Adventure : Humanitas Severe

Mal Malenkirk

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OOC: The only thing ressembling a course of action so far is Haruka's suggestion that you make sure one of the (recently teleported) newcomers stay alive for interrogation.

You are going for that?

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Ahhhhhh....yes...right...carry on...strike Raiko's last post for this one

"Oh, what does it matter; they're fey," Haruka states dismissively as she tends to her burned fingers. "They're probably just bickering over who gets the honor of dying to us next. Although..." she leans over the battlements for a slightly closer look, "it does look like someone over there is about to start spilling blood. How delightful it would be if our enemies decided to kill each other." Haruka grins and settles into a more comfortable position, clearly planning on watching the incident in the enemy camp play out. But then her smile falters and is replaced with a frown. "Wait, if they're going to start fighting, then we might want to ensure the survival of at least one of the newcomers. It will be much easier to pull the secrets to portal manipulation out of a living prisoner than a corpse."

After healing his wounds Raiko gets up and stands next to Haruka and observes the chaos taking place before them. It is obvious that the paladin sees what the Haruka sees (ooc: passive insight 21). Yes...let's let this play out a bit, then move in when we the time is right.

Raiko then motions to Max, who now is inspecting his equipment. Max, keep your sword out and ready. I have a feeling we will need it soon. The paladin takes weapon out as well.

Max comes up to join the two. What the hell is going on there? the warlord says with a confused look on his face. The paladin turns to him. They are arguing amongst themselves. About what, we don't know. Have patience warlord. We will strike soon.

The waiting game begins...


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ooc: Haruka will spend two surges to be at full hp and 8/10 surges.

Haruka pushes away from the battlements. There are visible char marks where her fingers touched the wood. "What, why are we waiting? If they start fighting, the newcomers could die before we get there. We should go now. I'm not about to let our best chance of escaping this blighted realm bleed out while we trudge across the field." She slides down the ladder and makes her way to the main gates. Without turning back she calls out, "Besides, if we save their lives they may be more willing to help us."


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ooc: Haruka will spend two surges to be at full hp and 8/10 surges.

Haruka pushes away from the battlements. There are visible char marks where her fingers touched the wood. "What, why are we waiting? If they start fighting, the newcomers could die before we get there. We should go now. I'm not about to let our best chance of escaping this blighted realm bleed out while we trudge across the field." She slides down the ladder and makes her way to the main gates. Without turning back she calls out, "Besides, if we save their lives they may be more willing to help us."

LET'S GO! Max and Raiko charge the group with weapons drawn.

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
-''I sense... Yes, I sense a breach in my realm. Their arrival must have weakened the barrier. They were clumsy and careless, unlike the others. Perhaps they didn't know how to properly use the portal.

They may be in possession of tokens allowing them to return at-will but such artefacts can't be used by anybody else; it's been tried.

But as long as the barrier is weakened, I may have enough power yet to tear it down and allow us all to escape. We need to go now. All of us, even the children. This window of opportunity is very slim. If I can stand within just twenty or thirty feet of that weak spot, I will open a passage between my realm and the closest plane. I will lead my people. You need to buy me some time. Engage the hunters, exploit on their division.''

OOC: A bit ham fisted, but it will gets Raiko out of the way. He will protect the civilians, open a portal and oversee their escape during the fight.


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If I can stand within just twenty or thirty feet of that weak spot, I will open a passage between my realm and the closest plane. I will lead my people. You need to buy me some time. Engage the hunters, exploit on their division.''

We will make that happen Raiko. You can count on us! Max yells as he eyes a potential foe to charge.


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Ashir listens intently, quieitly, and the genasi turns with a steely resolve on his face towards his allies. He shakes Raiko's hand saying "Do not worry Raiko, you lead these people out of here, and if we fall, carry word to Lao Teshlyn. Tell her what we did here." he says solemnly.

He then turns towards Max, "Lead on brave warrior, I shall offer what support I can, the flames shall answer my call, Haruka has opened my eyes to new powers and we shall surprise our foes" he says with a sly grin.

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
OOC: Crap, what happened to my last post? AAAARG! I had a much more elaborate post yesterday and now I realize it was never posted.

The village wait anxiously near the gate until finally a sentry signal that the hostility has just started. That's the signal for Haruka, Max and Ashir to rush forward and either help the newcomers or at least make sure the bralw lasts long enough!

Moments later, Raiko leads the villager out of the gate.

-''You must hold on long enough for me to rip open this plane, friends!''

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
OOC: I just need to GIMP out the map for the next fight. If VB was still up, it'd be already done.

That being said, the fight will take place over in the ''Into the Wild'' thread. Obviously, the newcomers are of course the PCs from that adventure who finally tracked you down.

I held on to your XP from the last fight and challenge to not exacerbate the level difference which is already significant.

Right now you are over a hundred feet away from the others and will start the fight on the edge of the map so potential interactions with the others are limited but ingenous players might still find something to post.

I hope I'll be able to start tomorrow but wednesday if often game night for my group but we'll see.

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
OOC: Oh, now that I think about it, the Humanitas Severe thread is about to die so it's time to brag about the title.

The basic scenario is well known; a band of warriors defend innocent civilians from overwhelming hordes of bad guys.

In american culture, 'The Magnificient Seven' is the archetypical movie. That western is a direct remake of Akira Kurosawa's 'The Seven Samurai' where ronins defend villagers.

Now, the title 'Humanitas Severe' can be loosely translated as 'The Harshness of Human Nature', or literrally 'Humanity's Severity'. Appropriate enough for the subject matter where a bunch of A-holes pay to play Runningman.

But check this out:


That's right, it's an anagram!

But wait, what was the name of that officer from the recon unit that built the village?


Another anagram! And the woman who was leading the civilians?


Wee! Another anagram!

What about Ethan Severus? Oh, it would be cool if it was an anagram too... But wait! It is if you read, as when he first introduced himself :


Will the anagrammatical fun ever end!? Well... Yes. It ends here, there were no more.

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