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The Boundary Lands: On the Edge of Civilization (Updated 5/9/11)

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lol. love the pithy section titles! why did one character not get their fortune told? did a player just miss the session?

No, the game is ahead of the story hour - I only posted the fortunes that have come to pass already. Invicto has a fortune, but I can't reveal it to the other players yet.

Glad you enjoyed the titles! I can't help myself when I see an opportunity for cheesy puns...


Chapter 3 - Calipha (s. 6)

3.1 Into the Feywild

The party makes their way safely back to Verind’s Edge, where Missyus thanks the party again for their help and departs for a temple within the city to arrange transport for herself. Word begins to spread throughout the city of the party’s exploits in saving the village of Ramshead, and the party’s popularity grows. They are now regularly recognized in the streets and strangers seem to know their names. Thanks to their growing popularity, Emperor Essran invites them to attend a dinner party he is throwing for visiting nobles and merchants. The party cleans themselves up a bit and attends the fancy bash at the Emperor’s palace.

Erik’s Infamous Exploits

The party enjoys themselves at the dinner party, partaking in the free mead, wine, and food with reckless abandon. They run into Mujeh, the Goliath bard, at the party who updates them on a task they had given him. He followed up with sages in the city of Arastur in Quinalyn about the Arinfax Colossus. The sages could find very little in their libraries, but did pass along one reference to the legendary creature they found in a centuries old text:
...relations and trade between humans and dwarves improving after the dwarves helped the humans construct a huge magical machine to defend against the attack of the ‘Arinfax Colossus’.
The scrap of information doesn’t offer much, but it does suggest that there may be a means to defend against the elemental titan that is supposedly destined to crush the civilized lands, so the party takes it as good news. They continue to enjoy the party and Emperor Essran and Queen Larindra begin making their rounds amongst the dinner guests. Just as at the celebratory dinner the party attended some time ago, the party gets the sense that there is little love between the Emperor and the Queen, as they keep their distance from one another throughout the night.

Later in the night Charm is approached by a bald, dark-skinned man in fine dress. He introduces himself as Hak’apoor, a merchant of the House of Indixis from the Jeweled Cities. He mentions that he has heard of the party’s exploits and offers that the party could find well-paying work if they ever wished to visit the Jeweled Cities. Charm asks what kind of work he is referring to. Hak’apoor responds, “I cannot offer the pomp and circumstance of working for an Emperor. Working for the merchant houses of the Jeweled Cities often involves more discrete work, though I assure you the pay is much better… I know it is a far journey, but if you are ever inclined to make it, please, do keep me in mind.” The Jeweled Cities are a good distance from the Boundary Lands, lying along the coast and islands southwest of the forest nation of Quinalyn. The party has no plans to visit anytime soon, but they do file it away as a possible future destination.

The hours tick by, and the party continues to enjoy themselves. Eventually the Emperor and Queen retire from the party, but shortly afterwards a messenger approaches Erik to inform him that he is summoned by Queen Larindra. He proceeds with the messenger up to the royal apartments where he enters what appears to be the Queen’s royal bedchambers. After the messenger departs, Queen Larindra emerges from an adjoining room and greets Erik. She is still garbed in the fine dress she attended the dinner party in, but she has let her hair down and holds a goblet of wine. All in all, she seemes to be making herself quite… comfortable.

Queen Larindra sizes up Erik and speaks, “I did some checking up on my husband’s new team of gifted adventurers, and I became particularly interested in you. You were raised by an elven merchant in Quinalyn, no?”

Erik nods.

“And you’re father was a man named Varna?”

“Yes,” Erik confirms.

“Oh, how deliciously ironic! What were you told of your birth parents?”

Erik is quite confused, but answers the Queen’s questions. “Just that they died when I was very young and I was left in an orphanage.”

“Oh, my dear Erik. I’m afraid there is much more to the story of your birth. I would tell you what I know, but I hesitate to share secrets with someone that I do not know well… Perhaps if we… get to know each other better, became closer… I could feel comfortable telling you what I know. The Emperor and I do not get along well. He sees our marriage only as a political tool. I think he has forgotten that I am still a woman, and I am a very lonely one at that. I long for some companionship…” The Queen’s attempt at seduction continues and Erik is reminded of the prophecy he received from Missyus,
If you pay the Queen’s price, she will tell you of your true parents…
Although a bit older, the Queen is still an attractive woman, and Erik doesn’t feel it’s too high a price to pay to learn of his birth parents. He acquiesces to Larindra’s advances and shares her bed for a time. Afterwards, the Queen holds true to her end of the bargain and tells Erik of his true parents.

The True Story of Erik’s Birth

“When I was a young woman in Thersi, your mother was one of my dearest friends. She was a noble woman, Milicin. Your father, Varna, expanded his business into the Boundary Lands and began doing some trading in Thersi. Though he was already married, while in Thersi, he met Milicin, fell in love with her, and had an affair. Milicin became pregnant, though she was only 16 at the time. Unfortunately, she had already been pledged to marry into another royal family on her 18th birthday. Her family was, needless to say, quite upset at the situation. Varna offered to take Milicin back to Quinalyn to bear the bastard child, and then take it into his family. Though Milicin’s absence would be somewhat suspicious, the family accepted it as the best alternative and Milicin returned to Quinalyn with Varna.”

At this point, Erik grows somewhat confused, as he knows full well that he is not half-elven, and that Varna is only his adoptive father.

“When you were born, Varna was quite surprised to find that you were entirely human. Apparently, Milicin had had more than one affair. Varna was astonished, betrayed, and ashamed, but he felt he should not take out his rage on you. He kept his promise and took you into his family to raise. Unfortunately, Milicin refused to tell me who your father was, though I begged her to reveal the identity of her other affairs. So, I’m afraid I cannot tell you who your true father is. I can tell you that your mother, Milicin, was married on her 18th birthday as planned – to Sir Uthrin.”

Erik is quite taken aback at these revelations. He is especially creeped out that the notorious Sir Uthrin is apparently his step-father, but is glad to know the identity of his birth mother. He is unsure how much his adoptive mother, Varna’s wife, knows of the story, but he suspects she knows a good deal. It would certainly explain her thinly veiled hatred of him, if he were a constant reminder of her husband’s infidelity. Erik awkwardly thanks the Queen for her… time… and for sharing what she knows of his parents, and he takes his leave.

He rejoins the dinner party to find Fargrim standing on a table leading the remaining patrons in a round of dwarven drinking songs. The Zaza and Charm are joining in heartily, while Invicto is trying to catch the eye of some of the serving maids. Erik thinks about telling his friends what has just happened, but finds himself wracked with a wave of emotions, including guilt. He was starting to see the Emperor as somewhat of a father figure, and has now shattered that image quite thoroughly. He’s not sure what to make of his strange new-found connection to Sir Uthrin, or whether he should try to seek out his birth mother. In the end, he decides to keep this incident to himself for now as he sorts things out in his mind.

The Fabled City of Calipha

A few days later, Davos returns from his expedition to Korindor and summons the party to his tower. His trip was productive. Though he did not discover much about the Arinfax Colossus specifically, through some powerful, and expensive, divinations, he found that there is a living person that knows of a way to defend against the Arinfax Colossus, and that person is in the fabled city of Calipha. Erik recalls hearing of the city of Calipha in his arcane trainings. Residing in the Feywild, the city exhibits the magical property of ‘traveling’. It is not actually in any specific location, though anyone who enters the Feywild and truly seeks Calipha will find it appear before them. As legend puts it “If you truly want to find it, it will come to you…” Davos asks the party to venture into the Feywild to reach the city of Calipha and to locate this person who knows of a way to defend against the Arinfax Colossus.

Fargrim is immediately disgusted at the suggestion that the party should venture into the Feywild. He insists it is a place of illusion and trickery that robs people of their sanity. Plus, it’s filled with elves and fairies, and no one needs that. The Zaza, on the other hand, is excited about the chance to visit the Feywild. She has always imagined it would offer a glimpse into the very essence of the natural world, and visiting it would be a spiritual experience that would bring her closer to Melora. Invicto is excited about meeting pixies that might actually make him look tall for once, and Charm and Erik are actually concerned with saving the civilized lands from destruction by learning more about the Arinfax Colossus. The party argues with Fargrim for a while, and after Davos mentions an additional sum of ‘hazard pay’, the dwarf agrees to make the journey.

The adventurers know the most direct way to reach the Feywild is to travel into the northwest reaches of the forest kingdom of Quinalyn (which is actually southwest of the party’s current location in the Boundary Lands). The depths of the forests that border the Torin Plains there are known to meld into the Feywild. So, the party requisitions a fresh set of horses and makes the two week journey to the forests of Quinalyn. After a few days of traveling deep into the forests, the natural landscape begins to change and evolve, becoming more wild and untamed. Trees reach gargantuan heights and stand upon massive roots protruding from the earth that the party must literally climb over and around. The party sees strange species of plants and insects that they never imagined could have existed. Soft sunlight drifts down through the canopy of trees above and the world is charged with magical energy that seems to drift through the air in motes. Eventually, the party breaks through a treeline and looks down upon a lake with a glistening city resting in its center. The party somehow knows that they have just discovered the city of Calipha.


A Warm Welcome

The party sees a small pier on the edge of the lake with a boat waiting. They approach the pier and see a strange boatman waiting silently in the small watercraft. The Zaza recognizes the creature as a Black Woods Dryad, a fey creature that is said to be made of tree branches and plants. Unlike more humanoid dryads, which legend often portrays as seductive creatures that manipulate innocent people they may come across, the Black Woods Dryad is known for simply being a stoic and brutish defender of the natural world.


The creature has no mouth that the party can see and does not speak in response to questions. It does nod when asked if this is the boat to the city of Calipha, so the party shrugs and hops in. The boat itself appears to be made of a living tree shaped into a boat. The exterior is coated in a layer of bark and here and there a few small branches extend out from the boat and are sprouting healthy green leaves. Fargrim insists that the rest of the party board the boat first and only when he is happy that they still have their wits about them does he reluctantly step on himself. Once all of the party is on board, the dryad shoves off and steers the boat to the city of Calipha.

A garishly dressed satyr is waiting for the party on the docks of the city and he shouts welcome to the party, “Welcome to the city of Calipha! You have found a true paradise!” As the party disembarks, the satyr greets them all, “I am Donenly, and I will ensure that your every desire is attended to while you are in our fair city!” Several nymphs approach the party, offering them goblets of wine. Fargrim eyes the wine suspiciously and declines, though the rest of the party imbibes happily.

