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Scott Dewar's Homebrew: One by land, two by sea-Pathfinder RPG-IC

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
More special info here

to do list:
1. Make a map of the area

2. name the kingdom and some of the principals

3. calender
12 lune' per annue
30 days per lune'
10 days per reisen
3 reisen per lune'
spring - Waldeskin [forest's kin] Walds
traditioon says this is the time that the fey and forest's kindred defeat the grip of the winter queen's ruling grip

summer - König segne [king's bless] Segne
this is the time of the Sealy fey's rule, where all are blessed by the summer queen's consort, the summer king

fall - Ernte [harvest] Ernte
time of gathering in preperatioin of the invasion of Baba Yaga, the winter queen

winter - Hexe Atem [witch's breath] Atem
This the time of the unsealy courts rule, when Baba Yaga, the winter queen, invades the lands of people.
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Eggert's cove, the most northern port of The Kingdom, at the end of a long day. it is the first day of the 5th month, or the second month of König segne, sometimes called Segne, A light fog gently rolling in by this time of the year. All the merchants have long ago closed their shops or rolled away their carts and the taverns are now sending people home. The watch is busy jailing the brawlers or catching the street scum.

Down one particular street walks a sailor recent disembarked from The Queen's Gambit, A ship of rough, cutthroat men known for their less then gentle treatment of those not of their crew. Word has it a stowaway was keel hulled and then tied to the the bowsprit. Another rumor, never spoken above a hushed whisper, is she's a pirate vessel - known equally for raiding and smuggling.

Gorgal and Makoa
This veteran of the sea, Gorgal (the Scourge) by name, had a night of drinking under his belt when he sees a shadow near a ware house, Wareg's wares, during a time when this district is dead quiet. A fact that a belied by the faint glow of light around a set of closed doors. His attention is also drawn by a figure walking under a street Öllampe, that of his childhood gang days partner, Makoa.


Garias Bazlagg

Garias' contract as a merchant marine on the ship Zee Khron was good, but when its renewal came up, the grizzled veteran watched his captain make dealings with some shady characters, in particular was this bugbear who sat at the captain's table. Garias watched as a large bag of coin was exchanged for a small pouch that disappeared under the bugbear's cloak then the bestial bugbear got up and left, the vacated seat was quickly filled with a captain of ill repute.

This particular slimy character sailed the Queen's Gambit, Earl "pouches" Fannagan by name. The Gambit and Khron had sailed in tandem a few times, The Zee Khron as mercenary hire protection for some piracy, smuggling and slave trade, all serious offenses in The Kingdom.


Kanala d'Arbaso

The watch avoids certain areas of town, Kanala's shop being one of those areas. The shadow lurkers guild all knew her. They should, since she had been given a vision that saved the life of the guild master once. This has earned her 'permanent protection' for her shop at no cost. That does not protect her from other 'business men's ' territories as she makes her way home.

She wasn't sure if it was the spirits or an actual physical being, but she always felt she has a protector in the night. Whoever, or whatever, it is, The gods be blessed for this Edle Rössel, and may this Edle Rössel be blessed. At the end of her nightly walk she caught sight of what was in a shadow that might have been a face in the dark .. .. ..



As is the custom of the sea at night, it sends its waters in as fog, bringing with it a chill to the warm night air. it was time for her to close the shop. He has long ago known it was protected by the gang known as the shadow lurkers - mostly benign, but watch your pouch regardless - headquartered in the vicinity of the Brandywine Trading Company. Their guildmaster, Thom Atzul, had put word out that her shop was under their protection. That took care of that potential threat, but outside of their territory, specifically the territory she went through to get home, things have gotten dicey. More then a few times having an altercation with a sap wielding rogue or two wanting an easy pouch of coin. Hermann's sons are looking for him, someday either they will come for him, or him for them. They are headquartered somewhere in the warehouse district. He is alone, they are many. Tactics will need to be used to fight these wily rats.

Suddenly his heart races as he watches her leaving the shop, first locking the door, the turning around like she is looking for someone, a smile on her beautiful lips and a sparkle in her eyes. The walk home tonight was quiet and uneventful, his usual shadow empty and waiting for him. As she gets home she does her gaze about, the same smile seen when she leaves her shop. Suddenly his heart stops - his stomach drops to the ground. Her gaze has locked on to where he is. Is there someone unseen to him? Or has he been spotted by her?!?


