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Adventure: Get Me to the Church on Time (DM: BenBrown, Judge: Renau1g)


First Post
Get Me to the Church on Time
An Adventure for Levels 1 - 2

Player Characters:

Eraden Echo (Eternal54) Half-Elf Paladin 2 (Defender) *Inactive after Encounter #4*
Ingvar Goldenhorn (Mewness) Minotaur Hybrid Cleric/Runepriest 1 (Leader)
Graval Metalrent (horticulture) Dwarf Fighter 1 (Defender) *Inactive after Encounter #4*
Perinthius "Perin" (Almightyfoon) Human Sorcerer 1 (Striker) *Inactive after Encounter #2*
Jarro "Spider" Sarak (Tenchuu) Half-Orc Slayer 1 (Striker)
Zardi (bluesfella) Goliath Barbarian 1 (Striker)

later joined by
Tyris (VanderLegion) Shade Assassin 1 (Striker) *Active starting with Enconter #4*

[sblock=Rules and Guidelines]

Die Rolls: Please use an on-line die roller such as Invisible Castle or CoCo for your rolls. If you can, also comment on the die roller what each roll is for. Makes it easier on me.

Skill checks: I will post various skill result information in spoiler blocks. Some of these will be for passive checks and will be so marked. Please post the results from any active skill checks. I may also post spoiler blocks with information for one or more specific characters. Please don't read these spoilers if they're not addressed to you. You are on your honor not to use any information in the spoiler blocks for passive checks you would not pass or active checks you did not make.

Combat: I'm using a version of Malenkirk rules. This is a simplified way of doing initiative, named after Enworld's on Mal Malenkirk, who concocted them.

Here's how it works: Everybody rolls initiative, but the bad guys roll only one initiative for the whole lot of them. (after 24 hours, I'll go ahead and roll initiative for you). First, players with a higher init than the bad guys go. In any order they please. Then the bad guys. Then all of the players get to go, again, in any order they please. Actions are assumed to take place in post order, so if you want to delay for someone else's action, just wait until after they post (unless it's some sort of coordinated thing).

Combat Posts: In addition to description and dialogue, please put your actions (marked as minor, move, and standard) in a spoiler block, along with all die roll results. Also, if possible, post a stats block in your combat posts. Here's an example (one of my characters)

[sblock=sample stat block]Kaeysari Female Longtooth Shifter Fighter 5
Initiative: +4, Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 15, Senses: Low-light
AC:21, Fort:19, Reflex:16, Will:16
:bmelee: +11 vs. AC, 2d4+7 damage
If any adjacent enemy marked by Kayesari shifts or makes an attack that does not include her, she may make
a melee basic attack against that enemy.
HP:52/52, Bloodied:26, Surge Value:13, Surges left:10/10
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: unused
Powers: Cleave, Footwork Lure
Covering Attack, Dance of Steel, Longtooth Shifting, Healer's Gift
Villain's Menace, Crashing Assault, Healing Word


My combat posts will have all of the enemy actions and results. Positions and conditions of all of the characters, a guide to any terrain effects, and the map. I'll also post basic enemy stats, which will allow you to determine if your attack hit, and to resolve (roll for) any enemy opportunity attacks that take place on your move.

Treasure: I will try to accommodate wish lists from your character sheets, provided the treasure values even out.

Deadlines: I'd like to keep this on a 48 hour cycle, but am flexible, My preferred way is (in combat, at least) to give 48 hours for players to post at the end of which time I reserve the right to RP the player's character on his behalf. I will use the most appropriate actions and At-Will powers only.

If you will be out for a long time and unable to post, please let the party know and assign responsibility to either myself or another, willing player for RPing your character.

Out of Character Content: Post out of character content (kibitzing, etc.) in an appropriately marked spoiler block. You can even post tactical discussions. If you ask me, I won't look, but I'm not going to use it against you in any case.

Thanks for playing, and I hope you have fun.

The Story So Far:

Lord Adelin Mallaby entered the Hanged Man looking for armed companions for a journey. As potential companions gathered around his table, he served expensive wine and gave further details about how he was travelling to his own wedding, which due to the bride's family tradition was being held at an ancient chapel in the hills of Allaria.