Donenly continues, “If you need anything, do not hesitate to reach out to me. I will show you to the Inn Calipha where rooms will be arranged for you.” The party is pleasantly surprised by the city thus far, but inquire to Donenly what the cost is to stay in the inn and have every desire satisfied. Donenly assures the party that none of the guests of the city of Calipha pay for any goods or services. The city exists purely to please them. He tells the party the city is powered by a magical fey spirit that maintains it and gives it life. He is the representative of the spirit and the administrator of the city. Donenly goes on to assure the party that the city of Calipha is a paradise in the Feywild that truly exists to cater to the whims of its visitors. The party sees a few inhabitants as they move through the streets – a few groups of humanoids, including elves, eladrin, humans, and a few gnomes, are gathered on street corners drinking wine and singing songs. For a city of its size, however, there seems to be very few people out and about in the middle of the day. The party notes that most of the buildings seem to be made of living wood, similar to the boat they traveled in.

The party mentions to Donenly that they are in the city for a specific purpose – they are seeking someone with knowledge of the Arinfax Colossus. Donenly knows nothing of the Arinfax Colossus himself, but he assures the party there are many inhabitants within the city the party can feel free to speak with. Charm offers that they just want to gather the information they seek and then be on their way, to which Donenly insists that they at least spend a few days taking in the beauty and pleasures of the city of Calipha. Knowing there must be a catch to this ‘eternal paradise’, Fargrim grumbles that they must be trapped here and will never be able to escape.

The Inn Calipha

The party reaches the Inn Calipha, a massive structure near the center of the city. The doors stand open, letting sunlight into the enormous common room of the inn, and the party sees where all of the city’s inhabitants are. The inn is a giant celebration, packed from wall to wall with revelers drinking, dancing, and singing. A few patrons are locked in amorous embraces in the middle of the inn, and the party actually spots a few obviously pregnant women partaking in the festivities. Scantily clad nymphs drift throughout the inn with trays of drink and food to offer to patrons.

Donenly leads the party into the inn, but Fargrim insists that he is not entering the inn, worried that by means of some kind of fey magic he will not be able to leave the den of hedonism if he enters it. The rest of the party does not share his concern and is content to leave the dwarf on the steps. They proceed into the inn and Donenly takes them through a side door where another satyr waits behind a counter. The satyr introduces himself as Karic, and says he will set the party up with rooms in the inn. Donenly takes his leave, assuring the party they are in good hands with Karic and reminding them to not hesitate to ask him or anyone else if they need anything at all.

Karic leads the party up a set of stairs into the higher levels of the inn, and the party gets the distinct feeling that the inn is larger on the inside than it appears on the outside as they pass hall after hall of rooms. Karic leads each party member to their own individual room which is richly adorned with an enormous palatial bed, a personal bath, a wardrobe, and other fine accoutrements. After getting settled, Erik, Charm, The Zaza, and Invicto gather to plan what to do next.

Meanwhile, as Fargrim rests on the steps of the inn below, a group of revelers approaches him and asks if he wants to share a drink. Fargrim scoffs at their wine and insists he only drinks dwarven mead. One of the revelers insists that the inn has some excellent dwarven mead on tap and summons a serving nymph over. Fargrim can’t pass up a chance at some dwarven mead and grabs a cup. He finds it’s actually some of the best brew he’s ever had and implores the group to join him in belting out some dwarven drinking songs, and they happily oblige.

“I’ve been here since I got up this morning!”

The rest of the party decides that based on the scrap of information they received from Mujeh (which mentioned dwarves helping humans to build a magical machine to defend against the Arinfax Colossus), they should seek out any dwarves staying at the inn, as they didn’t see many in the city thus far. They head downstairs and follow up with Karic. The satyr informs the party that there are two or three dwarves staying at the Inn Calipha and points out one currently drinking in the common room. The party members approach the dwarf and introduce themselves. The dwarf offers them to join him for a drink, introducing himself as Yirken. The party accepts, but seeing Fargrim still sitting on the front steps of the inn, asks if Yirken will join them out front to meet their dwarven companion. Yirken jumps at the chance to meet another dwarf and share a mug of mead, and he heads outside with the party to meet Fargrim.

The party tries to get to know Yirken, but he seems more interested in talking about the finer points of dwarven mead. They ask if he knows anything of the Arinfax Colossus, and he unfortunately knows nothing of the creature. They ask how long he has been here, to which he responds, “I’ve been here since I got up this morning! Woke up, and came down and started drinking!” The party rephrases the question, asking how long he has been in the city of Calipha. Yirken seems confused by the question, shrugs, and attempts to change the topic. The party presses Yirken on the question, and after thinking about it for a while he estimates he’s been in the city for something like 10 years. The party asks Yirken if he’s ever tried to leave, to which Yirken responds, “Why would I ever want to leave? Endless drink and food! No more work or worries! And have you seen some of those nymphs in the inn? They’re a frisky lot!”

The party asks Yirken where he’s from, and what brought him to the city of Calipha. Yirken has to think very long and hard to remember the answer to these questions, but he does eventually sort through the cobwebs in his brain, exclaiming, “The Red Hand Hold! I was part of the Red Hand Hold!” The party looks to Fargrim, but he does not recognize this dwarven clan at all. Yirken tries to recall what brought him to the city of Calipha, and spies someone in the inn that jars his memory. Another dwarf is just walking into the common room of the inn, and Yirken points to him, exclaiming, “He brought me here! My old friend, Jarrob! We both worked as smithies in the Red Hand Hold, and when we were ready to retire he convinced me to go looking for this ‘mystical, paradise city’ in the Feywild. I thought he was crazy, but here we are!”

Yirken waves Jarrob over, and he joins the group, a cup of mead in hand. The party introduces themselves, and begins pressing Jarrob with questions. They ask Jarrob how long he has been here, to which he responds, “I’ve been here since I got up this morning! Woke up, and came down and started drinking!” The party rolls their eyes collectively and rephrases the question, asking how long he has been in the city of Calipha. Jarrob seems to struggle as Yirken did with questions about his past, but he eventually offers a similar story, recalling being a member of the Red Hand Hold.

Mission Accomplished

When the party ask Jarrob why he came to the city, the dwarf mentions hearing of the city from an eladrin wizard while working on constructing a massive magical machine in the Boundary Lands. Jackpot! The party presses Jarrob on his work on this machine, which he describes as an ‘energy array’, and Jarrob confirms that it was constructed to defend against a massive elemental construct called the Arinfax Colossus. The party asks Jarrob to share all of his stories from working on this machine, and he is initially reluctant to rehash the past. Fargrim insists that from one dwarf to another he needs to hear of the great smithing work Jarrob did on this unique machine over a few cups of mead, and Jarrob gives in and agrees to spend the afternoon telling stories. He heads into the inn to grab a seat at a table, and Fargrim hesitates to enter the inn. Jarrob grows indignant, asking what kind of dwarf would want to stand out in the sunshine all day, and Fargrim finally agrees to enter the inn.

The party plies Jarrob for all the information they can, and makes some interesting discoveries. Most notably, while speaking with Jarrob, the dwarf eventually mentions that the Red Hand Hold is part of the dwarven nation of Arnathon, which is quite disconcerting. Arnathon was a dwarven nation, but it dissolved roughly 1,000 years ago. Where it once stood between the Boundary Lands and Quinalyn, there are now only the Dwarven Ruins. Fargrim grumbles again about how he believes the party is trapped in the city and, due to some devious fey magic, time is passing slowly here while years tick by on the outside. Nonetheless, the party presses Jarrob to tell them what he knows of the Arinfax Colossus, even if his information is thousands of years old.

Jarrob recalls some details of the origin of the Arinfax Colossus. Being a powerful elemental titan, it was almost impossible to destroy. So, during the war with the gods, the creature was trapped in a prison deep beneath the earth. Some time ago, an Ogre Mage was able to plant some kind of magical spike into the Arinfax Colossus’s prison. It did not fully free the creature, but the Colossus was able to project itself out of the prison while its soul was still trapped inside. The Energy Array was constructed to destroy the manifestation of the Colossus, but this only banishes the creature back to its prison. Over time, the Colossus regains strength and is eventually able to project itself out of its prison once again. Thus, the goblinoid races developed a prophecy predicting the creature’s return. Jarrob mentions that all of this is no longer a concern, though, because a troop of famous heros was sent to remove the spike from the Colossus’s prison so that it could never escape again. The party supposes that this band of heroes was none too successful.

Jarrob also mentions that the Energy Array is very difficult to operate. It has a very complicated targeting system that must be calibrated to account for the ‘elemental harmonics’ of the Colossus’s defensive magical energies. Jarrob recalls some fairly accurate directions to the Energy Array. It is located in a watchtower in the mountains north of Verind’s Edge, just a few days travel from the city.


Having gathered the information they came for, the party decides to investigate leaving the city, convinced that there will be some catch to this paradise and that they will have trouble getting out. They head back to the docks and pass an odd sight on the way – they see a halfling on the roof of a building with some kind of enormous spy glass set up through which he is gazing into the landscape around the city. The party initially doesn’t stop to investigate, but once they reach the docks they find several unattended boats. They decide they have time for a quick trip back to investigate the spy glass user they saw.

They return to the building they saw him on, but he has apparently gone. They head into the building and up to the roof, but don’t see him. While on the roof, however, they hear a woman screaming and look over the edge of the roof to see a pregnant woman that appears to be in labor being escorted by a pair of nymphs. They take her into a building down the street labeled ‘Nursery’ and eventually the screaming ceases. The party heads into the building to investigate and find it generally uninhabited with a few dusty, unused cribs and no sign of the woman who entered. In the basement of the building, however, they find a large set of solid wooden doors, which they assume the nymphs took the woman through. They try to open or unlock the doors, but find them to be impenetrable.

Deciding there is clearly something creepy going on in this city, the party head back to the docks to quickly take their leave. They hop into one of the unattended boats and shove off, heading for the shore of the lake. This seems all too easy, and they quickly discover that it is. A fog seems to cloud their minds and they suddenly simply awaken in their beds back at the Inn Calipha (Fargrim appears to now have a room of his own).

The party heads downstairs and finds the common room once again packed with revelers. Fargrim is immediately tired of, and angry with, these devious Feywild games, which he knew all along were coming. He simply hops onto the bar in the common room, takes out his warhammer and begins smashing things yelling for Donenly. The patrons move away from this violent display and file out into the street to continue their merry-making. Donenly soon arrives to speak with the party. They demand to leave the island and threaten violence if they cannot. Donenly sees the party is quite serious and foregoes convincing them to simply enjoy all that Calipha has to offer. He informs the party that the fey spirit that powers the city is akin to the essence of childhood innocence – generally happy and carefree, but easily turned spiteful if rejected or ignored. He tells the party that the city of Calipha is a paradise that no one can leave, and the fey spirit that controls the city will brook no exceptions.

The party demand to have their own audience with the spirit, confident they can convince it to make an exception. Donenly assures the party that the spirit will only speak to him and will not grant them an audience, but because he does not want further violence, he agrees to at least ask the spirit if it will meet with the party. The party insists that he go to speak with the spirit right away, and he promises to do so. He asks that in return the party act peacefully until he comes back with an answer from the spirit. The party agree and Donenly leaves the inn. Charm immediately follows stealthily at a distance. She sees a large, well-armed centaur, possibly a bodyguard, join Donenly as he proceeds through the streets of the city. The pair heads into the Nursery building the party entered last night. Charm follows them in, but by the time she enters the building they seem to have disappeared through the large impenetrable doors in the basement.

