The RogueHalfling In Detail


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I have reworded this character sheet as to not violate the site rules or the NDA. But this organization is how I prefer the characters to be presented. Please tell me if I understand this character's features correctly and what I'm missing.

In order to collect all the related information from the character sheet, I spent 43 minutes preparing this and reorganizing it all in one place.

The Rogue Halfling can;

Throw a Dagger/Use a Sling [JANAXSTRUS[20ft.]] 4 squares versus armor class at 1d20+5(dexMod:+3, someTo-HitBonus+2)damage 1d6+3(1d4-->1d6? dexMod:+3, noSomeTo-HitBonus?)

Melee Dagger versus armor class at 1d20+3(strMod:+1, someTo-HitBonus+2)damage 1d6+3(1d4-->1d6?, strMod+1, someTo-HitBonus+2)

[[TERRADAVE] Melee Dagger vs ac 1d20+3(finesse dexMod+3)damage 1d6+3(1d4-->1d6? finesse dexMod+3)]

Sneak Attack versus armor class, use every time the rogue has combat advantage and do 1d6 extra damage.

Feats, Powers, Class Features, Racial Traits


daily X2 reroll any roll and use the higher, (assume the player always smartly chooses the higher roll)

hide behind larger creatures,

roll 2 dice and take the higher when hiding during the rogue's first turn (assume the rogue always hides the first round)

Animal Handling+3,
Open Locks+3,
Find/Remove Traps+3,
Trade Farmer (roll 2 die take the higher roll when asking other farmers for information)
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5ever, or until 2024
For the melee dagger, I am guessing this is dex based (a "finesse" weapon), so that should explain the mods.

Do you have the "take 10" on skill checks class feature there?


First Post
Should be :

Throw a Dagger/Use a Sling 20 feet versus armor class at 1d20+5(dexMod:+3, someTo-HitBonus+2)damage 1d6+3(1d4-->1d6? dexMod:+3, noSomeTo-HitBonus?)

5e uses feet, not squares.


Take 10? I read about it but I don't understand it. Can you give me an example of how it would work in play?

Whenever you make a skill check using one of the six skills you are trained in (the three from the background and the three from the rogue scheme), whenever you roll between a 1-9, you are considered to have rolled a 10 instead.


Take 10? I read about it but I don't understand it. Can you give me an example of how it would work in play?

The rogue rolls a hide check, with a result on his d20 of 7. Since he is trained and has mastery, he is able to change that result to a 10, for a total result of 10+3+3=16.

In the next fight, he rolls stealth again. This time he gets a 14 on his d20, which means mastery doesn't come into play. The result is 14+3+3=20.

Basically it sets a floor for his trained skill rolls; they are never lower than 10.

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