Tavern - City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn 2010-17


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Eanos, human monk

Wondering at how the reader can get away with bending the rules Jonah scratches Blue behind his ears.

"Sume o' dees people just'n be lucky I's guess." he says to the big dog.

Eanos smiles slightly, but says nothing more, choosing not to get involved.

"Evening, all. Name's Reis Moinnael, blacksmith and sometime swordsman." He takes a seat, and scans the room for familiar faces.

My name is Christopher Greeneyes, a traveler with no destination. I wish to see the world and its wonders. I have some small arcane talents which serve me well and I am willing to use on the behalf of any traveling companions who wish to seek adventure together.

I also seek word of Lira Greeneyes, a bard who passed through this city.

"Welcome to you both. I'm Eanos. I've not met your bard, Christopher, but the Red Dragon is certainly the best place to hear about her if she comes near."

[sblock=OOG]I'd like to run a short vignette. Can I get a quick roll call of who is ready to play? If you could state your character's name, class, and level, that would be great.[/sblock]

((Eanos is level 7. I think he's one of only two higher-level characters, so likely out of the running.))

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Nodis has spent the best part of the last two years on practical jokes with Psionic Minor Creation (the dissapearing chair joke never gets old) and Control Sound, and looking up the girls' skirts with Clairvoyant Sense.
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Christopher Greeneyes, Katara Sorcerer 1

"Welcome to you both. I'm Eanos. I've not met your bard, Christopher, but the Red Dragon is certainly the best place to hear about her if she comes near."

Christopher acknowledges the human with a small gesture of his paw. Throws his head back a bit to display his mane, and responds with gentle laughter.

I am a little afraid what those stories may be be. My daughter has always been beautiful, and has often attracted unwanted attention. She is also afflicted by fey moods, and has on more than one occasion been led down a wrong hole. But for the most part she is quick, and has a steady head. She is well able to take care of herself.

It has been sometime since I last heard from her, and I hope that our paths cross.

I have heard of this inn. I look forward to its hospilality while I wait to see where fortune may take me.


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=OOC] Wait paw??:erm: Your a cat-man?? :confused: changes a little [/sblock]

As the Katara enters the inn Blue gives a low growl in his throat at the cat-man. Jonah takin aback by seeing something he has never seen before, looks more the country bumkin he is when his draw drops to the floor after hearing Christopher speak.

"Err.. umm.. down boy." he says patting Blue's side, still staring at the Katarian.

Christopher Greeneyes, Katara Sorcerer 1

As the Katara enters the inn Blue gives a low growl in his throat at the cat-man. Jonah takin aback by seeing something he has never seen before, looks more the country bumkin he is when his jaw drops to the floor after hearing Christopher speak.

"Err.. umm.. down boy." he says patting Blue's side, still staring at the Kataran.

Christopher notices the small stir caused by his entrance. As the lanky human calms the large dog, Christopher graces the pair with a warm smile. After a moment he approaches them and speaks.

That is a large dog...but well trained it seems. It is unfamiliar to me. What is his breed?


LEW Judge
((Eanos is level 7. I think he's one of only two higher-level characters, so likely out of the running.))

If there is a prospect of a level-appropriate adventure, Sir Nurlan (bard 5 / fighter 1) is likely to just happen to pay another visit to Orussus. Actually, he might be back even if there isn't.


Thy wounds are healed!
Jonah human male


If there is a prospect of a level-appropriate adventure, Sir Nurlan (bard 5 / fighter 1) is likely to just happen to pay another visit to Orussus. Actually, he might be back even if there isn't.

I thought there was a bunch of higher lvl characters in the RDI. I remember submitting a high level adventure for all of them. [/sblock]

As the cat-man approaches Jonah, Blue rises from his sitted postion and starts barking loundly. "WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!"

"Blue! Down!" Jonah commands the big dog. "Um.. sure is surry 'bouts dat." the young man apologizes after Blue stops and goes to his belly, the dogs head still level with the table, and his dark eyes on Christopher. "Wha? Did ye wants ta know? What kind o' dog be Blue."

Jonah smiles proudly and says, "Blue be a Grand Mastiff (Great Dane), and the bess in'a all these parts."

Hey I got to make my first roll for Jonah LOL :p
Handle Animal = 1d20+8 = 21 [/sblock]


  • Blue.jpg
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First Post
"Jamilee," the elf says simply. Then, after a pause long enough to indicate the pleasantry's a late afterthought, she adds, "Pleasure."

Reis nods and gives a brief smile. Then, seeing as the waitress chooses the next moment to hand him his drink, he raises the glass in return before leaning back into his chair and taking a long draught.

Christopher Greeneyes, Katara Sorcerer 1

As the cat-man approaches Jonah, Blue rises from his sitted postion and starts barking loundly. "WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!"

"Blue! Down!" Jonah commands the big dog. "Um.. sure is surry 'bouts dat." the young man apologizes after Blue stops and goes to his belly, the dogs head still level with the table, and his dark eyes on Christopher. "Wha? Did ye wants ta know? What kind o' dog be Blue."

Jonah smiles proudly and says, "Blue be a Grand Mastiff (Great Dane), and the bess in'a all these parts."

Christopher gives only a small flinch as the dog's powerful barks begin, and his approach becomes even more friendly when Blue obedient responds.

The Katara speaks again, but before doing so, makes a flourish with his paws and mumbles something. (He activates a presdigitation.)

He may very well be the best. Certainly a well trained and hard working dog can be an extremely valuable companion.

Christopher conjures a small, crude model of Blue, created using his currently active presdigitation. He offers it to Jonah

It will not last.

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