiveness.

Which frees up the artillery nicely, less than thirty seconds later the Dolgaunt Warriors have packed their tentacles up and shuffled off this mortal coil, the Skeleton Warriors soon after go the same way.

A brief game of cat-and-mouse with Immeral, Ignaran and the Clay Scout plays out- brief and bloody- and most of all one-sided. The Flesh Prince meets his unmaker.

Which just leaves the babbling Scion of Orcus- Kalarel.

It looks like it's going to be a lopsided affair- one versus seven.

And so it proves.


Tentacles are so in this season.

Kalarel is quickly bloodied, and the Knights' collective grimaces have turned into grins.


Kalarel blinks out of existence and reappears within the confines of the magic circle, worse, the black sheen behind him finally breaks, sends shards of shadowfell crafted black glass shattering into the chamber, and from the inky madness emerges a riot of lunging, lashing tentacles.

The Shadow Portal is open.

I think Astaroth best sums up the mood- “naughty word!”, he exclaims, with gusto.

And thus the tension is cranked up again.

[DM Interlude- I should have known.]

Cathal leads the charge, it's one-for-all-and-all-for-one, or so it seems- every one of the Knights unleash whatever manner of fury they have not as yet spent, and Kalarel lasts a little more than ten seconds.

[DM Interlude- bugger!]

The tentacled monstrosity dances forward, grabs the corpse of the Scion of Orcus by its feet and drags Kalarel back into the shadow...

Cathal, Ignaran, Immeral and Farkill begin to intone; words of faith and arcana- the portal slowly knits back together, the black sheen returns to the space beneath the arch, the inky black shards of shadowfell skitter and scuttle back the way they came into their inky-hell.

The Shadow Portal is closed.

[DM Interlude- I wish it'd make up its bloody mind!]

[DM Interlude Encounter #32 [2325XP = Level 7] The Flesh Prince, Clay Scout (Level 3 Lurker); Dolgaunt Warrior x2 (Level 3 Soldiers); Skeleton Warriors x3 (Level 4 Soldiers); Stig, Deathlock Wight (Level 5 Controller); Skill Challenge- Close the Shadow Rift (Level 4 Elite) & Kalarel, Scion of Orcus (Level 9 Elite Controller). Titanic, and for a good while I thought I had the Knights, at last, foolish.]

[DM Interlude- Farkill now has enough XP to advance to level 2, all he needs is an extended rest.]

The Knights rest, just after Ignaran gathers up the discarded Rod of Ruin.

Alas their rest is not without incident, a collective dream, a waking dream- pieced together later.

A vision.

A cloaked Tiefling.

An army of demons pouring into and across the Nentir Vale, blood-letting on an apocalyptic scale.

The same Tiefling, swathed in Shadow, entering a green-hued portal, seen through the portal a dense and lush jungle, the Tiefling is leading the demon army.

The Rod of Ruin clutched in the Tiefling's hand- pointing the way.

The demon army fighting... and losing, the jungle is the Feywild, the defenders of the place Eladrin, thousands of Eladrin- fighting for their homeland.

The demon army withdrawing, a tenth of its original size, retreating- back through the portal.

The shadow.

Like floating at the edge of black.

Like floating at the edge of the end.

The end of everything.

Then a flicker, a single image, the same Tiefling seen earlier standing atop a great stepped stone pyramid, the Tiefling's robes fluttering in the winds, its eyes...

Then nothing.

The vision ends.

Rested, the Knights eye each other suspiciously, Cathal breaks the spell and tells the others what he has seen, the others nod, and add detail, for they have seen it too.

Confidence grows, the Knights eat and then go about their business, Kalarel it seems was not alone in his efforts to open the portal, he has orders, orders from someone calling themselves 'the Bringer of Change.'

He's one to look out for, clearly.

The orders are very chatty, and go a little like this-

“Greetings Kalarel,

I am happy to hear that your plan is progressing well in Winterhaven. I approve of your suggested change in the Ritual of Unbinding, I think you are on the right track. The Nerath seal will soon be broken and our dark Lord's hordes will yet again stalk the lands of the living. Keep an eye on the Bloodreavers, they have started to ask questions. If you require further assistance you have only to ask.

The Bringer of Change.”

As I say- chatty. It seems the ultimate evil have been working on their 'Investors in People' status.

More treasures are located, a good deal of gold and a magical +2 dagger- which Lucan lays claim to.

The statue of Orcus you ask, and you really need not, presume the worst for statues from here on in. Skilled craftsmen may have toiled for millennia but that don't mean :):):):) when you have a big hammer and/or axe, preferably both, and two ignorant lugs to wield them.

Astaroth and his buddy Farkill set to work.

Everything is smashed.

Don't ask... everything.

Eventually the Knights leave the rubble strewn chamber and head up back into the lower catacombs of the Keep, back through the chamber previously packed with the shambling undead, through the chamber with the trapped statue, and straight back into the clutches of the Bloodreavers, who have prepared a suitable reception.

The fight gets bloody very quickly.

The Knights are outnumbered, particularly as the decision is taken on exiting the Shadow Portal chamber to abandon Antaurea and Immeral for the remainder of the session.

[DM Interlude- and yet I still decided to throw the full weight of the next encounter at the reduced Knights, meh. I have a black heart, it matches my soul rest assured.]

The bad guys form a queue, or at least that's how it seems.

Back in the Lower Guardroom there are nine Hobgoblin Grunts, five heavily armed Hobgoblin Soldiers; two Hobgoblin Archers; a Hobgoblin Warcaster; Balgron, the Goblin Chieftain; Pensacola, Kobold Wyrmpriest (remember him) and Tra'ak, an enormous Hobgoblin Warchief- who leads the horde.

As usual the Grunts are cut down like chaff, although with their shields locked in defence they still need well aimed blows to take them down. The Soldiers and the Archers take a beating, the Warcaster is hit enough for him to retreat.

Balgron the Fat is targeted for some serious abuse, and is swiftly killed- he was still much injured from his previous encounters with the Knights. Pensacola too is badly injured, and flees, again.

The Knights are winning the day. Still, this is only their first encounter after their extended rest down in the portal chamber.

[DM Interlude- note I had a plan here, it sometimes helps. I wanted the fight to be as difficult as possible and to generate the required emotions- see below for how it all turns out, which is pretty much what I wanted to happen.]

Eventually someone sees sense, the someone being Tra'ak the scimtar wielding Bloodreaver Chieftain- he calls for parley, and in an enlightened moment the Knights agree. There are still a lot of bad guys standing, only the Grunts and Balgron have fallen, and they're taking plenty of hits.

It seems Tra'ak just wants to be off- away from the Keep, to lead his Bloodreavers elsewhere, there follows much chin scratching and moral questing- do the Knights let the Bloodreavers go? Lucan couldn't give a damn, he's all for the easy life... The chatter goes on for some time, no threats just heaps of suspicion from the Knights.

[DM Interlude Encounter #33 [2596XP = Level 10] Bloodreaver Hobgoblin Grunt x9 (Level 4 Minions); Bloodreaver Hobgoblin Soldiers x5 (Level 4 Soldiers), Bloodreaver Hobgoblin Archer x2 (Level 4 Artillery); Bloodreaver Hobgoblin Warcaster (Level 4 Controller); Balgron the Fat, Goblin Chieftain (Level 5 Lurker); Pensacola, Kobold Wyrmpriest (Level 5 Artillery) & Tra'ak Bloodreaver Hobgoblin Warchief (Level 5 Elite Soldier)]


Bloodreavers Party on Dudes!

Eventually Astaroth comes up with a mature and sensible compromise. I know, I was surprised too.

It goes a little like this- he will fight Tra'ak single-handedly, if he wins Tra'ak will surrender; if he loses Tra'ak and his Bloodreavers will be allowed to leave unmolested. The rules are agreed and the fracas kicks off.

It's a massacre.

Astaroth is reduced to a bloody mess by the Hobgoblin Bloodreaver leader in a matter of seconds (I'd say approx five rounds). Farkill has to scuttle to the fallen Astaroth and administer emergency healing, so bloodied and battered is the man-mountain.

Tra'ak grunts a while, barely wounded, grins a little and points his scimitar at the other Knights, declares 'next time', and leads the Bloodreavers off.

Leaving the Knights, and in particular Astaroth, to lick their wounds.

[DM Interlude Encounter #33 [800XP = Level 13] Tra'ak Bloodreaver Hobgoblin Warchief (Level 5 Elite Soldier)]


Astaroth takes a kicking- he never stood a chance!

The Knights, somewhat subdued, take to wandering the halls; discover any number of deserted chambers abandoned by the Bloodreavers, all empty, at least of treasures and clues. Rather forlornly, and in silence, they mount the stairs and head back up to the first level of the dungeons.

And so endeth the eleventh session of the Friday Knights adventures, with 9609 XP gained.

More next time...

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The Friday Knights

Session 12- The Keep on the Shadowfell Part 6

In play this week we have-
Cathal, Human Fighter Level 3
Ignaran, Human Druid Level 3
Lucan, Elven Rogue Level 2

Only three Knights present initially, it goes from feast to famine player-wise remarkably quickly. Still, those present decide to spend the session clearing out the unvisited chambers of the Keep's Catacombs, see if there are any further clues left by the Bloodreavers. Also they're still in search of the good citizens of Fallcrest and Winterhaven that have been 'disappeared'.

Note Farkill will be joining us later in the session.

And so the Knights climb the stairs into a chamber they had previously cleared of Zombies, and what do you know, they're back- or at least a fresh bunch of the shambling dead have been drawn back to the area.

