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[Rogue Trader]Rebirth of the Dawn Treader (Updated 8/17/2010)

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In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 070.816.M41++

The Continuing Voyages of His Divine-Majesty's Ship, the Dawn Treader
Lord Captain's Log; The Countess Lucretia Von Krak, Commanding
In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 070.816.M41++

Location: The Magoros System
Course: Orbiting Magoros Prime, the innermost planet
Materium: The Magoros System contains three orbiting planets as well as a large asteroid field surrounding the plane of the ecliptic. The star itself has a strange property – every 120 minutes, the star pulses – irradiating the entire system for a full two minutes. During this time, the radiation obscures our ships sensors – rendering the Dawn Treader blind.

The Explorator assures me that our vessel's void-shields protects the crew from the pulse, but should we be caught outside the shields during one of these episodes, the result would be catastrophic. Moreover, Octus explained we must be careful when traversing the planetary systems, particularly those without atmospheres...

Comments: Finally, after seventeen days of voyage, we have made Warpfall in the Magoros System! For the moment, the Navigator has earned a respite...

After scanning the system, the Void-Master, Quinn Vanberg, informed me that of the three planets visible, he had detected a faint Imperial beacon on Magoros Prime, the innermost planet. Since that planet was the closest to us at the moment – I ordered the Dawn Treader into orbit.

Magoros Prime was a barren rock with no atmosphere. Having a such close orbit to the star, half the planetary surface was molten rock and half was an icy wasteland with the two sides constantly switching states via the planet's rotation.

Quinn Vanberg piloted a shuttle to ferry me down to the surface. Accompanying the Void-Master and I on the journey were Volkner Alessander, Octus and Brother Mordechai. Since the planet had no atmosphere, the crew wore either void-suits or sealed power armor as was their preference.

I wore the Von Krak ancestral suit of power armor passed down from my father as a gift to celebrate my first commission. Octus had helped me appease the suit's machine spirit some years ago during our many dark voyages with the Lord-Captain Anselm Krin.

At the time, Octus had explained that because I lacked the Black Carapace Implant of an Imperial Space Marine, the full capabilities of the suit would be lost to me. Indeed, the first time I wore the contraption it felt as through I had 40 pound bags of sand weighing down each of my limbs!

Over time, I had learned how to fight wearing the suit and how to harness the incredible strength the machine-spirit imparted to its wearer. However, the hulking power armor was still not particularly adroit – especially while traversing the rugged terrain of Magoros Prime!

Complicating matters was the fact that once we departed the shuttle we would have only two hours to survey the terrain, investigate the beacon, recover any artifacts and return to the vessel. If the away-team violated this time-line, no one would survive the radiation from the nearby pulsar!

Quinn Vanberg managed to land the shuttle within a hundred yards of the beacon. A quick aerial survey had indicated the signal emanated from a long-crashed Imperial shuttle-craft. Once on the planet we waited until star emitted its bi-hourly pulse of radiation and quickly made our way across the jagged, barren terrain.

Surveying the wreckage, we discovered most of the components of the Imperial shuttle had long been destroyed – either in the initial impact or the subsequent centuries of extreme heat, cold and radiation. Octus discovered the beacon came from an ancient cogitator – amazingly still functional despite the harsh elements.

The Explorator began speaking the strange Binary Language to the cogitator in order to coax its machine-spirit into revealing its secrets. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew kept an eye on our chronometers so as not to be caught in the star's radiant fury.

After thirty minutes, the Tech-Priest completed his interrogation of the cogitator. In addition, Octus had been able to dislodge the device from its console housing. The Arch-Militant, Volkner Alessander, hoisted the bulky machine on his back and we made our way back to the shuttle. Trudging across the broken expanse, the crew made it to the shuttle and flew to the Dawn Treader with minutes to spare.

Back on-board, Octus translated his conversation with the cogitator. The only information the machine-spirit had divulged were the coordinates of a Xenos structure located on the second planet.

Sweet, Sweet Xenos Technology! It is my duty to the God-Emperor to visit this Xenos ruin and ascertain whether it poses any threat to the Imperium. I shall not fail the Lord of Mankind!