Borhald Threndor

It was late when the caravan got back. *Sigh* A broken axle on the lead wagon, A horse lamed by a rock in her hoof, Goblins attacking in daylight, but a dark part of the woods. All part of a days work. Sure could have used that archer from Ferdinand's well, She is quite handy with that bow.

As Borhald leaves Lefty's place he sees two tall humanoid figures following a human who is lurking in the shadows. The two tall ones are upwards of 7 feet tall, the human about 6 foot - Wearing a breastplate?

Accross the street was a woman carrying a quarter staff entering a home. She looks like that archer .. .. .. .. .. hmmm, what is going on here? He sees the 6 foot tall one start to leave as the woman disappears into her home .. .. .. .. ..

OOC: sorry all, just now getting my first cup of coffee

As Borhald leaves Lefty's place he sees two tall humanoid figures, one speaking to the other in a rough guttural language.

Off in the distance a shadowy figure lurks about before quickly slipping through a backlit doorway of a warehouse.
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Gorgol is a physically imposing figure over 6 feet tall with lean wiry muscles rather than the skinny underfed kid Makoa remembers. His skin is a deep olive color and his eyes are black as the darkest layers of the abyss. His hair is dark and wiry and trimmed roughly with a dagger close to the scalp. His ears are short and pointed with one well chewed in a long ago struggle. His teeth are pronounced and gleam against his dark skin even in the dim light. He has ritual scar tattoos in swirling patterns around a dagger. His features are too sharp and Orcish to be considered handsome. He wears a doublet of dove and charcoal vertical stripes over a finely made chain shirt and snug black sailor’s trousers with flared upturned cuffs. He wears soft gray sea lion skin boots. A black leather sash festooned with pockets holds up a matching belt from which hangs a pouch of tools, a longsword and a pair of whips one of which is wickedly spiked. He moves cautiously toward the other man. He grins and growls out a greeting and a question in Orcish, "Ba Makoa, gras nak lo nas. Wa fo dim potang?"

[sblock=Translation]Ahoy Makoa, long time no see. How is your mother?[/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Locking up before leaving her shop isn't really necessary, given the level of protection she enjoys, but Kanala never allows herself to get sloppy. As the last lock clicks into place and she turns to the street, a quick call summons the spirits of her ancestors to protect her on the short walk home. The sea-breeze is brisk on her skin, the night air cool; the heel of her quarterstaff clicks a staccato rhythm on the cobblestones, her waist length braid swings gently behind and dusky skin blends with the shadows.

When she sees the shadowy face, Kanala keeps right on walking. In this part of the city, it doesn't pay to linger or to be too nosy. All the same, she keeps an eye on the apparition as she walks; it also doesn't pay to be careless.




Darthan, Human Fighter

Darthan slips as quietly as he can through the shadows in Kanala's wake. When she, the object of his fondest desires, turns outside her door, his heart froze. Why could he not approach her? Why was he so terrified? Oh, yes. It was because she was so far above his station and a gentlewoman like that could not be sullied by the likes of Darthan, who bore the weight of the blood of dozens upon his soul. He melted back into the shadows until Kanala was safely in her home, and then he, too, went to his abode and fell into a restless and fitful sleep.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
He grins and growls out a greeting and a question in Orcish, "Ba Makoa, gras nak lo nas. Wa fo dim potang?"

[sblock=Translation]Ahoy Makoa, long time no see. How is your mother?[/sblock]

As soon as you speak, the shadowy figure takes off running to duck into Wareg's warehouse through the dimly backlit door.

[dm]heh, first time using the dm brackets! Otherwise awaiting Makoa's response[/dm]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Darthan slips as quietly as he can through the shadows .. .. .. .. .. He melted back into the shadows until Kanala was safely in her home, and then he, too, went to his abode .. .. .. .. ..
As you head for home, you get the sense you are being followed .. .. .. .. ..


First Post
The tall woodsman almost unconsciously reaches down to loosen the long sword in its scabbard, as he slows his steps. He edges towards the shadows to his left, as he goes, trying to get a better sense of the situation. There may be mischief a-foot, but cities and their dwellers are much harder to read than the wilderness signs he knows so well.

His hunter's instincts get the better of him, and overcome his caution, as he slowly makes his way towards the warehouse entrance. Something about the figure did not seem right...
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