Leif's "Revenge of the Giants" [4E] [OOC 01]


Hi guys!

If you don't mind me being a bit of a flip-flopper, it seems that I may be able to continue with this game after all. If you'll still have me.

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Son of Meepo

First Post
Rules Question

Since this will likely come up, I thought I would ask it now.

Baramos has the ability to ignore 10 points of fire resistance with his attacks. But it's not at all clear what ignore X resistance means. (I don't think it is explicitly defined anywhere.) I have seen two interpretations which will explain with the following example.

Baramos deals 20 fire damage to a creature with resist 30 fire.

1. Reduces the resistance by 10.

In this case the target is treated as having resist 20 instead of resist 30. Still, the creature takes no damage as the 20 damage does not exceed the resist.

This is a simple way of handling it, but as you can see, in this case the class feature had no effect. The damage was still negated entirely.

So there is a slightly more complex interpretation but one that makes sure the feature always does some good.

2. Bypasses resistance

In this case, the target still has resist 30, which completely negates the 20 fire damage. However, 10 of that resistance is then bypassed and added back into the final total. In this case the creature would take 10 damage.


Since this will likely come up, I thought I would ask it now.

Baramos has the ability to ignore 10 points of fire resistance with his attacks. But it's not at all clear what ignore X resistance means. (I don't think it is explicitly defined anywhere.) I have seen two interpretations which will explain with the following example.

Baramos deals 20 fire damage to a creature with resist 30 fire.

1. Reduces the resistance by 10.

In this case the target is treated as having resist 20 instead of resist 30. Still, the creature takes no damage as the 20 damage does not exceed the resist.

This is a simple way of handling it, but as you can see, in this case the class feature had no effect. The damage was still negated entirely.

So there is a slightly more complex interpretation but one that makes sure the feature always does some good.

2. Bypasses resistance

In this case, the target still has resist 30, which completely negates the 20 fire damage. However, 10 of that resistance is then bypassed and added back into the final total. In this case the creature would take 10 damage.

I'll be honest, it's way easier to reduce the resistance by 10 and pretend that reduced amount is their resistance - and play on normally. I don't see why you'd want to further complicate things.

Son of Meepo

First Post
I'll be honest, it's way easier to reduce the resistance by 10 and pretend that reduced amount is their resistance - and play on normally. I don't see why you'd want to further complicate things.

It does seem to be the way most people have done it, but I've never been a big fan of that interpretation. It seems that if the creature is still reducing your damage to zero, then you aren't ignoring its resistance, which is what the class feature should let you do.

They really should have either worded the feature as reduces resistance by X or defined ignore resistance more clearly.


Since this will likely come up, I thought I would ask it now.

Baramos has the ability to ignore 10 points of fire resistance with his attacks. But it's not at all clear what ignore X resistance means. (I don't think it is explicitly defined anywhere.) I have seen two interpretations which will explain with the following example.

Baramos deals 20 fire damage to a creature with resist 30 fire.

1. Reduces the resistance by 10.

In this case the target is treated as having resist 20 instead of resist 30. Still, the creature takes no damage as the 20 damage does not exceed the resist.

This is a simple way of handling it, but as you can see, in this case the class feature had no effect. The damage was still negated entirely.

So there is a slightly more complex interpretation but one that makes sure the feature always does some good.

2. Bypasses resistance

In this case, the target still has resist 30, which completely negates the 20 fire damage. However, 10 of that resistance is then bypassed and added back into the final total. In this case the creature would take 10 damage.

Interesting situation. It only comes into play with creatures having more than a 10 resistance. I will review the planned significant fights and discuss with Leif. If there are enough creatures with such resistance to marginalize your character we might be willing to consider your suggested interpretation, but I have to agree with Insight on the more logical interpretation.

Son of Meepo

First Post
Interesting situation. It only comes into play with creatures having more than a 10 resistance. I will review the planned significant fights and discuss with Leif. If there are enough creatures with such resistance to marginalize your character we might be willing to consider your suggested interpretation, but I have to agree with Insight on the more logical interpretation.

It probably won't marginalize him. Baramos has a few fire powers, but he has lots of powers that don't deal fire damage. He'll have something to do.

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