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[Tavern] Tower's Shard '09

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[SBLOCK=OOC]Happy realism... the character have only an average Str can carry a sword that is longer then herself like I would wield a long dagger. :p [/SBLOCK]

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[sblock=OOC]Sorry, I should have put that in my post. Her sword isn't out right now. It's hard to carry that thing around a busy city without taking someone's head off! :p [/sblock]
Darn, and I was hoping she had it out so Shanairra could poke it! ;)[/sblock]

Shanairra blinked a bit at the new arrival, but she seemed not much less garbed than the Half-fey herself, so she did not pay her much mind. She'd likely make a note to say hello later.

"I can search whenever, but I don't have much money or anything... just the clothes on my back, for the most part. Might want to accumulate some more money before we resume our search, Elec."


First Post
Happy realism... the character have only an average Str can carry a sword that is longer then herself like I would wield a long dagger. :p
Just tell yourself it's magic...

Oh and I can throw it as far as you can throw a long dagger too! :p

PS: You know it's really odd to call someone else elec CaBaNa![/SBLOCK]

After Euphie catches sight of the genasi as she looks around, she makes a bee line for him. "Wow, you don't see many of your kind around. Never seen an electric one before." Without asking, she reaches out to touch his 'hair'. The lightning seems attracted to her bracelet, as arcs fly back and forth between his head and it. She giggles lightly. "It tickles." She moves her hand around, letting the lightning follow it. "I like you. My name is Euphie."

Euphie has all her attention on Elec and doesn't seem to have noticed Shanairra at all.


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Elec, is Euphie's sword visible to the other patrons? This will affect any response from Shanairra.
Not to be uncouth, but based on the picture in her character sheet I don't see how - or where - she could hide it.[/sblock]


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elecgraystone; Yeah, I hadn't thought of it, until after the sheet was already made and such... but it is odd! ha ha :D

and as for the little secret, I have a few guess' but my grandmother would tell me to keep them to myself ;)


Elec is, for lack of a better term, shocked! You know what I am?! Well that makes you very interesting, careful, as Euphie reaches out to touch his head Elec gives an involuntary moan, OOH, his embarrassment is obvious and immediate, silver linings gracing his cheeks, pardon, it's been a while since my "hair" has been stroked. the half-elf shaped Genasi bows, Elec-Squall, son of the Kraken, the pleasure is obviously mine. Elec stands again before introducing and then readdressing Shanairra This is Shanairra daughter of Aelar, we are in search of my love. Have you met Shava d'Lyrandar? there is barely a pause as Elec continues conversation, Shanairra and I are looking to drum up some money for our search, have you heard of good work in the area either? Elec smiles, the silver still barely visible on his face as he continues to recover from his embarrassment.


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Euphie giggles. "Of course I do. You see all kinds of things much stranger than your kind when you wander around Xen'Drik. You are the first I've seen that wasn't corrupted though."

Euphie smiles at Elec as he makes introductions and gives a brief wave at Shanairra before returning all her attention to Elec. "Shava from house Lyrandar?" Euphie gets a small frown as it looks like she's thinking. "Sorry, I'm really bad with remembering the names of people I meet. And I've never really had dealings with Lyrandar..." She thinks a bit more then says. "Nope, she doesn't come to mind."

Euphie leans closer to Elec as she starts thinking about playing with his hair again when she hears the word 'work'. "Work? Sorry, I just arrived in Khovaire and all the information I have about that would be about work back home. I was just thinking I need to find a job myself. I spent most of my money on the trip over here, so my purse is a little light right now."


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
A young red headed woman walked into the Shard, she's dress (or one might say barely dressed) in a green blouse and short skirt, she wears tall boots. Amazingly, Slung over her back is a sword as large as she is. She saunters over to the bar.

"Give me a shot of something hard. I'm here to have a good time. What? Oh, Attention Everyone, the 'forged says I gotta tell ya my name. I'm Stasi, and I'm here to have some hard drinks, and some fun. Who's with me?"

She gets her drink and slams it back.


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Euphie notices tha new girl as she comes in. It's not often you see someone like her [or herself for that matter]; Lightly armored and using a huge sword. Euphie puts her hand behind her head and starts moving it towards the front, like she was lifting the hood of an invisible cloak. By the time she gets to her forehead a inky black mantle cloak has formed around her.

As she was doing that her other hand reaches into the shadows that make up the cloak and start pulling out a sword. Just when it seems that there is no end, the tips finally pull free form the cloak. Resting it up against the table, Euphie looks back and forth between her sword and Stasi's. "Mine's bigger." she says with a grin. "Why don't you sit over here and we can have a few drinks."

Euphie waves Staci over and gestures towards Elec. "You want to play with his hair? It's pretty cool."

[sblock=OOC]A lightly clothed girl with a huge sword... Somehow that sounds familiar... :p

And sorry Elec but Euphie never learned tact. It's even more fun to play with your hair since you seem embarassed by it! :angel:

Darn, and I was hoping she had it out so Shanairra could poke it! ;)
Start poking!;)[/sblock]


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Stasi looks over the large red sword, with a subtle "ooo", then pulls her own sword, "But mine does this hehe" as the blade bursts into flames, before putting it out and putting it away.

Staci follows over to Elec, and rubs her fingers all over his head. "OOoo, I wouldn't call it hair, but it's kinda fun." She looks down at Elec, "You don't mind do ya sweetie? of course not." She gives him a kiss on his "hair" "It tingles"

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