Lucan and Cathal dive into the the pack, yep you read that right- Lucan, needs must. The young Rogue proves remarkably adept, particularly as Ignaran is thinning the Zombie Horde with bursts and blasts, also - for the most - part the Zombies are Rotters, that is to say Minions.

The two much better equipped Zombie Soldiers take a while to beat down, during which they manage to inflict a few nasty wounds, particularly to the Rogue. Nevertheless the outcome is never in doubt- the chamber is retaken.

[DM Interlude Encounter #35 [642 XP = Level 5] Zombie Rotter x8 (Level 4 Minions) & Zombie x2 (Level 3 Soldier)]

[DM Interlude- Cathal has enough XP to advance to level 4, Lucan has enough XP to advance to level 3; after an extended rest of course.]


Hijinks with the Undead.

The Knights head through the maze of chambers. They've been here previously; this time however their journey is far easier as the myriad Arcane Sigils have lost their power- deactivated with the destruction of the portal possibly.

They make their way into another set of catacombs, a long corridor leading to a hazily illuminated area with what looks to be a pair of ancient altars, and a pair of large metal doors leading further on. The problem is, however, the corridor is crowded with upright sarcophagi- leaning against the walls.

Cathal primes the fight, guesses what's going to come next, and yet...

Lucan shimmies forward in search of traps and inadvertently trips the switch- the sarcophagi are flung open, and stepping out of the star swirl within come a horde of skeletons, fortunately mostly of the Decrepit variety, although a pair of Skeleton Warriors slow the Knights down a little.

Once again the battle is concluded fairly swiftly- Cathal tends to destroy two of the Decrepit creatures every round, Lucan one and Ignaran at least one- like a knife through butter they batter the Undead guardians down.

[DM Interlude Encounter #36 [598 XP = Level 4] Skeleton Decrepit x8 (Level 2 Minions) & Skeleton Warrior x2 (Level 4 Soldier)]


Like a Radiant knife through Undead butter.

It's at this point, after a little scouting around, that the Knights determine that the chamber is, or was, dedicated to Bahamut- this confirmed by the dragon-carved stone altar pieces discovered, and looted.

Cathal speculates that they may be approaching the last resting place of Sir Keegan, the mad Paladin of Bahamut that turned traitor and slew his family here a century or more ago.

The great metal doors, carved with further renderings of Bahamut are forgotten for a moment, one of the walls has been breached elsewhere in the chamber, there's a crypt beyond- cautiously the Knights take a look inside.

The newly discovered chamber holds some minor treasures- mostly money and gems, otherwise it's empty.

[DM Interlude- I had placed a horde of Zombies here, but brought them out earlier to greet the Knights as the ascended the stairs from the lower level.]


An empty chamber yesterday.

The Knights press on, now bolstered by Farkill, Cleric of Moradin, who has just joined the party via Skype; into a small but undisturbed chamber. At the far side, bathed in a spectral light, a raised section with a great sarcophagi on it.

From the spectral light a shimmering Knight steps forward, its flesh-picked-clean skull visage plain for all to see, it's Sir Keegan.

He waves around his longsword in a menacing fashion and growls-

“The rift must never be re-opened!”

Which is met by smirks.

Sir Keegan follows up with-

“State your business or prepare to die!”

He rasps, exuding as much menace as he possibly can.

“Done” Lucan states and turns tail and leaves the chamber, leaving Ignaran, Cathal and Farkill to explain to the now gawping Sir Keegan that Kalarel has been bested and slain; the portal has been destroyed and the Knights are just know going about their business clearing out the last of the infestation in the Keep's catacombs.

“Oh.” Sir Keegan rasps, and then stops the rasping, it's hurting his throat.

The Knight shrugs, looks a little embarrassed at the turn of events.

“You should have come here earlier...” He mutters, and kicks at some loose chippings on the floor.

The silence elongates, stretches into oblivion, eventually Cathal breaks it-

“Anything else?”

Sir Keegan shakes his head, shrugs some more, then hands over his longsword, which is clearly magical, to Cathal- and disappears forever.

His last words-

“That didn't go... Bugger!”


An embarrassed Sir Keegan scratches his backside.

The Knights head off again- manage to locate a large and abandoned guard chamber, and from there the bed chamber of Balgron the Fat, soon after his strongbox is found- sprung, and emptied.

By Lucan, who manages to pouch most of the money before the other Knights discern that they are, even now, being robbed.

[DM Interlude- Lucan is a very naughty boy, more of this kind of despicable behaviour to come, rest assured.]


Lucan locates a few copper coins- slim pickings alas.

Lucan kicks over Balgron's empty treasure chest and sighs audibly, winning an Oscar in the process. His Bag of Holding bulges with all the gold he has just scooped into it.

The Knights continue their wandering and eventually find themselves in a torture chamber, complete with rack and cooling brazier, and with the standard issue hot poker set.

Lucan's eyes light up, he rubs his hands in glee, and plays a while.

Ignaran in the meantime has discovered a forlorn Goblin in a cell, obviously a prisoner.

The Goblin is Splug. His crime - not getting on with Balgron, falling asleep on guard duty, and worst of all- being a revolutionary member of the a secret Goblin politcal organisation intent on overthrowing their bourgeoisie leaders, returning the means of destruction into the hands of the proletariat.

Which is unexpected.

Splug begins his spiel, punctuating it with fist clenching sound bites extolling the virtues of the working classes and the need for constant revolution...

Which translates to-

“Eat the rich!”

“Kill the imperialist lackeys of the bourgeoisie.”

“We must establish unity of action in all sections of the working class in the struggle against Hobgoblin fascism.”


The Glorious Goblin People's Revolutionary Guard (singular).

“Moradin, I can see why they locked him up.” Farkill states.

There follows a vote on the proposition- should Splug be released?

It's tied four times; two-two.

Splug attempts to persuade the Knights to release him with honeyed words, while continuing to offer encouragement.

“Democracy in action, free assembly and the right to take part in the decision making process, the most effective and reasoned activity- I applaud you comrades. Your actions define your virtue, I will respect any decision that you make, such is my faith in the justice of the glorious revolution. I will not attempt to sway you in any way- look to your hearts, I've always attested that adventurers, along with the workers- of course, are the bedrock of society- equal opportunity slayers. I admire you brothers with your fervent and dogmatic approach to the trials and tribulations of the commercial consumerist capitalist society in which we live.”

After the fourth tied vote he adds.

“I know where Tra'ak and the other Bloodreavers have gone, if that helps?”

Splug is released and welcomed, temporarily, into the Knights.

[DM Interlude- Splug is a Goblin Paladin of the Glorious Revolution Level 1. We now have five Knights in play this evening.]

It turns out Tra'ak is on his way back to a place called Thunderspire Labyrinth, which makes the Knights grin, next stop there, perhaps...

Splug tags along as the Knights venture back into the catacombs and discover...


It would have been nice to have had a fight here...

Yet another empty chamber which has been dug out, excavated- in search of what? The Knights have no clue, however they do find a nice Holy Symbol dedicated to Bahamut in their search of the spoil piles. Farkill takes this for later use, after it has been re-dedicated to Moradin.

The Knights head off again.

And discover a set of stairs leading into a natural cavern, they venture into the unlit chamber- and into a tide of Giant Rats, they begin cutting a swathe through the chittering creatures when a blob of Ochre Jelly drops from the cavern ceiling, just missing Cathal, and begins to wave it's pseudopod furiously.

The Knights, and Splug, attack- although for attack read chant helpful slogans concerning the 'constant struggle for enlightenment and reason' if you're Splug.

The Ochre Jelly is eventually destroyed- split clean in two.

It's a little disconcerting then a few moments later when the two blobs of Ochre Jelly spring back into action, of a fashion, and take up their tentacle waving again.

[DM Interlude- that made them think.]

Alas the fight is soon over the second time around, although Lucan has taken some serious injuries and Ignaran and Cathal are also very bloodied.


Binary Fission- show and tell!

[DM Interlude Encounter #37 [753 XP = Level 3] Giant Rat x13 (Level 2 Minion) & Ochre Jelly (Level 4 Elite Brute)]

Then the Knights make a discovery - in the central column supporting the cavern chamber - a secret door, and within a withered and dessicated... hang on he's still alive- the first of the lost citizens, Clem Statto is ministered to by Farkill. Thirty minutes later the man is up and talking.

He has quite a story to tell, the Bloodreavers are behind the whole operation, the slaves were being brought to the Shadowfell Keep en route to somewhere else. Many of the slaves were used to excavate a chamber to the north of here, in search of a mirror they were told.

The rest of them sent to a place called Thunderspire, where they were to be sold, Clem thinks.

The beaten farmer is made comfortable, given food, water and generally made to feel well again; then he's locked back in the secret chamber, ignoring his heated protests, while the Knights continue their exploration.


Lucan checks for treasure then, as an after thought, a pulse.

There's a large wooden door in the western wall of the cavern, it looks to be swollen, clearly there's a water source behind it... otherwise the cavern continues on to the south, the later route is chosen.

Lucan creeps into the shadows and leads the Knights on.

Into a chamber with a myriad holes in the walls, and several inches of churned mud on the floor- with tracks in it, the young Elven Rogue confirms. But before he can elaborate a half-dozen chitinous snapping-jawed insects surge, or else burrow, their way into the midst of the adventurers.

Kruthiks- Hatchlings, Young and an Adult, very soon the air is alive with ruminations of the scrabbling insects.

Cathal and Farkill are very quickly bloodied, Lucan avoids a similar fate by getting as far as he can away from the creatures. The Hatchlings are soon cut through, even Splug however is forced to hold the line at one point with his newly acquired shortsword.

