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The Rerisen Tower(DM: Iron Sky, Judge: ScorpiusRisk)


[sblock=tactics] Withdraw to the tower is probably a good plan. I'll volunteer to be the last one in..as I'm 1) the slowest and 2) will have pretty much a constant 4DR.
I bought an adventurer's kit, which includes 2 sun rods. Anyone else have a sunrod? going to the cellars won't help (except to restrict the number that can attack us at once) unless we can signal the ship.[/sblock]

OOC: I'll post my turn tomorrow afternoon

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First Post
OOC: High-fives Kaz also!

[MENTION=60965]Iron Sky[/MENTION] - If Yim's attack was changed to RRB 2, then it should have 13 damage currently, and should have been slowed during its turn. Not sure if it could still have killed the craftsman and moved adjacent to Yim given its condition.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
GM: You're right pac - so many things to keep track of! It still could have charged the Craftsman, but wouldn't be able to move next to Yim. It should be one square north east.

Also, ignore the purple overlay the Fredrock is in, forgot to delete it when I removed the Lord.

Edit: Side note, Mewness, you're right, there is no such rule that I could find... so, never mind then, it burns!
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First Post
"High-five.... Oro?" Kaz says confused. Must of been the wind... how could a five be up in the air?

Edit: see below.

[sblock=stat block]
Kaz Male Elf Avenger 1
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 21, Passive Insight: 14, Senses: Low Light
AC:16, Fort:13, Reflex:14, Will:15
HP:5THP 20/28, Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges left:5/9
Action Points: 0
Basic Attack Executioner's Axe +3 vs AC, 1d12+1 damage (+1d12 on crit)

Bond of Pursuit
Overwhelming Strike

Angelic Alacrity
Oath of Enmity
Abjure Undead/Divine Guidance
Second Wind
Elven Accuracy

Aspect of Might

Non-elf allys within 5 square get +1 to perception.
If oath target moves away willingly, +6 damage. (Censure of Pursuit)
Will take all damage for the craftsmen.

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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
GM: Once [MENTION=84369]Xeterog[/MENTION] and [MENTION=86793]pacdidj[/MENTION] post or when tomorrow afternoon rolls around - whichever happens first - I'll update.


Double Move: Q18
[sblock=question]why double move..it's all clear terrain I I think. also, Master mason is in Q18...and why not use your minor to move MM back.[/sblock]

Had a feeling taking that one out would slow 'em down some. Now, back to the tower! Fredrock says as he takes a swipe as a nearby beast, then falls back towards the tower. Captain, those ravens are dangerous, lets focus on that on over there!

Start of Turn: Ongoing 5 necrotic, DR4 so I take 1 damage.

Standard Action: :melee:Iron Fist on RRB4 (combatant list has it in K18, adjacent to me, but it is not on the map). It's stunned, so +2 to attacks. Hits for 12 damage, Effect. DR4 EONT

Move Action: move to P18

Minor Actin: Have Captain Cale target RRSwarm 2 with Paint the Bulls-eye. Stunned, so +2 attack
Hits for 6/2=3 , allies get +3 damage until eont

End of Turn, Save vs Ongoing Necrotic failes

Will take damage for any adjacent NPC
Ongoing 5 Necrotic
DR 4

Fredrock Hammersmith - Male Dwarf Battlemind, level 1
Passive Perception: +14, Passive Insight: +19 Senses: Low-Light
Init -1, Speed:5
AC:19, Fort:14, Reflex:14, Will:16
HP:32/33, Bloodied:16, Surge Value:8, Surges left:11/13
Action Points: 0/1, Power points 0/2
:close:Battlemind Demand link
:melee:Mind Spike link
Blurred Step link
:melee:Bull's Strength link
:melee:Iron Fist link
Battle Resilience link
Second Wind link
:melee:Aspect of Elevated Harmony link

:melee:MBA +3 vs AC, 1d10+6 (brutal 2)
:ranged:RBA -1 vs AC, 1d4-1 (improvised..would have to pick up a rock or something)
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First Post
Yimayngurr winces as the savage beast fells the nearby craftsman, then as the beast closes on him, he yells wildly, "You'll pay for that, ya blighter! Dbbrr!!"