In addition, I will investigate the site to determine whether any evidence of the Righteous Path exists. With any luck, Hadarak Fel has not discovered this clue and we may yet have a chance to claim the salvage of the former Imperial vessel!

I am Lord Captain of the Dawn Treader, The Countess Lucretia Von Krak
Den Stets-Siegreichen Imperium!


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Sweet, Sweet Xenos Technology! It is my duty to the God-Emperor to visit this Xenos ruin and ascertain whether it poses any threat to the Imperium. I shall not fail the Lord of Mankind!

And here I didn't think you cared about the Inquisition. Heh.

The siren song lure of Xenos tech... It also has such *fascinating* drawbacks and downsides, for some odd reason... ;)

Really enjoying this story-hour and the log-book format.


First Post
And here I didn't think you cared about the Inquisition. Heh.

As Goderick Von Krak would say, "Profit is the fine line between Heresy and Convention."

Lucretia does not *strictly* follow the doctrines of the Imperial Cult, but she is wise enough to understand not to cause unnecessary trouble...

In fact, one of the major unresolved issues amongst the crew is the extent we intend to follow the laws of the Imperium. Rogue Traders, by definition, fall outside the Imperial order by virtue of their Warrant of Trade.

Nevertheless, some members of the crew, i.e. Brother Mordechai, want to enforce the strictures of the Adeptus Ministorum on the ship. Others, such as the Tech-priest, the Death Cultists and Lucretia herself, follow a different set of imperatives. The rest are caught in the middle of the fray.

Only time will tell how it plays out...

In other news, the group had the opportunity to play-test a fine little adventure produced by Fantsy Flight for game day on June 19th -- for a soon to be released title called:


Coming soon to a story hour near you (with pictures!)

P.S. I'm writing this from a beach in Cabo San Lucas ... new updates when I return from my own adventures on the high seas (or at least my mis-adventures on a Jet-ski or two!)
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In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 073.816.M41++

The Continuing Voyages of His Divine-Majesty's Ship, the Dawn Treader
Lord Captain's Log; The Countess Lucretia Von Krak, Commanding
In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 073.816.M41++

Location: The Magoros System
Course: Orbiting Magoros Secondus
Materium: Magoros Secondus is an ice world large enough to hold an atmosphere. A scan of the planet's surface revealed the ruins of an ancient Xenos civilization...

Comments: Much has transpired over the last three days. Indeed, the wicked gashes I suffered this morning required the medicae skill of our acting shipboard apothecary, Brother Mordechai. The cataplasm patch still itches. But I digress...

After the Dawn Treader left the orbit of Magoros Prime, the Tech-Priest began constructing a shrine to the salvaged cogitator inside the Temple to the God-Emperor on-board the ship. Naturally, Brother Mordechai took exception to the heretical device from the Dark Age of Technology holding a place of honor in the God of Mankind's Chapel.

The Missionary appealed to me to expunge the Explorator's offering to the Omnissiah from the ship. Tired of hearing Mordechai's incessant complaints, I agreed to negotiate a settlement between the pair. When Brother Mordechai and I confronted the Tech-Priest, Octus mumbled something about the “Treaty of Mars” and then the two began squabbling about the orthodoxy of the Imperial Cult versus the protocols of the Adeptus Mechanicus.


Frankly, the matter grew tedious. I told the two that I didn't care whether the Omnissiah was, in fact, the God-Emperor or vice-versa. I further explained (stroking my plasma pistol...), that regardless of the outcome of this debate, the Ecclesiarchy and the Tech-Priests both serve the Empire of Man and, as the personal representative of the Emperor via my Renowned Warrant of Trade, that meant they both better serve me whilst they remain aboard this ship!

In the end, Octus got to keep his shrine and Brother Mordechai wandered off muttering about Death Cults, Heretics and the need for the Ordo Hereticus to perform a “Cleansing” on this vessel. I shall have to keep an eye on the Missionary lest he become a burden upon my activities...

Meanwhile, I had other concerns on my mind. After we had undertook the salvage operation on Magoros Prime, an errant thought occurred to me. Quinn Vanberg had been able to locate the shuttle via its beacon. By that measure, it stood to reason that Hadarak Fel could just as easily detect the shuttle using the same means. For that matter, the Fell Hand might be able to detect the Imperial signal from the Dawn Treader itself!