It gets worse momentarily when the Adult Kruthik appears and manages to catch Cathal and Farkill again with its Toxic Spikes, poisoning and slowing them both.

The Knights fight on, and soon enough the Young Hatchlings begin to fall, although the price paid is very high. The Knights see it through however, eventually crushing the filthy snapping giant insects.


I wish it could be Kruthik every day.

[DM Interlude Encounter #38 [878 XP = Level 5] Kruthik Hatchling x6 (Level 3 Minion); Kruthik Young x3 (Level 3 Brute) & Kruthik Adult (Level 5 Brute)]

Splug is sent forward into the Kruthik tunnels. Eager to please, the revolutionary Goblin discovers a pile of shiny stuff which he drags out for the Knights to admire- more money.

The area fully searched, the Knights head back to the swollen wooden door, the only chamber they have not yet been in. The door is examined for traps and then levered open. A set of slick stairs lead down into a pool room. Three quarters of the room is cool blue water, a ledge runs alongside a small rocky island in the middle of the liquid.

Torches are lit and the chamber fully illuminated- there's more treasure on the rocky island, the glint of gold, and a nice looking shield.

The Knights are discussing the best way to get to the treasure, when from the depths, and unseen, lurches a large Blue Slime. More tentacle waving ensues, a number of the Knights are acid burnt and battered, to make things worse the creature expels a Stench Pulse- a kind of rubbery fart; which leaves a good half of the group dazed, damaged and weakened.

It's a close run thing, particularly as Lucan is again wounded badly and almost out of the fight, Splug is not venturing forward- Cathal and Farkill form the front line, while Ignaran vainly tries to stay out of reach of the creature.

Finally the slime is cut, diced, spiked, burnt, blasted and bashed into gooey submission, actually death. At this point however all of the Knights, save the ever cautious Splug, are bloodied.


Jimmy the Blue Slime wins award for the least threatening image.

[DM Interlude- and most have only one Healing Surge left.]

[DM Interlude Encounter #38 [875 XP = Level 4] Jimmy the Blue Slime (Level 4 Solo Brute)]

A magical Shield of Protection, a Potion of Healing and a pile of gold and silver are recovered, alongside two scroll tubes, which on further investigation are found to contain... two scrolls.

The first reads-

“Remember, don’t wet the nodule—unless Kalarel is not receptive to the offer. Then, wet it only from a distance, and then, turn and run. Water will bring the creature out of its dormancy, and it will consume anything it can reach.”

Which is odd? Ignaran speculates that the 'nodule' in question is the dormant version of the Blue Slime the Knights have just fought.

Cathal adds that Kalarel was obviously receptive to the offer, whatever the offer was. The Knights delve into the second scroll tube eager for more information.

It reads-

“Greetings, Kalarel. I have recently learned of your activity in the area and have an offer for you. During your time in this region, if you should capture any humanoids, we are eager to buy them. We have Duergar allies in Thunderspire in need of slave stock. If you are interested, send an envoy back to me. My messengers will show the way.”

It is signed:

“Chief Krand of the Bloodreavers.”

The writing on the scroll is in the same hand as the first.

The Knights collectively smile in glee- there's nothing better than putting a name to your enemy. Chief Krand can look forward to a visit, as can the Duergar mentioned- the Knights are on their trail.

And with that the 12th session draws to a close with the five Knights umming and arring about whether to take an extended rest or just press on. Together they have gained 8834 XP this session.


For the best way to read this thread then go to- Thread Tools and 'Show Printable Version', all you have to do is click on the links for the images.

The Friday Knights

Session 13- The Keep on the Shadowfell Part 7

In play this week we have-
Astaroth, Human Fighter Level 3
Cathal, Human Fighter Level 3 (4, after an extended rest)
Farkill, Dwarven Cleric of Moradin Level 2
Ignaran, Human Druid Level 3
Lucan, Elven Rogue Level 2 (3, after an extended rest)

The Knights venture out of the Keep on the Shadowfell with Clem Statto in tow, the place has been fully investigated and thoroughly routed.

[DM Interlude- Astaroth is back in play and we're up to full strength, therefore Splug will be tagging along as an NPC, not getting involved with the action- which was pretty much what he was doing anyway. The Knights have decided against the extended rest, instead they will press on.]

Initial thoughts are for the Knights to return to Winterhaven, however new information soon comes to light- tracks, lots of tracks, there might as well be a sign stating- 'Bloodreavers went this way.'

Red rag to a bull, the Knights follow the tracks for several hours through low scrub and brush, then plunge through a woods and less than ten minutes later catch up with the Bloodreaver Vanguard, who have been busy.

Concealed in the undergrowth the Knights make out yet another destroyed caravan, a circle of hog-tied merchants, drovers and guards. This will not do.

Lucan scouts out the area ahead and relays his findings, the Bloodreavers are set up ready for another ambush, clearly they mean business. There are a over half-a-dozen of the creatures all hidden away but facing towards the road, easy targets.

The ambushers get ambushed, it only seems fitting.

The Knights initial rush accounts for all of the Hobgoblin Grunts, all five of them- and almost does for one of the burly Hobgoblin Soldiers.

One of the Bloodreavers turns out to have a modicum of skill, Charlie Big Potatoes is a Hobgoblin Subcommander, he rallies his troops and the fight rumbles on. Worse, an unaccounted for Bloodreaver Hobgoblin Archer appears atop a rock with a grand view of the Knights, he peppers our heroes.

But not for long, Ignaran puts in some long range efforts and then Lucan makes it around to the Hobgoblin's vantage point, unseen and unheard, a little later screams are heard.

The remainder of the Bloodreavers are swiftly cut down.

[DM Interlude Encounter #40 [920 XP = Level 4] Bloodreaver Hobgoblin Grunt x5 (Level 4 Minions); Bloodreaver Hobgoblin Soldiers x2 (Level 4 Soldiers), Bloodreaver Hobgoblin Archer (Level 4 Artillery) & Charlie Big Pototoes, Bloodreaver Hobgoblin Subcommander (Level 4 Controller)]

The prisoners are soon freed, the bodies of the Bloodreavers looted and all is well with the world. Alas the Bloodreaver trail ends here, it seems the Knights have been fooled, following the wrong group of Bloodreavers, my Tra'ak is clever.

Battered and bruised, and now with numerous good citizens tagging along, the Knights decide to head for home, or at least their temporary home- Winterhaven.


Ambushing the ambushers.

There they are met by the good townsfolk who, while they have not as yet got their missing loved ones back, have at least acquired a little hope- the Knights are on the case.

Much drinking ensues, that and eating, and resting, and bragging- Splug is eventually explained away- not however before he has planted the seed of rebellion in a number of the younger members of Winterhaven's community.

“The Masters rule by way of coercion and collusion; whoever has the youth has the power”, the Goblin revolutionary declares to much nodding.


“When we hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope we use!”

After Wrafton, of Wrafton's Inn, refuses to serve him.

The Knights take the plaudits and get well again, not one of them noticing that Ninaran, the beautiful female Ranger, is not present.

Valthrun the Sage promises to look into Thunderspire. He shares what little he knows of the place- that it is an abandoned outpost of a ancient Minotaur Clan, and latterly that it has become a trading establishment- between the Nentir Vale and the Underdark. He'll search further in his library for additional information and report back.

Lord Padraig stands a round or two, pays for the Knights stay, and shares some more of his wealth with the Knights for the destruction of the Kobold menace and the withdrawal of the Bloodreavers from the Keep.

He goes on to double his reward for the return of the good citizens of Fallcrest that have been taken - most likely to Thunderspire - he wants them back, safe and sound.

It's not until an extended rest is over, and the Knights are thinking about retiring for the night to rest some more, thinking their adventures here in Winterhaven are over, that Ninaran's absence is noted.

The tension is cranked up when it is discovered that the beautiful Elven Ranger was spotted earlier in the day leading a gaggle of Winterhaven's younglings into the woods. This, as it stands, is not suspicious - Ninaran teaches woodcraft and survival- however the group has not returned and the light is beginning to fade.

The Knights are called to action again.

And soon are heading in the direction of Winterhaven's graveyard, that's where Ninaran's trail goes.

Night draws in as the brave heroes approach the boneyard, and out of the woods either side of the crude track, and from the paupers' graves, come a squadron of Zombie Rotters, lead by a Zombie Maw, a great gulping fanged creature. The Knights are soon in the thick of it.

The Rotters prove to be merely a distraction, a few scratches here and there, but the Knights cut through the shambling tide, make their way to the Zombie Maw and slay the creature easily.

[DM Interlude Encounter #41 [1143 XP = Level 5] Zombie Rotter x22 (Level 4 Minions) & Zombie Maw (Level 4 Controller). Good to look at- all those Zombies, but ineffectual as far as putting paid to the Knights goes.]


Fish in a barrel time.

The Knights are in a rush now, they smash their way into the graveyard, but not before Cathal and Farkill set right the shrine to Avandra on the outside of the place, recently desecrated it seems.

Lucan is sent skittering into the shadow to check the place out, he doesn't report back. Having discovered the approach to the central shrine deserted, he spies Ninaran within. She has her bow ready, set to attack the approaching Knights, who are shambling forward in search of their scout.

He decides to play the hero, and springs the trap. Creeping as close as he can to the ruined shrine in which Ninaran cowers- he attacks, and then screams as loud as he can- the rest of the Knights come running. At the same time a dozen skeletons spring in to unlife, clearly from their garb, the missing youth of Fallcrest- killed and animated in some dark ritual, worse still a pair of Gravehound Zombies rush to meet the advancing Knights.