The half-orc's spear tip bites deep into the undead creature and Yimayngurr simultaneously edges back toward the door. Then, seeing the beast momentarily held up by its injury, Yimayngurr turns and high-tails it up the rocky slope back to the tower, calling back over his shoulder "I'll hold the door for ya mates!"

[sblock="Yimayngurr actions and stats"]Minor: Quarry RRB2

Standard: :melee:Fading Strike vs. RRB2 = hit for 12 damage, RRB2 is slowed till my EONT, and Yim shifts 2/2 = 1 square to U9

Move: Run to Y9

[sblock=statblock]Yimayngurr Male Half-Orc Hunter Ranger 2
PC:Yimayngurr (pacdidj) - L4W Wiki
Initiative: +7, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 13, Senses: Low-light Vision
AC:18, Fort:16, Reflex:16, Will:13
HP:32/32, Bloodied:16, Surge Value:8, Surges left:3/6
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: unused
:bmelee:Hungry Longspear +1: +8 vs AC 1d10+5 dmg
:branged:Throw Hungry Longspear +1: +8 vs AC 1d10+7 dmg
Powers: Fading Strike, Marauder's Rush, Precise Assault, Furious Assault, Half-orc Resilience,Sure Shot, Begin the Hunt, Hungry Longspear


First Post
[sblock=question]why double move..it's all clear terrain I I think. also, Master mason is in Q18...and why not use your minor to move MM back.[/sblock]
OOC: I'm confused about the terrain... :(

Iron Sky, please move Kaz as close to the door as he can get without drawing OA. I'll use a minor action to have master mason get down below

Also on my stat block I have 5THP listed... I'm not sure if I still have them or where I got them from... should I take them off or leave them on?

Also, high-five to everyone, great job so far!

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
As the group performs a fighting retreat from the Palisade, the dead close in from all sides, the ravens diving and tearing, the dozens of mindless dead hurling themselves at the nearest foe and hammering at them relentlessly.

Though more than a dozen undead have been destroyed, including the one that led them, more than twice that many still shamble on...

[sblock=Cale's Vengeance is Mine]1d20+10=25 AC vs Rerisen Beast 3, hit, 1d12+8=12 damage. Eithal, Fredrock, or Kaz may move up to their speed(drawing OAs as usual) and make an MBA against Rerisen Beast 3 as a free action.[/sblock]

[sblock=Kaz's move]EDIT: Had to go to work between starting this and posting it. The "5THP" in your statblock is an error as far as I can tell, it's been there several rounds, even when Kaz was taking damage. You also have yourself down 8 hp at the start of the round, where I have 10... Unfortunately, I already updated as though the Mason was there, would be a pain to go back and redo it, sorry.[/sblock]

[sblock=Tower Door]A little reminder again about the location of the door to the tower; it's near the blue dot I put on the map. Next round I'll shift the map and drop it down a level so everyone can see, that'll just take... alot of work.[/sblock]

[sblock=Map/Combantants block discrepancies]Fredrock technically wasn't adjacent to that beast he just hit since he pushed it back with Bull's Rush last turn and it got stunned, but it's easier to let it go than wait for a redacted action.

In the future, if there is a discrepancy between the map and the location given in the Combatants section, assume the Map is correct since I update that first, then go back right before I'm going to post it and update the Combatants block off of the map (occasionally missing things since there's 40+ combatants in this fight).

The only exception is flying creatures, who may not be in the block they appear to be on the map. In the future, if flying and ground creatures occupy the same square, I'll put the ground creatures in the square and the flying creatures tokens in a square adjacent. I'll be sure to double check the flying creature's Combatants locations to be sure they are correct.[/sblock]

[sblock=Enemy Actions]Rerisen Dead 1: Double move to P12.
Rerisen Dead 4: Slam: 15 AC vs Palisade, hit, palisade destroyed. Move to M17.
Rerisen Dead 6: Double move to P24.
Rerisen Dead 7: Slam: 17 AC vs Eithal, miss.
Rerisen Dead 8: Double move to O22.
Rerisen Dead 11: Double move to O12.
Rerisen Dead 12: Move, charge to N18, Slam: 26 AC vs Cale, hit, 5 damage and push 1.
Rerisen Dead 14: Rerise: Fail. Dead.
Rerisen Dead 15: Climb over Palisades, Athletics 17, success, palisade attack: 14 Fort, hit, "dead"
Rerisen Dead 16: Move, charge to N21, Slam: 22 AC vs Eithal, hit, 5 damage and push 1.
Rerisen Dead 18: Rerise: Fail. Dead.

