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[Adventure] The Cannith Caper (Judge: THB)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Haltor sits upon White-Eye thinking as she rests her head, eyes slits as they regard the room. Those that fail the People are not all returned to the soil, Lady. But the brambles of our dealings are usually less fraught. I have found life is better fought straight on instead of asides.

With hardly a move, he rousts the clawfoot and pads over to the document before signing.

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The youth's face blanches as the talk turns to "cutting out disease" and "taking care of traitors". He swallows a moment then looks at the woman "I am no assassin, nor executioner. I will gladly subdue any threats that I may encounter there, but will not willing kill someone, just because you say they might be involved in a coup against your House. I will agree to the contracted services, namely the completion of the investigation of this forge, and the protection of House Cannith property." Alex says indignantly , his voice confident during this speech, and after he finishes, the arcanist takes the contract and signs his name, simply Alex on the paper.


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"You can be happy to know my clan know's just what to do with those who'd be working against us" Kirska chuckles as gestures to his axe, then signs the contract.


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Those that fail the People are not all returned to the soil, Lady.

The halfling's words were the same as his current quest. But instead of banishment because of dishonor, his mission was a self banishment to keep his honor. The half-orc signs the contract with his left hand, the writing utensil looking small in his large weathered hand.

"If you suspect treachery from within your house, then descriptions of them may be good. We wouldn't want to be lied to."


First Post
The woman listens to each of the group's concerns and comments, taking the signed document and applying a seal from her ring on the contract to finalize it.

"I'm glad to see you found your backbone young man, you'll need it out there" the woman jokes to Alex, "If it would make you feel better, than you can drag them back here to Sharn and I can deal with them" she adds

"I have heard only whispers and rumours of those who would work against our House, they sense we are at a time of weakness. We have yet to learn the truth of who they are, otherwise we would take care of it ourselves. Perhaps this will draw them out of their hiding places." Miranda replies.

"So if there are no further questions and the contract signed, I can now reveal where the Forge is located." she says, pulling out two maps.

The first is a regional map of Khorvaire, including parts of Breland, Zilargo, Darguun, and the Mournland. The second is a more detailed one of a mountain pass, including a hidden pass, concealed by magic.

"I've marked on the map where the forge is located, along the border of Darguun and the Mournlands, in small range of mountains north of Gorgonhorn. The distance is about 1,500 miles, but if you take the lightning rail to Starilaskur, you can travel along the Orien trade route through New Cyre and Kennrun before arriving at the mountains in question. It is a fairly easy journey as the roadway should be fairly clear of bandits. The path should be clear, the way through requires both knowledge of the pass and the correctly attuned device, I will entrust it to you, but it must be returned in order for payment to be rendered" Miranda says, pointing out places on the map as she speaks.

[sblock=History/Streetwise DC 15]
You recall a story in the Sharn Inquisitive a few years back about Kennrun:

SHARN -- The surviving members of the Red Gauntlet Regiment have gathered in Sharn this week to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the Battle of Kennrun.

The regiment, composed of mercenaries who fought for Breland throughout the latter years of the Last War, was instrumental in Breland's victory at Kennrun. During that battle, elements of the Red Gauntlet Regiment prevented three heavy brigades from reinforcing the Cyran lines, enabling the Brelish 21st Cavalry to break through and liberate eastern Breland. The Red Gauntlet Regiment also served with distinction in the Graywall citadels during the late 980s, and during the "Great Thrust" battles of 992, when Breland pushed Cyran forces back to the original Breland/Cyre border.

Fewer than one hundred veterans of the regiment are alive today because its members were engaged with Cyran forces on the Day of Mourning. The regiment's standard is among those hanging at Athalus's Tomb in Wroat, dedicated to the Brelish victims of the Day of Mourning.

To commemorate the reunion, King Borumel issued a royal proclamation declaring the gauntleteers honorary members of the Army of Breland. This action is highly significant because the regiment's relationship with the regular army was often difficult.

House Deneith, a minority owner in the regiment's contracts throughout the Last War, also plans a ceremonial color guard ceremony in honor of the Red Gauntlet Regiment next Sul. On that day, Deneith soldiers across Breland will wear red gloves in honor of these brave veterans.

"The ceremonies and proclamations are appreciated," said Red Gauntlet Sergeant Darius Pike. "But the reunion is more about remembering the gauntleteers who never returned from Cyre in 994. I survived only because I was assigned recruiting duty in the winter of 993 -- an assignment I didn't particularly want.

"I used to know the thirty guys in my platoon better than their own families did," Pike said. "And my whole company was like family to me. Only three of those guys are still around. So we'll hoist a tankard for the other one hundred forty-odd brothers who are out there in the mist somewhere."[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=History] Vistrathis rolls a 25 history.[/sblock]

Vistrathis's eyes squint for a moment as he remembers something regarding a paper he read a few years back.

"Kennrun... isn't that the site of one of the Brelish/Cyran battles? If I remember correctly, The Cyran soldiers had pushed into Breland and this is where the Red Guantlet Regiment pushed the Cyran soldiers back to their original border lines. I also remember reading that most of those same Brelish soldiers died in the Day of Mourning, not that it's of any relevance to our current situation."

Vistrathis looks at the rest of the group.

