Assassination! DM: FourMonos Judge: Renau1g

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Chael and Dusk move up to protect Alexia.

Init 22, Chael at D10, Dusk at C9

Alexia and Chael have a +2 power bonus to all defenses due to Dusk. Dusk has a +1 item bonus plus partial cover and Alexia has partial cover due to Chael (gotta keep the healers alive ;) ).

[sblock=stat block]
Chael - Female Longtooth Shifter Hybrid Battlemind | Sentinel Druid
Advantageous Conditions: 5 temp hit points at the start of all encounters (Psionic Vigor)
Adverse Conditions:
Initiative: +4 Passive Insight: 26 Passive Perception: 26
Senses: Low Light Vision
HP 66/66
Bloodied 33
Surge Value 17; Surges Per-Day 12/12
AC 28 Fortitude 23 Reflex 19 Will 22 Speed 5
Currently AC: 30, Fortitude: 25, Reflex: 21, Will: 24

Action Points: 1
Second Wind: Not Used

HP: 33 Senses: low light vision
Speed: 6, Initiative: equal to Chael's
AC: 21, Fortitude: 23, Reflex: 19, Will: 15
Currently AC: 22, Fortitude: 24, Reflex: 20, Will: 16 plus partial cover

At will:
Battlemind's Demand
Conductive Defense
Forceful Reversal
Magic Stone
Melee Basic
Mind Spike

Camouflage Cloak
Guardian's Counter
Healing Word
Longtooth Shifting
Psionic Vigor
Second Wind
Wind Wall

Aspect Of Elevated Harmony
Wall of Thorns

Trained: 11 Athletics, 13 Endurance, 16 Insight, 16 Perception
Untrained: 2 Acrobatics, 5 Arcana, 4 Bluff, 4 Diplomacy, 9 Dungeoneering, 9 Heal, 5 History, 4 Intimidate, 11 Nature, 5 Religion, 2 Stealth, 4 Streetwise, 2 Thievery

Hybrid Talent
Heart of the Blade
Melee Training (Wisdom)
Mark of Warding
Longtooth Spirit Shifter

Magic Items:
Belt of Vigor
Boots of Fencing Master
Amulet of Protection +2
Twilight Heavy Shield
Blood Fury Longsword +2
Dragonrider Scale +3
Siberys Shard of the Mage
2 Potions of Healing
Companion Defender


First Post
Street Fight, Round 1

GM: Just give a little poke to @Vertexx69 to see if he's ready.

Also, as r1 has generously offered to judge, how do I change the name of the original post?

The ruffians make no show of hiding from the approaching heroes. Evidently a show of force is enough to deter most people. Those pedestrians who are near the heroes and the goons see the drawn weapons, recognize the signs of pending trouble and start to withdraw from the action. Those between the heroes and their target continue on in a blissfully unaware manner. Tension builds...

[sblock=perception 20] The goons have all deferred in some way to the man with whom the man in black stopped and talked. He must be in charge. He is near the back, #8 on the map [/sblock]

[sblock=current conditions] Squares around the carts and booths are full of people and are currently considered difficult terrain and partial cover.

With that in mind, depending on your alignment, blasts and bursts that hit any of these squares will injury innocent bystanders.

Heroes can try to clear the street if they would like... use your imagination.


[sblock= Round Summary]
First round... nothing has happened yet.

[sblock=Map Details]
Illumination: Daylight.

Black squares are buildings.

Brown squares are carts/booths: difficult terrain.

*Currently all squares around carts and booths are difficult terrain due to pedestrians.*




Czern Belog (E-10): 85/85; HS 14/15; AP 1; Second Wind; Status:

Chael: (D-10): 66/66; HS 12/12; AP 1; Second Wind; Status: +2 all defenses (Dusk)

Dusk: (C-9): 33/33 AC 21 F 23 R 19 W 15 Bonus: +1 defenses if adjacent to Chael.