Rerisen Hulk 2: Double move to U9.
Rerisen Hulk 3: Move, charge to Q16, Slam: 11 AC vs Kaz, miss.
Rerisen Hulk 4: 3 fire damage, "dead"
Rerisen Hulk 5: Move, charge to P20, Slam: 14 AC vs Eithal, miss.
Rerisen Hulk 6: 3 fire damage, move, charge to N19, Slam: 13 AC vs Eithal, miss.
Rerisen Hulk 7: Move, charge to O17, Slam: 10 AC vs Fredrock, miss.

Rerisen Beast 2: Double move.
Rerisen Beast 3: Move, Pounce: Jump to O18, Claw: CRIT on Cale, 6 damage, Claw: 8 AC vs Cale, miss.
Rerisen Beast 4: 3 fire damage, Pounce: Jump to N20, Claw: 20 AC vs Eithal, hit, 6 damage, Claw: 14 AC vs Eithal, miss.

Rerisen Archer 2: Move to F20, Longbow(-2 Cover): 23 AC vs Eithal, hit, 4 damage.
Rerisen Archer 4: Move to K15, Longbow: 19 AC vs Eithal, hit, 4 damage
Rerisen Archer 5: Move to K17, Longbow: 20 AC vs Eithal, hit, 4 damage
Rerisen Archer 6: Move to K18, Longbow: NAT1 vs Eithal.
Rerisen Archer 7: Move to K19, Longbow: 23 AC vs Eithal, hit, 4 damage.

Rerisen Swarm 1: Rerise: success. Stand.
Rerisen Swarm 2: Move, Feasting Ravens: Shifts 5 through spaces of Eithal, Cale, Fredrock, and the Mason: CRIT vs Eithal, 9 damage, 14 AC vs Cale, miss, 8 AC vs Fredrock, miss, NAT1 vs Mason, ends in P19, 1 square up.
Rerisen Swarm 3: Move, Feasting Ravens: Shifts 5 through spaces of Eithal, Fredrock, the Mason, and Cale: 7 AC vs Eithal, miss, 19 AC vs Fredrock, hit, 9 damage reduced to 5, 15 AC vs Mason, hit, 9 damage, 10 AC vs Cale, miss, ends in P20, 1 square up.[/sblock]

[sblock=Combatants]Rerisen Dead 1: P12
Rerisen Dead 4: M17
Rerisen Dead 6: P24
Rerisen Dead 7: O21
Rerisen Dead 8: O22
Rerisen Dead 11: O12
Rerisen Dead 12: N18
Rerisen Dead 15: J16, "dead"
Rerisen Dead 16: N21
Rerisen Dead: Minion, AC 14, Ref 12, Resist 10 Necrotic. MBA: +6 vs AC, 5 damage and push 1.
Rerisen Dead destroyed: 10

Rerisen Hulk 2: U9, 9 damage taken
Rerisen Hulk 3: Q16, 11 damage taken
Rerisen Hulk 4: I18, 36 damage taken, bloodied, "dead"
Rerisen Hulk 5: P20, 11 damage taken
Rerisen Hulk 6: N19, 12 damage taken
Rerisen Hulk 7: O17
Rerisen Hulk: 36 max hp, AC 15, Ref 11, Will 12, Resist 10 Necrotic, Vulnerable 5 Radiant. MBA: +6 vs AC, 2d6+3 damage and push 2.
Rerisen Hulks destroyed: 1

Rerisen Beast 2: R15, 25 damage taken, bloodied, slowed, quarry(Yim)
Rerisen Beast 3: O18, 22 damage taken, bloodied
Rerisen Beast 4: N20, 27 damage taken, bloodied
Rerisen Beast: 28 max hp, AC 14, 11 Will, Resist 10 Necrotic, MBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage.
Rerisen Beasts Destroyed: 1