"Do any of you have knowledge of those mountains and the nature of its inhabitants? If not, I would like to find a library and find out the general flora and fauna of that location. It never hurts to be prepared, right? Speaking of being prepared, I would really like to speak with each of you regarding how you take care of yourself in a fight. I prefer to be right in the middle of the action or on the outskirts of it, luring my targets outside of it, but I am fully willing to adapt to a different tactic if that is what is needed for this group."

Looking at each member of the group individually he tries to make a note of their posture and weapons.

"Which of you, if any, prefer to fight at a range, and which of you prefer to just wade in and swing away? Which of you, like myself, are more tactical minded when it comes to fighting, and which of you am I going to need to keep an eye on?

Harressh... I would imagine that you prefer to fight at a range, though I have heard of some who wield magic up close and personal. Varak, I have seen your two blades and can only speculate that you will be in the middle of it all when it comes down to it. That is perfectly fine, just keep within sight of me so that I can watch your back."

Looking over the dwarf and noticing the rather large axe and the holy symbol, he gets a bit confused.

"Kirksa, wasn't it? You seem to be a holy man of sorts, based on that symbol you wear, but I have never encountered a holy man who wielded such a violent weapon. Are you some manner of questing warrior for your gods? It looks like you can handle yourself pretty well in a scrap, so just yell if you need help."

Giving the halfling a once-over, Vistrathis takes note of the apparent battle-wisdom that exudes from him and he laughs in a non-mocking, jovial sort of way.

"You, Haltor, look as if you've had more battles under your belt than my entire clan put together. I would definitely listen to whatever this one has to say if I were you." he ends, speaking to the group as a whole.

Then Vistrathis eyes the seemingly shy human. "I have yet to figure you out, Alex. You carry a dagger, but seem to be as lithe as I am. Which is to say, not very. You have yet to speak in any great extent, so I have not had the chance to assess your mental capabilities, and though one might assume that your shy nature indicates a lack of intelligence, I would not assume such. What is it that you do? Am I going to need to keep you behind us during a battle, or like Varak, will I need to keep an eye on you in the middle of the horde?"



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Then Vistrathis eyes the seemingly shy human. "I have yet to figure you out, Alex. You carry a dagger, but seem to be as lithe as I am. Which is to say, not very. You have yet to speak in any great extent, so I have not had the chance to assess your mental capabilities, and though one might assume that your shy nature indicates a lack of intelligence, I would not assume such. What is it that you do? Am I going to need to keep you behind us during a battle, or like Varak, will I need to keep an eye on you in the middle of the horde?"

"Yes, I remember that name. I knew it sounded familiar, I have studied some aspects of The Last War. You are also wise to ensure that we are all aware of each other's abilities before we venture out into the unknown. Despite this good lady's assurances that the road ways will be clear, I have come to expect trouble in most unexpected places. As for what my talents are? Well I suppose I can show you." Alex says, he looks at a mug on the table and it floats over to him, a spectral hand bearing it aloft.

"I am a...ummm...an arcanist, I guess you could call me. I guess I would stay in the back in a battle" he says, taking a drink from the mug.

ooc - history - 1d20 12=30


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Vistrathis nods to the youthful human arcanist. "Good to know. If we have to fight, then stay behind me or stick to my side. It'll be the safest place for you to be."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=Rolls]History 14, Streetwise 12[/sblock]Haltor shrugs at the mention of the location. It was closer to the Plains than here, but still a place he had never been.
"Do any of you have knowledge of those mountains and the nature of its inhabitants? If not, I would like to find a library and find out the general flora and fauna of that location. It never hurts to be prepared, right?
Haltor snorts lightly, but not derisively. Your books do little to speak the truth of land; more words have gotten tall-landers killed in the Plains than thunderlizards. True to his words, Haltor focuses on what he has learned through travel to recall anything about the region.[sblock=Nature]Nature 23[/sblock]
Giving the halfling a once-over, Vistrathis takes note of the apparent battle-wisdom that exudes from him and he laughs in a non-mocking, jovial sort of way.

"You, Haltor, look as if you've had more battles under your belt than my entire clan put together. I would definitely listen to whatever this one has to say if I were you." he ends, speaking to the group as a whole.
Haltor shrugs, but the smile is plain. Time has made clear my years in the sun; there is nothing to hide. As for battle, planning is fine until the blade is drawn. Tall-landers love to plan, but brashness has won me all these scars. White-Eye will be in the thick of it; she loves the smell of fear. The halfling gently pats the clawfoot, who looks up and blinks once. The halfling leans back comfortably. Knowing your enemy is good and right, but rigid plans break armies.


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The halfling leans back comfortably. Knowing your enemy is good and right, but rigid plans break armies.

"While that is invariably true, it is also folly to charge into a battle not knowing a thing about your foes. I have always been taught to assess my enemies before engaging them. And my books may not always have it exactly right, but when you encounter something you've never seen on the Plains (a great place to be if I do say so myself), you'll be wishing you had read up on it before hand. Blade and claw are perfect for the natural things of this world, but what about those that come from elsewhere? What will you do when White Eye's claws find no purchase and your sharrash simply slides off of your foes skin with hardly a scratch? Ahh, I apologize, for I ramble on. I do not mean to be so defensive, my friend. It is simply that for most of my life, I have only had the road and a good book as my mentor, so I suppose you cut right into my tactics and laid me bare. You are right of course. All plans need to have contingencies and backups, and sometimes you have to improvise on the spot. I just don't like to go into a fight blind."

Voidrunner's Codex

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