Zelda Themelin
First Post
There are theories and there are beliefs. There are philosophical discussions, and defending your beliefs until you are blue in face or worse, make it a religion, or cult, or become one of those internet weirdos who post videos into youtube tellling how they are really shapeshifters but can't show that part for "some reason" (=it doesn't work).
Well, this is kinda .
I actually like to read all kinda weird theories. They are kinda funny up until the point I find out some people who are all too serious about it. That is fun too, in small doses.
It was quite entertaining read. Thanks for posting.
Well, this is kinda .
I actually like to read all kinda weird theories. They are kinda funny up until the point I find out some people who are all too serious about it. That is fun too, in small doses.
It was quite entertaining read. Thanks for posting.