Charm exits the Nursery and notices the halfling the party saw yesterday once again on the roof of a building peering through a spy glass. She immediately heads up to the roof to investigate. The halfling is caught by surprise at her approach and seems very nervous. Charm innocently asks what the halfling is looking at. He offers that he was just looking at some of the natural landscapes around the city, and immediately begins packing up his spy glass to leave. Charm notes that he doesn’t seem to be partaking in the revelry like the other visitors in the city. The halfling abashedly mentions that wine is not his drink of choice and that he should be going. Charm steps in between the halfling and the stairs heading down from the roof and quickly introduces herself, then asking for the halfling’s name. The halfling says his name is Lock and Charm is reminded of the prophecy she received from Missyus,
The key to your prison will be in the lock.
Thinking she may have found a way out of Calipha, she drops any pretenses and insists that she and her friends are looking to leave the city and wants to know if Lock can help them. Lock is initially hesitant to talk about such things, mentioning that “the spirit has eyes and ears everywhere”, but eventually he admits that he wants nothing more than to escape Calipha. He is willing to take a chance on trusting the party if they can get him out of the city. Lock tells Charm that he has been trapped in the city for probably six or seven years and in that time he has noticed that Donenly actually leaves the city on occasion. He has seen him travel through an illusionary waterfall in the northwest corner of the lake. However, Lock has tried leaving himself and was unable to do so. He has noticed a magical talisman that Donenly always wears and believes that it is necessary to leave the city. If the party can retrieve the talisman from Donenly, they could head through the waterfall and escape Calipha.

Breaking Out

Charm brings Lock back to the Inn Calipha, introduces him to the party, and updates them on the possible means of exiting the city. Just then Karic approaches the party to tell them that Donenly has sent a message, “The spirit is willing to meet with you. Meet in the Grand Hall within the inn at 7 o’clock.” The party bides their time until 7 o’clock then procedes to the Grand Hall. They enter to find a palatial banquet hall, with a large dinner table set with a variety of food and drink. Two broad, curving sets of stairs on either side of the room lead up to join in a second floor balcony overlooking the banquet hall. Donenly stands on the balcony, with his centaur bodyguard nearby. Three Black Woods Dryads linger near the top of the stairs. The long dinner table has one conspicuous addition – a large, black cauldron sits in the middle of the table with a strange, foul-smelling dark liquid bubbling inside.

Donenly speaks to the party, “I’m afraid the spirit refused to meet with you. It offers you two options. First, you can drink the concoction in this cauldron. It will help you forget your past lives and the time before you came to Calipha, so that you can stay in the city and live happily.” Before even hearing the second option, Fargrim rushes up to the dinner table and kicks the cauldron over, spilling its contents out onto the floor. Donenly says, “That’s a shame. Your other option was to die…”

Battle breaks out. Fargrim and The Zaza begin ascending the stairs where they run into the Black Woods Dryads. The creatures do not offer the most formidable attacks, but the roots and branches that the dryads are made of reach out and coil around the feet of any nearby enemies, holding them in place. The Zaza and Fargrim are caught next to the creatures and begin hacking away at them. Charm takes a bolder approach – she leaps onto the dinner table and launches herself up to the second floor balcony, catching the railing and hoisting herself over it to stand in front of Donenly and the centaur. The centaur moves off to the side of the balcony and begins raining arrows down upon the party members. The creature is very impressive in battle. It is able to unleash rapid fire shots at multiple members of the party with deadly accuracy. Donenly readies his own bow and begins firing at Charm. In short order, the rogue is near death and has to leap back over the balcony railing to safety.

With the dryads rooting party members in place, Donenly and the centaur are able to stand back and continue raining arrows down upon the party. Erik quickly conjures a flaming sphere behind enemy lines and begins harassing Donenly with it, but the satyr is still able to dish out a lot of pain. The party suffers a number of wounds and over the course of the battle multiple party members fall to the ground. The party drains all of their healing resources reviving one another and are just barely able to pull off a victory.

They quickly yank the magical talisman from Donenly’s neck, grab Lock, and head to the docks. The halfling’s predictions hold true, and the party is able to paddle through the waterfall in the northwest corner of the lake and escape from the city of Calipha. They emerge to find their horses have been slaughtered by some wandering creatures of the Feywild.


Must give credit to chris heard's AP podcast, Icosahedrophilia, for that last session- totally lifted the 'hotel california' idea from him


I thought it had a real creepy (in a good way) fey feel to it.

Yeah, I've often struggled with the Feywild concept, and integrating it into campaigns in a cool way. Dancing fairies and sunlight just don't make for good adventure material. But the whole 'Hotel California' theme where there's a blissful, happy place with a dark, sinister underlying reality makes it really cool. The Icosahedrophilia adventure did this in a really cool way and I was (hopefully) able to replicate it pretty well. Unfortunately, the podcast episode got cut off, and the ending is missing, but the creepy feel and atmosphere in the first part of the adventure was enough to make the idea work.


Chapter 4 - The Terrible Wrath of the Arinfax Colossus (s. 7)

4.1 Captured!

The party emerges from the shores of the lake holding the city of Calipha and searches for their horses. Lock thanks the party profusely for helping him escape the Feywild prison. Erik asks Lock if he knows anything about the pregnant women being escorted into the ‘Nursery’ building in Calipha. Lock somberly relates that, in his time in the city, he saw many pregnant women taken away before giving birth. They returned a month or two later, childless, and had no memory of being pregnant. Lock has pieced together that the spirit powering the city requires life energy to survive. He believes any children born in the city are taken to the spirit to be consumed. The mothers are then held for a time until their memories are fully erased. The party shutters at this practice and are thankful they were able to escape the city of Calipha.

Searching through the forest, the party finds the bodies of their horses where they had left them, but they appear to have been dead for a very long time. Rather than fresh corpses, the party only finds skeletons half-buried in the underbrush of the forest. Fargrim confirms again his suspicions of the Feywild, grumbling that hundreds of years have likely passed while the party was in the city. Lock doesn’t know how much time has passed for the party, but he is certain the world that he knew is no more. He pledges his services as a researcher and a scholar to the party, saying he is in their debt and that he will help them in anyway he can in the future.

The Keystone Mortalis

The party enters a small clearing in the forest and, suddenly, a female humanoid appears in a swirl of shadows before the party. They recognize her as a Shadar-kai. The party recalls the group of Shadar-kai they found slain by goblins in the Torin Plains when they were searching for the Raven Queen statue for Lord Dread. Fargrim is happy to recall the time he took to give the Shadar-kai a proper burial, certain that action will pay dividends now. With her keen senses, the Zaza spots a number of Shadar-kai chain fighters lurking in the woods around the party.


The female Shadar-kai addresses the party, “Hail, my name is Alszeem. You are?” The party brushes aside her question, saying they are simply travelers. Alszeem chuckles at the response, saying “Very well, let us not play games. You know where the Keystone Mortalis is, and I will have it.” The party members look at each other, puzzled. Erik speaks up that they do not know what the ‘Keystone Mortalis’ is.

Alszeem laughs at this comment, “I am not entertained with whatever lies you are inclined to come up with. You could not come into contact with such an artifact without realizing it’s power. You will tell me everything you know once you are put to the rack!” She motions to the chainfighters in the woods and they rush to attack.

The chainfighters prove capable combatants, but are no match for the party. As Alszeem joins the fray, the party realizes she is a witch, and is a very formidable opponent. She surrounds herself with an aura of writhing shadows and makes herself a very difficult target. However, the party makes short work of the chainfighters, leaving Alszeem as the only remaining enemy. Realizing the battle is lost, Alszeem calls out that she will be seeing the party again, and that they will deliver the Keystone Mortalis to her. She then smashes a glass orb of swirling dark shadows at her feet and disappears in a puff of black smoke.

The party discuss the incident briefly, concluding that their best guess is that the Keystone Mortalis is the black Raven Queen statue they delivered to Lord Dread. Having handily fended off Alszeem’s attack, the party isn’t too concerned with addressing the matter at the time being. They are much more interested in returning to Verind’s Edge and discovering how much time has passed while they were caught in the mists of the Feywild.

Without horses, the going will be a little slower, but the party expects about a three or four week journey back to Verind’s Edge. Along the way, the party notices that the seasons have changed. They entered the city of Calipha at the start of winter, but now it feels more like the end of summer. With the free time, the party also has a chance to inspect some items they picked up a little further. They realize that Donenly’s magic talisman functions as an Amulet of Distortion. Also, one night Invicto is studying the demon fangs he picked up from the creatures that attacked the seer of Io, Missyus, when he is approached by Lock. The halfling mentions that he has some training in ritual magic and alchemy, and he believes he knows how to use the demon fangs to enchant a suit of armor. Invicto lets him go to work, and Lock transforms Invicto’s leather armor into a magical suit of Fire Resistant armor.

Nine Months…

The party finally in arrives in Verind’s Edge. The city seems to be in a similar state to what they left it in, if maybe a little busier. They don’t recognize the gate guards, but after entering the city they spy some soldiers they do recognize who greet them with stunned looks. One of them approaches – Old Breddy, a soldier the party knows somewhat well, who has spent a few late nights in a tavern with the party. Old Breddy lives up to his name – he’s an older soldier who likely should have retired years ago, but he still has a very impressive stamina when it comes to ale.

“We thought you were dead for sure!” Old Breddy greets the party. The party assures him they are very much alive. “What kept you away for so long, then? You came back just in time for the war!”

“War?” the party asks in unison.

“Where’ve you been? A goblinoid army and that stone beast, the Arinfax Colossus, are marching through the Torin Plains and will arrive in three or four days…”

From Jarrob’s description, the party would guess the watchtower housing the Energy Array is roughly three or four days travel from the city, giving them no time to waste in reaching the Energy Array to defend against the Arinfax Colossus. The party thanks Old Breddy and rushes to the palace to bring Davos their news.

On their way to the palace, the party runs into numerous other soldiers and townsfolk that recognize them, all giving them shocked looks along with a few awkward hails. The party heads into the palace expecting to find preparations for war, but they come across what appears to be decorations for a party in the main courtyard. Streamers and flowers are arranged throughout, and servants are bustling about preparing tables of food and drink. The party spots Mujeh, the Goliath bard, helping out in the courtyard and they stop to speak with him. He is amazed to see the party, and he echoes the common sentiment of being sure they were dead. The party asks just how long it’s been since they left.

Mujeh ponders for a bit, “I remember last seeing you at the dinner party with the Emperor and the Queen, then you headed out shortly after that. That was about nine months ago now.” Erik feels a tremor run along his spine.

The party asks him what the preparations are for.

