Rolecraft rpg Game of the dark and perioulus world:Grenoria


I'd like to introduce my new homebrew rpg project: Rolecraft RPG. This system is a D20 based, but oldschool ispired game.
I'd like to keep the oldschool basics, but adding to tho rules some spice from the latest time.
The world is a semi mediaeval setting, but with lot of barbaric and chaotic area in the borderlands. In Grenoria Knights and Clerics control the society, but in the background they do their fight against each other. In this shadow war the hidden clans of assasins are important players.
In the forest rangers are defends the unprotected living. But from the shadows more and more creatures comes to corrupt the natural realm. And in the forgotten catacombs powerful monsters and dangeorus traps are waiting for adventures to discover them.

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About Grenoria

The world is a semi mediaeval setting, but with lot of barbaric and chaotic area in the borderlands. In Grenoria Knights and Clerics control the society, but in the background they do their fight against each other. In this shadow war the hidden clans of assasins are important players.
In the forest rangers defend the unprotected living. But from the shadows more and more creatures comes to corrupt the natural realm. And in the forgotten catacombs powerful monsters and dangeorus traps are waiting for adventures to discover them.
Knights are organized in orders and the only and exclusive religion is organized too in church. The church maintains temples, monasteries, hospitals. A significant part of the leaders are corrupted, there are honest rulers, but rare. Ancient dark fractions are fragmented and isolated, but very dangerous, because they are still powerful. There are a lot of forgotten tomb, abandoned castle in the wilds.
In the desert live many little nomad tribes, they often attacks the civilization, but the tribs haven't enough power to occupy the civilized kingdoms.
In the realm of see pirates patrols the unpredictable territories to looking for treasure, glory and triumph. The kingdoms are not able to eliminate them, because their ships are swift and they know better the ways of shipping.
The most dangerous enemy of the chaos forces, currently the chaos isn't enough to demolish the city of order, but it will stronger and stronger, year-by-year. The order destroys itself because of corrupted and selfish leaders. Hidden civil wars and political game weakens the strength of the forces.
As I mentioned there are only one religion in Grenoria, but it is fragmented to fraction. God has seven manifestations: Creater, Destroyer, Maintainer, Keeper, Comforter, Feeder, Saviour. Each manifestation has worshipper fractions and each fractions has organized denominations. The fractions are fighting for the ruler position, currently the Keeper fraction is the most influential. This is eternal struggle, which will ends when the chaos forces attacks the civilization, but maybe it wll too late.


I wrote some adventure hooks in order to show how I imagine a story in world of Grenoria:

A faction delegated the party to get an important relic. The party get it from the dangeorus dungeon, but when they come back with the relic and they are weak, some assasins attack them, but they don't kill the party, just steal the relic.

In cellar of the headquarters of the Knight order there is dark secret. Only one old knight knows it, but nobody want to solve it. They hire the party to discover the cellar, but int the dark appears strange and evil creatures.

The church hires the party to defend the funeral procession a high priest, what is goes to the woods, to the ancient tomb. When they arrives, they expirience, that a heretic sect occupied the crypt. The priests ask the party for purge the building. during the purging they find some evidance that the opposit fraction holds the threads of this case.

A merchant lost his brother in a brawl and he hires the party to investigate it. During the investigation they finds some clue, what leads to the rival powerful merchant. The rival intimidates the party, if they inform the client, they will be murdered too. The investigation reveals a lot of information about the dark business of the rival merchant. They have to run away, or stand for the truth.

In the abandoned castle in the borderlands orcs occupy the lower levels, they discover hidden parts of the dungeon. In these section something evil rules. The orcs capture the party and they have to obay to the orcs command to discover the evil enemy and destroy it. The party have to fight against a rival band who want capture the enemy too.

The party travels in rural country and stay at an inn, in a little village. The leader of the town would like to hire them to investigate the misterious murders what happen in the surroundings of the village. A savage barbarian tribe murders the people to intimidate and chase away them. Because the area is valuable for them.

From the ancient tomb of the great leader of the town undeads attack the peaceful citizens. The current mayor offers high reward for stop the ravage of undead. During the investigation the party encounters rival parties and the representatives of the political opponents of the mayor. Some people want to overthrow him. They occur chaos and blame the mayor, that he can not defend the town.

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