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Star Wars: Republic and Empire (OOC thread)

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Greetings. I noticed that you might be looking for someone to join your group for some Star Wars Saga. While I am not too knowledgeable about the EU/post Return of the Jedi lore, I do know the Star Wars in general. I am also willing to learn and/or read up on some basic info needed. I currently play in Possum's Dawn of Defiance game, as Mir Malone (force using scout).

If you do not mind a new player joining I am interested and can post rather regularly. While I looked over some of the information for this campaign and previous characters, I was wondering what exactly there is for characters in the term of class/races and what might be needed? I noticed in the first part of the this thread that the campaign is based in the Republic Military. Just how much starship combat is there?

Thanks for your consideration,


First Post
Greetings. I noticed that you might be looking for someone to join your group for some Star Wars Saga. While I am not too knowledgeable about the EU/post Return of the Jedi lore, I do know the Star Wars in general.

Well, as you might have noticed, this game is very non-cannon. Indeed, this game departs from the standard Star Wars universe slightly before the end of Return of the Jedi when Luke dies with the second Death Star (there are subtle differences before then, but that mostly was the behind-the-scenes rise of some NPCs to positions where they became very important in the rise of the new Republic, and retconning away some expanded universe stuff that I don't like).

While I looked over some of the information for this campaign and previous characters, I was wondering what exactly there is for characters in the term of class/races and what might be needed?

Since Shayuri's back (and I'll be getting things restarted with the other Shayuri's character plus the three pre-hiatus characters who've said they still want to play this weekend), we've got

Zenith Khambatta - Human Scout 1 / Jedi 5 (Jedi Fighter Pilot) - Shayuri
Storm - Cathar Jedi 4/ Soldier 2 (Gunnery officer) - Blackrat
Rosa Merridon - Human Noble 3/Scoundrel 3 (Executive officer) - possum
Wes Colton - Human scout 6 (Marine gunnery sergeant) - Friadoc

I noticed in the first part of the this thread that the campaign is based in the Republic Military. Just how much starship combat is there?

The Plan was for about half the combat in this game to be starship combat rather than personal-scale. It's ended up less than that so far, and the immediate future is going to be on the ground, but I definitely want a skilled pilot, engineer, heavy gunner, or starship commander to be able to shine in this game.

Edit: Since it occurs to me that I wasn't 100% clear on this... yes, I'm still looking for one or two more people. There's a bunch of background spread over the first few pages of this thread (I tried to summarize most of it in the first post, but it's not everything). Feel free to post a proposed character or ask any questions in this thread.
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Here is the concept I came up with... Verpine Enginneer/Tech (scoundrel 5/scout 1). Question I have: Equipment (how much and the like, as well as having the tech specialist feat I would be able to modify some items.

Considering we are on a military ship, I am not sure how you would like to fit a Tech in the ranks. I suppose she can be transferred from another unit aboard the current vessel if large enough, or elsewhere within the Republic Navy. I see her joining up giving the opportunity to work on starships and other tech options for the cause. Even a minor officer would be... odd, but interesting. But whatever you decide. I figure Xiralaz is content to be fixing/tinkering with something.

Medium Verpine scoundrel 5/ scout 1
Destiny (Discovery) 6
Force Points 8
Initiative +11, Perception +8
Languages: Basic, Verpine, Binary, Durese, Huttese

Defenses: Ref 22 (ff 19), Fort 19, Will 17
HP 54; Second Wind 14; Threshold 19

Speed 6 squares
Base Attack +3

Abilities: Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 8

Special Qualities:Verpine Communication out to 1 KM

Talents:Knack, Jury-Rigger, Spacehound, Fast Repair

Feats: Careful Shot, Point Blank Shot, Running Attack, Skill Focus (Mechanics), Skill focus (Use Computer), Tech Specialist, Weapon Proficiency (Pistols, Rifles, Simple)

Trained Skills: Acrobatics +11, Initiative +11, Knowledge (Technology) +11, Mechanics 16, Perception +8 (reroll perception checks), Stealth +11, Use Computer +16
Untrained Skills:Climb +3, Deception +2, Gather Information +2, Jump +0, Persuasion +2, Pilot +6, Swim +3, Treat Injury +3


(to be determined)


First Post
Here is the concept I came up with... Verpine Enginneer/Tech (scoundrel 5/scout 1). Question I have: Equipment (how much and the like, as well as having the tech specialist feat I would be able to modify some items.