“Obviously battle is on its way, but the Emperor wanted to take time to have a small celebration for the new addition to the royal family! Queen Larindra just gave birth to a son.” Mujeh chuckles and lowers his voice, “Most thought that Emperor Essran wasn’t able to sire an heir, since he had been married for seven or eight years with no children, and no rumors of any bastards. But I guess something magical happened nine months ago, ‘cause the Queen has delivered a healthy baby boy.” Erik feels the blood rush from his head, knowing very well where he was nine months ago, but he manages to keep his composure at the revelation that he is apparently a father. The rest of the party simply nods at the news and moves on to asking Mujeh about the goblinoid army approaching the city, and the Arinfax Colossus.

Dire Straits

Mujeh confirms that the goblinoid army is due to arrive in a few days. Various goblin and orc tribes have banded together and are marching behind the Arinfax Colossus, which is making its way through the Torin Plains, headed directly towards Verind’s Edge. Scouts’ reports confirm that the Colossus is a terrible monstrosity – a massive stone creature, taller than the city’s walls, that looks quite capable of smashing Verind’s Edge to bits. Nonetheless, preparations are being made to defend the city, and all able-bodied men within the Emperor’s domain have been brought to the city.

“Unfortunately,” Mujeh adds, “there is no aid coming from the rest of the Boundary Lands, thanks to Sir Uthrin. Uthrin has disputed scouting reports of the Arinfax Colossus, and he insists that the goblinoid army is only a small contingent of a few tribes that Verind’s Edge should be able to fend off without aid. He has claimed that Emperor Essran’s request for additional troops is a ploy to gather forces for an assault on Uthrin himself. He’s used all of his political clout to gather support for his view of the situation, and, on top of that, he has pledged to attack any troops moving through his fiefdom to ‘aid’ Verind’s Edge.”

The party realizes there is little hope for the city without reaching the Energy Array, so they bid farewell to Mujeh and seek out Court Wizard Davos. He is busy constructing arcane defenses for the city, but turns from his work when the party arrives. They quickly explain where they have been for the past nine months, and Davos readily grasps the potential time-warping effects of the Feywild. They move past the pleasantries, and share with him their news of the Energy Array, and its potential to defeat the Arinfax Colossus. Davos is ecstatic at the news, and he rushes to speak with the Emperor about the situation.

He returns shortly, and tells the party to quickly make preparations to journey to the watchtower housing the Energy Array. Davos is in the middle of defense preparations, and he regrettably admits that it would be a huge loss to the city for him to leave now. In the event that the party is unsuccessful, or if they cannot reach the Array before the army arrives, Davos feels he must stay by the Emperor’s side to help defend the city as best he can. The party has proved very capable thus far, and it seems the fortunes of the Empire must ride on their shoulders.

Fargrim grumbles about the hazard pay they were to receive, but Davos apologizes that the treasury is frozen due to the coming war and he cannot pay them anything now. However, he assures the party that they will be rewarded beyond their wildest dreams if they can destroy the Arinfax Colossus and save the city.

Before leaving, Erik pays a quick visit to the Queen’s quarters. He is greeted by a servant who asks what business he has with Queen Larindra. Erik insists that the servant simply tell the Queen that ‘Erik’ wishes to speak with her and the she will know who he is. The servant complies, but retuns to tell Erik that the Queen is very busy with preparations for the celebration and that she cannot speak with him right now, perhaps in a few days she can make time. Erik insists that he must leave the city immediately and needs to speak with the Queen before leaving, but his pleas get him nowhere. Erik gets the message and decides to leave the matter be for now.

The party requisitions a fresh batch of horses and heads out of the city. Given the poor fate of every other batch of horses the party has requisitioned, some of the party members feel a more personal connection with their horse might help it survive the trials ahead. They feel that if they simply give them names to make them more memorable their chances for survival will improve. Some party members like this idea, and some don’t, so only three horses get names. The Zaza bestows the name ‘New Breddy’ on her steed. Erik goes with ‘Tim’, and Fargrim names his mount ‘Seabiscuit’. The party quickly crosses the flat plains north of the city and a day and a half later they reach the foothills of the mountains and journey into them to seek out the Energy Array.

The Dead Hand Bandits

After another day’s travel up into the mountains, the party is winding their way through a narrow canyon with steep sides, when a figure appears in their path up ahead. He appears to be human and has two long, wicked-looking knives dangling from his belt.

He calls out to the party, “Are you lost?”

The party replies with a curt, “No.”

“You should be careful. You know, you’re in the territory of the Dead Hand Bandits. They are known to be a cruel bunch, and I should know since I’m one of them.”

The party is not impressed and Charm calls out, “We’re just passing through.”

The man replies, “Very well. You just need to pay the toll and you can be on your way. All of the equipment and money you have should do.”

The party scoffs. The bandit motions and several other bandits emerge from hiding places around the canyon. In all, the party sees five bandits armed with swords on the canyon floor with them, in addition to the bandit leader wielding his two long knives. The party also sees five bandit archers along the rim of the canyon above. This appears to be a tough fight, but the party is confident they can handle the bandits and be on their way.

Most interestingly, however, the party recognizes one of the sword-wielding bandits. He is Raver, the brutish villager the party imprisoned in the town of Ramshead for murdering Igris. He escaped imprisonment while the party was away, hunting the Tentacle Flayers that had been attacking the village. Raver recognizes the party as well and calls out to them, “You’re the bastards who ran me out of that village. I’m gonna enjoy taking my vengeance on you!” The party is just as excited at the chance to put Raver to the sword, something they wished they’d done back in Ramshead.

Battle is joined and the party finds the bandits are very adept fighters who work well together. The archers are especially lethal, and the party bristles at their inability to reach them up on the canyon’s rim. Nonetheless, they focus on taking down the sword-wielding bandits on the canyon floor with them. They are able to quickly drop a few of the bandits, but the party is hard-pressed to remain in the fight. Most devastating is the bandit leader. Weaving through the fray with his two long knives, he repeatedly dishes out numerous vicious cuts in a blur of steel. It’s not long before the tide has turned against the party. Charm and Erik are quickly unconscious on the ground, and The Zaza and Fargrim are soon to follow.

Before she falls, however, The Zaza steps up to engage Raver. He bellows for the dragonborn to come to her death, and The Zaza doesn’t bat an eye. His blow glances off her shield, and she responds by bringing her battleaxe down in a vicious overhand chop that crushes through Raver’s skull and splits his head in two like a ripe pumpkin. She feels a grim sense of satisfaction just before a volley of arrows drops her to the earth.

The party is able to take out all but one of the sword-wielding bandits, but Invicto is left with five bandit archers training arrows on him, as well as the bandit leader moving to engage, so he makes the best of the situation and offers surrender. The bandits disarm him and the rest of the party. They do bandage the wounds of the fallen party members, apparently planning to take them prisoner, though to what end Invicto does not know. The bandits bind the hands and feet of each party member, then load them all into a nearby wagon and trek a few hours through the mountains.

As night falls, they reach what appears to be the bandits’ base of operations, though Invicto is the only one conscious to see it. Firelight fills a bustling cave entrance that is packed with many more bandits reveling with food and drink. He waits to see what the Dead Hand Bandits have in store for them, hoping the rest of the party wakes up soon.

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Chapter 4 - The Terrible Wrath of the Arinfax Colossus (s. 8)

4.2 The Watchtower

The wagon holding the party is rolled into the Dead Hand Bandits’ hideout, and comes to a rest in the main cave entrance. The bandits escorting the party greet their comrades heartily and they stop to share a drink. Another group of bandits has apparently just returned from a sortie, and Invicto picks up some interesting bits of conversation:

“Drink well tonight boys! We caught a supply shipment heading out of Huntington to Verind’s Edge, and made quick work of it.”

“Uthrin still holding to his offer?”

“Aye, he’s still paying good gold for supply shipments to Verind’s Edge. They’ll be a little hungrier in Verind’s Edge, but it’s more coin for us!”

Invicto makes note of the latest despicable act of Sir Uthrin’s. After the bandits finish their drink, they escort the party deeper into the cave complex. After winding through numerous tunnels and passageways, the party emerges into what appears to be a huge underground amphitheatre. An open arena is surrounded on all sides by rows of stone benches extending upwards. At one end rests a huge stone throne. The entire structure seems very ancient, though it appears to have been put to recent use, as the party notices some discarded mugs scattered throughout the seating areas.

Let the Games Begin!

The party is placed in individual steel cages along one wall of the amphitheatre and chained inside. The bandits then leave them be and after a couple of hours, the remaining party members begin to regain consciousness. Invicto fills them in on their current situation, and the party finds they have no choice but to wait and see what happens.

After several more hours pass (the party would guess night has come and gone and it is morning of the next day), bandits start filing into the amphitheatre, filling the seats while drinking, talking, and laughing. A few bandits toss some rotting vegetables at the party in the cages. Eventually, the knife-wielding bandit the party faced in battle the day before enters and takes a seat in the large stone throne in the amphitheatre. He motions for the crowd to quiet and addresses the party.

“Welcome, brave travelers, to the home of the Dead Hand Bandits! I am the leader of this motley crew, Pinzam. I hope you don’t mind, but we like to have a little fun with those we best in battle. You see, a good portion of my men escaped from the life of a gladiator in the slave pens of the Jeweled Cities, so we appreciate quality entertainment. But don’t worry, you have a chance to earn your freedom!”

A chorus of chuckles runs through the gathered crowd.

“We will pair you off and you will fight each other – to the death, of course. But whoever is left standing gets to live!”

The party looks at each other dubiously and the crowd erupts in laughter. Many bandits shout taunts at the party members.

“Or, you can always take a chance with Frixis’s roulette table! Frixis is our resident… alchemist… He really enjoys experimenting with different herbs and concoctions, and tonight he has some new deadly poison he wants to try out on a living subject to make sure he’s got the dosage right. So, this table has about fifty different cups on it.” Pinzam motions to a table that has been wheeled in. It is covered in a wide array of various cups, goblets, and mugs.

“All of them but one is poisoned and is certain death. You can pick one to drink from, and if you choose the one goblet that is safe we’ll let you live. Hell, I’ll give you my word that if you have the balls and the dumb luck to pick the right cup, we’ll make your whole group honorary members of our little company.”

The crowd boos at this suggestion.

Pinzam motions for the crowd to quiet down, “Now, now… no one ever actually chooses the right cup.” The crowd laughs, and Pinzam turns back to the party.

“So, what’ll it be? A fight to the death for your freedom, or a gamble with one of the cups?”

