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D&D 5E The Next Generation

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First Post
Have you ever actually watched anime before?

I was probably exposed to (and didn't care much for) anime before some of the posters in this thread were able ride a bicycle :)

I watched Vampire Hunter D and Akira long ago, and it was "ok". I watched Speed Racer in the 70s, and it was cool when I was 5, but it didn't age well. I've tried and didn't care much for Claymore, Record of Lodoss War, Ninja Scrolls, Cowboy Bebob and many others.

Only a few of the listed traits were directed at anime, others at Harry Potter (I also didn't care for it, although I am happy more kids got into reading via being exposed to it). I've read all the Dresden Files books, and enjoyed them. Doesn't mean I want D&D to go that direction, same with Pern novels and literally hundreds and hundreds of other sci-fi and fantasy novels that I've read.

It has far less to do with change, I'm ok with new mechanics (assuming they are good) and more to do with the tone and feel I expect from D&D.
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Hey, old people...Your stories aren't relevant anymore...you need to go step back, and - in essence - go away...I don't want mechanics steeped in the old, anymore. I want [a new game that supports a different approach to play and genre influences]...

No problem, dude, I'm way ahead of you. I've been off the edition carousel for years. To me, "D&D" means certain things (i.e., the things that embodied the game from the start, and that you see as outdated and needing to be swept away in a "Next Generation D&D"). I'll probably always see it that way, and see different games as...well, different games.

But don't let my narrow vision of D&D stop you! I assure you that I have no investment in "D&D Next." I leave it entirely in your hands, to form as you will and to take in whatever direction you like. (Didn't you guys already do that with 4e? Eh, I digress...whatever...)

For some reason, WotC keeps trying to lure me to whatever "D&D du jour" they're selling ("Back to the Dungeon!" "The Game Remains the Same!" "I'm Every D&D And You Can Play Me Any Way You Want, Baby..."), but I'm not buying it. As far as "D&D Next" goes, you have your wish: I have Gone Away.

So spike up your hair, grab your massively oversized sword, and bust loose your Dragon Tail Kick. Go on with your bad self, brother. "D&D Next" is your oyster. Shuck it and slurp it down. I wish you joy and hope you find a pearl.
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First Post
The old guard needs to start giving way to the new, at some point. Perhaps now is that point. I don't want mechanics steeped in the old, anymore. I want a game that can give me things like what I've seen in the Redwall series, in Last Airbender, in anime like Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo. We've got to be able to follow the style of things like Harry Potter, because that is today's fiction, today's stories, the things my generation is familiar with.

Maybe this post is coming off as harsh, and I'm sorry for that. But I've been thinking about this, and it just seems reasonable to me that gaming needs to understand that the environment in which it was born is changing, and that it needs to change with it to stay relevant. Because if game designers keep talking about Elric and Frodo and Conan... you're going to lose people, and the next generation of would-be gamers aren't going to care. Talking about the old stories and the old lore demonstrates an unwillingness to recognize cultural change, and if you aren't willing to accommodate new takes on fantasy, then you risk becoming irrelevant.

If the next edition of D&D can't do Last Airbender or Harry Potter, then what incentive does the next generation of gamers have to pick it up?

If this is even remotely true, then the solution is simple: Create a rival fantasy RPG that's based on Redwall, Last Airbender, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, and Harry Potter rather than Elric, Frodo, and Conan. The new generation will flock to your RPG and abandon D&D.

If your theory is correct (and you seem quite sure that it is), you could take the crown from WotC and become the new king of the RPG industry.


First Post
Interesting reading. Had some effect ... made me feel even grayer and creakier than I actually am ... briefly.

I got over it.:D

Play whatever game you want, whatever way you want. And I'll play my game.

It would be nice if those games happened to be organized around D&D.

But if it isn't, that's also alright.


Hey, old people.

And yes, I'm talking to you.

I've been tooling around on EN World for a long time, now. I've been immersed in gaming culture for far longer than I'd like to admit.