Now, the Starlight's Veil, Mallaby's brig waits at anchor for its owner and his brave companions, who will travel into dangerous lands. . . for love!
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First Post
The Starlight's Veil is a narrow, swift-looking vessel with two masts, and lies easily at anchor off one of the piers jutting out from Daunton's waterfront. Her lines are not those of a merchant, but those of a racer. Sailors are busy getting the ship in order to depart. Three scrubbing tar spots off the deck and railings while two others manhandle a nannygoat up the gangplank from the pier. The captain stands on the quarterdeck with his clerk, going over accounts of supplies.


Slightly entitled.
Graval Metalrent, doing it for love.

Taking swigs from the rather expensive bottle of wine like he was drinking the cheapest ale to be found, Graval stands before Lord Mallaby's ship. He's fully outfitted for battle, plate armor covering his vitals, a shield strapped to his back and an old, well-used axe hanging from his hip.

"A migh'y fine vessel, this," he mumbles, as if he knew the difference between brigs and sloops and skiffs. He takes a few tentative steps up the gang plank before he hitches his overstuffed backpack higher on his shoulders and tromps his way on board.

"'ere, lad," he says, giving the half-empty bottle of wine to one of the youngest looking deckhands. "Seems like a righ' time fer ye ta grow some hair on tha' scrawny chest o' yers."

He drops his pack on a coil of rope in the middle of the brig, places his balled up fists on his hips and surveys the ship with a critical eye. "Migh'y fine vessel, what."

Graval Metalrent - Male Dwarf Fighter 1
Init: +2, Passive Percept: 17, Passive Insight: 12
AC: 20, F: 16, R: 14, W: 12, Spd: 5
HP: 31/31, Blood: 15, Surge: 7, Surges left: 12/12
AP: 1/1, Second Wind: Avail, Milestones: 0
Str: 18, Con: 16, Dex: 14, Int: 8, Wis: 14, Cha: 11

Combat Challenge, Brash Strike, Footwork Lure
Hack and Hew, Dwarven Resilience
Driving Attack


One thing I've just realized: just for the DM's knowledge, my character has not been approved yet.
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The gang plank squeaks and bends dangerously under the weight of the Goliath as Zardi makes his way to the deck of the ship. He stands there for a minute or two just observing the action - he's never been on a sailing vessel before. He is (understandably) a bit uneasy...

"I'm from the mountains...I'm used to solid rock under my feet". he says to no one in particular.

One of the deck hands points Zardi towards a hatch leading down into the ship. "You can stow your gear below deck, sir".

Zardi nods at the lad, and hoists his axe over his shoulders. Ducking under all the rigging criss-crossing the ship, he heads below...

[sblock=Zardi]Zardi - Goliath Barbarian 1
Initiative: +0, Passive Perception: 10, Passive Insight: 10, Senses: Normal vision
AC:16, Fort:17, Reflex:10, Will:12
Basic Attack Greataxe: +7 vs AC, 1d12 +5 damage
Ranged Basic Attack Throwing Hammer: +7 vs AC, 1d6+5 damage
HP:31/31, Bloodied:15, Surge Value:7, Surges left:11/11
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: unused
Powers: Howling Strike, Pressing Strike
Stone's Endurance, Feral Might: Swift Charge, Great Cleave
Bloodhunt Rage


OOC: Thanks for including me in this adventure!!


First Post
"Don't ya be gettin too fa' aheada I, Grava," Spider called, leaping on to the boat with relative ease. Looking over at Zardi, he says, "Now who be dis? Mount'in-mon 'ere looks like a hellouva fighta, ya?"

[sblock=Action Block, Mini-Stats]
Posting Mini Stats and action block for future reference.

