Terra Nova Cancelled


First Post
Terra Nova wasn't cancelled because it was bad or because it was scifi. It was cancelled because it was tremendously expensive, required huge lead times in production, and needed huge numbers just to break even. The ratings for TN were about average for Fox scripted prime-time shows. For any other show, that pretty much ensures a renewal. TN had too many mitigating factors that prevented average from being good enough.

As an aside, I appreciate networks taking risks. However, from a purely numerical/statistical standpoint, I'm surprised TN got made at all. Realistically it never should have been green-lit in the first place - the bar was too high from the start.

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Staff member
All kinds of sci-fi/genre shows have been made over the years with ridiculous episodic costs. Some have succeeded, many have failed.

The successes tend to have better overall writing, air in a TV wasteland timeslot or some other innate advantage letting them grab market share quickly and firmly.

The failures get placed in a slot they can't reasonably expect to get enough share to meet expected ROI or get bounced around on the schedule so the viewership is always in flux.

TN was 3rd in its time slot, with a 24% share increase over what it replaced in that slot. But given its expense? It was always in danger of...well...extinction.
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First Post
As an aside, I appreciate networks taking risks. However, from a purely numerical/statistical standpoint, I'm surprised TN got made at all. Realistically it never should have been green-lit in the first place - the bar was too high from the start.

It was made despite the costs because the named Steven Spielberg was attached to it. While his movie success has not translated to TV, I'm sure many TV network executives over the years have had dreams of a Spielberg show being the TV version of Jurassic Park or Raiders of the Lost Ark.


I disagree with this vehemently. Alien Nation, Sliders, The Lone Gunmen, Dark Angel, Firefly, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Futurama -- just to name a few of my favorites (most of which Fox abandoned to crappy tv nights--the Friday night death slot is less stereotype and more complete fact--and seemed to want to actively kill).

Alien Nation = Awful.
Sliders = Stupid.
The Lone Gunmen = Lame.
Dark Angel = Sexy... but stupid.
Sarah Connor Chronicles = Weak.
Futurama = Spotty at best.

Only Firefly stands out as an example of poor decision-making. The rest were crap that deserved to be cancelled whether you liked them or not. Liking a show doesn't make it good.


First Post
Alien Nation = Awful.
Sliders = Stupid.
The Lone Gunmen = Lame.
Dark Angel = Sexy... but stupid.
Sarah Connor Chronicles = Weak.
Futurama = Spotty at best.

Only Firefly stands out as an example of poor decision-making. The rest were crap that deserved to be cancelled whether you liked them or not. Liking a show doesn't make it good.
And disliking a show doesn't make it bad, either, so ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐.

Are you some kind of arbiter of what is good or bad for all of humanity? Did I miss a memo where your personal opinions of a show somehow rate more merit than mine or anyone else's?

I disagree with your assessments 100%. Frankly, the fact that you can be simultaneously smug, condescending, rude, and outright ignorant is stupefying. It's fine to have preferences. It is not fine to piss on people's opinions.

EDIT - I'm honestly curious if you watched any of the shows mentioned. I have this sneaking suspicion that if I looked at your viewing history, it would show me two things. First, that you haven't actually watched them. Second, that I would probably consider your personal preferences for shows to be awful.
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First Post
Alien nation was over 20 years ago. I think that's a bit to far back to compare to what is happening today. TV land was a very different place back then.

Sliders Had two solid seasons and then went on to have a few more on sci fi. It had cast changes and other issues that did not help it out at all.

Lone Gunmen was an attempt to have an X-Files spin off and in retrospect it died when it needed to. If it had lasted any longer then 9/11 would have happened and the makers of the show have said that they would not have wanted to do Lone Gunman after that happened.

Dark angel had two seasons. Personally, I didn't like it but was given a good run.

Sarah Conner Chronicles also had two good seasons.

Futuroma was hit and miss but that describes at best every cartoon Fox has had on.

Heck, I think Tru Calling, John Doe, Millennium, Tick, Wonderfalls, Brisco County Jr might serve as better examples IMO. Fox does a great job for giving shows a chance that others channels don't. It's hard to say if the shows ever earned more air time.


First Post
Alien nation was over 20 years ago. I think that's a bit to far back to compare to what is happening today. TV land was a very different place back then.
I suppose that is fair, but it was a very well-done show (better than the original film) and got the shaft for financial reasons.

Sliders Had two solid seasons and then went on to have a few more on sci fi. It had cast changes and other issues that did not help it out at all.
Fox killed it, and its move to SciFi was just extended death throes.

Lone Gunmen was an attempt to have an X-Files spin off and in retrospect it died when it needed to. If it had lasted any longer then 9/11 would have happened and the makers of the show have said that they would not have wanted to do Lone Gunman after that happened.
Yes, in retrospect. Not at the time, though.

Dark angel had two seasons. Personally, I didn't like it but was given a good run.
I liked it very much. It was one of the better scifi shows that I watched. There are some hit-or-miss episodes, but it is my understanding that many of those "monster-of-the-week" episodes, like with "Fringe" were network-mandated and not really desired by show producers.

Heck, I think Tru Calling, John Doe, Millennium, Tick, Wonderfalls, Brisco County Jr might serve as better examples IMO. Fox does a great job for giving shows a chance that others channels don't. It's hard to say if the shows ever earned more air time.
Tru Calling is a show I didn't care for. John Doe I never tried because it looked like the kind of show Fox was going to nix anyway, just like Millenium. The Tick cartoon was good, but I didn't see a need for a live action version. It struck me as too much "Greatest American Hero." I'm not familiar with Wonderfalls, and I think Brisco County might have been ahead of its time, or perhaps better suited to cable. I like Bruce Campbell and thought the show was good, but it was purposely campy, and network tv didn't seem well-suited to camp.

Anyway, considering that reality tv seems to cater to a large audience, of which I am not a member, and costs considerably less, I'm surprised networks even keep making scripted television.


First Post
I'm not familiar with Wonderfalls

It's not for everyone but like Firefly when it came out on DVD it was passed around and discovered by a much larger audience though not to the extent Firefly did. I highly recommend the show as it is one of those I watch about once a year. If you like commentary it has some of the best and the writers even describe what they had planned for seasons 2 and 3 which really showed how the story was going to progress. It is very quirky and funny and just plain odd at times.


Mod Squad
Staff member
And disliking a show doesn't make it bad, either, so ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐.

So, there are these rules on EN World. Rule #1 is "Keep it civil."

Rhetorical Question #1: Is flipping someone the bird civil?

Rhetorical Question #2: Did something happen that should have led anyone here to believe Rule #1 no longer applied?

Rhetorical Question #3: Did something happen that should have led anyone to believe that making the discussion about the perceived negative personal qualities of one of the participants was a good idea, in light of Rule #1?

The answer to all those should be a simple, flat, NO.

So, let's not see that again, shall we? And that includes *everyone* in the thread. If you have a problem with someone's delivery, we expect you to report the post, rather than stoop like this. If this is somehow unclear, please PM me, or the moderator of your choice.



I can't say I'm surprised, or sorry to see Terra Nova go. I saw the announcements, and got excited; I love dinosaurs! I saw the news about the production shifting to a more 'family drama' focus. I became troubled. I sat down to watch the premiere, and my fears were confirmed. They'd sucked the dinosaurs out of the show. Not only that, the family drama was bad. Really bad. And so I never went back.

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