4e return of the dark gods


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hi all. i was wondering who would be interested in playing in a 4th edition campaign DMed by me. below is a little campaign backstory

long ago when the world was young it was ruled by 3 elder gods who held the world in thrall. their reign of tyranny continued for thousands of years until a pantheon of younger gods, the children of the elder gods rose up in rebellion and sought aid from the primordials of of the elemental planes. in exchange for the primordials help the younger gods promised to break down the barriers that prevented the elemental planes from expanding. the battle against the elder gods raged for centurys but finally they were cast down and imprisoned by the younger gods. however the world was not yet at peace as the uneasy alliance that had brought the elder gods to their knees was ended as the gods broke their pledge to break the elemental seals. this event led to the dawn war which forever ended the age of the gods and forced them to act through mortal servants but also served to weaken their primordial adversaries. thus the age of man began. for thousands of years the elder gods stayed imprisoned with no signs of even an attempt to spread their influence. however in recent years tha has changed as all sorts of evil cults dedicated to them and their servants have sprung up. it is unknown why all the trouble is boiling up now but it is widely believed that the age of man is coming to an end

character creation:i have access to all but the heros of the feywild book so pretty much anything is acceptable. even a feywild character is acceptable as long as its approved by me 1st. i would like atleast a paragraph of backstory please

starting lvl:3

your characters all begin in the city of trantyr in response to a call to arms by the lord protector of the city. he is looking for a group of able bodied souls willing to undertake a mission vital to the safety of the city. your characters motivations for performing this task are up to you
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Walking Dad

First Post
Sounds interesting!

Which level and will you allow re-flavored Neverwinter domains for Warpriests?
(Specifically, I would like to play an Elf Warpriest with the Corellon domain)
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First Post
Sounds interesting!

Which level and will you allow re-flavored Neverwinter domains for Warpriests?
(Specifically, I would like to play an Elf Warpriest with the Corellon domain)
oh ya sorry. forgot to put lvl in my OP. was thinking 3. and sure i will allow a reflavored warpriest. i can pretty much work with anything as long as its not too crazy


The younger Gods would equate to the core pantheon?

I have an idea for a paladin/warlord of Bane that may work. I will be basing a lot of it off the excellent article on Bane in Dragon 372.

The basic idea will have him representing Bane's portfolio of civilization and protecting it against the rise of the elder gods. My initial concept would have him as evil and willing to stoop to measures good heroes wouldn't be willing to to get the job done, but I can tone that down to unaligned and only when necessary.
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First Post
The younger Gods would equate to the core pantheon?

I have an idea for a paladin/warlord of Bane that may work. I will be basing a lot of it off the excellent article on Bane in Dragon 372.

The basic idea will have him representing Bane's portfolio of civilization and protecting it against the rise of the elder gods. My initial concept would have him as evil and willing to stoop to measures good heroes wouldn't be willing to to get the job done, but I can tone that down to unaligned and only when necessary.

yep younger gods=core pantheon

i will post some more info on the elder gods when i finish them up. im still working out a few ideas i have

character sounds good

Walking Dad

First Post
Standard staring equipment? Do you use item rarity?
I would like to take an assassin multi-class feat to get access to ki-focus implements.


First Post
okay so far we have walking dad and phaezen as interested players. hopefully we can get 1 or 2 more people. if not i suppose i can supplement your party with npcs if need be

Walking Dad

First Post
warcrown, will you use caps in the IC game? I'm not a native speaker and will have some trouble in this case. Working on my character. I really hope there will be more interest.

Come on people! 5e is still a bit away. No reason to abandon 4e games so quickly!

[MENTION=6685441]warcrown[/MENTION] Maybe you should also post in the thread below. The first post hasn't been updated for a while, but many players check the new posts regularly.

New GMs, players, read the first post in this thread! (updated 5/21)


First Post
warcrown, will you use caps in the IC game? I'm not a native speaker and will have some trouble in this case. Working on my character. I really hope there will be more interest.

Come on people! 5e is still a bit away. No reason to abandon 4e games so quickly!

[MENTION=6685441]warcrown[/MENTION] Maybe you should also post in the thread below. The first post hasn't been updated for a while, but many players check the new posts regularly.

New GMs, players, read the first post in this thread! (updated 5/21)

no i pry wont use caps. ya i hope theres more interest as well.

and i will try to post in that thread. i completely forgot about it. back before i lost access to my old account i used to look there all the time

edit: actually i will check it out tomorrow. working off of my phone which doesnt copy/paste and i dont feel like manually writing the address in
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