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The Rerisen Tower(DM: Iron Sky, Judge: ScorpiusRisk)


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I am coming my friends! Kaz shouts charging over to help the center area. He calls down diving power on the leader, flinging it away from its allies and than rushes over and swings his giant axe, chopping a huge chunk off of the creature.

OOC: If I spend an action point before I use my standard action, will I get the benefit for both attacks? If so that is what I will do.

Move to O 22
Hulk miss
RD Hit, Kaz takes 5 damage and is pushed

Standard: Abjure Undead
15 vs will
On hit: 13 radiant damage (not including any vulnerabilities), Pulled to N 21
On miss 6 radiant damage, pulled to L 18

Minor: Oath Rerisen Lord

Standard:Angelic Alacrity
If previous attack hit:
Shift to M 19

If previous attack missed:
Shift to L 19

Crit: 28+3 +3(action point)= 34 damage
[sblock=stat block]
Kaz Male Elf Avenger 1
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 21, Passive Insight: 14, Senses: Low Light
AC:16, Fort:13, Reflex:14, Will:15
HP:5THP 20/28, Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges left:5/9
Action Points: 0
Basic Attack Executioner's Axe +3 vs AC, 1d12+1 damage (+1d12 on crit)

Bond of Pursuit
Overwhelming Strike

Angelic Alacrity
Oath of Enmity
Abjure Undead/Divine Guidance
Second Wind
Elven Accuracy

Aspect of Might

Non-elf allys within 5 square get +1 to perception.
If oath target moves away willingly, +6 damage. (Censure of Pursuit)
Will take all damage for the craftsmen.

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First Post
"Crikey!," Yimayngurr exclaims as he observes the heightened intelligence, speed, and efficiency with which the undead move in the presence of their fell master. As he fends off the slashing jaws of the frenzied beast with his spear haft he muses aloud, "Never heard of this sorta thing in dead critters before, but ya see it in insects all the time. Coordinated social behavior, is what. Might be that bigfella in the read is like the queen of the colony, eh? If we can take him out..."

"Dbbrrr!," the half-orc cries as his spear flies true toward the red-armored warrior, knocking him off balance and slowing his advance.

"Head for the tower mates!," Yimayngurr calls out to his allies. "We're seeing swarm behavior. I reckon these dead blokes're about ta get a lot more dangerous. You there!," he yells at the nearest craftsman, "Run for it mate. And mind that beastie."

"Hey watu!," Yim taunts the frustrated beast as he picks his way over the stones back toward the tower. "You a fierce doggie, eh? Betchya can't catch me though."

[sblock="Yimayngurr actions and stats"]Standard: :ranged:Fading Strike vs. Rerisen Lord, using Furious Assault = hit (probably) for 13 damage, lord is slowed till Yim's EONT, and Yim shifts 2/2 = 1 square to Q11
Triggers OA from adjacent Beast vs. Yim's AC+4 = miss
Minor: Craftsman at P14 run to S13

Move: Move to T10

[sblock=statblock]Yimayngurr Male Half-Orc Hunter Ranger 2
PC:Yimayngurr (pacdidj) - L4W Wiki
Initiative: +7, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 13, Senses: Low-light Vision
AC:18, Fort:16, Reflex:16, Will:13
HP:32/32, Bloodied:16, Surge Value:8, Surges left:3/6
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: unused
:bmelee:Hungry Longspear +1: +8 vs AC 1d10+5 dmg
:branged:Throw Hungry Longspear +1: +8 vs AC 1d10+7 dmg
Powers: Fading Strike, Marauder's Rush, Precise Assault, Furious Assault, Half-orc Resilience, Sure Shot, Begin the Hunt, Hungry Longspear

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
GM: [MENTION=44459]Luinnar[/MENTION], the area you are in is difficult terrain. You'd need to make an Athletics check to jump that far(DC 11) or an Acrobatics DC 15. Also, I'm assuming you're using Abjure Dead on the Rerisen Lord. Is that correct?


First Post
GM: @Luinnar, the area you are in is difficult terrain. You'd need to make an Athletics check to jump that far(DC 11) or an Acrobatics DC 15. Also, I'm assuming you're using Abjure Dead on the Rerisen Lord. Is that correct?
OOC: Yeah the Rerisen Lord, sorry I did not post who I was attacking.
Athletics =18

If I use the action point before a standard action, will Cale's ability apply to both attacks? If so please amend my actions so I will use the action point before the standard actions and add the +1 to hit and +3 to damage for Abjure Dead :)

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Kaz puts his axe clean through the head of the rotting figure in red armor, dropping it permanently. When he does, all the dead nearby go inert briefly.