Various members of the crowd begin yelling suggestions. Some call out “take a cup, a cup!”, while others yell, “fight ya sissies!”. The party members look over the table and see a variety of cups:
  • Numerous plain wooden cups
  • A few square, iron mugs
  • Several small tin cups
  • Some unique cups, like:
  • A jeweled goblet with red and blue gems set across it
  • An intricately carved wooden cup with a mermaid encircling the top of the cup and the mermaid’s upper half actually poking up over the rim of the cup
  • A brass cup shaped like a dragon’s claw
  • A silver cup that’s shaped like the head of a silver dragon, with the dragon's mouth forming the open end of the cup
  • A thin crystal glass with words etched across it
  • A large stone mug
  • A variety of other unique goblets
None of the cups look particularly appealing, nor do any of them belie their contents. The party is baffled as to what to do. However, one of the cups catches the eye of The Zaza – the silver cup shaped like the head of a silver dragon. She is reminded of the prophecy she received from Missyus,
Drink from the mouth of the Silver Dragon and you will learn of your brother’s fate…
The Zaza steps forward and says that she will drink from one of the cups. The other party members look shocked and confused, but have no other ideas of what to do. Two bandit guards release The Zaza’s chains and she strides confidently to the table and immediately picks out the silver dragon cup. As she raises the cup to drink, Pinzam hurriedly shouts out, “Wait a minute, are you sure about your choice? Just because you’re a dragonborn doesn’t mean you should choose a dragon cup!” The Zaza ignores Pinzam’s advice and drinks from the cup.

A hushed quiet falls over the crowd as they wait for her to suddenly keel over in pain. After a minute or so Pinzam regretfully speaks, “It seems fortune is truly with you. You have chosen the one cup that did not hold poison.” The crowd erupts in anger and disbelief but Pinzam is unfazed. He announces that there will be no show today and for everyone to take their leave. The crowd tosses a number of cups filled with ale at the party members trapped in their cages, but they do begin to file out of the amphitheatre.


Once the amphitheatre is near empty Pinzam rises and commands the guards to free the party members from their bonds. He assures them their equipment will be returned to them and they can be on their way. He offers to share a meal with them before they depart. The Zaza asks if she can keep the silver dragon cup she drank from. Pinzam shrugs and allows it. The party follows Pinzam back to his quarters where food and drink are served to them. He turns to The Zaza with a look of shocked disbelief, “You are either the bravest person I’ve ever met, or the dumbest. Or maybe both… How did you know which goblet to choose?”

The Zaza shrugs and says, “I just took a chance.”

Pinzam laughs and claps The Zaza on the shoulder, “Well the gods are with you. I thought for sure you would be eager to do battle.” The Zaza assures Pinzam she could not kill her friends. A few gruff-looking bandits bring in the party’s equipment and they begin suiting up. Pinzam says, “Well, unless you have any questions for me, I assume you’ll want to be on your way.”

The Zaza, still dwelling on the prophecy she received from Missyus, speaks up. “Are you familiar with the dragonborn in the area?”

Pinzam responds, “I know there are some villages scattered around the Boundary Lands.”

“Do you know why any of them would be abducted?”

With a curious look, Pinzam asks, “What do you mean?”

The Zaza decides to stop dancing around the subject and simply relates the tale of her twin brother, Daza. She describes the ‘short people’ that abducted him in the woods near her village when they were children, and their means of capture.

Pinzam listens attentively and nods when The Zaza finishes her tale. “Certainly sounds like slavers from the Jeweled Cities. I’ve spent some time there. Enough to know that dragonborn are popular slaves for the gladiator arenas. They are all the more valuable if they are brought into the life of a gladiator at a young age. The younger they are, the easier it is to break their spirit and leave them with no knowledge of any life besides fighting in the arena. A young dragonborn would command a high price in the Jeweled Cities, and there are many halflings populating that area, working for the various merchant houses and thieves’ guilds.”

The Zaza thanks Pinzam for the information and the party quickly takes their leave. Unfortunately, two of the party’s horses were killed in the fighting with the bandits. The other three horses, which happened to be the three that were given names, (New Breddy, Tim, and Seabiscuit) did survive. However, Pinzam insists the bandits will keep the surviving horses as a small spoil from the party’s capture. The party shrugs at the inevitability of losing their horses and continues their journey on foot.

A Forgettable Entrance

It has been three days since the party left Verind’s Edge, and the goblinoid army is expected to arrive today or tomorrow. It may already be too late, but the party must hope there is still time to reach the Energy Array before the Arinfax Colossus arrives. Fortunately, Invicto was conscious for the journey to the hideout of the Dead Hand Bandits, and with his memory of the trip they are able to piece together how to get back on the trail to the Energy Array. After a couple of hours of searching they spot the next stone landmark in Jarrob’s directions and quickly take up the trail.

The party continues hiking through the mountains into the afternoon. They are making their way through a curving mountain pass when Invicto gets the sudden striking feeling that he was just thinking about something very important but now can’t remember what it was. It suddenly pops into his head – the party just walked by the watchtower they are seeking. He’s very confused as to why everyone in the party would walk right by it, but he’s certain they just passed it. He shares his feeling with the party and Fargrim suddenly remembers passing the watchtower as well, but the rest of the group has no recollection of it. They head back through the pass they just came through and, sure enough, they see the watchtower extending straight up out of the rock.

Everyone in the party can feel the watchtower trying to slip out of their consciousness. Every few seconds they momentarily forget what they’re looking at, but, with every party member focusing on it, they are able to overcome the effect and make their way to the front door of the tower. The party is impressed with the strange magical ward surrounding the watchtower. If they were not specifically looking for it, they would never have even noticed it was there. At the least, the party is now very confident that the Energy Array inside has remained undisturbed for centuries.

The watchtower extends up several stories out of the surrounding rock, and the party can tell the top of the tower should have an excellent vantage point down into the plains surrounding Verind’s Edge. The stone door is heavy, and somewhat stuck, but with some effort the party is able to force it open. They head into the tower and find an empty and musty first floor. Stairs in the back head up to the second floor and the party quickly ascends. They find a large set of huge doors, which the party pushes open.

Into the Tower

The doors open into an expansive hall. In the middle of the room there is a raised dais with a huge metal orb on the far end. The orb rests in a thin metal container with a bar running around its mid-section. Also, on each side of the dais stand two solemn suits of full plate armor holding sword and shield. Behind the dais stands an enormous iron golem, towering at least 10 feet high. The golem and the suits of armor appear completely still and lifeless, but the party has a strong suspicion they may not remain that way. The only exit from the hall is a pair of massive doors on the other side of the room, so the party starts cautiously making their way across the hall.

After moving a short ways in, the large metal orb begins spinning in its container. Bolts of magical energy begin arcing across its surface, and the guardian suits of armor come to life as well as the iron golem in the back of the hall. They immediately move to attack the party.


The guardian armors fan out to lock down every member of the party, and Erik and Invicto try to disengage from the melee. The iron golem approaches with thunderous footsteps and joins the battle with two devastating sword blows delivered to The Zaza and Invicto. The party begins efficiently widdling away at the guardian armors, which only offer mediocre resistance. However, the party discovers that the large magical orb is powering a field of force surrounding the iron golem which completely rebuffs all attacks. The golem seems to be a powerful opponent that has no trouble dealing out damaging blows to the party with its massive iron blade, and the construct is, currently, completely invulnerable.

Invicto and Erik draw upon their arcane training to realize that the orb must be disabled before the golem can be injured. They both quickly rush around the edges of the hall, absorbing some passing blows from the guardian armors engaging them. They reach the large orb and find a series of magical runes inscribed into the orb’s container. The arcanists realize if they carefully scratch out certain runes they’ll be able to disable the device, though a misstep will likely result in a magical shock from the orb. Fortunately, the wizard and the warlock are both well-trained, and they begin making progress on disabling the orb.


Back at the frontlines, The Zaza and Fargrim have worn down most of the guardian armors, though they are unpleasantly surprised to find that the constructs explode in a cloud of noxious gas and shrapnel when they are killed. Nonetheless, in short order, there is only one guardian armor left swinging away at Fargrim. The iron golem, however, turns to the dais as soon as Invicto and Erik begin making progress on disabling the magical orb, sensing the threat to its protective magical shield. It charges the two magic-users and lowers its shoulder as it slams into Invicto, knocking the gnome off of the dais. The Zaza rushes to distract the golem, and Erik and Invicto are able to finish disabling the orb. The Zaza’s battleaxe sweeps into the golem’s midsection and she is pleased to see that it lands a ringing blow. With the golem distracted, both Erik and Invicto take a moment to catch their second wind, as the earlier blows from the guardian armors have taken their toll on the casters.

Locked in battle with the one remaining guardian armor, Fargrim can tell his opponent is vastly inferior in its fighting abilities, but fortune seems to be with it as it continually lands lucky blow after lucky blow while narrowly dodging Fargrim’s attacks. The dwarf is forced to draw on some of his healing resources, but he is finally able to land a solid shot with his warhammer and he takes down the last remaining guardian armor. He then charges the dais to help The Zaza engage the iron golem.

The iron golem proves a very formidable opponent. It is able sweep its huge iron blade in a wide arc that cleaves across one opponent and into another. Thus, the metal construct is able to wear down The Zaza and Fargrim simultaneously. The melee fighters are forced to draw on every ounce of their healing resources. In one particularly devastating sequence, the golem lands two critical hits on The Zaza in a row. Fortunately, she downs a Potion of Healing inbetween the blows and manages to barely stay on her feet. Fargrim, however, falls unconscious from one of the golem’s blows, and the situation begins to look very dire. But, the party can tell by the numerous gashes in the golem’s armor and the variety of liquids and gases spewing out of its wounds, that it is near death, so they press on with the fight. Invicto and Erik continue launching attacks from afar, and though The Zaza is on death’s doorstep, she manages to stay upright until the construct is finally defeated. It explodes in an enormous cloud of noxious gas and shrapnel, but The Zaza manages to deflect the debris with her shield.

The party rouses Fargrim, and they all take a minute to catch their breath and dress their wounds. Every party member suffered significant injuries, and this was only the first floor of the watchtower. They aren’t sure how many more guardians they’ll be able to fight their way through, but the party stoically presses on, as the fate of Verind’s Edge lies in their hands. Through the doors in the back of the hall is another set of stairs leading up to the next floor. The party pushes through the large set of stone doors at the top of the stairs and braces to face their next challenge.

A Puzzling Encounter

As soon as the party enters the next room, the doors they came through shut behind them with a resounding boom. The party finds themselves in a small, empty room. Another set of doors stands across from them, and there appears to be five large stone dials built into the doors. The party examines the dials closely and finds that they all bear the same five engraved images. They vaguely recognize some of the images as depicting ancient historical or religious events. After studying the images for a while, the party pieces together that the dials seem to be a type of combination lock for the doors, and that the images must be placed in chronological order to open the doors.


