You Need a New Avatar


Staff member
I went looking for online images of my Dean Caddy, and while I can find the model, I can't find pix of any with the finish mine has. Which means to redo mine, I'd have to start by taking my own picture...*grumblegrumble*

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First Post
Y-you're right! I do need a new avatar!

I've been using this character portrait for an L4W game here, do you think you could do something with it? Maybe include something to show off my Rose City pride?


Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
My google fu stinks and i am trying to find a good pic for a character bassed on the single hand style pathfinder fighter. can you find something like that?

Please X 100,000???


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
I've been using this character portrait for an L4W game here, do you think you could do something with it? Maybe include something to show off my Rose City pride?
64 x 64 is tiny. Two versions here for you to choose from.

Bonus: There's a one pixel rose hidden in each pic.




Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
My google fu stinks and i am trying to find a good pic for a character bassed on the single hand style pathfinder fighter. can you find something like that?

Please X 100,000???
I think you have mistaken this thread for a different kind of thread. has threads where people will help you find images like this.

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