You can have up to 15,000 credits worth of gear, though most of it will be things issued to you by the Navy, rather than your personal property; you cannot have a starship or droid.

Considering we are on a military ship, I am not sure how you would like to fit a Tech in the ranks. I suppose she can be transferred from another unit aboard the current vessel if large enough, or elsewhere within the Republic Navy. I see her joining up giving the opportunity to work on starships and other tech options for the cause. Even a minor officer would be... odd, but interesting. But whatever you decide. I figure Xiralaz is content to be fixing/tinkering with something.

Well, do you picture her as a talented young character who's new to the Republic Navy (in which case you're likely a junior engineering officer) or as someone who's been fixing starships and the gadgetry aboard them since most of the kids aboard this frigate were eggs (in which case you're a relatively senior enlisted tech)? Or something in between?

For purposes of this game, Roche is a member system in the Republic, if you're curious.


Being a veteran does have some appeal, but I think it would be far more interesting to be a new recruit out to prove herself, get promoted, and the like.

Updated Character Sheet (changed to straight scoundrel)

Medium Verpine scoundrel 6
Destiny (Discovery) 6
Force Points 8
Initiative +11, Perception +8
Languages: Basic, Verpine, Binary, Durese, Huttese

Defenses: Ref 22 (ff 19), Fort 18, Will 17
HP 52; Second Wind 14; Threshold 19

Speed 6 squares
Ranged: Heavy Blaster Pistol +4 (+6 careful shot) (3d8+3, 2d8+3 stun)
Melee: Stun Baton +3 (1d6+2, 2d8+3 stun)
Base Attack +4

Abilities: Str 8, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 10

Special Qualities:Verpine Communication out to 1 KM

Talents:Knack, Spacehound, Fast Repairs

Feats: Careful Shot, Gearhead (KotOR), Point Blank Shot, Running Attack, Skill Focus (Mechanics), Skill focus (Use Computer), Tech Specialist, Weapon Proficiency (Pistols, Rifles, Simple)

Trained Skills: Acrobatics +11, Initiative +11, Knowledge (Technology) +11, Mechanics 16, Perception +8 (reroll perception checks), Stealth +11, Use Computer +16
Untrained Skills:Climb +3, Deception +2, Gather Information +2, Jump +0, Persuasion +2, Pilot +6, Swim +3, Treat Injury +3

heavy blaster pistol (improved accuracy & double trigger), stun baton, holster(x2), comlink (long range), credit chip, datapad (mastercraft +1), portable computer (mastercraft +1 & system recognition), toolkit (mastercraft +1), security kit (mastercraft +1), utility belt, meshtape(x2), liquid cable dispensor(x5), all temp cloak, energy cell(x3), power pack(x3)

Xira as she does not mind be called grew up taking things apart and somehow having the knack to reassemble them. While in a working order, the items that she played with were never quite right again. Over several years her talents were honed and put to better use. She seemed to be some sort of technical savant. Xira also just gobbled up technical knowledge that she came across.

Xira soon jumped to starships, offering her services for passage. She soon learned that space was a dangerous place. She picked up some experience for combat from the more martially minded.

It was on a private transport that Xira was able to save the ship from a pirate attack. On the ship was a noble’s daughter. Her skills caught the attention of all and the noble who offered Xira a position in the Republic Military. Xira found it a great place to put her skills to work while serving a cause.

Xiralaz is a younger Verpine that if one knew the species might guess she is not much older than an adult. She is smaller than most of her kind at a little over five and half feet tall but retains the gangly appearance of the race. Her chitin plates are a darker greenish brown in color. Xiralaz tends to dress, when not in issued uniform of the Republic Navy, in darker browns. She also has a shoulder of some well taken care of animal hide. Within she tends to keep all her tools and equipment within neat roll out equipment pouches. At her side is holstered a heavy blaster pistol and a sun baton. While still a youngster, she seems to have some air of confidence about herself. Ready to prove she can do whatever is needed of her.



After PMing to songdragon concerning a different SWSE game, I thought I would pop in here and make an inquiry. Since I already play in possum's DoD game with songdragon, perhaps you would consider accepting another player.

I haven't actually considered a specific character yet, but I figured I would ask first before getting ahead of myself. About half of my Saga experience is actually in possum's game, so I am pretty much a FNG, but I learn quickly.


First Post
I'd really like to have six active players, so if you'd like to poke around this thread, the IC thread, and the characters thread and then post an idea (or ask me any questions), go ahead.

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