The party initially simply tries a random combination of images and tries to push the doors open. The room suddenly explodes in fire, and the party members suffer more wounds after just recuperating from their fight with the iron golem. The party regathers to study the images further. They include:
  1. A dwarven forgemaster
  2. A battle between elves and goblins
  3. Some kind of fey spirit
  4. A battle between Moradin, god of the dwarves, and Gruumsh, god of the orcs
  5. An army of demons
Drawing on their knowledge of history and religion, they manage to piece together some ideas about the images. They pool their knowledge to come up with a few crucial clues:
  1. A dwarven forgemaster – This appears to be the famous dwarven forgemaster, Carmog, who lived thousands of years ago and who crafted some of the most legendary magical arms and armor. Legend holds that he was touched by Moradin as a babe. Most notably, Carmog helped defeat the Vile Army. He worked for 18 days and nights without rest, crafting 50 sets of magical arms and armor to outfit a band of 50 warriors. The warriors were chosen to fight their way to the gateway to the Nine Hells that let the Vile Army into the world and to close it permanently.
  2. A battle between elves and goblins – This appears to be a depiction of the legendary Bloodied Champions, a band of famous elven warriors. The Bloodied Champions stood alone against an army of goblins back when the Feywild did not create a buffer between Quinalyn and the Torin Plains and war with goblins was frequent. The Bloodied Champions’ famous stand took place in the ancient elven city of Sunaal – a city that was laid waste by the Vile Army and never rebuilt.
  3. Some kind of fey spirit – This appears to be a depiction of the Forest King, a fey spirit that helped a council of Eladrin wizards to bleed the Feywild into the forests in the northwest regions of Quinalyn in order to form a border between the nation and the Torin Plains. The Feywild was bled into Quinalyn sometime after the defeat of the Vile Army.
  4. A battle between Moradin, god of the dwarves, and Gruumsh, god of the orcs – This famous battle between Moradin and Gruumsh took place in the early days of the world when the gods walked amongst the people of the world and Gruumsh led an army to try and crush the dwarven civilizations. This is probably the earliest event depicted, as it predates much of recorded history and is closer to mythology than history.
  5. An army of demons – This appears to be a depiction of the infamous Vile Army – an army of demons that was unleashed on the world long ago. The Vile Army waged war on the civilized people of the Boundary Lands when a powerful, mad wizard opened a gateway to the Nine Hells and an army of demons poured forth. The civilized races had to band together to defeat the army.
It takes some time for them to finally come up with the full list of clues. Consequently, they try several combinations of images that are unsuccessful, and suffer through the exploding fire trap a few more times. But, eventually, they land on the correct combination: 4, 2, 5, 1, 3. The doors open, and the party takes a brief rest again to dress their fresh burns from the fire trap. Many party members are on their last reserves of energy now, and they don’t expect to be able to recuperate from yet another battle. Nonetheless, the party forges ahead, up another set of stairs to the next floor, hoping they are nearing the top.
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Added a small intro/teaser write-up to the first post, and put in a Table of Contents to lay out all the session write-ups so far.


Chapter 4 - The Terrible Wrath of the Arinfax Colossus (s. 9)

4.3 The party is set adrift into the great, wide world

The party heads up to the next level of the watchtower and is relieved to see windows on this floor. Even better, the windows seem to be fairly high off of the ground, giving the party hope that they may be near the top of the tower. This floor consists of a large circular room. Two strange arcane symbols are inscribed in the floor on either side of the room, and a series of columns lines the back of the room. Invicto draws on his arcane training to vaguely identify the inscribed runes as some type of summoning circles.

Defeat is in the Eye of the Beholder

The party advances cautiously into the room, ready for the next trap or guardian to spring on them. Shortly after filing through the door, they are not disappointed. Two huge creatures magically appear on the far side of the room, in front of the row of columns – floating heads, each with one large central eye, a gaping maw of sharpened teeth, and several additional eyes on the ends of a number of wriggling eye stalks protruding from the heads. The party immediately recognizes these twisted creatures as beholders, a legendary monster that has spelled the end of many a hero. Fortunately, Erik remembers from his arcane studies that these particular beholders are beholder gauths, the weakest breed of the strange eye creatures. But the weakest of the breed still makes for a formidable opponent.


The beholders seem to have been summoned into the room, but Erik and Invicto did not sense that the inscribed arcane circles on the floor activated in any way. They glance at each other nervously, recognizing that there may be more to this room than it has offered thus far.

The Zaza rushes to engage one of the beholders, landing a solid blow on the beast and calling her divine challenge down upon it. The beholders then each utter an arcane phrase and the inscribed circles on the floor glow as two massive, vicious-looking beetles appear within each summoning circle, making four beetles in all. The giant, twisted insects immediately start emitting a piercing chittering sound. The sound is annoying at a distance, but as the chittering beetles close on the party members, they find that being next to the sound is unavoidably distracting. The high-pitched chittering reverberates in the party members’ skulls when the beetles are near them, causing some of the party’s attacks to miss their mark. The four beetles fan out and strike at The Zaza, Invicto, Fargrim, and Erik. Besides the annoying chittering sounds, they are not too threatening as combatants, but they manage to scratch at a few of the party members successfully.

After summoning the beetles, the beholders turn their eyes towards the party. Each beholder launches a magical ray out of its central eye, as well as two rays from their various eye stalks. Fargrim is immobilized at the far end of the battlefield, unable to engage the second beholder. One beholder attempts to use a telekinetic ray to move The Zaza away from its ally, but the blast sails wide. Invicto is hit with a sleep ray and he feels his feet slow and his eyes grow heavy as he tries to shake off the effect. Erik is simply blasted with a magical jet of flame, and The Zaza is hit with an exhaustion ray – dealing some damage to the dragonborn and weakening her.

Fargrim, rooted to the ground by one of the beholders’ eye rays, hacks at the chittering beetle in front of him but isn’t able to get past the creature’s flailing insectoid limbs. Invicto manages to fight off the effects of the sleep ray and stays conscious. He steps back from the beetle clawing at him and launches a massive blast of arcane energy at one of the beholders, causing it to squeal in pain.

But the worst is yet to come for the watchtower guardians. Erik, the admittedly frail wizard, sees an opportunity and summons every ounce of his courage to capitalize on it. He strides determinedly into the middle of the battlefield, enduring the scratching claws of a chittering beetle as he does so. In the middle of the melee, the wizard is surrounded on all sides by monsters. He recites the incantations for one of his most devastating spells, and a shroud of fire explodes out in all directions from the wizard. It envelopes every enemy on the battlefield, but leaves Erik’s allies unscathed. All four chittering beetles are burned to a crisp by the blast and the beholders are charred by the searing flames as well, though they are still standing (floating actually). They now each turn a number of angry eyes upon the wizard.

Though The Zaza continues hacking away at one of the beholders, the floating heads each turn their attention to Erik, and each launches a jet of flame at the wizard. After unleashing his devastating fire shroud, Erik himself is engulfed in flame, and it is more than the wizard can withstand. He crumples to the ground, his robes smoking. The beholders then each utter an arcane phrase once again, and the summoning circles light up with magical energy as four more chittering beetles appear.

Fargrim refuses to let the tide of battle turn against the party. He shouts some strong words of encouragement at Erik to pull him back to reality and the wizard regains consciousness. He then charges the beholder not engaged by The Zaza and lands a devastating hammer blow on the beast. He delivers a profanity-laden tirade at the monster as he hits it, and the dwarf’s aggressiveness inspires his allies to fight even harder as they find new reserves of energy to draw upon.

The Zaza does her best impression of Erik as she steps back to engulf several enemies in flame with her dragon breath. She steps on the arcane runes of one of the summoning circles as she does and receives a jolt of arcane energy, but the hardy dragonborn shrugs off the pain. A couple more beetles are burned to a crisp and another beholder suffers even more stinging burns. Erik, having regained consciousness thanks to Fargrim’s urging, stands up and continues to heat the battlefield. He summons a flaming sphere to harass the beholders. Invicto piles on with the Flames of Phlegethos and one of the beholders drops lifeless to the floor. The remaining beholder now looks like it has been standing in the center of an inferno for a time, as it is blackened and charred from the party’s numerous fire attacks. It doesn’t take long before the beast is finished, along with the remaining chittering beetles.

The party’s reserves of energy have dwindled even further, and a few of the party members have little strength left for another fight. Nonetheless, the party presses on to the next floor, and, thankfully, they find that they have reached the top of the watchtower.

Finally on Top

The party cautiously shuffles into the top room of the watchtower and finds that there seems to be no guardians or traps awaiting them here. Most of the room is large and open, though a good portion of the room is taken up by what the party assumes is the massive Energy Array. The machine is a massive bundle of brass pripes and strange glass chambers with swirling elemental magics. The piping actually extends down into the floor of the room and the party can see that some of the pipes run far down into the earth, likely tapping some source of elemental magic. One final pipe extends out of the roof of the watchtower, angling to the south, which the party assumes is the firing barrel of the device. The huge metal contraption does have a user station with a number of controls and dials.

The top floor features a huge domed ceiling, and most of the southern half of that dome is transparent. Upon further examination, the party finds the section is crafted of thick, heavy crystal that has clearly been magically enchanted. The crystal surface acts as a ‘view screen’ that can be zoomed into great distances to magnify far away places. With the watchtower’s perch in the mountains, it has a clear view of the plains to the south, including Verind’s Edge. The view screen is currently focused in on the city of Verind’s Edge, and the party gets a clear picture of the current situation.

The goblinoid army has arrived and swarms the hills outside the western wall of Verind’s Edge. Orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, ogres, and all other manner of twisted, evil creatures stand outside the gates of the city. The army numbers in the thousands – a horde the likes of which the party has never seen before. Battle has not been engaged yet, as the sprawling army waits for the Arinfax Colossus to assault the walls. The party can see that the massive elemental titan has arrived and is charging the walls of the city. They seem to have arrived just in time as the creature is literally only minutes from smashing into the walls of Verind’s Edge.


The party quickly attempts to figure out how to operate the Energy Array. Erik and Invicto recognize some of the arcane scripts on the control panels of the machine and they are able to power it up. The machine has a simple targeting mechanism that seems to interface with the crystal view screen in the tower. They are able to use the controls to move around the focus of the view screen to target anything they can see. There are also several dials labeled with numbers that Erik and Invicto believe need to be set to adjust the mix of elemental energies being funneled into the magical blast from the Energy Array. Jarrob mentioned having to set the ‘elemental harmonics’ of the machine just right in order to penetrate the defenses of the Arinfax Colossus. As a creature of the Abyss, the Arinfax Colossus embodies elemental chaos and its powerful magical defenses are constantly changing and shifting. The Energy Array must have the mix of elemental magics just right in order to penetrate the Colossus’s defenses, though that mix could change at any moment if the Colossus’s defenses change.

Of course, the correct mix of energies changing is the least of the party’s worries, as Erik and Invicto have no idea how to currently analyze the Colossus’s magical defenses to find the correct mix anyway. If they had hours to study the machine further they might be able to figure it out, but at this point they have only seconds before the elemental behemoth arrives at the city walls. They look down desperately at the controls – three sets of three gold dials, for a total of nine dials. Each one has flowing elven script around the dial indicating the numbers one through nine. The dials are currently set to 111-111-111, but they can’t imagine they are lucky enough for this to be the correct setting.