Malehan (F-10): 68/68; HS 9/9; AP 1; Second Wind; Status:

Alexia Madgearu (D-9): 65/65; HS 11/11; AP 1; Second Wind; Status: +2 all defenses (Dusk)

kal-Tarron (F-8): 56/56; HS 8/8; AP 1; Second Wind; Status:

Venakhad (F-7): 59/59; HS 8/8; AP 1; Second Wind; Status:

(??): 76/76; HS 13/13; AP 1; Second Wind; Status;


[sblock=Enemy Actions]

Initiative 26


Ruffians: ??AC ??F ??R ??W

1: (G-32) Damage taken:
2: (E-32) Damage taken:

Thugs: ??AC ??F ??R ??W
1. (C-27) Damage taken:
2. (F-30) Damage taken:

Goons: ??AC ??F ??R ??W
1. (B-29) Damage taken:
2. (D-29) Damage taken:
3. (F-28) Damage taken:

Ringleader: (C-31) ??AC ??F ??R ??W
Damage taken:

GM: Villains rolled a 26 for initiative. If you beat that, feel free to go.


First Post
Initiative 11, "Street Fight"
Rohna, Goliath Fighter 8

As the assassin vanishes behind the wall of street trash, mist congeals around the body of the female Goliath and she has once again donned her steely second skin. Rohna hefts the mammoth Kordestad from its hooks on the saddle, its obvious weight little more than a comfort in her seasoned hands. She locks the leader in her glowing gaze as she extends the weapon firmly out in front of her without the slightest tremble. "You will clear the way rabble. I have killed dragons and demons from the very pit of hell itself. My mount has scrapped the remains of things tougher than you from between the creases of his hooves. You can either flee or be ground into sticky red paste, the choice is yours."

The fighter seems more to be stating fact than trying to scare the thugs, but you never know what will scare scum. Olaf sends sparks flying from his spiked hoof plates as he paws the stones of the street in anticipation.
[sblock=Combat Actions]Free: Intimidate 11, Initiative 11, Speak
Minor: Summon Armor
Move: Starting at (D/7-E/8), drawing Korestad
Standard: ...[/sblock][sblock=Rohna]Rohna—Female Goliath Fighter 8 Resist all 1
Initiative: +4, Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 15
AC: 24 (26), Fort: 22, Reflex: 15 (17), Will: 17 — Speed: 5(6), 9 when mounted
HP: 76/76 (0THP), Bloodied: 38, Surge: 19, Surges left: 13/13;
AP: 1/1, Second Wind: Unused, Milestones 0
Powers -
Crushing Surge
Pass Forward
Practiced Rider
Passing Strike
Rhino Strike
Hydra Charge
Stone's Endurance
World Speaker's Command
Villain's Menace
Rain of Steel
Speak with Spirits

Vanguard Mordenkrad +2 "Kordestad" (daily)
Flaming Warhammer +1 (daily)
Onyx Dog (daily)
Antipathy Gloves (daily)
[sblock=Pals]Olaf—Dire Boar 6
Resist 10 all; HP 85/85(0THP); Bloodied 42 AC 20; Fortitude 21, Reflex 17, Will 16, Speed 9. Property: Rabid Charger (while mounted by a friendly rider of 6th level or higher; at-will) Mount; When he charges, Olaf makes a gore attack in addition to Rohna's charge attack. Furious Charge; When Olaf charges, his gore deals an extra 5 damage, pushes the target 2 squares, and knocks the target prone on a hit. Death Strike (when reduced to 0 hit points); Olaf makes a gore attack. Powers: Gore (standard; at-will); +9 vs. AC; 1d10 + 4 damage, or 1d10 + 9 damage against a prone target.

Gretta—Construct 4
Initiative +7; Low-light, Passive Perception 17
AC: 16, Fort: 15, Reflex: 14, Will: 13 — Speed: 8
HP: 9/9(4); Bloodied 4

(standard; at-will)
+7 vs. AC; 1d6 + 3 damage.​
[/sblock][/sblock]OoC: Try not to block the charging dire boar when you move up folks. :devil:
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