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[OOC] What Adventure Awaits?

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
In Character Thread

Okay, realizing that this might engender some skepticism, I think my life is sufficiently reassembled for me to take up the reins of PbP again. I want to try something a little bit different. First, please go read this article at Gnome Stew, and then come back here. I'll wait. Done reading? Good! Please continue reading this post.

The Set-Up
I want to run a Pathfinder game using the core rulebook and the Advanced Players Guide only. Characters start at 2nd level with double maximum starting gold for their respective character classes and sufficient XP to just have reached 2nd level. Use 15-point point buy for ability scores, but no single ability score can be lower than 9 prior to racial adjustments. Maximum hit points at 1st level; roll for 2nd-level hit points. All characters start with either two traits or one feat more than normal.

I want to limit party size to four characters. I'm kind of a first-come, first-served sort of guy, but that's only a tendency. I'm not concerned about party balance, although I do want everyone's characters to be good guys.

Plot Elements
Along with your character, please provide two plot elements you'd like to see in the game. Don't get too elaborate or overly specific. Also, don't post these plot elements to the thread or discuss them with each other. Instead, email plot elements to me at mark at spesmagna dot com.

The Game Begins
The PCs all know each other. They start in Gragmoor Quarry. I'll leave the details of how the PCs know each other to the approved players. Once I've got the characters approved and all the plot elements assembled, the adventure will begin based on the aforementioned elements.

Game Background: A Work in Progress
Gragmoor Quarry stands in a frontier region, and it serves as the seat of government for the County of Acetam. Gragmoor Quarry is a young community, having been established 50 years ago. The current royal official in charge of the region is Count Olaf II, whose father was first sent to the area by the King in Meir far to the north.

Olaf II has proved less wise than his father, and tensions between Crown's representative and the Lacador Monks, who have an older claim to Gragmoor, have resurfaced.

Gragmoor remains an important waystation for travelers moving from the Southern Kingdom to the Northern Kingdom, and vice versa. Gragmoor has a relatively small permanent population, and a comparatively larger transient one. Most of the inhabitants -- permanent or temporary -- are human, but other races are there.

Most of the Lacador Monks are dwarves with a smaller number of gnomes and halflings. Elves from nearby woodlands often come to Gragmoor to trade. Most remarkable is Gragmoor's small but vibrant population of hobgoblins. These hobgoblins emigrated to Gragmoor shortly after its founding. Lacador missionaries had made significant in-roads with the hobgoblin tribes long before Gragmoor was built.

When Temujin, a fearsome ogre chieftan, rose to power in the Sable Highlands, he quickly subjugated weaker tribes under his standard. Most of the hobgoblins refused to submit, and Temujin waged a series of reprisals and persecutions. The hobgoblins fled their native lands for the protection of Gragmoor. Owing to the intercession of the Lacador Monks, the hobgoblins were granted North Kingdom citizenship and permitted to settle along the frontier between the Two Kingdoms.

Gods and Goddesses
Desna, Goddess of Freedom and Luck: alignment CG; domains chaos, good, liberation, luck, travel
Gozreh, God/Goddess of Nature, the Sky, and the Sea; alignment neutral; domains air, animal, plant, water, weather
Lacador, Goddess of Agriculture: alignment LN; domains community, law, plant, sun, weather
Nomog-Geaya, God of Hobgoblins: alignment LE; domains earth, evil, law, repose, war
Ravlimos, God of Ogres: alignment CE; domains chaos, destruction, evil, strength, war

Dramatis Personae
Scott DeWar: Berm McKaffe, human rogue 2
Aldern Foxglove: Zantalus, elf transmuter 2
jkason: Kaer Fegavas, human barbarian 2
satinder: Crusher Strongbrew, dwarf cleric 2
Herobizkit: Shalaye, elf oracle 2 | Background

* Anissa, Monkey Trainer
* Bazemi Twins, Fandrake's Star Tumblers
* Fandrake, Stern Master of Acrobats
* Gebbert Kurt, male dwarf cleric of Lacador
* Houba, Mistress of Whips
* Ironbeard Brothers, Conjoined Dwarves
* Rorbi, Cook
* Sašo Viljem, male halfling cleric of Lacador
* Sheria, Mistress of Bears and Bearded Lady Understudy
* Snotty Angus, Local Urchin
* Tashiri, Dancing Girl and Rorbi's Girlfriend
* Timit, Apprentice Acrobat
* Vandro, Rorbi's Simple but Earnest Teenage Son
* Vitor Lino, Town Guard and Kaer Drinking Buddy


The Haunted Bailey Player Map
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I would love to join this game, however i am on a loner comp right now. My laptop is down for the count as the hard drive has gone the way of the dodo, and it is a new computer! ugh. When I get back on line I will be following the story, you can count on that!

Good luck!

Aldern Foxglove

First Post
Hmmm, think I can work with that.

I'll knock up a wizard. A few questions so I can get stuck into character creation; What world, what pantheon, do we need to role "init" for our plot elements like in the article?

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
I'll knock up a wizard. A few questions so I can get stuck into character creation; What world, what pantheon, do we need to role "init" for our plot elements like in the article?

In order: Generic fantasy world, generic fantasy pantheon, and no, you don't need to roll plot element initiative. Gragmoor Quarry mentions a temple and monastery of the goddess Lacador, so that's one named deity.


First Post
I loved that essay in gnome stew when I read. I played in a MM game at GenCon run by piratecat where he asked one of the players to come up with a location for one of his lairs (he was a super villain), Piratecat then set the rest of the adventure in that lair. That was awesome! I need to think about some plot elements but I wold love to play.


First Post
Do you have a tone in mind for the game? My gut feeling is if people throw in some weird plot elements it pushes it towards a comedic sort of game? Are you happy to just see what comes up, or would you steer potential players towards/away from certain things?

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
Do you have a tone in mind for the game? My gut feeling is if people throw in some weird plot elements it pushes it towards a comedic sort of game? Are you happy to just see what comes up, or would you steer potential players towards/away from certain things?

Well, that's hard to say. I'm not particularly aiming for anything yet. I don't think things will end up comedic. They could certainly end up being bizarre. As for steering, that's not one of my goals. I suppose if someone ends up sending me something truly silly, I might have to amend my goals, but we'll cross the bridge if and when we get to it.


First Post
If other people were interested in a reason for knowing each other, I have this rather quaint notion of a travelling circus troupe who have pitched up in town. There are a number of circus performer archetypes, some of which map onto classes, others which don't.

There's the ringleader (charismatic, diplomacy, perform (oratory). Could be a bard, but then again...)

There are the acrobat(s) with their climbing/acrobatics/riding skills.

What about the conjurer, full of fancy pyrotechnics and cunning sleight of hand? Bard? Wizard? Sorceror? Alchemist?

The strongman (obviously!)

The animal trainer, with his performing beasts.

Even the clown (who if this was a high level game would absolutely have to be an assassin who kills people by squirting them with deadly poison from the flower in his lapel...).

Almost a challenge to come up with the most unlikely possible build for one of them :p Any of those look feasible even if nobody else bites?

EDIT: Well whadya know? Quid Novi 4 seems to have beaten me to the punch! ;)
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