Once again the Decrepit Skeletons prove to be merely a distraction, they inflict a little damage but it's mostly superficial.

The Gravehounds have a greater degree of success, the Knights' advance is stopped in its tracks when Astaroth and Cathal are both dragged prone by the beasts, and bitten badly- the other Knights redouble their efforts to break through, which just leaves Lucan alone to battle Ninaran.

The Rogue versus the Ranger proves to be a war of attrition, the Ranger is hindered as she cannot use her bow, the Rogue cannot get the combat advantage he needs to do significant damage to the beautiful elf. The pair exchange barbed comments in the heat of the battle, culminating in Lucan bloodying Ninaran and demanding she 'cease her foreplay and get down to business.'

Ninaran flees through a hole in the rear of the ruined shrine and ducks into the dense woods, Lucan loses sight of her instantly.

Outside the Knights eventually make mincemeat of the Undead there, Farkill at last pulls out his Holy Symbol and chooses to turn, and in the process immobilise, the Gravehounds, thereafter it's a cinch.

[DM Interlude Encounter #42 [922 XP = Level 4] Skeleton Decrepit x12 (Level 2 Minions); Zombie Gravehound x2 (Level 4 Brute) & Ninaran (Level 5 Artillery)]


Dead Rover.

[DM Interlude- Ignaran now has enough XP to advance to 4th level after an extended rest.]

The graveyard is thoroughly searched, the remains of a ritual circle are found - the source of the negative energy that just recently turned twelve members of Winterhaven's youth into sword and bow wielding Skeletons. The circle is destroyed, there's little else in the way of clues- the Knights head out of the graveyard and into the dense woods behind, stumbling through the bramble in an attempt to follow the Elf's trail.

Eventually they find the way, and an hour or so later are approaching Ninaran's hidden cabin, which is now no longer hidden.

The Knights scope out the place, there seems to be movement within, Lucan with his eagle eyes spots twitching curtains. Lucan tries again- he heads off to scout the place, this time with Ignaran in tow.

With the same result- the pair disappear from sight and fail to reappear, eventually the rest of the Knights take it on themselves to advance on the Guardian Drake which patrols the cabin's front door.

They attack swiftly- at a charge. However, at the same time, Ninaran appears at a window and opens fire, also a pair of Shadow Wolves emerge, previously unseen, from the dense forest behind the Knights, and take to snapping at their heels and soft underbellies.

The fight stalls.

Or at least it does at the front of the cabin.

Ignaran and Lucan have other plans- while Ignaran contends with the Guardian Drake at the rear of the building Lucan dashes inside the cabin, and confronts Ninaran.

And a pair of Shadow Hounds which pop into existence the moment he arrives.

Lucan smashes back out of the closest window, having swiftly calculated the odds, at the same moment Cathal, Astaroth and Farkill eventually put an end to the foes they are battling at the front of the cabin- Cathal wrenches open the door just in time for Ninaran to redirect her Shadow Hounds at him.

The Knights retreat a little and the fight spills out of the cabin, leaving Ninaran once again alone within her home.

She takes up her bow once more, grins again, as she spies Astaroth and Cathal, already bloodied being hounded by her shadowy pets. She further complicates matters when she sinks a critical hit into Farkill's chest- the Dwarven Priest of Moradin is almost down.

It's in the balance.

That is, until Lucan picks another window, and launches himself back into the cabin-

“Lady, we meet again.”

Ninaran screams, Lucan pulls out his daily and knocks Ninaran unconscious in a moment.

[DM Interlude- apologies in advance for this bit, it's incredibly crude and I only mention it because it's what happened.]

Look away now.

Lucan teabags Ninaran.

There it's over- you can look back.

Phew, close one.

[DM Interlude- you could have heard a pin drop in the silence that followed Jack's (Lucan), “I teabag her.” He's a very naughty boy.]

The fracas draws to a close outside, Ignaran has only just managed to best the Guardian Drake at the rear of the cabin- the Knights gather within to witness Lucan rearranging himself, and Ninaran coming round with a terrible taste in her mouth.

[DM Interlude Encounter #43 [1300 XP = Level 6] Guardian Drake x2 (Level 3 Brutes); Shadow Wolf x2 (Level 4 Lurkers), Shadow Hound x3 (Level 3 Lurkers) & Ninaran (Level 5 Artillery)

[DM Interlude- Astaroth is now an extended rest away from 4th level.]


If you go down to the woods today...

The beautiful Elf is hog-tied, further evidence of her deception is discovered, a brief love note, not reproduced here (I can't find the text) from Kalarel to 'his dark lady Ninaran' warning her to be wary of a group of adventurers calling themselves the Friday Knights. Clearly the communication is good on the dark side, alternatively the Knights marketing department are earning their corn.

Either way the cabin is searched, a few valuables found and looted, and Ninaran is dragged back to Winterhaven to explain the deaths of the youths of Winterhaven.

There's much wailing and gnashing of teeth, Lord Padraig and Rond's guards work hard to prevent the lynching...

The Knights retire for the night, bed down, half the heroes they were earlier, and by the populace mostly forgotten.

There endeth the 13th actual session of play, between them this session the Knights have amassed a total of 8145 XP.

Until next time...


No problems Richard, thanks for reading.

For the best way to read this thread then go to- Thread Tools and 'Show Printable Version', all you have to do is click on the links for the images.

The Friday Knights

Session 14- Return to Fallcrest.

Still in Winterhaven the Knights take a last meeting with Valthrun the odd Sage, he has discovered a little more about Thunderspire Labyrinth - the fact that the Minotaur stronghold there was seemingly destroyed in some unexplained violent confrontation over a century ago. Valthrun hints that the Labyrinth is home to all manner of less than savoury races, a chance it seems for the Underdark's inhabitants to scratch the surface of the Nentir Vale, clearly it's a dangerous place.

Valthrun also sets the Knights a task, to return to him with details of what occurred there, how the Minotaur civilisation was defeated, he will pay for evidence and information.

And with that the Knights leave a subdued Winterhaven, en route for Fallcrest and their homes.

An uneventful two day journey sees the Knights back in the city, the roads are becoming safer it seems, thanks to the Knights' efforts.

In the city they are welcomed back with open arms by the inhabitants of the Blue Moon Alehouse. Kamara the Halfling Brew Mistress has a spot by the fire reserved for the Knights, after all they did save the place in the Bloodreaver Goblin attack, and then straight after from burning down- they're given free board.

Meetings are arranged, the first of which is with The Goose, self-styled information broker, and latterly assuming the role of the Knights' Manager. He has big plans for the Knights, beyond the merchandising which has already taken a hold of the youth market. He wants to arrange publicity events etc. a chance for the Knights to meet their people...

Which meets with something much less than enthusiasm, except for Lucan who thinks it's a cracking idea and a certain money spinner, 'fleece the bastards' is his actual comment.

The Goose is dismissed unceremoniously, Cathal, a little morose after the unhappy conclusion of the Knights' venture into the Keep on the Shadowfell, gets the message across by driving The Goose out of the Inn- sword drawn.

Lucan agrees to meet up with the information broker at a later date to finalise the programme of events, and promises to 'think outside of the box', and indeed to, 'push the envelope'; both phrases that The Goose is fond of misapplying.

And then there were four.

Later on the same day, awaiting the arrival of Eoffram Troyas, the Fallcrest Councillor who set them on the path to defeat Kalarel, Astaroth makes his speech, his farewell speech-

“Astaroth go now. Live with Lady Constance, no more fighting. Astaroth no more Knight. Astaroth genkleman...”

And so that's the last the Knights see of the man-mountain, he's given up the adventuring life, and for what- for love, the big soft lummox.

Moments later Astaroth has collected his gear and climbed into the waiting liveried carriage outside, and from there to Lady Constance's estate to become a kept man.

[DM Interlude- Akshay who plays Astaroth is unhappy, for some unknown reason, with Astaroth- now 4th level Human Fighter, I wonder what crazy changes are in store...]

The Knights sup their small beers and bemoan their lot in life, at least for a little while.

A short time later a short Dwarf with a short name- Rock; who has been working the last few weeks as a bouncer at the Blue Moon Inn finally works up the courage to make his short speech.

“I'm Rock. I hit things. Hit hard.”

For emphasis he punches his fist into the palm of his hand.

“And...” Cathal asks.
“Can I join the Knights?”

He's a Dwarf, so he's guaranteed Farkill's vote, he's a tough meat-shield so he gets Ignaran's vote, he's an idiot so he gets Lucan's vote.

Cathal asks lots of questions and gets straight uncomplicated answers- Rock's mother and father are prospectors, they have a small low-grade tin mine, it doesn't produce enough however to make much money, thus he is looking to adventure so he can send money home, and to make his fortune.

Cathal notes Rock's nervousness, he pumps the Dwarf for more information, it turns out the whole truth is Rock is a little clumsy, not really suited for mining work, things tend to fall down when he's around, such is his lack of skill. His parents will be glad to see the back of him, he mutters.

“Welcome aboard.” Cathal proffers his hand.

[DM Interlude- yes, what a change, Akshay has swapped out his 4th level Human Fighter for a 2nd level Dwarven Fighter... Go figure?]

[DM Interlude- after the role-play etc. Farkill has enough XP to train up to level 3.]

And so...

In play this week we have-
Cathal, Human Fighter Level 4
Farkill, Dwarven Cleric of Moradin Level 3
Ignaran, Human Druid Level 4
Lucan, Elven Rogue Level 3
Rock, Dwarven Fighter Level 2

An hour or so later the Knights meet up with Eoffram Troyas and tell their tale. He listens intently and then takes possession of the Rod of Ruin, the Knights are paid what they are owed- including funds from Nimozaran for Douven Staul's safe return; and money from the churches seeking the end of the death cult in Winterhaven. The Knights are loaded.

