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Cat Piss Man -- the Goblin Hero?


So do we all remember Cat Piss Man? (The Wrath of Cat Piss Man - Role-Playing Free for All - Role-Playing Discussion Forums - Midnight's Lair - Message Board)

I have seen discussions around the net about the strange varieties of this great social caste. What if Catpissman was translated into the actual game? :devil:

Kot mača – translated from Goblin as Catpissman. "Catpissman" is a special social caste ("...noble") within Goblin culture, that few well understand. The catpissmen are readers of hidden codes, and are smelly, deviant recluses and hermits that stay on the fringes of the tribe. These men are consulted (unenthusiastically) by the goblin kings in times of great need, as many catpissmen are enigmatic adepts of gastromancy, dice-mongering, and other forms of strange divination. Catpissmen, true to their reputation, also collect and sometimes eat mangy cats.

Catpissmen often collect children’s toys and keep obtuse and often trivial lore to obsessive degrees. Catpissmen are also unique amongst goblinkind for their strange fascination with the females of their traditional enemies: humans, elves, and eladrin. Catpissmen are sometimes willing to treat with adventuring parties in return for certain esoteric goods and services.

Here is an example of but one of the Kot mača of a local goblin tribe:

Catpissman Dicemonger (Goblin) Level 6 Lurker
Medium natural humanoid (goblin) XP 250
HP 52; Bloodied 26
AC 20; Fortitude 18; Reflex 19; Will 18
Speed 5
Vulnerability 5 radiant The Dicemonger dislikes bright lights
Initiative +6
Perception +4

** Traits
O • Aura 1 Fear, Disease
Creatures within this aura suffer a -2 penalty to Fortitude and saving throws.

** Standard Actions
m Slap Fury • At-Will
Attack: +11 vs. AC
Hit: 4d4 + 1 damage.

** A A Grave Wind (necrotic) • Recharge 6
Attack: Close burst 2; +10 vs. Fortitude;
Hit: 2d8 + 4 necrotic damage. A swirling stinking cloud appears in the area and remains until the end of the Dicemonger's next turn. It grants concealment, and any creature that starts its turn in the area takes 6 necrotic damage.

** C Aberrant hiss (fear, psychic) • Encounter
Attack: Close burst 1 (targets enemies); +8 vs. Will
Hit: 1d8 + 1 psychic damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares.

** Minor Actions
Cloak of Resistance (Old Leather Duster) • Daily
Effect: The Dicemonger gains resist 10 to all damage until the start of his next turn.

** Triggered Actions
M Ill-timed Defense • Encounter
Trigger: When hit by a melee attack.
Attack (Immediate Reaction): (adjacent creature that hit the Dicemonger); +11 vs. Fortitude
Hit: Slide target 1, and target is knocked prone.

C Gastromancer's Loss (Corrosive Vomit) (acid) • Encounter
Trigger: When hit for the first time in the encounter.
Attack (Immediate Reaction): Close blast 5; +7 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + 3 acid damage, and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends).

C Pain Frenzy • Encounter
Trigger: When first bloodied.
Attack (Immediate Reaction): +11 vs. AC
Hit: 3d10 + 7 damage, and the target is knocked prone.

Goblin Tactics • At-Will
Trigger: When missed by a melee attack.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): Dicemonger shifts 1 square.

Skills Arcana +11, Dungeoneering +9, History +11, Thievery +7
Str 12 (+4) Dex 8 (+2) Wis 12 (+4)
Con 10 (+3) Int 16 (+6) Cha 6 (+1)
Alignment Languages Goblin, Common, and one other language

Equipment old shirt with offensive logo, Pedobear backpack (filled with stolen books, scaps of paper, toys, and lint), six pack of cvs brand soda, bag of lollies x6, old leather duster (cloak of resistance +2), ill-fitting pants, old sensible shoes, several decks of tarot cards, a belt pouch filled with multi-sided bone dice, and one copper piece.

© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.

I was partly inspired for the Catpissman Dicemonger based on "The Secret Moblin" from episode 205 of the "Legend of Neil:"

Watch Legend of Neil Seasons : Comedy Episodes Based on The Legend of Zelda


Yes I chose a 4e stat build, but I think this could be general to any system. Some of the elements of this post were drawn from other posters from a library of catpissman discussions.
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(edited slightly as I have children lurking over my shoulder)
Dr. Patricia Cromwell: His name's Mimi-Siku. Roughly translated, it means "cat pee".
Michael Cromwell: He *chose* the name "cat pee"?
Dr. Patricia Cromwell: He was six years old at the time! Its a territorial thing.


(edited slightly as I have children lurking over my shoulder)
Dr. Patricia Cromwell: His name's Mimi-Siku. Roughly translated, it means "cat pee".
Michael Cromwell: He *chose* the name "cat pee"?
Dr. Patricia Cromwell: He was six years old at the time! Its a territorial thing.

I don't know the reference.

I'm sad my catpissman thread didn't make much waves. As with the real catpissman, everyone wants to ignore and move along.

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