The rest of the dead still continue their advance however, closing in on the palisade defenders from all sides, one of the beasts pouncing on and pulling down one of the last craftsmen.

[sblock=Cale's AP bonus]It only applies to the attack you get from the AP, not all of them for a round.[/sblock]

[sblock=Yim's attack]I changed it to the Rerisen Beast nearest him since Kaz destroyed the Rerisen Lord.[/sblock]

[sblock=Enemy Actions]Rerisen Dead 1: Double move to M9.
Rerisen Dead 4: Stunned.
Rerisen Dead 6: Double move to N24.
Rerisen Dead 7: Rerise: success, stand.
Rerisen Dead 8: Stand, move to M28.
Rerisen Dead 11: Double move to M8.
Rerisen Dead 12: Rerise: Success, stand.
Rerisen Dead 14: Move, charge to P21. Slam(+1 charging): 17 AC vs Eithal, miss.
Rerisen Dead 15: Rerise: success, stand.
Rerisen Dead 16: Double move to N26.
Rerisen Dead 17: Rerise: Fail.
Rerisen Dead 18: Stunned.

Rerisen Hulk 2: Double move to Q9.
Rerisen Hulk 3: Double move to P11.
Rerisen Hulk 4: Stunned
Rerisen Hulk 5: Double move to O24.
Rerisen Hulk 6: Stunned
Rerisen Hulk 7: Stunned

Rerisen Beast 2: Pounce: Jump to R12. Claw: 15 AC vs Craftsman 7, hit, dead. Move to S11.
Rerisen Beast 3: Stunned.
Rerisen Beast 4: Stunned.

Rerisen Archer 2: Longbow(-2 Cover): 9 AC vs Fredrock, miss.
Rerisen Archer 4: Longbow(-2 Cover): 25 AC vs Fredrock, hit, 4 damage reduced to 0.
Rerisen Archer 5: Longbow(-2 Cover): 17 AC vs Fredrock, miss.
Rerisen Archer 6: Longbow(-2 Cover): 7 AC vs Fredrock, miss.
Rerisen Archer 7: Longbow(-2 Cover): 8 AC vs Fredrock, miss.

Rerisen Swarm 1: Stunned.
Rerisen Swarm 2: Stunned.
Rerisen Swarm 3: Stunned.[/sblock]

[sblock=Combatants]Rerisen Dead 1: M9
Rerisen Dead 4: I14, stunned
Rerisen Dead 6: M28
Rerisen Dead 7: O21, dazed
Rerisen Dead 8: M26
Rerisen Dead 11: N8
Rerisen Dead 12: H17, dazed
Rerisen Dead 14: P21
Rerisen Dead 15: I16, dazed
Rerisen Dead 16: N24
Rerisen Dead 18: I19, stunned
Rerisen Dead: Minion, AC 14, Ref 12, Resist 10 Necrotic. MBA: +6 vs AC, 5 damage and push 1.
Rerisen Dead destroyed: 8

Rerisen Hulk 2: Q9, 9 damage taken
Rerisen Hulk 3: P11, 11 damage taken
Rerisen Hulk 4: J18, 34 damage taken, bloodied, stunned, marked(Eithal)
Rerisen Hulk 5: O24, 11 damage taken
Rerisen Hulk 6: H18, 9 damage taken, stunned, marked(Eithal)
Rerisen Hulk 7: I13, stunned
Rerisen Hulk: 36 max hp, AC 15, Ref 11, Will 12, Resist 10 Necrotic, Vulnerable 5 Radiant. MBA: +6 vs AC, 2d6+3 damage and push 2.
Rerisen Hulks destroyed: 1

Rerisen Beast 2: R11, 13 damage taken, slowed
Rerisen Beast 3: H13, 10 damage taken, stunned
Rerisen Beast 4: K18, 12 damage taken, -2 to attacks, stunned, marked(Eithal)
Rerisen Beast: 28 max hp, AC 14, 11 Will, Resist 10 Necrotic, MBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage.
Rerisen Beasts Destroyed: 1