A Colossal End

Fargrim, peeking over the magic-users’ shoulders is struck by the, until now, very confusing prophecy he received from the blind prophet of Io, Missyus,
He shoves the arcane experts aside, insisting that his dwarven know-how has told him how to set the machine’s dials correctly (of course, he doesn’t mention the prophecy he received at all). Erik and Invicto, having no better ideas, let Fargrim take the controls with the Arinfax Colossus only a few steps away from the western wall of Verind’s Edge. As quickly as possible, the grizzled dwarven warlord sets the dials and targets the Colossus in the view screen. He fires a shot just as the elemental titan arrives at the walls of the city with its fists raised.

The party hears the Energy Array hum with elemental magics, and sees energy flowing through some of the glass chambers of the device, but a bright, white bolt of magical energy suddenly fires out into the back of the room. The party looks aghast at where the shot came out and sees that a junction in one of the pipes has become dislodged somehow. No shot is fired out of the tower, so the Arinfax Colossus assaults Verind’s Edge without interference. The elemental creature brings down its huge stone fists and the walls of the city are as sturdy as straw beneath the Arinfax Colossus’s terrible strength. Men and stone crash to the ground in a pile of rubble and death as the goblinoid army hoots and cries with glee. The forces of Verind’s Edge along the remaining walls begin fleeing from the massive stone creature, though the party can see Emperor Essran standing on the wall near the Colossus desperately trying to rally his men. Court Wizard Davos stands near the emperor futilely hurling arcane magics at the elemental terror. All of his attacks are harmlessly rebuffed by the Colossus’s magical defenses.


Erik and Invicto quickly assess the broken junction in the Energy Array. With this one pipe disconnected, any blast of energy that is generated is unable to continue flowing through the machine to make it out of the watchtower to the device’s target. Erik and Invicto’s arcane training suggests to them that the pipe could simply be held together to let the energy flow through the machine correctly. However, when the bolt of energy passes through the junction, whoever is holding the pipe together will get a signficant shock. They don’t think the shock would be lethal, but it certainly wouldn’t be pleasant. With little time to debate, The Zaza rushes to the junction to hold the pipes together.

Fargrim quickly refocuses the view screen to target the Arinfax Colossus again and fires another shot. As the bolt rushes through the machine it passes the junction The Zaza holds together. The dragonborn endures a massive electric shock that throws her across the room, but the bolt of energy passes through the junction successfully and rushes out of the tower. Unfortunately, in his rush to retarget the machine for another shot, Fargrim did not align the view screen accurately and the shot barely misses the Colossus.

He retargets the device as The Zaza picks herself up, shakes off the dizzy feeling humming in her skull, and rushes across the room to hold the pipe together again. The Colossus continues to decimate the walls of Verind’s Edge and the party looks on in horror as the creature brings its fists down on the section of wall where Emperor Essran and the wizard Davos stand. The heart of the Empire of Nerath meets a swift and brutal end as it falls into the mounting pile of rubble, stone, and corpses at the feet of the Arinfax Colossus. Fargrim carefully targets the device for a third time, and The Zaza is again blown across the room as the bolt of energy passes through the junction she holds together. She slumps on the floor, barely hanging on to consciousness.

The party watches through the view screen with their breath held as the shot from the Energy Array arrives. This time it strikes true and the bright, white bolt of energy easily passes through the Arinfax Colossus’s defenses. The creature jerks up and becomes filled with an intense light. Cracks begin appearing all along its stone exterior and bright rays of white light shoot out of every widening crack. The cracks rapidly expand and multiply until the creature is nothing more than a shapeless collection of stones, and suddenly the white light filling the elemental creature disappears and the Colossus falls to the ground as a pile of fine rubble. In the blink of an eye the terrible monstrosity is gone.

A Hole in the Wall

However, the damage the Colossus did is not undone. A massive hole stands in the walls of Verind’s Edge, the Emperor is dead, and most of the city’s forces have fled the area where the Colossus stood. The goblinoid army is stunned at the loss of the Arinfax Colossus, but the bloodthirsty creatures quickly realize the opportunity that is presented to them. They rush through the opening in the walls the elemental titan created and begin spreading through the city. The forces of Verind’s Edge rally at the sight of the Colossus’s destruction, but their defenses have been significantly crippled.



The party watches helplessly as the battle rages. Erik and Invicto investigate the Energy Array further to see if they can use the device to target the forces of the goblinoid army, but they find that the magical energy leaving the array is much to uniquely refined to be of any effect. The device can carefully dissipate the chaotic elemental magics holding together a titan of the Abyss, but it has no other effect on anything that is targeted – from living creature to inanimate rock.

Fargrim has seen many battles, and he has no doubt about the outcome of this contest. With well-defended walls to stand behind, Verind’s Edge likely could have held out against a siege from an army of this size for months – probably long enough for the goblinoid army to lose its will and dissipate back into the Torin Plains, defeated. However, with the goblinoid forces running rampant through the city, their numbers will unquestionably overwhelm the forces of Verind’s Edge. The party is desperate to help, but they are several days travel from Verind’s Edge. With the walls breached, Fargrim doesn’t expect the battle to last through the night. A quiet, somber mood comes over the party as they realize their home, and indeed the very life they have known for many years, is totally lost.

The Last Soldier

The party is drained from the gauntlet of battles and traps they just fought their way through. The Zaza in particular tends to the scorched wounds on her hands where she held the dislodged pipe of the Energy Array together. The entire party rests for a time in stunned silence, but eventually they pick themselves up to at least look around the rest of the watchtower. Most notably, there is an armored skeleton of a dwarf slumped in one corner of the room. It appears to have been the last soldier stationed in the watchtower, now centuries dead. He was impressively equipped with a magical warhammer, magical plate armor, magical gauntlets, and a magical belt that are all well-preserved. The party also finds some kind of magical key on the soldier’s neck as well as a journal in a satchel nearby.

They flip through the last few entries of the journal and piece together some interesting information. The dwarven soldier appears to have been stationed in the watchtower nearly a thousand years ago. The journal speaks of the recent fall of Verind’s Edge to the goblinoids of the Torin Plains (though between then and now Verind’s Edge was reclaimed by the people of the Boundary Lands before falling to the goblinoid tribes once again roughly a hundred years ago). The journal also speaks of civil war recently breaking out within the dwarven nation of Arnathon, which is how the party is able to place the soldier’s last days as roughly a thousand years ago. The soldier speaks of how the fall of Verind’s Edge and the civil war in Arnathon have resulted in political bickering about who should staff and maintain this watchtower. The other soldiers stationed in the tower left to seek aid from the dwarven clans and from other cities in the Boundary Lands, though the soldier is worried something may have happened to them on their journey as they have not returned for months now. The party assumes the soldier’s fears were confirmed as clearly no aid ever returned to the tower. The soldier writes of being concerned that there will be no one to relieve him if he passes, and it appears he was correct.

The soldier also writes extensively in the journal about his concerns for the dwarven nation of Arnathon. The king of Arnathon died with no heir and no siblings, and civil war broke out as various clans tried to claim the throne. The soldier writes,
“I fear the only means to resolve the situation is by retrieving the famed Hammer of Tharmak, an ancient dwarven relic gifted from Moradin himself that was used to decide who would receive the kingship when civil war threatened Arnathon some seven centuries ago [now roughly seventeen centuries ago from the party’s time]. Unfortunately, the Hammer was entombed with the dwarven King Maldrug, and was lost when the dwarven clan of Hammer Hand had to flee their homeland when it was overrun by monsters some 300 years ago [now roughly 1,300 years ago from the party’s time]. Since I have nothing but time on my hands, I requested a number of tomes from the sages in the Quinalyn city of Arastur, as well as some dwarven tomes from my homeland. I’ve pieced together what clues I could find about the lost home of the clan of Hammer Hand. Like any great dwarven tomb, King Maldrug’s was well defended, and I can only hope it is still undisturbed.”
The journal includes many cryptic notes about the location of the Hammer Hand clan and the guards on King Maldrug’s tomb. The Hammer Hand clan appears to have been located in the mountains northeast of the Boundary Lands near the Northern Ice Sheet. Fargrim knows dwarves used to inhabit that area, but they were run out by monsters many centuries ago. Surprisingly, Invicto recognizes the symbol of the Hammer Hand clan. He saw it on the breastplate of one of the Dead Hand Bandits. Of course, the dwarven nation of Arnathon is still not united. While there is no standing civil war, the dwarves of Arnathon exist only as separate, independent clans that occassionally war with one another.

Exploring the Tower

The party also finds a small passage leading out of the back of the room to a spiral staircase heading down. The stairs extend back into the watchtower, passing beside the numerous floors the party fought their way through. About halfway down, once the party has travelled back into the rock surrounding the base of the tower, a side passage extends out from the spiral staircase. The party follows it to find the remains of an old barracks. Some of the items have remained well-preserved in the still, underground environment, but mostly the party just finds dusty piles of crumpled sheets and rotting wood.

Passing the barracks, however, the party discovers a few more rooms dug out of the rock. First is what appears to be a supply room. Some decayed sundries are scattered around the floor, but there is also a rotted, broken chest filled with a massive pile of gold pieces. The party also finds a magical Bag of Holding in the room.

Moving on, the party finds a small library that had been maintained for the watchtower. Some of the ancient texts have crumbled to dust on the shelves, but many books and scrolls made of well-crafted, thick papyrus survived just fine. The party finds, belatedly, numerous writings on how to operate the Energy Array, and how to analyze the elemental magics of the Arinfax Colossus’s defenses in order to set the control dials correctly. They also find a number of arcane texts, from which Erik is able to glean instructions on a few magical rituals – Arcane Lock, Knock, and Object Reading. The rest of the books and scrolls seem to just be assorted history books on the dwarven lands of Arnathon, the Boundary Lands, and the nation of Quinalyn.

Invicto, however, comes across an interesting scroll in the library that catches his eye. It appears to be a request for supplies written by a wizard who was stationed in the tower. The wizard writes of discovering a black arts book on an Ogre Mage when a patrol from the watchtower encountered a band of creatures from the Torin Plains. The book apparently included an arcane ‘recipe’ for constructing a magic item without using expensive residuum. The ritual requires a number of very mundane arcane components, as well as the three tongues from the three different heads of a chimera, and the blood of either a demon or a warlock with an infernal pact. Fitting the bill for one of those requirements, Invicto realizes he could craft this item himself if he was simply able to slay a chimera. The wizard speaks of using the arcane recipe to craft a very powerful wand, though Invicto believes he could easily modify the process to produce an arcane rod which he could use. The supply request mentions that chimeras are very rare but can be occasionally found in the Torin Plains, though they are also sometimes captured and used in the gladiator arenas of the Jeweled Cities.

Continuing past the library, the party finds one more room down the passage – an ancient dwarven tomb. The tomb is for the dwarven hero, Kradran, who in his last days volunteered to be stationed at the watchtower and helped defend the tower against an attack by an entire tribe of orcs and ogres. Kradran must have been a dwarven hero of only small reputation in his time, as no party member recognizes the name. They do notice however, that Kradran was buried with a magical battleaxe that is simply brimming with radiant energy. The Zaza picks up the weapon and immediately senses the intelligent will embodied within the weapon. It is a magical artifact, the Axe of Light, and it exists to destroy undead and the dark necrotic energy that empowers them. The Zaza agrees with the aims of the weapon, as she, and her deity Melora, have always loathed the unnatural creation of undead creatures. The Zaza wields the weapon proudly, excited at the chance to use its blade against the undead.

