D&D 5E previous playtest packets


First Post
so i have recently gotten back into dnd and noticed they have been relesing playtest packets for the next edition. i have the most recent one and was wondering if someone here could share or show me where to get tje previous packets so that i can see previous contcontent not in the current one and see how the game has change over the playtest period.

sry if this is against tje rules.

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First Post
well after some serious searching managed to get all the previous playtests. heres a link if you want em.

Mod Note: Link removed. It is not at all clear that WotC wants other parties distributing their content, and EN World is not going to help out in distributing copyright or license infringing content. Sorry. ~Umbran
Last edited by a moderator:


I'm less interested in downloading the content, and more interested in how many packets there have been/when they were released. It seems I've stopped receiving the emails when they get released.
Was there a packet between December and April?


Once A Fool
stuff was released for free to the public. don't see the harm but w/e.

Then perhaps you should reread the legal agreement you had to "sign" in order to participate in the playtest in the first place.

Regardless of how much the packets cost, that information cannot be allowed (by WotC) to be downloaded through other sites, because doing so would allow users to access them without agreeing not to use that information in ways that would be harmful to WotC (like in competing products).


First Post
I'm less interested in downloading the content, and more interested in how many packets there have been/when they were released. It seems I've stopped receiving the emails when they get released.
Was there a packet between December and April?

I have files dated 8/13, 10/8, 10/29, 11/13,and 12/17 in 2012, and 1/28, 3/20, 3/21, and 4/11 in 2013. The major updates were 8/13, 10/29, 12/17, 1/28, and 3/20. Per the earlier moderator note, I am not offering to e-mail them to anybody. But anyone who signed up for the playtest from the beginning in theory has all of the publicly released iterations of the playtest material.


First Post
So if the past is any indication of the future, it seems we are getting new major update playtest packets every 45 to 60 days. If they keep to that schedule, I guess we can expect the next one beginning to middle of June, most likely?

You aren't missing much. The January one was merely the December packet with Barbarian, and the remaining 2013 packets are just additional adventures (and some errata) added to the March 20 packet. If you have the December 2012, and the April 11, the only thing you've really missed is the first iteration of the barbarian.

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