Rerisen Archer 2
: A25
Rerisen Archer 4: F15
Rerisen Archer 5: F16
Rerisen Archer 6: F17
Rerisen Archer 7: F18
Rerisen Dead: Minion, AC 14, Ref 14, Resist 10 Necrotic, MBA: +6 vs AC, 3 damage.
Rerisen Archers destroyed: 2

Rerisen Raven Swarm 1: J20, 33 damage taken, bloodied, stunned
Rerisen Raven Swarm 2: J17, 2 squares up, 17 damage taken, bloodied, -2 to attacks, stunned, marked(Eithal)
Rerisen Raven Swarm 3: J18, 2 squares up, 17 damage taken, bloodied, -2 to attacks, stunned, marked(Eithal)
Rerisen Raven Swarm: 34 max hp, AC 16, Reflex 14, Swarm, Resist 10 Necrotic, Vulnerable 5 Burst/Blast, Winged Pestilence: Aura 1 - any creature that ends its turn adjacent to a swarm takes 5 necrotic damage. MBA: +7 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage +1d4 necrotic damage.
Swarm: Swarms take 1/2 damage from ranged and melee attacks. They are vulnerable 5 to Burst and Blast attacks.

Rerisen Lords destroyed: 1

: AA14
Yimanyngurr: T1
Eithal: O20, 13 damage taken
Kaz: M19, 10 damage taken
Fedrock: L17, 1 damage taken, 5 ongoing necrotic damage(save ends), DR4.

Craftsman 2: AA13
Craftsman 4: Fled
Craftsman 5: Z14
Craftsman 8: Q17
Craftsman: Minion, AC 15, Fort 12, Ref 13, Will 10, speed 4. Longspear(Craftsmen 6-10 only): Reach 2, +4 vs AC, 4 damage. Crossbow(Craftsmen 1-5 only): Range 15/30, +4 vs AC, 4 damage. Shortspear(all): +4 vs AC, 3 damage.
Craftsmen killed: 6

Master Mason: Q18
38 max hp, AC 15, Fort 14, Ref 12, Will 12, speed 6. Mallet: +7 vs AC, 1d8+3 damage.

Captain Cale: O18
43 max hp, AC 19, Fort 16, Ref 15, Wil 15, speed 5. All allies gain +1 to hit and +3 to damage when they spend an action point while Cale is conscious.
[sblock=Cale's powers]Viper's Strike(MBA): +10 vs AC, 19-20 crit range, 1d12+1 damage (crit 1d12+13) and the enemy provokes and OA from an ally if it shifts.
Paint the Bulls-Eye(RBA, Longbow): +8 vs AC, range 20/40, 1d10 damage and all allies get +3 to damage rolls against the target until the end of Cale's next turn.
Vengeance is Mine: immediate reaction, when hit by an enemy melee attack, +10 vs AC, 1d12+8 damage and an ally can move their speed and make a melee basic attack against the target.
No Gambit is Wasted: immediate reaction, when an ally misses all targets with an encounter or daily attack, attack one adjacent targeted enemy, +10 vs AC, 2d12+4 damage and the ally's power is not wasted.
Inspiring Word(x2): Minor action, one ally in close burst 5 heals surge+1d6.[/sblock]

Palisade Section HP(from left to right): Destroyed/30, 1/30, Destroyed, Destroyed/30

[sblock=Special rules for this fight]As a minor action, you may let one of the Craftsmen, the Master Mason, or Captain Cale take a standard action. They may take move and minor actions as well each round if you convert additional minor actions to "fuel" them.

As before, if an adjacent craftsman is hit, you may take the damage instead as a free action. Alternatively, if you are hit, you may make an adjacent craftsman take the hit instead.[/sblock]

[sblock=Terrain]*Any terrain with rocks is difficult terrain. You can ignore it by making DC 15 Acrobatics checks to keep your balance as you run across the rocks. Fail the Acrobatics check and you are knocked prone. You can, of course, use Athletics to jump over difficult terrain as always.

*The palisades fill all the squares they are in and will make attacks against anything that tries to climb over them.


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First Post
OOC: Wow it's dead! Is that the same thing people saw before, or is there something else?

Also is K 19 occupied by a palisade or can Kaz move into it?


First Post
[sblock=ooc]*High-fives Kaz*[/sblock]
Livia emits a satisfied grunt as the red-armored figure falls to Kaz's blade. "Try to take out those archers," she says to her remaining companions on the tower. She herself fires into a crowd of ravens and other dead, the arrow becoming a winding streak of flame in mid-flight. A corpse catches on fire, and the flames begin to spread.