An early night for all, a day shopping in the city is planned for tomorrow, another meeting with Eoffram who will have fresh instructions next evening, and then the next day- onto Thunderspire, to rescue the slaves, that's the plan at least.

The next day is spent shopping and relaxing, the Knights spend their hard won treasure on upgrading their equipment, replacing items lost or used.

A pleasant meal is arranged for the evening, and soon after cancelled- their rest day is disturbed, Eoffram is back early.

It seems the Knights are being diverted, Thunderspire is on hold for a few days, Eoffram spills the beans- an amulet has been stolen and then recovered, not just any old amulet it seems. The amulet was buried with a woman called Dugesia Dev'shir- grave goods. The amulet was recovered, as stated, bought for a tidy sum from a pawnbroker called Oskar. The issue, then, is who stole the amulet, what else did they get away with from the Dev'shir Family Tomb, and why was it robbed.

“What the hells do we care?”

Cathal is furious, it seems he's not taken with this new information, this change of direction- the lives of the captured citizens of Fallcrest and Winterhaven are at stake.

Eoffram interrupts, Dugesia Dev'Shir has a sister, her name is Elam- she married a dozen years ago, her married name is Markelhay, her full title now is Lady Markelhay of Fallcrest.

It seems the rulers of Fallcrest are pulling the strings, Cathal is still unhappy, however he softens his position when he is told of the rewards that are in store should the Knights get to the bottom of this problem. It seems money can dull the pain of even the hard bitten warrior of Kord.

Eventually he is persuaded, the Knights will take the job, complete the task in double quick time and then head off straight after for Thunderspire.

Eoffram agrees and states he will do everything he can to aid them in their task, he further informs the Knights that discretion is the order of the day, no one is to know of Lady Markelhay's connection. He further states that the Dev'Shir tomb has been placed under watch but as of yet has not been investigated- the Knights are the only ones that will be allowed in to the place.

And so the adventure begins again...

[DM Interlude- and so begins the Knight's third adventure Goodman Games Dungeon Crawl Classic DC56 Scions of Punjar, only for Punjar read Fallcrest.]

There's no time like the present, the Knights gather their stuff and head out into the fading light in search of Oskar's Pawnshop, which proves easy to find in the alleys off Fallcrest Docks.

Oskar, a greasy thug, proves to be... surprisingly helpful, his shop full of all manner of interesting junk is studiously ignored- the Knights cut to the chase- 'who did you buy the Amulet from?” Rock states and smashes his axe into the counter.

Cathal smooths over the violence with his honeyed words and in seconds flat he and Rock are in good cop/bad cop mode. The conversation is helped a little when Ignaran offers a bag of money for the information they need.

Wembley, Oskar's bloodthirsty Dire Stirge pet remains in his cage, Oskar- all smiles, gives over the name of the thief without further ado-

“Latimer, his name's Latimer, a huge ugly Half-Orc, you can find him at the Famished Froghemoth at around midnight most every night.”


Oskar the Pawnbroker tells the Knights what they need to know without taking a beating, a first.

The Froghemoth is a spit-and-sawdust style drinking den just off the docks, a place rough types frequent- the Knights decide to head there later in the hope of meeting up with Latimer. For now though there's the Dev'shir Family Tomb to check out.

The Knights make their way across the city to the Tombs, and are there met by, who else... Sgt. Murgeddin, the Dwarven Watchman, and their usual liaison.

The way is clear for the Knights to enter, no one has been in, no one has come out.

The elaborate doors to the Tomb prove to be both Arcane Locked and trapped, this however serves to only slow the Knights down for a moment- Lucan, with a little help from Ignaran and Farkill, soon gets the great stone portals safely open.

Torches are lit and the Knights enter in- the first chamber is magnificent, although it bears signs of people passing, the massive hall within is 40 feet wide and stretches for at least 70 feet. The ceiling is some 30 feet overhead, and soft light emanates from several globes suspended from chains. The floor is smooth grey tile, polished to a glistening shine. In front of the doors is a stone basin, perhaps 15 feet in diameter, with a low stone wall. A 10-foot-high statute of an ageing, sage-like scholar occupies the centre of the basin. A book is tucked under one of the statue’s arms, and a sundial is cradled in one outstretched palm. A thin stream of water issues forth from the statue’s palm, cascading into the shallow reaches of the basin.

Beyond the fountain is a plain stone altar. A pair of stone doors is situated on the east and west walls, across from the altar. Behind the altar, centred on the north wall, is a set of double stone doors. The north wall appears to be an elaborate mural of a many-branched tree- which is also duly ignored.

The Knights, lead by Cathal, are in a rush to finish up here, perhaps not the best tactic employed in an investigation.

Soon after the door committee- Lucan, Ignaran & Farkill - are hard at work, tested again by the Arcane Lock and trap on the next set of double doors.


Their results are in- Fail, glyphs on the door swim before their eyes and then explode, at the same time a pair of doors to the north clatter open and a host of Undead warriors spill out.

Eight Decrepit Skeletons put up little in the way of a fight, and are cut through easily. The half-dozen Skeleton Warriors prove however to be much more adept, Farkill's Holy Symbol is waved about frantically and is just enough to hold the horde at bay. It also helps that the horde are bottle-necked in the doorway to the chamber, limited in their ability to move into and around the Knights.

Eventually the Knights get the job done, hacking, smashing and slashing their way through the boney warriors- reducing them to shards of their former selves.

The chamber discovered is a single desecrated wing of the Tomb, the ex-inhabitants the former corpses of the high-born Dev'shir family, now turned to the dark-side and bent on the destruction of the living- for which read the Friday Knights.

There's little of value here, besides Cathal is cracking the whip- no time to mess about, the Knights head on.


Tomb it may concern.

[DM Interlude Encounter #44 [1500 XP = Level 7] Trap Glyph (Level 5 Elite Ward); Skeleton Decrepit x8 (Level 1 Minions) & Skeleton Warrior x6 (Level 3 Soldiers)]

Closer investigation of the east wall reveals that the once sealed stone doors are carved like the gnarled trunk of a massive tree. Its branches extend to the left and right, covering most of the 40-foot-wide wall. Situated in the branches of the tree are small bricks bearing engraved names. There must be over one hundred of the bricks, with room for scores more. The entire thing is an elaborate Dev'shir family tree.

Ignaran and the others investigate, it seems that two of the bricks have been tampered with- it's a small matter to remove the bricks, each bearing the name of a family member, from the wall- they sit in snug niches.

The disturbed bricks bear no names, whereas all the other bricks bear names of deceased family members- odd.

Lucan manages to free one of the unmarked bricks- there's a folded piece of paper in the niche beyond- the young Elven Rogue investigates further and discovers... nothing. There's nothing written on the paper, although, Lucan looks at his hands, they're red raw and have a glistening tint, then the poison hits.

At the same time Ignaran fails to correctly remove the second unmarked brick, another glyph erupts, ice and freezing cold pulses out from the wall and engulfs the Knights, immobilising the Druid and Farkill, the Dwarven Priest of Moradin.

The doors to the south grind open and guess what... a second horde of Undead tramp out to mix it up with the Friday Knights.

This time the enemies contain no minions, however the Knights tactics remain the same and no matter how much pushing and jostling the shambling undead attempt, the Knights hold firm, create a space around the door and allow only a few undead to filter out each turn.

There's nothing to upset the Knights plan, none of the undead have ranged weapons, it takes a good while however, particularly as the Knights are content to hold the line- Cathal barking orders to ensure that none of the Knights break rank- they are therefore reduced to waiting for either the Skeleton Warriors or the Zombie Brutes to emerge, and then braining them.

It works a treat.

At the end of it all the Knights have barely a scratch on them, while the undead, more ex-Dev'shir family members, are completely destroyed.



[DM Interlude Encounter #45 [2150 XP = Level 8] Zombie x6 (Level 2 Brute); Skeleton Warrior x8 (Level 3 Soldier) & Skeleton Boneshard (Level 5 Brute). There's something beautiful when the players figure the tactics just right, and then have the good sense not to mess with a winning formula, in all honesty I don't mind the loss of my precious monsters- only mindless undead afterall.]

The undead taken care of, the second unmarked brick and its niche are examined- more nothing. The Knights get their collective thinking caps on-

“The two missing names- they must be Lady Markelhay's sisters or brothers.” Ignaran states to nods.

“And one of them will be behind all this.” Cathal concludes.

The Knights think about this a for while- Farkill has a problem-

“Aren't they dead- if the bricks are in the wall that means they're dead... Right?”

They think about things some more, until their heads hurt.

Lucan breaks up the meeting, he pushes open the door to the east, a thin corridor heads in, on either side are undisturbed tombs- obviously the last resting places of well off members of the Dev'shir family. Torchlight shines in, illuminates the way.

“One of them has been opened.” Lucan states and turns to look at his companions, he's met by shrugs and glares, except for Cathal who merely motions the young Elven Rogue to go forward.

Lucan gulps and then complies.

Looking back he could have sworn he saw movement, must have been a trick of the light- he heads in.

And there endeth the 14th session of the Friday Knights, between them the players have accumulated 8109 XP.
Last edited:


The Friday Knights, Scions of Fallcrest (with Pics)

The Friday Knights

Session 15- The Scions of Fallcrest Part 2 In search of the Crimson Hand.