The party continues down the spiral staircase and is able to walk all the way down to the first floor of the watchtower. There they find that the key they found around the neck of the soldier’s corpse unlocks a magically hidden door that opens directly into the main room of the first floor of the watchtower. The party summarily decides that this route would have been much better than the path they took, but can do nothing about it now…

A Dark Night

They return to the top of the watchtower and use the view screen to check in on the battle at Verind’s Edge. The party can see some citizens trying to flee out of the city eastward into the country side, pursued by roving bands of orcs and goblins. They decide to find out what else they can see using the magical view screen and begin redirecting it to other areas. They attempt to look in on the hideout of the Dead Hand Bandits, but find that the mountains to the northeast of the watchtower block their view.

They then scroll the view screen to the southwest, attempting to zoom in on the tower of Lord Dread. They find that the crystalline telescope does have a limit as they get several days’ travel southwest of Verind’s Edge and are unable to zoom any farther. However, the party does spy something of interest. As they skim their view in the direction of Lord Dread’s domain they notice there are numerous groups of undead, traveling in packs of thirty of forty, headed from the direction of Lord Dread’s keep towards Verind’s Edge. The closest group is only a couple days’ travel from the city, though they will not arrive before the battle is finished. The party speculates as to whether the undead creatures were intended to arrive in time to join in the battle, or whether they were intended to arrive specifically after the battle to pursue some dark, necrotic goal using the hundreds and thousands of corpses left in the aftermath. Since Lord Dread has never before mettled in the affairs of the Boundary Lands, they settle on the latter.

As night falls, the party settles in for a much needed rest, though they have no idea what tomorrow will bring.

What Next?

The party awakens in the morning and gathers together to discuss what to do next. Clearly, their role with the Empire of Nerath is no more, as the Empire itself was crushed before their very eyes yesterday. For many years the party has been told what to do and where to go, but it appears that now they are on their own. Erik is certain that Queen Larindra and his son are dead, and he decides that there is no longer any reason to keep those events to himself. He comes clean to the party and tells them about his encounter with the Queen and his discovery that he was a father. The party is stunned, but quickly offers Erik sympathy for the loss of his son.

The party comes to realize that, while Verind’s Edge offered them a home as well as a chance at fame and adventure, it truly was a small city tucked away in the far corner of the known world. The party takes stock of the great, wide world before them, and considers a variety of options in where to go and what to do next.

  • The Jeweled Cities
    • Hak’apoor, a merchant and trader, offered Charm and the rest of the party work in the Jeweled Cities.
    • The Zaza’s twin brother, Daza, may be alive as a slave in the gladiator arenas of the Jeweled Cities.
    • Invicto is interested in finding a chimera in order to craft a magical rod, and one may be found in the gladiator arenas in the Jeweled Cities.
  • Quinalyn
    • Erik’s adoptive father, Varna, asked him to visit him in Quinalyn.
    • The party could research the Shadar-kai that attacked them and/or the “Keystone Mortalis” with the famous sages and libraries in the Quinlalyn city of Arastur.
  • The Fiefdom of Uthrin
    • Erik could pay a visit to his birth mother, the wife of Sir Uthrin, and/or try to discover the identity of his true father.
    • The party could seek vengeance on Sir Uthrin and his fiefdom for preventing aid from reaching Verind’s Edge.
  • Verind’s Edge
    • The party could look for survivors from the battle at Verind’s Edge.
  • Other Places
    • The party could seek vengeance on the Dead Hand Bandits.
    • Fargrim and the party could seek out the famed dwarven Hammer of Tharmak mentioned in the watchtower soldier’s journal, and use it to try to reunite the dwarven clans of Arnathon.
    • The party could speak to Lord Dread about and/or try to procure the “Keystone Mortalis” which they handed over to him.
The party debates for a time about what to do next. The Zaza eagerly insists the party should travel to the Jeweled Cities, as she is excited about the chance to possibly discover any clues as to the fate of her twin brother, Daza. Charm and Invicto are both interested in going to the Jeweled Cities as well, Charm to pursue work with the merchant Hak’apoor, and Invicto to possibly seek out a chimera in the gladiator arenas. The entire party expresses interest in paying back Sir Uthrin for his numerous transgressions against Verind’s Edge, but the party’s not too sure what they would do once they arrived in the city of Uthrin.

Fargrim insists that the party pursue the legendary Hammer of Tharmak to unite the dwarven clans of Arnathon, but the rest of the party has their doubts about the accuracy of the journal’s clues since they are now a thousand years old. Erik is interested in returning to Quinalyn to visit his adoptive father, and to consult with the sages in Arastur, and the party would have to journey through Quinalyn on their way to the Jeweled Cities. In fact, the most direct path would actually be to take ship from Arastur. After a long period of arguing, and a promise to pursue the Hammer of Tharmak some time in the future, the party agrees to head through Quinalyn to the Jeweled Cities.


Everyone begins packing up and preparing to leave, but the party decides to take one last look through the crystal view screen in the top of the tower before leaving. Scanning the foothills leading up to the mountains, the party spies a group of humanoids making their way towards the mountains. Zooming in, the party is surprised to recognize the group. It consists of the goliath bard, Mujeh; the halfing rescued from the Feywild city of Calipha, Lock; a soldier of Verind’s Edge, Old Breddy; the young girl from Ramshead whose mother was killed by Raver, Lucinda; and another figure the party does not recognize. By her appearance, she appears to be a human cleric of Pelor. The group is a surprising collection of some of the party’s closest friends from Verind’s Edge, and they are elated that the group has survived and are headed towards the party’s location.

The party is especially excited to see that Old Breddy survived, as he was the only citizen of Verind’s Edge that the party seemed to be truly concerned about. They do take a moment to express their collective disappointment about the fact that Old Breddy doesn’t spell his name ‘Old Bready’. They really think he would be an immensely more popular person if he would spell his name differently. Nonetheless, they are all ecstatic at the chance to reunite with the surly old veteran soldier.

Unfortunately, in scanning the countryside, the party sees a small group of goblinoids that clearly appears to be trailing the group. Orcs, goblins, and even a couple ogres are closing in on the group of Verind’s Edge survivors. The monsters are an hour or two behind, but the beastial goblinoids are used to the rigors of wilderness travel and are clearly gaining on the small group of humanoids.

The party studies the terrain between the watchtower and the group of their friends, and they quickly depart to intercept them. There are many twists and turns to the rocky hillsides they must traverse to reach the group of survivors, but The Zaza’s wilderness expertise is impressive as she swiftly directs the party along the correct path. After a few hours of travel, the party is able to reach their friends before the goblinoids do.

As excited as the party is to reach their friends, the survivors from Verind’s Edge are ecstatic at the sight of the party members. Mujeh fills the party in on what brought this ragtag group together. He introduces the cleric of Pelor to the party as Janna. Apparently she was a recent addition to the temple in Verind’s Edge. While there, she was caring for the numerous villagers being brought from the surrounding villages into the protection of the city in preparation for war with the goblinoid army. She came across Lucinda, who arrived with the other villagers from Ramshead. The girl had no family of her own, but insisted that she wanted to speak to Charm and The Zaza. Janna asked around for anyone matching the girl’s description, and was eventually led to Old Breddy who knew the adventurers the girl was looking for.

Old Breddy has spent plenty of late nights in a tavern with the party, and thus has gotten to know Mujeh fairly well, as the bard has been perpetually hanging around the party members. He spoke with Mujeh to find out where the party went and Mujeh eventually was able to speak with Court Wizard Davos about the party’s whereabouts. Mujeh was nervous about the city’s ability to withstand an attack from the Arinfax Colossus, and the bard harbors a growing suspicion that if he wants to witness a great story, he should be spending more time with the party on their various quests. So, Mujeh decided to head out of the city the day before the Colossus arrived to journey into the mountains to find the party and the watchtower they were seeking out.

Lock, having been introduced to Mujeh and knowing no one else in the city, has been simply following the goliath around, so he resolved to accompany Mujeh on his journey to find the party. The halfling also insisted he wanted to rejoin the party to fulfill his pledge to serve them in any way he can, since he owes them his life. Old Breddy agreed with Mujeh that the safest place to be might not be in Verind’s Edge, and since the veteran soldier is past the age to be of any good in a battle, he decided to accompany Mujeh to find the party. With no one else to care for her, Old Breddy took pity on Lucinda and offered to bring her along to find the party. Janna was surprisingly excited to join Old Breddy on the journey as well. The cleric was apparently very interested in meeting the party after hearing of their various exploits, so the entire group made its way out of the city towards the mountains to the north.

The party is happy to catch up, but insists that they must get moving as there is a band of goblinoids fast approaching. The party decides to head back up into the mountains. There they should be able to find a good hiding spot for the group of survivors to hole up in while the party takes care of the pursuing goblinoids.

As the party begins travelling, Lucinda is initially shy about greeting the party, but eventually Charm and The Zaza are able to coax her out of her shell. The girl says she feels safe around the party and is very grateful to have found them. Speaking with The Zaza for a while, she mentions that she still has nightmares about the man who killed her mother. Lucinda is still scared that the man will come for her one day. The Zaza proudly assures Lucinda that that isn’t possible because she killed the man herself. Lucinda’s eyes widen in disbelief, and The Zaza assures the girl that Raver is dead and gone and will never be able to harm her. The girl hugs The Zaza gratefully.

True to Mujeh’s introduction, Janna is very interested in hearing about the party’s exploits. As the party hikes through the mountains she accosts the party with a barrage of questions about the various quests and missions the party has been on. The topic of the Keystone Mortalis and Lord Dread comes up, and the cleric seems especially interested to hear the details of this story. She knows nothing of Lord Dread herself, so the party fills her in on what they know of the loner necromancer. Janna is shocked that the party handed over a powerful, dark artifact to an evil master of the undead. She insists that the party should make haste to travel straight to Lord Dread’s keep so that they can retrieve the artifact, but the party regretfully informs her that they are headed to the Jeweled Cities. Janna asks for details about the exact location and layout of Lord Dread’s keep so that she can try to obtain the artifact herself. The party is shocked at the cleric’s ambition, but wish her good luck and provide all the details they can, including the passphrase to get by the guardians in the valley surrounding Lord Dread’s keep.

After travelling further back up into the mountains, the party sends the group of Verind’s Edge survivors on to find a suitable hiding spot while they look for a good ambush spot to do battle with the pursuing group of goblinoids. They ask Old Breddy, Janna, and Mujeh if they want to join in the fight, but they all think it would be best if they stay with the defenseless Lock and Lucinda in case any stragglers from the battle happen upon them. The party accepts the decision and assures the group they will see them in a few hours after they have taken care of their pursuers.
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