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Paging Echohawk...


Shirokinukatsukami fan
The city of Laputa is a marvel of magical engineering: a flying city. It is populated by a race of humans who value philosophy and technology. The Laputans use their intellectual and technological superiority to control other countries.

Laputans: AC 10; MV 12; HD 1d6 hp; THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; SA dropping stones, gun-powder weapons; SZ M; ML Average (8-10); INT Average-genius; AL LN(G); XP 175.

Laputans wear 18th Century European garments adorned with representations of suns, moons, and stars, interwoven with those of fiddles, flutes, harps, trumpets, guitars, harpsichords and many other musical instruments, some found only on their flying island. Laputan philosophers (all of them happen to be men) surround themselves with globes and spheres, mathematical instruments, pens, bottles of ink, blank paper, telescopes, microscopes, scrolls, and books. PCs will discover that even Laputan food is shaped to resemble musical instruments or abstract geometric forms.
Laputans (satirically representative of the English) use their flying island to keep the inhabitants of Balnibarbi (Ireland) in servitude. When a Balnibarbi city refuses to pay tribute to the philosophers, the Laputan monarchy orders the flying island to hover above the rebels' land to block sunshine, snow, or rain from falling on their farms and gardens. If the revolt continues, the Laputans bombard the city with hundreds of rocks dropped from their aerial vantage point. If the city still refuses to pay tribute, Laputans could use the flying island itself as a colossal hammer to smash the rebel city, but this has never been done for fear of breaking their island home apart.
Laputan military technology equals that of Earth's Renaissance, including the arquebus and cannons. The entire Laputan army is made up of lower-class men and women, as Laputan philosophers never take the time to study mundane concerns such as warfare.
Swift used the airborne Laputan philosophers, as well as Balnibarbi Projectors, to satirize over-valuing reason and abstract studies. Obsessed with abstract reason, these impracticable philosophers do not invent anything practical, but only squander resources that could be used to help the people they rule over. Upper-class Laputan men are extremely obsessed with abstract mathematics, the celestial music of the spheres, as well as astronomical and judicial astrology to the exclusion of everything else. These men spend most of their lives in intellectual stupors, unaware of anyone or anything around them. When lost in thought, these archetypical absent-minded professors tilt their heads to one side, while one eye points inward and the other straight up. These upper class men must be brought back to reality by lower-class pages who use tools called Flappers: inflated bladders, filled with small pebbles, that are fixed to the ends of staffs. These pages very gently strike their masters on the mouth if they need to speak, on the ear if they need to hear, or in the eyes if they need to see where they are walking.
Laputan philosophers are so entirely devoted to abstract problems that the quality of practical skills, from tailoring garments to constructing homes, is absolutely wretched. According to Gulliver, these people are very clumsy, awkward, and unhandy-unable to do anything with skill except for abstract mathematics and music. They lack imagination, fancy, and invention.
The insanity of Laputan philosophers has spread to the island of Balnibarbi, where common sense has been replaced by a group of commonwealth-men calling themselves the "Academy of Projectors," satirizing the Royal Society of London. These are schools filled with hundreds of madcap crackpots who are obsessed with unproductive experiments designed to reverse natural systems. Projectors attempt to extract sunshine from cucumbers, to reduce human excrement to its original food, turn ice into gunpowder, to construct buildings by starting with the roof and finishing with the foundation, to mix colors by only feeling and smelling the paint, and to make many other strange attempts to "improve the human condition." With the exception of their political scientists, projectors are uniformly insane. The Laputan flying island is an exactly circular disk, with a diameter of 7,837 yards enclosing 10,000 acres. The island is three hundred yards thick. Rain water is collected in four large basins. The island's motion is controlled from a chasm about 50 yards in diameter. This is where a huge lodestone is suspended inside a hollow cylinder. Manipulating this loadstone can make the flying island travel either horizontally or vertically. However, the island cannot fly above the height of four miles and cannot wander more than 18 miles from the island of Balnibarbi. Human sages think this civilization was more practical in ages past when the flying island was originally cut out of the bedrock. This must have been true, as the island is far too practical to have been built by the modern inhabitants. Player characters might find much useful information while exploring long forgotten libraries.
Laputans have a life span of 60-80 years. They consume the same type of foods that were common to 18th Century Europeans. Laputans have few natural enemies. The closest enemies the Laputans might have are flying creatures such as evil dragons who see their island as something interesting to plunder. But the Laputans' use of the arquebus and cannon have kept flying creatures at a safe distance, so far.

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Shirokinukatsukami fan
While the equine Houyhnhnms exemplify what humans might aspire to be, the Yahoos show the worst that humans can become. These nasty creatures foreshadow what may ultimately become of Gulliver when he loses his mind.