[sblock=Action Block]

  • Target1:
  • Attack1:
  • Damage:
  • Effect:
[/sblock][sblock=Spider Stat block]Jarro 'Spider' Sarak - Male Half-Orc Slayer 1
Initiative: +4, Passive Perception: +10, Passive Insight: +10


AC: 17, Fort: 16, Reflex: 14, Will: 11 -- Speed: 6 (+2 Charging)

HP: 27/27, THP: 0/0 Bloodied: 13, Surge Value: 6, Surges left: 9/9
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: not used

Allarian (Common), Giant

Basic Attacks
:bmelee: Basic Melee Attack: +8 vs AC - Fullblade 1d12+8
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: +8 vs AC - Dagger 1d4+8

MBA, Charge MBA, RBA, Berserker's Charge Stance, Poised Assault Stance
Encounter: Furious Assault, Power Strike, Half-Orc Resilience

1 Fullblade 1d12
1 Dagger 1d4



Slightly entitled.
"Don't ya be gettin too fa' aheada I, Grava," Spider called, leaping on to the boat with relative ease. Looking over at Zardi, he says, "Now who be dis? Mount'in-mon 'ere looks like a hellouva fighta, ya?"

"Aye, fer true. Talles' hunk o' moun'ain e'er seen, tha' one." The dwarf gives Spider a hearty handshake to welcome him onboard. Even though they just met each other, Graval had a feeling the half-orc was a true and honorable companion, someone he could drink a few pints with, as well as cleave a few skulls with.

"Dwarves are a moun'ain people, what. Me and mine're no meant fer the ocean, don' fer doubtin." He frowns, hoping he's drunk enough to finish their journey before his stomach finds out and rebels against him. "E'er been on a ship at sea, treetrunk?"


First Post
Eraden arives at the dock to find the Starlight's Veil making final preparations. The vessel looked sleek and slender, a ship appropriate for Mallaby he thought.

Upon checking his gear and stomping on solid ground one last time, Eraden proceeds to board. Once on the ship he immediately notices the large goliath from the bar along side the drinking duo. "I see you've all managed to beat me here." He says with a grin. "I had some last minute affairs to attend before we left." All around him deck hands worked to ready the ship for departure. "And where may I ask is the young suitor?" Eraden says as he surveys the ship for his employer.

Eraden-Male Half-Elf Paladin
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 21
AC: 21, For: 14, Ref: 14, Will: 16
HP: 41/41, Bloodied: 20, Surge Value: 10, Surges/Day: 12/12
Speed: 5 Squares, Languages: Common, Elven, Goblin
AP: 1, Second Wind: Unused

Powers: Lay on Hands, Divine Challange, Bolstering Stike, Enfeebling strike, Channel Divinity: Devine Mettle, Channel Divinity: Divine Strength, Shielding Smite, Eyebite, Virtue, Radiant Delirium

Condition: Mint

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First Post
Goldenhorn appears, this time unaccompanied. He seems to have dressed down slightly for the sea voyage (the gold wire has been unwound from his hair, which is now tied back with a cord, and some of his gold jewelry has been put away). "My apologies," he says to everyone present. "I hope that I have not been the cause of any delay."

[sblock=Goldenhorn]Ingvar Goldenhorn Male Minotaur Cleric|Runepriest 1
Initiative: +0, Passive Perception: 16, Passive Insight: 14, Senses: Normal
AC:17, Fort:14, Reflex:11, Will:16
HP:27/27, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:10/10
Action Points: 1
Righteous Brand
Word of Binding

Goring Charge
Divine Glow
Healing Word
Rune of Mending
Second Wind

Moment of Glory


Defiant Word: Whenever an enemy misses Goldenhorn with an attack, he gains a +4 (non-cumulative) bonus to damage rolls against that enemy until the end of his next turn.

Full sheet: Goldenhorn[/sblock]


First Post
He frowns, hoping he's drunk enough to finish their journey before his stomach finds out and rebels against him. "E'er been on a ship at sea, treetrunk?"

"Issa alla dat ale makin ya 'ead forget all dat ya 'ear?" Spider jests, "A course I an I been onna saila like dis; I an I came from Allaria, dis da true. Don't ya worry Grava: Inna no time t'all, ya been 'eavin ya guts from da side a da ship!" Spider laughed, clapping the dwarf on the shoulder.

"An land ya eyes on dis won," Spider said, spotting Eraden. "I an I gotta god sword on da ship." Spider was about to great the paladin, when Goldenhorn clomped aboard. "Gold'orn! Ya come ta see my 'omeland, eh?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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