Vegan cheese that actually taste like cheese

Normally, vegan cheeses are derived from tapioca flour, vegetable glycerin, or nuts. They also tend to be rather unsatisfying, to put it charitably. That's because all current vegan cheeses lack a crucial ingredient: the animal proteins found in milk.These biohackers think they have the solution: They're going to create milk protein without ever involving an actual animal. To pull it off, they plan to take the DNA sequences that dictate milk protein production in cows, build them from the ground up in a lab, and place the synthetic DNA into yeast.
That actually sounds pretty cool. I'm not a fan of most vegan foods. They tend to be very blah. This might actually be good.

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Naked and living in a barrel
Interesting. I like the article. Very stimulating.

Mock salami taste pretty good. It is the only salami I eat. Humm... Well except for...

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