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Game of Thrones 3.9 "The Rains of Castamere" (spoiler alert)

Following the reaction on tumblr on the Game of Thrones tag and it seems like very few people actually knew what was coming. Total freakout.

I think they could have done with a bit more of foreshadowing. Like, when Dany went to the house of the undying and saw the wolf-headed king. My wife, who hasn't read the books, was completely shocked.

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Tumblr appears to be down so I have not been able to have my daily requirement of schadenfreude. The Red Wedding is my favorite part of the series, as I am a horrible person. Just think how so many other series would be improved by something similar happening, something much like the Red Wedding. A Red Wedding for the King Killer Chronicle, for Standard Action or JourneyQuest, for the Goblins Comic... well, okay, for Goblins every third strip is its own little Red Wedding. But you get my point.


Dumbest. Episode. Ever.

I knew something like this was coming and this seemed like the most logical point with the petty kings being such egomaniacal d-bags and sell-outs, but the way everything was handled was just ridiculous. Seriously, little surprise and a lot of irritation.

Rob didn't go out fighting. Seriously, this was just stupid. He didn't grab a dagger or a club? Launch a dagger at Frey's head? They stab your wife through her baby and he's able to stand with a couple of bolts in him but the adrenalin doesn't carry him? Just stupid.

And locking his wolf in pen? Again, moronic. The wolf should have been in his tent at least.

Arya is stupid. I really liked her in the first season as she was growing, but now she's reverted to a whiny, stupid brat who can't see the Hound is her best chance at survival. Though had she gotten to Rob's wolf that would have at least been thematically cool.

And WTF is up with Jon? He knocks Ygridde aside when she's clearly going to fight with him, then recognizes the wolves, knowing Bran and Riccan must be hiding out nearby, and he had Ygridde and the two wolves on his side and didn't take out the red-headed guy and left/betrayed Ygridde? Again, friggin' stupid!

And nobody from inside the silo seems to question Jon being out there alone, nor trying to get to him?

And Sam, go back and get the stupid obsidian spearhead already.

At least we're done with that moronic wench Cat.

The only thing missing was Tyrion in a chariot jumping over a pool of sharks with lazer beams on their heads.
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A Wicked Kendragon
Rob didn't go out fighting. Seriously, this was just stupid. He didn't grab a dagger or a club? Launch a dagger at Frey's head? They stab your wife through her baby and he's able to stand with a couple of bolts in him but the adrenalin doesn't carry him? Just stupid.
First, Robb isn't some great fighter. He was a great leader. Second, he just lost his wife and his child and that pretty much took the purpose out of his life. Grief can stun you pretty well.

And locking his wolf in pen? Again, moronic. The wolf should have been in his tent at least.
There was a reason for that in the books, but there was no explanation at all on the show. That was a blunder by the show.

And nobody from inside the silo seems to question Jon being out there alone, nor trying to get to him?
Wasn't the only one who knew he was there Bran? And he was warging at the time and couldn't have told anyone. He only mentions Jon after the situation has happened and Jon has ridden away.


First Post
man I had goosebumps when the song this episode is named after played. And a big fat grin on top of that.

[sblock]which seems weird, as I had the opposite reaction when I first read it.[/sblock]

Super Pony

Studded Muffin
So I've been playing catchup on Season 3, and I finally got current last night. Episode 9 was functional in getting the job done, but it lacked some of the punch that the Red Wedding contained in the books. In the show, we loose
Cat, Rob, Grey Wind and the rob-wife-stand-in-manufactured-character-who's-name-I-completely-forget-at-the-moment
. In the book we lose other minor characters that we have grown to enjoy for their occaisional quips and contributions
(Dacey, Smalljon, Wendel, Robin)
, and several characters are (at that point anyway) presumed dead. And through it all, there is at least an attempt at fighting back
(Greatjon takes a few with him at least)
which served to keep me hoping that someone would get away as everyone began dropping
(the Greatjon being dragged down at the end roaring was like...the final punch in the gut). Last night all the extra-level Stark bannermen in the hall and those camped outside just go down without so much as a clang or a wimper. And Catelyn clawing her face to ribbons was a minor thing in the book, but quite missing in the show
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First Post
[MENTION=6669292]Super Pony[/MENTION]
Good points. Its been a while since i read this. [sblock]Maybe that's why I felt no sympathy for the Starks this time....[/sblock]


First Post
Dumbest. Episode. Ever.