Yahoos (1-10): AC 7; MV 10, 16 in trees; HD 3; THACO 17; #AT 1; Dmg 1-3; SA thrown filth; SZ L; ML Unreliable (2-4); Int Highly (13-14); AL CN (E); EXP 65.

Yahoos are humanoids whose ancestors may once have been human, but became genetically debased through inbreeding. The heads, chests, lower legs, and feet of both sexes are covered with thick hair. This hair is a mixed pattern of brown, red, black, and yellow. The Yahoo's skin is a brown buff, while nails are long, thick, pointed, and always dirty. Males wear short beards and long ridges of hair down the center of their backs. Both sexes can climb trees as nimbly as a squirrel and are competent swimmers. They sleep in caves, trees, or in crude kennels that more intelligent creatures (in this case the Houyhnhnms) construct for them. Most of the time, Houyhnhnms keep their Yahoos tied by the neck by thin, flexible, but very tough braided twigs or branches. These leashes are fastened to a beam to keep the nasty Yahoos from making mischief.
When an unknown creature (such as a player character) enters a Yahoo tribe's home territory, 1-6 Yahoos may approach the invaders out of curiosity or to steal a few shiny objects. They attack only if first attacked. Whenever possible, Yahoos prefer to fight from a distance. For weapons, they throw rocks, branches and even their own filth at opponents. If the invaders possess members of the equine family, are able to shape change into horse-like creatures via magic, or are in the company of one or more Houyhnhnms, the Yahoos do not voluntarily approach the party.
Yahoos are willing slaves, being far too concerned for short-lived pleasures to organize any resistance against their Houyhnhnms masters. The player characters may attempt to lead the Yahoos in a revolt against their masters, but Yahoo tribes lack enough reason to follow any type of plan, even when they attack other tribes of Yahoos. Consequently, Yahoos might attack the player characters or their horses instead of the Houyhnhnms.
To Swift, Yahoos are what humanity could have become if humans had fallen beyond all hope of redemption. These crude and brutish humanoids live in tribes of 20 to 120 (2d6 x 10) members in extended families. One of every four Yahoos are infants or juveniles who pose no threat to the player characters. Adult females give birth to one to four children every two years. The other three-fourths are adult males and females. Yahoos have no written or spoken language (at least none that Gulliver could recognize).
These slow-thinking anthropoids are used by the Houyhnhnms as beasts of burden. Four Yahoos can pull one or two Houyhnhnms on a sledge-like vehicle. Yahoos obey the commands of Houyhnhnms as long as they are under observation by their masters. If they are not tied up or being watched, however, these mischievous creatures steal milk, devour their master's cats and commit many other acts of vandalism.
During daylight hours, these subhuman scavengers eat nuts, fruits, and carrion. They will supplement their diet by catching weasels, rats, and fish. A tribe may roam several miles to find food. The yahoos always return to their sleeping caves, trees or kennels before sunset. These creatures amuse themselves by eating certain types of intoxicating roots that drive them wild. They are very unclean and often wallow or sleep in the mud.


We've just done a conversion of the MC11 Hendar and I noticed the original version from Dragon magazine was spelled differently (Hundar "Horse Bat").

The version of your spreadsheet I've got (2008-12-29) uses the same spelling "Hendar" for both versions.

Was this deliberate?


Shirokinukatsukami fan
The version of your spreadsheet I've got (2008-12-29) uses the same spelling "Hendar" for both versions.

Was this deliberate?
No. I spotted your note about that over the weekend and have already fixed the original spelling on my working version of the spreadsheet. Nice catch! :)


Monster Junkie
A few more requests when you get a chance...

From Celts Campaign Sourcebook (HR3):
Boobrie - Animal
Water Leaper - Magical Beast

From Shaman:
Bloodspirit - Outsider
Bogeyman - Aberration
Fenette - Fey
Fetish Spirits - Outsider
Ghost Packs - Undead
Great Spirits - Outsider
Guardian Spirits - Outsider
Hero Spirits - Outsider
Nemesis Spirits - Outsider
Rogue Hero - Outsider
Sith - Undead
Strigloi - Undead
Totem Spirit - Outsider

If you're limited on time, prioritize the undead. Thanks!


Shirokinukatsukami fan
A few more requests when you get a chance...

From Celts Campaign Sourcebook (HR3):
Boobrie - Animal
Water Leaper - Magical Beast

From Shaman:
Bloodspirit - Outsider
Bogeyman - Aberration
Fenette - Fey
Fetish Spirits - Outsider
Ghost Packs - Undead
Great Spirits - Outsider
Guardian Spirits - Outsider
Hero Spirits - Outsider
Nemesis Spirits - Outsider
Rogue Hero - Outsider
Sith - Undead
Strigloi - Undead
Totem Spirit - Outsider

If you're limited on time, prioritize the undead. Thanks!
I'm returning to this thread more than a year later :blush:.

But I am armed with a new scanner. Do you still need stats for all of these?

Voidrunner's Codex

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