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[M&M2e] Red Sands Chronicles

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"I am already bound to the will of both my Master and my Warlord. By the Laws of Slaughter Town I can not betray them without seeking death, if that is what you ask of me, then end my life here."

A pause. "Neutrality in direct conflicts with Master and Warlord, willing service otherwise," suggested Seif, though he was not addressing her...

<Response Sahid?>

OOC: If Abal tries to speak here, signal sharply for her silence until the Ottoman has spoken.
"What does Darwin say about growth?"

"It only is obtained through struggle.."
"Death is rest," pointed out the desert man.

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Voda Vosa

First Post
"We'll take her as our prisoner, and let the Lord decide her fate. She might be of certain negotiation value in the future." replied Sahid, hands in his back. The blob of water had remained stationary over the Ottoman, and now lowers and moves next to Abal.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"She was promised a chance to die on her own terms," reminded an unmoving Seif. There was a certain snap behind his words. Perhaps more practically, "And she will kill herself before she allows that."

It seemed a fairly obvious observation to him, but then each tended to perceive his own reality.

<Response Ottoman?>
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Seif voice went soft: "I met an old man in a cave. He said: 'Death is the only Right the Gods saw fit to bestow on humanity. The rest is hard-earned privilege.'" Was it a quote from some story, something he lived through himself? Hard to say. Then he simply turned back to Abal, "Choose."

As she hesitated: "What does Darwin say about growth?"

"It is only obtained through struggle.."

"Death is rest," pointed out the desert man.

<Response Abal?>

Relique du Madde

"No, death is an inevitablity. Those who survive can only guess the importance and meaning of any one person's death; but only Darwin knows for certain"
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First Post
Inside the Beast, Deezy relaxed a bit. Sometimes people...the world...was so frustrating to deal with. The Beast's armored hide helped keep all that a handspan away, so she could think. It wasn't that she didn't like people...she loved them! She just often felt like there was some crucial piece missing. There was an invisible chasm between her and them that things kept falling into, leaving her trying to piece together what they meant from whatever was left.

She turned on the radio, still tuned to the frequency she'd been monitoring before.

"You want me to say anything to him?" she sent out through the speaker to the others.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"You want me to say anything to him?" she sent out through the speaker to the others.

"Just what I said," answered the robed one... "And that we all yet live."

"No, death is an inevitablity. Those who survive can only guess the importance and meaning of any one person's death; but only Darwin knows for certain"
Seif corrected himself (extraordinarily patiently, he thought, though his teeth *were* starting to tighten). "Death is the absence of struggle... Struggle is growth. Growth is the path to worthiness. And now time has run out... choose." The sword point pressed down minimally harder -- no threat, simply Seif bracing it in place for the killing blow.

<Response Abal?>

OOC: He's actually expecting she'll choose "Struggle", either by accepting his terms, or by going for her weapons (thereby triggering his Ready Action).
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First Post
Deezy chews her lip a little at Seif's response. She wondered if he wasn't tempting fate a bit, openly taunting an elite soldier on an open channel.

...but then again, how many times in a life did one get a chance to openly taunt an elite soldier on an open channel?!

She grinned and turned up the gain a bit, then linked the mic to the speakers too, so the others outside could hear what she was sending.

"Oh desert Warlord," she said, mimicking his lilting recitals with wicked glee, "Your exiled thief has fallen. We wait near the fire."

Relique du Madde

"Death is the absence of struggle... Struggle is growth. Growth is the path to worthiness. And now time has run out... choose."

Abal began to laugh as she calmly pushed Seif's blade to the side and sat up. "By rite of mortal combat, my fate is yours to decide; however, your actions show that you do not wish to willfully end my life." An amused smile crossed her lips. "Therefore, I can only conclude thst Darwin does not wish for either of us to perish at this moment since neither of us are willing or able to kill the other."

OOC: :p

"Oh desert Warlord, Your exiled thief has fallen. We wait near the fire."
"I tolds ya mates! Dat 'splosion be da death knell o' da tyrant whore! We be free men now!"
"Shut it ya fool! Ya knows that Slaughter Town will send a new capt'n iff'n we don't elect our own. I says the capt'n oughta be who eva' kills the mistress's killa.."
"Den ya bedda wish I don't kill dem first!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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