And so in double-quick time the Knights intend to find out who has been stealing things from the Dev'shir family tomb, a little unhappy that they have been waylaid by this task- prevented from heading straight back out of Fallcrest in pursuit of the good citizens of the Vale that have been sold into slavery by the Bloodreavers.

Lucan leads the Knights into the final chamber, one of the tombs ahead seems to have been broken open.

In play this week we have the same players as last week-
Cathal, Human Fighter Level 4
Farkill, Dwarven Cleric of Moradin Level 3
Ignaran, Human Druid Level 4
Lucan, Elven Rogue Level 3
Rock, Dwarven Fighter Level 2

It seems someone, singular, has been here recently, a lone set of booted tracks disturb the dust, otherwise the place has lain empty for years.

Lucan makes his way cautiously forward, a tomb on the southern wall has been smashed open, and recently, the tracks end here- he can make out the name on the tomb- Dugesia Dev'shir, he files away this information for later use. Within the cramped chamber of the tomb all is chaos- the broken body of a once beautiful woman lies bent and abused on the floor- long dead but only recently attacked it seems- strange, who would want to attack a corpse?

Unseen by Lucan and the other Knights, a little way further down the unlit corridor, one half of a marked brick, like the ones in the Dev'shir family tree encountered earlier, rises, seemingly unaided, into the air.

Then violently hurtles forward and smashes into the side of young Lucan's skull- the blood pours as the Elf screams and darts back out of the tomb, only to be confronted by the screaming spectral figure of a once beautiful young woman.


The ghost screams, howls and rages- the horrifying sound leaves all of the Knights covering their ears, trying vainly to block out the terrifying sound, they're dazed and struggling to comprehend what is happening.

All save one.

Lucan looks up at the once beautiful woman, and whispers “Dugesia?” he accompanies the plea with his best doe-eyed expression.

Which brings the action to a sudden stand still.

It goes quiet.

The once ferocious ghost looks betrayed, or else becalmed, unsure of who the beautiful Elf addressing her is.

“Sir Knight?” she tentatively enquires of Lucan.

All eyes are on the Elven Rogue, who rises to his full height, about five foot six, puffs his chest out and begins his spiel.

“I am Sir Lucan the Brave, Holy Paladin of...” Lucan casts around trying to summon the name of a benevolent deity to mind, “... Erathis?” he offers.

The ghost of Dugesia Dev'shir, for it is she, bows.

“Fear not beautiful maiden for I have come to revenge your loss, to seek out and destroy the evil miscreants that have fouled your final resting place.” Lucan adds and half-heartedly salutes, sort of.

[DM Interlude- Lucan rolls something ridiculous like 34 for his Bluff check, damn him.]


Lucan, not even the dead are safe from his charms.

[DM Interlude Encounter #46 [700 XP = Level 1] Dugesia Dev'Shir, Tormented Ghost (Level 8 Elite Controller)]

“Oh Sir Lucan- me? Beautiful?” The Ghost of Dugesia Dev'shir goes all weak at her spectral knees.

Lucan turns back to look at the other Knights, winks at Cathal who is bristling with rage, and indicates that they should leave the room, he wants to be alone with his new 'special' lady.

Thirty minutes later Lucan reappears, he looks to have very faded lipstick smears on his face.

“Well that was interesting!” he declares and applies a wonky grin to his physog.

His kiss-and-tell story goes a little like this- the tomb was raided about three days ago, the robbers broke into the first chamber it seems, took a few items from here and there and then broke into the side tombs. The tomb robbers were lead by a woman. Dugesia, the Ghost, heard her giving orders- the woman then broke into her tomb and, seemingly enraged, smashed up the place- hence her body lying bent and busted on the floor.

The woman was very angry about something, then she and the other tomb robbers left, although before they left she heard them say something about the 'Crimson Hand'.

Some time later Dugesia realised that she was no longer trapped within her broken body, she was a ghost, returned to haunt this place- to ensure that the tomb robbers, and in particular the cruel woman, were punished for their treachery.

Lucan finally adds that Dugesia Dev'shir told him she is indeed the sister of Elam (Lady Markelhay) and Lacki Dev'shir. The latter, the older sister of Elam and Dugesia, having died many years ago of a wasting disease.

“So we're looking for Lacki then?” Cathal surmises.
“I figure.” Lucan nods and then throws over the two halves of one of the missing bricks from the family tree- it's marked with the name Dugesia Dev'shir of course.
“Which means we're just missing the one with Lacki Dev'shir written on it?” Ignaran concludes.

[DM Interlude- bloody hackneyed plots, you could write them on the back of a postage stamp.]

The Knights form up ready to head off, next step the Famished Froghemoth. As they're about to leave the spirit of Dugesia Dev'shir reappears, buttoning up her blouse, and bearing the same wonky grin Lucan is toting.

“Farewell Lord Lucan. I wish you well brave sir Knight, you and your men; and your pet Dwarves of course- Rollo and Fatty. Hurry back, I'm dying to see you again.”

She waves the Knights off.

And winks at Lucan.

Lucan looks a little sheepish and files out, the other Knights wait till they're a good distance away before expressing their disgust and/or admiration.

[DMs Interlude- after some excellent role-playing Lucan now has enough XP to advance to Level 4, after a (much needed) extended rest that is.]

Next stop the Famished Froghemoth, or so you'd think- however the time is not yet right for the Knights to head to the pub, Cathal has other plans.

He and Ignaran head off to the Civic Hall, in the hope they can wake a clerk or two and get into the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages.

Rock and Farkill, still bristling from Lucan's previous insult, are sent back to visit Oskar the Pawnbroker- the question that needs answering is 'who or what is or are the Crimson Hand?'

Lucan volunteers to stay with Dugesia Dev'shir- pump her for more information.

And so it goes.

The Friday Knights meet up in two hours later to share their findings- Lacki Dev'shir it seems is really dead, at least that's what the register says, she died a dozen years ago although the records are a little confused. It seems the wayward Dev'shir sister spent much of her adult life in a secure mental institution, this after attacking and killing a servant of the household- she was known to have a blistering temper. Regardless, she's dead, that is unless the records have been falsified- now who would do such a thing?

The Dwarves, Rock and Farkill, have no problems with Oskar the Pawnbroker, he's very pliant now and eager to help- particularly when Rock gets his axe out again. The Crimson Hand it seems are a local gang of ne'er-do-wells. Latimer, the tomb robber who sold the amulet to Oskar, is a low ranking member of the organisation.

Inevitably the conversation at the Pawnbroker's circles a while-

“Why didn't you tell us this?” Rock asks.
“You didn't ask.” Oskar responds.
Repeat and rinse.

[DMs Interlude- after some excellent role-playing Rock also has enough XP to advance to Level 3, likewise after an extended rest.]

Lucan, back from visiting with Dugesia, has no new information to offer, although the wonky smile is back.

The Knights head for the Froghemoth and venture in. The place is a dive, packed with a variety of Fallcrest's nastier specimens, foremost of which is Gwaldys Protheroe, one of the nastiest Halfling's, scratch that- the nastiest Halfling inhabitant of Fallcrest. A known gang land boss, she's playing cards- and winning, with a number of cowed crooks.

Lucan makes a bee-line for her table, and on-form, begins to make an arse of himself and in the process prevent the bad-tempered Halfling from winning any further hands.

[DM Interlude- Lucan is a somnambulist adrenalin junky; one word answers or grunts, belligerence in abundance, the morals of a... no, nothing springs to mind- when he doesn't have to move he doesn't move, in combat at times he becomes one with the furnishings. And then danger comes along, his little eyes light up, particularly at the thought of annoying someone else, preferably Cathal, and off he goes.]

Latimer, the Half-Orc tomb robber, is in the Inn, and already drunk, it seems he's bent on spending all of his ill-gotten loot as quickly as possible. Soon enough Rock and Farkill are on the scene and helping him waste his gold.

The other Knights scope the place and ready themselves for trouble.

Once again the Knights and their silver-tongues hold sway, Latimer- now in his cups, and a little maudlin; is made to see the error of his wanton ways, through jagged crocodile tears he tells his story, or at least a little of it- however he's interrupted mid-flow, almost fatally.

As is Lucan and Gwladys, who are about to go head to head, the Halfling gang leader having finally run out of patience with the Elven Rogue.

The interruption takes the form of a cowled Tiefling who enters the bar flanked by two muscle-bound no-necked Human Thugs.

“Slayer business- leave now or die- we've come for him.” The Tiefling points at Latimer who spills the last of his pint and then empties his bladder.

Who are the Slayers you ask?

Actually it's Rock that asks.

“Assassins.” Lucan whispers, even he looks a little worried- Gwladys and her cronies depart, clearly indicating that she and Lucan will meet again some not so sunny day, and things will not go so well for the Elven Rogue at their next meeting.

The other revellers within the bar make their escape, even Marsupial Joe, the Inn owner, heads into the back room and locks the door.

Which just leaves the three Slayers, the Knights and Latimer.

“I wont tell you again.” Traenor, the Tiefling Slayer states, and glares at each of the Knights in turn.
“You just did.” Cathal answers back and draws his longsword.

No guesses what happens next.

The Slayer Thugs are straight into the fray, this after loosing a volley from their hand crossbows, which they then discard. The pair are flailing wildly with their greatswords, and connecting more often than not.

Traenor is a different proposition altogether, he's a Warlock- Cathal is swiftly cursed, then Eldritch Blasted. The Slayer follows up with all manner of foul incantations, including his Crown of Thorns which as well as bloodying the Warrior of Kord also clouds his mind and judgement- Cathal slashes furiously and injures Rock.

Then, of course, just as Cathal regains his senses and closes in, the Tiefling teleports away and becomes invisible.