One thing that jumps out at me, from all this talk of the next edition of D&D, is talk about the fiction that should inform it. From talk about the kinds of art that should be included, to the stories that should inspire its mechanics - the kinds of stories the players grew up on should be considered, when looking at a game.

That is an entirely understandable sentiment. After all, you want a game that can do Conan, and Elric, and Frodo, right? Those are the kinds of stories you grew up on. The kinds of things that drew you to gaming in the first place.

So now I'm going to tell you that you need to go step back, and - in essence - go away.

Your stories aren't relevant anymore. I'm sorry that this has happened, but it has. I have met no one in my age group that has heard of the Dying Earth series, and yet D&D's default casting system is based upon Vance's work. The only reason I'm aware of the guy is because I spend far too much of my time on gaming forums, studying the history of gaming and what-not. I've never read his works, and, honestly, I don't care to.

The same thing can be said for Conan, for Frodo, for the Gray Mouser, for... whatever else traditional sources you can name for D&D. I know there's all kinds of sources, all kinds of books and what-not that no doubt innumerable people that frequent these forums can toss at me.

It doesn't matter anymore.

The old guard needs to start giving way to the new, at some point. Perhaps now is that point. I don't want mechanics steeped in the old, anymore. I want a game that can give me things like what I've seen in the Redwall series, in Last Airbender, in anime like Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo. We've got to be able to follow the style of things like Harry Potter, because that is today's fiction, today's stories, the things my generation is familiar with.

Maybe this post is coming off as harsh, and I'm sorry for that. But I've been thinking about this, and it just seems reasonable to me that gaming needs to understand that the environment in which it was born is changing, and that it needs to change with it to stay relevant. Because if game designers keep talking about Elric and Frodo and Conan... you're going to lose people, and the next generation of would-be gamers aren't going to care. Talking about the old stories and the old lore demonstrates an unwillingness to recognize cultural change, and if you aren't willing to accommodate new takes on fantasy, then you risk becoming irrelevant.

If the next edition of D&D can't do Last Airbender or Harry Potter, then what incentive does the next generation of gamers have to pick it up?

It's funny that in 15-30 years some one will tell you the same thing.
You mention the things as influences of D&D when they just as likeley influenced the things you admire. D&D probably influenced them too.

I think you don't want D&D. Make your own game.


Steeliest of the dragons
Just a question...how much longer is this spectacular insulting "hate fest", not to mention highly immediately evident edition-war-mongering original post, going to be allowed to go on before it is finally closed?

The OP has been firmly "smacked down", I think.

As always, I defer to the wisdom of the mod-squad. But I see no good coming out of this.

Sincerely, ye codger of ye olde[-er! Old-ER! Not "old"!] guarde,
--Steel Dragons


First Post
Hey young people,

Yeah I'm talking to you.

The game you want to play isnt D&D, its more like D&D minis mixed with pokemon and a sprinkle of magic cards.

Oh and nobody cares about who would win in a battle between samarai shampoo and pikachu.

Its time for you to go away.

Admin here. Ironically, this sort of post gets you suspended. Folks, we don't tolerate edition wars; please avoid them. -- PCat
That was fun. But Yeah I agree with the previous poster, can't believe this thread is still alive.
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Just a question...how much longer is this spectacular insulting "hate fest", not to mention highly immediately evident edition-war-mongering original post, going to be allowed to go on before it is finally closed?

The OP has been firmly "smacked down", I think.

As always, I defer to the wisdom of the mod-squad. But I see no good coming out of this.

Sincerely, ye codger of ye olde[-er! Old-ER! Not "old"!] guarde,
--Steel Dragons

If you see a problem with a thread, please report it using the triangular "!" button at the bottom left of every post. Posting about the problem in the actual thread doesn't help draw moderator attention, and we can't address problems we're not aware of.

I'm closing this. A brief perusal indicates that I'll be talking to a few folks in more detail about edition wars and politeness.

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