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An Open Letter to Fantasy Flight and Cubicle 7 -- Cut the "Foreplay" and Give Us the Good Stuff


Also, and this really surprised me, is that if we just use the dice sets made for the game you don't have all the kinds of dice you need. I figured if they are going to make special dice packs that they would include everything.

I suspect the dice you get are the dice you are likely to need on most occasions, and was done to keep the cost down on dice sets. Admittedly you could need more Challenge Dice, Setback, etc. but that seems likely to be less common occasions.

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I suspect the dice you get are the dice you are likely to need on most occasions, and was done to keep the cost down on dice sets. Admittedly you could need more Challenge Dice, Setback, etc. but that seems likely to be less common occasions.

I believe he is referring to the absence of percentile dice, which they game does call for occasionally, and that is a valid complaint. Granted, the vast majority of people interested in EotE already have d10s, but that shouldn't have been an assumption that FFG made when planning the dice set.


I believe he is referring to the absence of percentile dice, which they game does call for occasionally, and that is a valid complaint. Granted, the vast majority of people interested in EotE already have d10s, but that shouldn't have been an assumption that FFG made when planning the dice set.

I don't agree. d10's are likely to be easily available in any store where you buy a set of Star Wars dice. It would just up the price, and force experienced gamers to buy more dice they didn't actually need. At first I thought there might be a case to include them in the Beginners Box, but d10's aren't used in that set as far as I can see.


Can I just chirp in again on the original point.

I'm a fan of Jedi in the Star Wars setting. When I ran a d20 Star Wars game, it had two Jedi PCs in it, and the concept was the group were working for the Jedi council as troubleshooters leading up to the Clone Wars.

When I played WEGs d6 Star Wars, one of the characters played a burned out Jedi in hiding, and my character became a force user and studied under him, until their character eventually got corrupted and turned to the dark side. WEG corruption mechanic was excellent and really added atmosphere to playing a Jedi.

However I think that FFG have got EotE right, and I think their whole approach to Jedi is correct.

If you look at what is in EotE you can play a Force Sensitive character that with experience can do pretty much everything you see Luke, Ben and Yoda do in the original trilogy. That seems to accurately reflect Force Users in the era FFG seem to be aiming at.

I imagine that the later books particularly the last one will allow for more showy stuff, that appears in the prequel trilogy and expanded universe, post RotJ. I hope they introduce a darkside corruption mechanic in that last book as well (if not in the second book).

This delayed release gives players a chance to grow in power like Luke does in the films, and EU, it also give FFG a chance to get a lot of feedback on how the Force works before they introduce additional complexity and rules. It should be seen as a bonus.


First Post
Um...the opening paragraph in the Force chapter (p273, EotE) states:
That's pretty unambiguous.

Except if you totally ignore what else it says the part I'm referring to. pg 276 for third time

"If any survive they (the Jedi) do so in hiding at the farthest edges of the galaxy"

That line opens up the possibility of their being Jedi.


I don't want Jedi. I think Star Wars is worse when hundreds of Jedi are running around waving purple lightsabers.

I wouldn't go THAT far.

But I would agree that Jedi aren't the be-all and end-all of Star Wars. (It was lowly Bothan spies that brought the plans to the Death Star to the Rebellion, right?)

However, I get that people WANT to play Jedi, so it does kinda baffle me why FFG wouldm't give at least cursory rules for Jedi in A CORE rulebook...


However, I get that people WANT to play Jedi, so it does kinda baffle me why FFG wouldm't give at least cursory rules for Jedi in A CORE rulebook...

They do give at least cursory rules, that's what the Force Sensitive option is.

To do Jedi justice they would need a lot more pages or it's own Core rulebook (which is what they are planning) but to provide cursory rules that's what the Force Chapter is.

Remus Lupin

Well, I think what this entire thread has convinced me of is that I already have a Star Wars game that suits my needs quite well. While the material I've seen for Edge of the Empire is aesthetically pleasing, and apparently the mechanic is interesting and innovative, given the way FFG has decided to structure it, I think that, for the foreseeable future I'm better off playing the Saga edition. I was always fairly content with the mechanics as they were developed in that system, and most of the art artwork that I liked in that system is no worse aesthetically than EotE. I know not everyone is thrilled with the d20 core mechanic these days, but that's not really a problem for me.

Now I've got a strong urge to flip through my copies of the Knights of the Old Republic and Jedi Academy Training Manual books! :)

Interestingly for all the nonsense that's going on in this thread no-one has yet come up with the probable reason for both companies release schedule.

The IP owners control what the companies release and when. The IP owners want a steady revenue stream throughout the period of the licence and in order to guarantee that steady income stream the material is approved in such a way as to maximise that outcome.

Blame the lawyers and accountants not C7 and FFG.

Mod Edit: Let's keep this clean and family friendly, hey what? -Umbran
Last edited by a moderator:

DM Howard

I'm completely fine with the way it is being handled. I can see the other point of view though, so I understand and support this open letter.

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