In the meantime the Slayer Thugs continue to soak up the damage, however when Traenor reappears again, all of the Knights turn to face the Slayer- Cathal's orders, disregarding for a moment the Thugs entirely, and unleash whatever they've got left in their armoury. The Knights figure this is the last confrontation for this evening- the dailies are spent.

In double-quick time Traenor is taken down, courtesy of Cathal and Rock's joint Villain's Menace, And Lucan with his Positioning Strike; the others weigh in but are less effective.

It's soon over.

Only a curse for the living as Treanor and his Thugs are bested.

“I'll get you... see if I... aaaagggghhhhhh.”

The Inn returns to silence, save Latimer hiccuping and being sick in the corner, his nerve has finally gone.

The Half-Orc Rogue eventually finishes his confession, he and several other Crimson Hand members were ordered to break into the Dev'shir Tomb by his boss Haledon, even now the Crimson Hand are ensconced in an abandoned Iron Mine a little more than two miles north west of Fallcrest.


This one will Slay you.

[DM Interlude Encounter #47 [950 XP = Level 4] Slayer Thug x2 (Level 4 Brutes) & Traenor, Tiefling Warlock Assassin (Level 7 Elite Skirmisher)]

The Knights, or at least the Dwarven contingent, spy an opportunity, hop over the bar and settle themselves beneath the beer taps- take it in turns to open the flow. In the meantime the pair continue to make as much noise as they can in order to prevent Marsupial Joe from thinking about re-entering the bar, and in doing so extend their period of free boozing.

And when Marsupial Joe does return-

“A Slayer... You've killed a Slayer. In my bar... A Slayer!”

He's not happy.

Lucan explains that the Knights may have just dashed their chances of getting on the Slayers Erathismass card list- they're not going to be very popular.

“Kord will not be stopped- we are here to fight crime!” Cathal declares, to beery cheers and hiccups.

Eventually the Knights head home (singing), or at least back to the Blue Moon Alehouse, their home from home. There they meet up with Eoffram Troyas, councillor of Fallcrest, and explain all that has gone on.

Eoffram is excited at the prospect of finding the Thief, this Crimson Hand gang, so excited is he that he doubles the reward to 1,500 gold coins for each of the Knights should they prove successful in bringing them to justice.

He further confirms that Lady Markelhay does indeed, or rather did indeed, have two sisters- Dugesia who died in a fire, and Lacki who was taken by madness and killed herself, all but a prisoner in a far off sanatorium- so not a wasting disease as Dugesia told them.

The Knights retire for the night, wake early, take breakfast and then march straight out of Fallcrest- about two miles north west of the city, following a map that Latimer supplied them with. That is before the Half-Orc borrowed some money from the Knights and went to the docks in search of the first boat out of Fallcrest. The Slayers are known for their persistence.

A short steep-sloped valley lies before them, Lucan is sent forward a way- hidden in the lee of the cliffs he spies out the enemies position. He returns to the Knights and tells them that there is a tree house, or at least a platform, in the tree to the left with guards in it.

The Knights settle upon a plan- they charge straight towards the tree with the platform in it, pull up short and unleash all manner of ranged fury at its inhabitants, not much of a plan admittedly, but it works.

In the tree there are three Crimson Hand members, two Human Bandits, one of whom is quickly killed, the other doesn't last much longer, and Selvin, the Elven Ranger. He holds the fort and fires down upon the Knights, who don't have it all their own way.

Rushing out from the tree on the opposite side of the valley comes Bork, yelling all manner of indecorous threats to a personage, he's a spear wielding Human Warrior; alas the furious fellow is cut down by Cathal and Rock before he even has the chance to land a blow.

Selvin screams his surrender, and under instruction makes his way down from the tree platform, he spills the beans- the Crimson Hand are indeed within the mine complex, the entrance is trapped, a little- and other than numbers- maybe two dozen, there's little else he can tell.

The Elf is kicked and tied and wedged behind one of the trees to contemplate where he went wrong in life. 'Getting caught by the Friday Knights' is his first thought.


The Crimson Hand gets bloody.

[DM Interlude Encounter #48 [600 XP = Level 1] Human Bandit x2 (Level 2 Skirmishers); Bork, Human Warrior (Level 4 Brute) & Selvin, Elven Archer (Level 4 Artillery)]

The Knights then get a little creative, the platform up in the tree is wrenched down to the ground, shaped a little- with axes; into a sort of large wooden shield. Selvin having previously warned them that there is a crossbow trap within the mine entrance.

The Knights head on and enter a cave which is dark and dry, with a dusty, rubble-strewn floor. The walls are rough hewn, with roots hanging from the ceiling like tendrils. The corridor ends at a t-intersection with passages leading to the east and west.

Lucan scouts a little to the west, hears noises and moves a little further in- there seems to be some sort of blockage in the passage, scratch blockage- make it blockade; behind which are a gang of crossbow wielding Orcs, they seem to be on alert, funny that.

The Elven Rogue scuttles back and informs his friends of his find.

A moment or two later the Orcs can't believe their eyes, there seems to be a large wooden wall jogging towards them, they wonder what manner of strange creature it is- they hope it will prove to be friendly.

It turns out, of course, to be Cathal and Rock holding what remains of the wooden platform before them, the pair crash into and through the blockade, spill their large improvised shield and trample over it and into the fray. The Orcs are in disarray very quickly.


Choo-choo, here comes the Knight train.

Tizer, an Orcish Cleric spots the danger, his Chaos Hammer explodes with fury and smashes both of the front rank to the ground- Rock and Cathal stumble to their knees- exposing the rear rank to the Orc Bandits, who unleash a volley of crossbow bolts- all of which miss.

The action slows right down, the standing Knights check themselves all over, searching for leaks to plug- and yet... find none- not a scratch.

Hell comes early this year for the Orcs, Cathal and Rock are back on their feet and Tizer is soon after down, the Bandits take a little while longer- two of them even try to flee but there's nowhere for them to go except back down the entrance passage- and that's where the Knights are.

The dust settles on dead Orcs.

[DM Interlude Encounter #49 [800 XP = Level 3] Orc Bandit x4 (Level 3 Skirmishers) & Tizer, Orc Cleric (Level 5 Controller). Don't worry that these are easy encounters, I'm building slowly.]

The Orcs are searched, the room is scoured, and sure enough a secret door is found. Meanwhile Lucan and Ignaran head back down the passage to the entrance to the mine, instead they take the eastern spur, cautiously follow it a little way, spot the crossbow trap, which Lucan - with a little help from the Druid - disarms.

Back in the Orc guard chamber the Knights reassemble, gather their kit, and prise open the secret door, another darkened passage sloping upwards lies beyond- heading north, there's a pair of heavy metal rails, the kind that you find in mines.

“Shhh!” Lucan announces, grins, and then disappears into the black.

And that concludes the fifteenth session of play, with 7841 XP to share between the players.


The Friday Knights in Scions of Fallcrest (with Pics)

The Friday Knights

Session 16- The Scions of Fallcrest Part 3 Shaking the Crimson Hand.

In play this week we have-
Cathal, Human Fighter Level 4
Farkill, Dwarven Cleric of Moradin Level 3
Lucan, Elven Rogue Level 3 (Level 4 after an Extended Rest)
Rock, Dwarven Fighter Level 2 (Level 3 after an Extended Rest)

Ignaran is missing, presumed still at work.

It's a one-man show, Lucan heads up the sloping passage, spots the mine cart poised at the top ready to be let loose, to send crashing down into the Knights. His instincts take over, he wedges a pair of 'spare' daggers into the front wheels of the cart- that should severely slow its progress.

He then creeps around the cart to get a good look at the two shoddily dressed individuals on the other side.

Alas he is spotted.

Actually he gets spotted when he rams his dagger into the spine of Kaz'Gar the Human Ranger, at which point the now crippled Crimson Hand member surrenders- not much of a fight, particularly as the second miscreant, Aneurin, a Human Rogue, runs into the eastern wall, thumps it hard- another secret door opens, and then dashes off screaming into the dark.

Game Over.

Lucan pulls the secret door back shut, he can hear the sounds of more bandits readying themselves for action. He grips tight to Kaz'Gar, puts his blade to the man's throat, and as the remainder of the Knights reach the spot, mutters “speak or die?”


Lucan, MVP.

[DM Interlude Encounter #50 [700 XP = Level 4] Kaz-Gar, Human Ranger (Level 4 Elite Skirmisher) & Aneurin, Human Rogue (Level 4 Elite Skirmisher). Too easy? Or just very well played- Lucan was rolling hot, natural 20 for stealth, and same again for his attack.]

Kaz'Gar burbles the truth- more bad guys waiting for the Knights ahead, probably setting up some sort of ambush, anywhere up to a dozen more Crimson Hand members, the Ranger states.

'No time like the present then.' Cathal grins and kicks open the secret door. It's a patented Friday Knight move- the head long charge into danger. Cathal leads it, Rock's not far behind- Lucan takes care of Kaz'Gar, and by take care I mean... use your imagination- he loots the Ranger's still warm corpse before joining the others for the fracas.

The Knights rush into yet another guard chamber, tables have been hastily overturned and awaiting the Knights arrival is a whole host of bad guys- introductions to follow. First on the agenda however are the swathe of caltrops the charging Knights have just run into.

Damaged and slowed is not enough however- the front line, Cathal and Rock cannot be stopped.

In the Crimson Hand's corner we have- four Human Bandits; Bramm their Lieutenant Leader-type; Borsk a huge Half-Orc Warrior, not overly bright; and Finn and Fenn, Human Mage and Human Warrior- respectively, the last pair are brothers.

