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How would you RP this character?


He's got a 3 charisma, Int of 13, Wisdom of 15, he's chaotic Neutral, and he's a Goliath Barbarian 1 / Fighter (dungeon crasher) 3. and he's got these two flaws:

Its the charisma I think i am having difficulty with in addition to the alignment.
It would be something of an understatement to say that your character likes his booze. The pursuit and
intake of alcoholic beverages is one of the motivating factors at the root of your character ’s existence.
Drawback: Whenever your character has an opportunity to get a drink or five, he must make a Will Save
(DC 20, at minimum) to pass it up, save in a life or death situation. Whenever your character has an oppor-
tunity to purchase a great deal of alcohol (at an inn, for example), he must make a similar Will Save to avoid
drinking to the point of near-incapacity. Although his tolerance for alcohol is monumental, a monumental
quality of frothy liquid can still get him roaring drunk.

Special: The DM may assume that a bender will cost the character 1d6+1 SP for every point of positive
Constitution modifier he possesses (for example, a character with a Con score of 14 (+2) will drink up 2d6+2 SP on his way to inebriation). If the character is a dwarf, change each d6 to a d10. A roaring drunk character suffers a -4 circumstance penalty to all Dexterity-related skill checks, a -1 penalty to all attack rolls, and a -1
penalty to AC. These penalties will last until the character gets eight full hours of sleep (or absolute rest, if he
doesn’t sleep). If a character has no positive Con modifier, just assume that a bender will cost 1d6+1 SP.
Special: On the trail or in a dungeon, your character feels no need to get roaring drunk, and will generally
content himself by consuming small and regular amounts of wine or hard liquor.

Your character is impulsive and belligerent, favoring threats and combat over all other means of problemsolving. Drawback: Your character tends to strike first and think later; he assumes hostility on the part of strangers and unknown beings, and he believes that they are logically expecting hostility in return. He knows no means of negotiation save threats and demands, and he responds poorly to anything less in turn. Your character is not necessarily murderous his friends and allies can talk him out of foolish courses of action, but they had best do so with extreme swiftness, or your character will pull steel and lead the way to glorious chaos!

Special: Your character suffers a -4 penalty to any Diplomacy check made against any character used to
more civilized methods of persuasion than overt threats and warlike banter. Limitation: This flaw may not be combined with the Cowardly flaw.

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Cyan Wisp

Sounds like a typical guy out drinking on a Friday night!

No, seriously...Presumably, his charisma problem predates his flaws, so maybe society's reactions to him led him to drink and lash out at the world.

This giant of a man is perceptive, worldly and quite bright but people do not like him. Never have. It plays on him, and compounds till he loses all self worth and drinks to oblivion. He has become a nihilist and seeks to destroy himself, to rid the world of his presence. He throws himself into combat, almost suicidally. No tomorrow!

He may be a philosopher at heart, brooding on the beauty of the world, recognising how wonderful life could be if people would just understand him. Trouble is, these thoughts are fleeting. And he can't tell anyone without them getting it wrong. They are weaknesses and people may prey on weaknesses. Besides, he doesn't deserve it anyway. Stupid thoughts. Stupid society. Oblivion again.

Maybe a little like...an inebriated Gollum/Smeagol?

Give him a loud, grating and otherwise annoying voice... and then have him not shut up.

A topic that he can't stop talking about, that no one else is interested in, is a must. People should cringe every time he opens his mouth.


First Post
I would do a mix of Captain Haddock from TinTin and Raj from the Big Bang Theory. He cannot talk to people unless he is drinking and his memory really doesn't function unless really inebriated. Compound that with his aggressiveness once he loosens up then that should provide for an exciting social situation. I would build it into a character that is completely useless sober but once he starts drinking has the ability to take out a small army on his own.


So, concerning alignment, an intelligence of 13 suggests that his alignment beliefs are probably somewhat intellectually realized. He's probably thought about what he believes and analyzed it and produced some sort of internal manifesto or philosophy which he lives by. CN is most easily summarized as, "Harm no one; do what you will." It's the belief that as long as you aren't actually actively harming anyone, then everyone has the right to do whatever they please and live and let live. More philosophically, at a very high intellectual level Objectivism is a CN philosophy, but I don't think from the other clues he's an Objectivist. Instead I think that he's intellectually embraced Sybarite/Hedonism as an intellectual philosophy - the purpose of life is to escape misery and enjoy happiness. His 15 Wis indicates that he is capable of following the convictions of his beliefs, so what this implies in context is that he is a drunkard by choice. His reason leads him to believe that the best way to live life is ineubriated. Possibly he believes that life is unjust, unfair, and miserable and that the best salvation you can find is at the bottom of a bottle. It's worth exploring why he believes that and why its reasonable for him to believe it. He's not stupid; he came to this conviction based on the evidence.

The overwhelming determinate of his personality though is his 3 charisma. This is a person with absolutely no redeeming social trait. He is a foul, vulgar, obnoxious, uncouth, unpleasant, unceasing boor, with bad breath, body odor, and odious personal habits. He'll smell of urine and vomit, and a pig would be pleasant and clean by comparison. He's grotesque. He's not only ugly, but his demeanor has made him more so. As I picture him, he's heavily scarred (possibly from burns or acid), missing several teeth and a ear. Where in some this would make them look monstrous and imposing, in this person it mostly just makes him look ridiculous and revolting. People tend to respond to him with revulsion or ridicule. And he in turn is belligrant and insulting, which doesn't intimidate people (most of the time), but rather makes them angry, obstinant, and more hostile.

Background wise I'd have him be the victim of a terrible tragedy the robbed him of everything he ever loved or wanted. His scars are the result of torture, possibly to extract from him a confession for a crime he didn't commit. He's a violent wreck of a man who hates human company about as much as humanity despises him, and whose sole solace is the pleasant relief of intoxication. At a summary, his life philosophy is, "Leave people be." He hates the law. He hates society. He hates moral busybodies as much as he hates the cruel and the sadistic. But for all of that, he's not a cruel person himself. He doesn't want to watch the world burn; quite the contrary, he knows what it is to burn and wouldn't wish it on anyone. He just wants to be left alone to enjoy what is left to him to enjoy.
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I have been having issues with the charisma 3 thing, and looking at other monsters that have cha 3.

I noticed the war forged charger has 3 cha and it doesn't look like it came from the blue lagoon. lol

I have been having issues with the charisma 3 thing, and looking at other monsters that have cha 3.

I noticed the war forged charger has 3 cha and it doesn't look like it came from the blue lagoon. lol

Note the ability score entry: "Charisma measures a character’s force of personality, persuasiveness, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and physical attractiveness."

A warforged charger is definitely lacking on the first four of those. And probably a bit in the last since it's not exactly going to be refined to look good while smashing stuff.
[MENTION=4937]Celebrim[/MENTION] has done a good job of describing one way to play the character.

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