Rerisen Archer 2
: F20
Rerisen Archer 4: K15
Rerisen Archer 5: K17
Rerisen Archer 6: K18
Rerisen Archer 7: K19
Rerisen Dead: Minion, AC 14, Ref 14, Resist 10 Necrotic, MBA: +6 vs AC, 3 damage.
Rerisen Archers destroyed: 2

Rerisen Raven Swarm 1: J20, 33 damage taken, bloodied, "dead"
Rerisen Raven Swarm 2: P18, 1 square up, 20 damage taken, bloodied, +3 damage vs.
Rerisen Raven Swarm 3: P19, 1 square up, 17 damage taken, bloodied
Rerisen Raven Swarm: 34 max hp, AC 16, Reflex 14, Swarm, Resist 10 Necrotic, Vulnerable 5 Burst/Blast, Winged Pestilence: Aura 1 - any creature that ends its turn adjacent to a swarm takes 5 necrotic damage. MBA: +7 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage +1d4 necrotic damage.
Swarm: Swarms take 1/2 damage from ranged and melee attacks. They are vulnerable 5 to Burst and Blast attacks.

Rerisen Lords destroyed: 1

: AA14
Yimanyngurr: Y9, grants CA
Eithal: O19, 41 damage taken, bloodied
Kaz: Q17, 10 damage taken, bloodied
Fedrock: P18, 7 damage taken, 5 ongoing necrotic damage(save ends), DR4.

Craftsman 2: AA13
Craftsman 4: Fled
Craftsman 5: Z14
Craftsman 8: W20
Craftsman: Minion, AC 15, Fort 12, Ref 13, Will 10, speed 4. Longspear(Craftsmen 6-10 only): Reach 2, +4 vs AC, 4 damage. Crossbow(Craftsmen 1-5 only): Range 15/30, +4 vs AC, 4 damage. Shortspear(all): +4 vs AC, 3 damage.
Craftsmen killed: 6

Master Mason: Q18, 9 damage taken
38 max hp, AC 15, Fort 14, Ref 12, Will 12, speed 6. Mallet: +7 vs AC, 1d8+3 damage.

Captain Cale: P19, 11 damage taken
43 max hp, AC 19, Fort 16, Ref 15, Wil 15, speed 5. All allies gain +1 to hit and +3 to damage when they spend an action point while Cale is conscious.
[sblock=Cale's powers]Viper's Strike(MBA): +10 vs AC, 19-20 crit range, 1d12+1 damage (crit 1d12+13) and the enemy provokes and OA from an ally if it shifts.
Paint the Bulls-Eye(RBA, Longbow): +8 vs AC, range 20/40, 1d10 damage and all allies get +3 to damage rolls against the target until the end of Cale's next turn.
Vengeance is Mine: immediate reaction, when hit by an enemy melee attack, +10 vs AC, 1d12+8 damage and an ally can move their speed and make a melee basic attack against the target.
No Gambit is Wasted: immediate reaction, when an ally misses all targets with an encounter or daily attack, attack one adjacent targeted enemy, +10 vs AC, 2d12+4 damage and the ally's power is not wasted.
Inspiring Word(x2): Minor action, one ally in close burst 5 heals surge+1d6.[/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=Special rules for this fight]As a minor action, you may let one of the Craftsmen, the Master Mason, or Captain Cale take a standard action. They may take move and minor actions as well each round if you convert additional minor actions to "fuel" them.

As before, if an adjacent craftsman is hit, you may take the damage instead as a free action. Alternatively, if you are hit, you may make an adjacent craftsman take the hit instead.[/sblock]

[sblock=Terrain]*Any terrain with rocks is difficult terrain. You can ignore it by making DC 15 Acrobatics checks to keep your balance as you run across the rocks. Fail the Acrobatics check and you are knocked prone. You can, of course, use Athletics to jump over difficult terrain as always.

*The palisades fill all the squares they are in and will make attacks against anything that tries to climb over them.[/sblock]


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First Post
OOC: Sorry for the confusion about Kaz's HP. I'll be sure to get it right this round.

For Vengeance is Mine, could Kaz shift one square then attack, or can he not shift as part as the move?

Voidrunner's Codex

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