Threats are made, missile weapons are flung and fired, and the Knights hop and scatter towards the barricades.

Two of the Human Bandits are killed in the opening exchanges, Bramm, the brave leader of the Bandit squad, legs it.

Lucan, on a roll, spirals out a dagger and catches Finn, the incanting Human Mage, unawares- and another critical; so fond is he of this manoeuvre that he tries it again, and hits again doing enough damage to sink the Mage in a little under six seconds.

[DM Interlude- Action Point (said in a comic/derisory tone). Gah!]

Fenn, brother of Finn, goes mental- leaps the barricade and goes after Lucan, alas (for him) Rock gets in the way- there follows a slugfest- Fenn and the huge Half Orc versus Cathal and Rock, with missile support from both sides.

It's a no-brainer for the Crimson Hand, they get soundly beaten (to death).


Borsk is quite a looker- actually he looks a little like me, your friendly DM, no, honestly- he really does.

[DM Interlude Encounter #51 [1475 XP = Level 8] Human Bandit x4 (Level 2 Skirmishers); Bramm Human Bandit Lieutenant (Level 4 Skirmisher); Finn, Human Mage (Level 5 Artillery); Borsk, Half-Orc Warrior (Level 6 Brute) & Fenn, Human Fighter (Level 4 Elite Brute).]

The Knights rob the dead and then without a moments hesitation, except perhaps a short rest to top up the tank, they press on- the passage leads on into darkness, mumbled cries somewhere ahead- Lucan is sent forward to scout the way.

While he's gone Rock notices something odd about the wall he's leaning on, awaiting Lucan's return, he puts his shoulder against it and heaves. Sure enough, yet another secret door and another dark passage within. He shares his news, the Knights however decide to mark time until Lucan returns- point-man is his job these days, and he does it so well.

[DM Interlude- Bastard.]

Lucan returns forthwith, there are yet more of the Bandits, nothing special- Lucan thinks - awaiting the Knights' approach, in a small bedchamber further down the passage; he thinks he saw the guy who ran from the last fight with them- Bramm.

Rock and Farkill keep an eye on the passage, while Lucan leads Cathal into the newly revealed secret passage, and on into a jumbled storeroom.

Unbeknownst to the two Knights, secreted away high on one wall is a cubby-hole in which sits a baby-faced Gnome twisting a dagger in his hands.

[DM Interlude- I ask for perception checks, as the PCs say they are searching around, Lucan rolls a natural 20, Cathal rolls a 19 plus bonuses.]

Lucan dashes up a stack of crates and is at the cubby-hole in seconds, his blade pressed against Lem, the baby-faced Gnome's, throat.


The villains are getting younger and younger...

Lem comes quietly, actually he's a very temporary member of the Crimson Hand, his actual employer is Gwladys Protheroe, the Halfling Crime Lord that Lucan is so fond of, and vice-versa. The players are not aware of this however, and he's not telling.

[DM Interlude Encounter #52 [600 XP = Level 7] Lem, Gnome (Level ?). Only two PCs in the action here.]

Lem tells the Knights everything they need to know- there are half-a-dozen to a dozen bandits left; a mad Priest who hasn't been seen for days, and the big boss- he's called Haledon, a swordsman of sorts apparently, a bit of a rake- a ladies man. Lucan shakes his head- competition. The whole operation Lem declares is pretty ramshackle, he's fairly certain there must be someone else in control, pulling the strings.

Lem is also polite, and makes suitably crude jokes to lighten the atmosphere. Saving Cathal, everyone likes him - nobody of course seeks to question the fact that he's so keen to tell the Knights exactly what they need to know.

[DM Interlude- one of those moments as a DM you have to sit back and chuckle, my players, unless they read this, will never realise that Lem's job was to make sure the Knights clear out this pit of... competition, what better way than getting a bunch of do-gooders to do your dirty work for you, very clever is Gwladys Protheroe, at least at times.]

Lem is released.

And unharmed.

Made my day.

The Knights head on, further into the lair, slowly building up speed they jog around the corner and into the next chamber packed with flailing low-life Crimson Hand Bandits, and in their usual manner cut them down.

Five more Human Bandits lie dead and Bramm, their erstwhile (fleeing) leader, is captured and beaten a little- he's just not cute like Lem.


Room 6b. Bandits!

[DM Interlude Encounter #53 [800 XP = Level 5] Human Bandit x5 (Level 2 Skirmishers) & Bramm Human Bandit Lieutenant (Level 4 Skirmisher).]

Before the Knights can get really worked up with Bramm, a voice rings out-

“Come fight me, you feebling scumdogs, I am Haledon the Great, master swordsman, wit and raconteur.”
“What's a raconteur?” Rock asks.
“A type of beetle.” Lucan replies.

“He's very confident for the last man standing isn't he?” Cathal observes and scratches an itch.

The Knights forget Bramm, who scuttles off, and instead edge forward in order to get a glimpse of Haledon.

Haledon eventually hoves into sight, he's well dressed, his Chainmail armour is beautifully maintained, his beard neatly trimmed- and suitably rakish, his hair fly-away, his complexion clear- he obviously has a good moisturising regime.

Oh and he wields a Flaming Longsword, seemingly with expertise.

There's a lot of pushing and shoving in the Knights' ranks- no one wants to be at the front.

The Knights and Haledon exchange barbed remarks, artfully-crafted rejoinders, put-downs and bon-mots.


“And so we meet at last...” Haledon begins.
Lucan nudges Rock.
“Shut yer yap!” The Dwarf barks and rumbles forward at full tilt.

And it really doesn't go all the Knights' own way.

[DM Interlude- a smile plays around the DMs lips, he readies his 'mwah-hah-hah.']

First contact and Cathal is hurt badly, although not yet blooded, and Haledon is unscathed. It very quickly descends into a war of attrition, the Knights start hitting but Haledon never misses, and oft times his attacks dish out a chunk of damage.

Farkill is swiftly relegated to back row, serving up the healing and failing repeatedly to land a ranged spell or weapon attack.

[DM Interlude- what edition are we playing again?]

Lucan is not going anywhere near this guy, excellent at scouting but a stranger to danger (or at least this sort of danger), he's content to guard the Priest of Moradin, and fling his daggers for piddling points of damage- a striker shorn of his power.

It happens of course, the Knights win through, but it takes much of everything, and even then Haledon is content to fling down his weapon and surrender, knowing full well that the information he holds, is the prize.

He bargains well, and the Knights are undone, Cathal particularly as he wants to quit Fallcrest as soon as he can and head after the enslaved citizens of the Vale. He's still grumbling about the rich folk bossing him around, that's ex-mercenaries for you.


Haledon, proves a difficult stain to remove.

[DM Interlude Encounter #54 [700 XP = Level 4] Haledon Human Fighter, leader of the Crimson Hand (Level 8 Elite Soldier) With a healthy AC of 25 and other defences to match Haledon proves difficult to shift.]

Haledon eventually agrees to be taken back to Fallcrest and into the custody of the Fallcrest Guard, only then- when he's safe from the Friday Knights, will he reveal the location of the 'foul witch who brewed up this plan.' His opening position was to be paid and then released- he gets knocked down however- with a hammer, and so softens his stance a little.

The Knights agree but decide to take a little time to check out the rest of the Crimson Hand's lair, in search of pretty baubles to satisfy their greed (Lucan).

They quickly locate Latimer the Half-Orc Rogue's old room, and therein some half-finished bottles of Morrain Whisky, one of Rock's favourite tipples, it doesn't last long.

They also find a chest full of valuables and plenty of coin, and a magical shortsword- needless to say they've already confiscated Haledon's sword and armour.

Oh, and a Deathrattle Viper, which launches itself at Rock and has to be battered to a bloody pulp before it lets go. It was in Latimer's dirty laundry, as was the treasure.


Rock – Snake. Snake – Rock, A-ha-ha!

[DM Interlude Encounter #55 [200 XP = Level 1] Deathrattle Viper (Level 5 Brute).]

The Knights continue on... there are other chambers to check out.


The Crimson Hand leave their collective savings lying about for the Knights to collect.

Eventually the Knights end up in another bed chamber, this one holds an altar to some dark god; actually on examination the altar turns out to be dedicated to a Demon Lord called 'Crypticus', a deceitful brute fond of... well, deceit. Go figure!

Farkill swiftly brings his axe into play, soon after the altar is no more, and it is thus that the second chest stuffed with the ill-gotten gains of the Crimson Hand is found, including some Ritual Scrolls. Nice work!

Of the Priest there's no sign.


The altar looks at Farkill funny- you know what happens next.

Haledon is dragged into the chamber, he's now trussed up like an Erathismass Turkey, even he doesn't know where the Priest has gone, he hasn't been seen in days.

A further concerted search of the chamber...

[DM Interlude- they know there's a secret door there, I know there's a secret door there, now someone please tell the dice.]

Eventually Rock, “ah-hah, here it is”, finds it.

The Knights wrench open the heavy stone door and descend a set of well worn stairs into...

And that concludes session 16, the Knights amassed a total of 8908 XP all told, more next time.

'grett stugg' what language is that? What does it mean?

That's what comes of bad typing and not checking posts before you submit them. Obviously I meant to type "great StuG" meaning that your storyhour has an impact like an enormous motorised assault gun ... or ... something. :erm:

Where did I get Clem Statto from?

Actually now I check, I think my memory was conflating "Statto" from the Baddiel & Skinner fantasy football show and Mark "Clem" Clemmit, Radio 5 Live's lower leagues expert - so I have no idea: where did you get him from? :confused:

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