The Upcoming Adventures thread

Lord Sessadore

Everything is so pretty this way, all balanced and such. Please don't change it on my account. Gil can enter r1's adventure and Kamotz can wait for the next opportunity to come along.
@CaBaNa , if Gil wants to go fixing magic items I don't mind Tristan trading spots. I think r1's adventure sounds more like Tristan's alley anyway ... the only thing that would make me think twice is Ironheart, because I want to get Tristan and the tree in the same adventure to see what would happen, haha. And I guess that r1 is likely to kill Tristan, but whatever. ;)

So yeah, Tristan and Gil can switch spots if you want, and if the DMs are OK with it.

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First Post
And you'll be in melee reach every turn?

Armour of Agathys says "hell yes"!

The only thing that would make me think twice is Ironheart, because I want to get Tristan and the tree in the same adventure to see what would happen, haha.

I think I'll have Rabbit go with r1g and Ironheart sit this one out. I don't think I'll have time to keep up with 3 adventures plus the one I'm running in another forum, and it feels greedy anyway...

EDIT: although Rabbit's group is striker-heavy already, and Ironheart's the only defender in his... But I really want to play Rabbit with a warlord... I dunno.
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First Post
Actually one of the adventures I'm playing in (Three Queens in Allaria) is kind of in need of a defender of level 3-4. I know that [MENTION=1642]BenBrown[/MENTION] was trying to recruit one early on but there didn't seem to be any takers. Not sure if he still wants to insert one, as getting an extra character in required some pretty crazy stuff last time.


First Post
Ehem. Crazy stuff you say!?

Level 3-4 defender you say?

The Cursed One aka Boris raises his hand and says "Pick me, Pick me!"


First Post
[MENTION=57255]Lord Sessadore[/MENTION] no worries, the party balance can't get much better than it already is. If the DMs decide to change the order, I'm OK with that, however there is no need to change anything on my account. Just expressing my excitement to be reading along with treex's adventure.

If it makes everyone happier to move Gil or Kamotz, please feel free to shuffle who stays/goes. I'm just happy to play.
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
[MENTION=54810]renau1g[/MENTION], Illarion is updated and ready (hopefully) for review...

Any other volunteers to review him are welcome, I may yet re-think one bit - namely, retrain Grasping Magpies for one of superior implements, but it will be my problem if I don't get that far before I'm approved :) I can always retrain next level (which is close anyaway)


First Post
Well that makes it more balanced. I'm glad there's not a 3 level spread, now I can bump up my monsters a bit, I only wish the monster builder exported to a copy-able format and not some image type file that I can't copy and paste (unless I'm doing it wrong).

Son of Meepo

First Post
Well that makes it more balanced. I'm glad there's not a 3 level spread, now I can bump up my monsters a bit, I only wish the monster builder exported to a copy-able format and not some image type file that I can't copy and paste (unless I'm doing it wrong).

What I do is export it from Monster Builder (which is an XML format) and then import it into Masterplan. From Masterplan, you can export to HTML.


First Post
So is the spread of adventurers still the same as before? Also, I don't think I'll be done anytime soon (maybe in a week or one and a half) because of something that turned up :D I'll try to continue posting frequently though...


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
What I do is export it from Monster Builder (which is an XML format) and then import it into Masterplan. From Masterplan, you can export to HTML.

Or you could send me that XML and coresponding HTML and I'll make a utility program that will monitor the folder you setup as XML target and transform it immediately. Or simpler solution, you select it into the program, but then that's same as importing it into master plan :)

I am willing to do it, just don't expect it to be quick, I have few things working at the moment.

[sblock=Minor self promotion]
Or you could choose me and see that I deliver within 5-15 days :)

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