[sblock=actions]Standard: elemental spirits, fire damage, on rerisen dead 18 (I19). (I'm assuming that the effect that damages adjacent units will work when it's "dead." If that isn't the case, I'll do something else.) 1d20+8+2=21 is a hit, anything that starts its turn adjacent (until EoNT) takes 3 fire.

Minor: order Z14 to shoot at Archer 4 (F15). 1d20+4-2=11 miss.

Minor: order AA13 to reload.[/sblock]
[sblock=ministats]Livia Female Human Seeker 3
Initiative: +8, Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 15, Senses: Normal
AC:16, Fort:13, Reflex:16, Will:17
HP: 35/35, Bloodied:17, Surge Value:8, Surges left: 4/8
Action Points: 0
Biting Swarm
Elemental Spirits
Grappling Spirits
Agile Recovery

Inevitable Shot
Encaging Spirits
Possessing Spirits
Escaping Shot
Second Wind
Rebounding Greatbow

Swarming Bats

Basic ranged attacks: Biting Swarm +9 vs AC, 1d12+7 damage, target and adjacent enemies take -2 penalty to attack until start of my next turn; Grappling Spirits +9 vs AC, 1d12+7 damage, target is slowed and can't shift until the end of its next turn.

Conditions: none

Full sheet: Livia[/sblock]

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
GM: J19 is a Palisade square.

That thing didn't seem to be what people saw before, at least what they saw before wasn't wearing armor and didn't seem to have a sword... well, and blasted the bridge, exploded into ravens, and summoned a flood.

Technically, effects end when creatures die. These are kind-of a border case, but I'll give it to you since - despite Kaz's perma-kill of the Lord, there's still almost 30 enemies on the field...


First Post
[sblock=ooc]About death ending effects--there's no such rule, as far as I know. If it exists, I'd like to know where it is. Zones and conjurations end when the creator dies, but I can't find any general rule about effects ending when the target dies.[/sblock]


"Thayah commin' arayound bayack Frayed!" Eithal urges the dwarf to withdraw, though it's tempting to finish off the stunned beats.

Eithal dispatches one of her adjacent foes and turns to look up at the tower battlement, "Yew thayah!" she shouts to the archer behind the parapets, "Give the Dwahf some covah!"

The craftsman sends a bolt down into the crowd of enemies at the palisade breach, bringing down the birds on their right flank.

"Much 'bliged!" Eithal hollers up her thanks to the archer and rolls her eyes as she takes in the scene. Thayah sow much of'um.[sblock=Actions]Free: Mark RRD17
Minor: Craftsman 8 to U20
Minor: Craftsman at AA13 to shoot RRS #1
Attack: 1d20+4-2(Range)=18 vs. AC for 4/2=2 damage

Standard: Strength of Stone on RRD14
Attack: 1d20+9=16 vs. AC for 1d12+6=8 damage

Swarm 1 is "Dead"
RRD14 is "Dead"[/sblock][sblock=Tactics]We're getting flanked (militarily, not mechanically). Soon, we'll be cut off from the tower. We need to get the minions behind us under control and make an ordered withdrawal. If we don't we'll be stuck out here on the field.


1. Everyone stays out and fights
2. We get the Mason, Cale, and Craftsman back into the tower while the rest of us fight
3. We all go back into the tower and attempt a stand there.
4. We all go back into the tower and get out through the cellar.
Eithal Lemindt Arehei Female Goliath Warden Level 1
Initiative: +1
Speed 6
Passive Perception: 16; Passive Insight: 11; Senses: Normal
Powerful Athlete: Roll twice for Jump/Climb Athletics checks
AC: 19; Fort: 17; Reflex: 11; Will: 13
HP: 29/42

Surge Value: 10; Surges left: 6/12
Action Points: 1
Strength of Stone link
Thorn Strike link
Warden's Fury link
Warden's Grasp link

Grasping Winds link
Stone's Endurance link
Relentless Panther Attack
Warden’s Tempest link
Form of the Relentless Panther link
Sudden Roots: Whenever Eithal hits an enemy with an Opportunity Attack, that enemy is slowed until the end of its next turn.

Crushing Earthstrength: When Eithal uses her second wind, she gains a +4 bonus to her weapon damage rolls until the end of her next turn.

Voidrunner's Codex

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