I knew something like this was coming and this seemed like the most logical point with the petty kings being such egomaniacal d-bags and sell-outs, but the way everything was handled was just ridiculous. Seriously, little surprise and a lot of irritation.

Rob didn't go out fighting. Seriously, this was just stupid. He didn't grab a dagger or a club? Launch a dagger at Frey's head? They stab your wife through her baby and he's able to stand with a couple of bolts in him but the adrenalin doesn't carry him? Just stupid.

And locking his wolf in pen? Again, moronic. The wolf should have been in his tent at least.

Arya is stupid. I really liked her in the first season as she was growing, but now she's reverted to a whiny, stupid brat who can't see the Hound is her best chance at survival. Though had she gotten to Rob's wolf that would have at least been thematically cool.

And WTF is up with Jon? He knocks Ygridde aside when she's clearly going to fight with him, then recognizes the wolves, knowing Bran and Riccan must be hiding out nearby, and he had Ygridde and the two wolves on his side and didn't take out the red-headed guy and left/betrayed Ygridde? Again, friggin' stupid!

And nobody from inside the silo seems to question Jon being out there alone, nor trying to get to him?

And Sam, go back and get the stupid obsidian spearhead already.

At least we're done with that moronic wench Cat.

The only thing missing was Tyrion in a chariot jumping over a pool of sharks with lazer beams on their heads.

1) Robb had crossbow bolts stuck in him, including 2 in his chest - it was a struggle for him just to stand up, and you expected him to leap over a table at Walder Frey? Sure, maybe if the show was your standard cliche fantasy, he'd have been able to find that last bit of adrenalin to do it, but then Ned Stark wouldn't have been beheaded if it were standard fantasy, and Robb never would have had to go to war to avenge his father. And, if you watched the scene, after Robb was plugged with those crossbow bolts, there was nobody around him - there were no daggers or axes to snatch. Nobody wanted to risk getting struck with a stray crossbow bolt - all the Freys and Boltons were in the back of the room, with Robb, Catelyn, and Talisa in the middle, and Walder Frey on the other side.
2) It wasn't explained on the show, but Grey Wind was not allowed to roam free, as he had scared one of the Frey sons who fell off his horse. So, the Freys demanded that Grey Wind be locked up in the kennels in order to even be allowed on the castle grounds.
3) Why do Bran & Rickon need to be nearby? Last season when Theon was hunting the missing Bran & Rickon, the wolves took Theon many miles out of the way to throw him off the trail, while Jon had sent Ghost away when he climbed the wall, so Ghost is likely many leagues away heading towards Castle Black. For all Jon knew, Bran & Rickon could be dead and those were their wolves roaming free.
4) Why is Arya stupid for not liking the Hound and begging to be with him? The guy killed her friend Micah only a year earlier, and you expect her to play nice with him? He was Joffrey's sworn shield and a member of Joffrey's Kingsguard - you know, the guy who ordered her father beheaded - and she should just accept his help? Wouldn't the Brotherhood without Banners be a better chance for her - a group of dozens of men who could have protected her, instead of just one?


1. It's heroic to at least make the attempt and not go out like a biznitch. At least make a failed attampt at something. That was crappy writing/direction.

2. Where the show didn't explain, which is irritating.

3. Because both wolves were there and the Warg said he heard someone in the silo. Jon could/should have killed bearded ginger then and he could have done whatever he wanted, tell Mance even whatever he wanted.

4. Because he's saved her a couple of times now. She looked to be a very perceptive character in the first season, and that's all out teh window now.

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