Character Submission Thread


Reviewing Reianne

Looks like giving things to Mesem to carry puts you back at light load, but you're still listing your speed as 20'. Exceptionally minor, so here's your non-judge APPROVAL. That's two, so she's all approved up and ready to earn XP.
Fixed! Thank you both ^.^

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First Post
Hey all! I think that Sana Sahar is ready for the approvals process. Thanks!

1. Ability adjustment costs were a little confusing. Fixed.
2. You've spent 7 skill points (2 class + 5 INT) when you've only got 4 INT. Needs fixing.
3. You're diety is LE. Before falling, he was LN. Either way, it doesn't fit with your CG alignment. Not sure how LPF handles this. Bashu would be a better match if you want Rhat'matanis and CG.
4. What is Lesser Runic language? (EDIT: Never mind, found Lesser Runic. You learn something new every day.) Also, you've got one too many languages.

I'm not sure about 3, but 2 and 4 need work before approval. So NOT YET. Finances and encumbrance both looked okay. And just a reminder that you've picked a very low Charisma score. Please RP it.

And I note we've picked up our first Capable: Perception caster. I'm shocked. Shocked, I say. I did not see that coming.
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First Post
Thanks for taking a look so quick, Systole!

2. Fixed. I removed a point from Know(Dungeoneering) on the basis that this is probably the skill she's had the least exercise in... I've been making a 20 INT Alchemist over on Mythweavers, probably got confused.
3. I like your suggestion. I've modded her to Chaotic Neutral Alignment (more in line with her CHA score, amiright?) and switched to Bashu. This perfectly fits with her background (Betrayed by the priesthood of Anor Akkim and rescued by one of the Bashu faithful, she made the switch).
4. Ditto #2. Removed Orcish as a language, assuming that she's probably had the least amount of interaction with Orcs and Goblins. Goblins are generally funnier and I would like to know what they are saying.

...can you blame me? I thought long and hard about taking Stealth instead (which is more useful in the desert?).
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First Post
I'm babysitting a centrifuge today, so it's 5 minutes of loading and unloading the thing, then 10 minutes of surfing the internet. Repeat from 9AM to 5PM.

APPROVED, non-judge.


First Post
...can you blame me? I thought long and hard about taking Stealth instead (which is more useful in the desert?).

Systole had made the original proposal (here) for the streamlined traits with the notion that perception was omitted from them. Subsequent discussion led to its conclusion. Your choice is just fodder for his disgruntledness.


First Post
Sorry, Odin. That remark was not directed at you. I'd do the same thing if I were making a magus, wizard, sorcerer, fighter, summoner, paladin, cleric, oracle, or cavalier. (Did I miss any?) You just happen to be the first non-Perception-as-a-class-skill character* that's come through since the proposal was voted in, and I was just rather childishly saying 'I told you so, I told you so, neener neener neener,' to LPF at large.

*Mesem doesn't count since he's going to get Perception next level when he becomes a monk.
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First Post
Oh, no worries guys. I saw that proposal (great idea, by the way) and the subsequent discussion, so I had an idea of what was going on.

I was just getting all defensive. It is in my nature.
[sblock=What I really look like]


First Post
Oh, no worries guys. I saw that proposal (great idea, by the way) and the subsequent discussion, so I had an idea of what was going on.

I was just getting all defensive. It is in my nature.
[sblock=What I really look like]

Uh oh - here you are, already importing our bad habits (i.e. describing anything via photo). :p

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