I voiced my concerns to the Void-Master, whom recommended that we begin running silently to avoid detection. I ordered Quinn Vanberg to make it so. If the God-Emperor smiles upon us, we may yet catch Hadarak Fel unawares.

And then I can make good on my promises to his uncle, Oberon...der archficken!

I grow weary – the Obscura Dust is starting to overtake me now. The Missionary originally prescribed Tranq to dull my pain, as though I was some common criminal! I firmly reminded Brother Mordechai of my station and he adjusted his diagnosis. At least the Missionary is good for something – even if it is in his capacity as the shipboard apothecary. I will continue transcribing the events of the day in the morning...

I am Lord Captain of the Dawn Treader, The Countess Lucretia Von Krak
Den Stets-Siegreichen Imperium!


First Post
In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 074.816.M41++

The Continuing Voyages of His Divine-Majesty's Ship, the Dawn Treader
Lord Captain's Log; The Countess Lucretia Von Krak, Commanding
In the Year of the Light of the Golden Throne 074.816.M41++

Supplemental Comments: I had such wonderful hallucinations last night – it reminded me of the indiscretions of my youthful debauchery. If only the Obscura did not confer such a horrid state of melancholy as an aftereffect, I would consume the drug more often...

Looking back over my notes from yesterday, I realized that I had overlooked the cause of my grievous wounds. Strange what psychotropen compounds will do to the mind...

In any event, yesterday my bridge crew and I found ourselves upon the surface of Magoros Secondus moving towards some ancient Xenos ruins whose coordinates had been revealed to Octus via his conversations with the cogitator. The Explorator said the cogitator had labeled the ruins, “The Star Mirror.” Brother Mordechai came along to ensure the Xenos structure posed no corrosive moral threat to the crew. The Arch-Militant was in charge of the security while Quinn Vanberg piloted the shuttle-craft.

As we made our way over the broken terrain towards the structure, we heard an altercation over a near-by ridge. Though many of the crew wore full power-armor, we were able to crest the ridge without raising an alert.

The 10-ft ridge overlooked a shallow basin, but it was what the basin contained that sent a wave of angst durch meinen darm!

In the vale below was a horrific scene: 13 orcs surrounding a small group of 5 human guards and a woman – the unsanctioned psycher, Lady Ash!

Brother Mordechai immediately moved to the front of the line atop the ridge and unleashed his flamer upon the orcs' right flank. “Purge the greenskins – save the scions of mankind!”, cried the Missionary.

However, I had other designs. I caught the eyes of Volkner Alessander and Quinn Vanberg. I pointed to the embattled psycher and drew a finger across my throat. The Void-Master and the Arch-Militant did what had to be done...

I know not whether it was the rain of Volkner's Stormerbolter or the deadly accuracy of the Void-Master's Bolter fire. In any case, the limbs and torso of the Psycher splintered like the boughs of a pine tree on fire under the pressure of exploding super-heated sap.

Hadarak Fel will not be pleased when he learns of the sordid demise of his prized minion...

Brother Mordechai turned to me with a savage glint in his eye, yet trained his flamer on the left flank of the orc mob.

The rest of us opened fire with ranged weapons from the top of the ridge into the orcs. Nevertheless, many of the orcs ignored us, focusing the brunt of their Waaagh! on the guardsman.

Two orcs apiece fell to the bolter fire from Volkner Alessander and Quin Vanberg.

After running around in circles for a few moments,one orc eventually succumbed to the Missionary's fire.

Although we were on the ridge, a final orc managed to survive the flames, the bolter fire and climbed up the ridge to assault our away-team in melee – only to be felled by me in a charge with my Mordien Powersword!

Poor Octus could not get his Logis Implant to engage and was mostly ineffectual in this combat.

The remaining seven orcs were distracted by the smorgasbord of human entrails and viscera provided courtesy of the guards and Lady Ash.

And no orcs' hunger lacked a share of the banquet...

Speaking of food, I am famished. I think I will break my fast and return to the writing after lunch. And then I will finally recount the origin of my injuries as well as our exploits at the Star Mirror!

I am Lord Captain of the Dawn Treader, The Countess Lucretia Von Krak
Den Stets-Siegreichen Imperium!

Voidrunner's Codex

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