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Pathfinder 1E [IC] Pathfinder: Iron Gods


Hailey Navare


Hailey glanced at her companions for a moment. She was sure they had many questions. Thousands of gold as reward on the table was nothing to sneeze at. It was high enough that she did not think they would go higher in negotiation,

“When exactly did Baine go missing? Who was the last person to see him beforehand? Perhaps they might know where Baine was planning to go down there.”

“Are there any maps or surveys about the tunnels underneath? ”

[sblock=Mini-stats]Hailey Navarre
Init +6, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14 (Chain shirt) , CMD 16
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +3
HP 12; Current: 12
Conditions in effect: Rapid Reload, Point Blank Shot
Grit: 3
Deeds: Gunslinger Dodge, Quick Clear, Up Close & Deadly

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock]

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First Post
Aja Reinfall, human female
[sblock=MiniStats][SIZE=+1]Aja Reinfall[/SIZE] Human Cleric 1
Initiative: +3 Perception: +5

AC: 15 (13 touch; 12 flat-footed)
HP: 10 Current: 10
CMB: +2 CMD: 15 Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will: +6

In Hand: Bread and Cheese
Conditions: None

Diplomacy +6, Handle Animal +7, K(Religion) +4, Perception +5, Ride +4

Morningstar: Attack: +2 [0 BAB, +2 Str], Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: x2, Type: P/B
Longspear: Attack: +2 [0 BAB, +2 Str], Damage: 1d8+3, Crit: x3, Type: P
Sling: Attack: +3 [0 BAB, +3 Dex], Damage: 1d4+2, Crit: x2, Type: B, Range: 50

Channel: (5/5) 1d6 DC12

Spells Prepared:

  • 0 - Create Water, Detect Magic, Light
  • 1 - (D)Protection from Evil, Bless, Divine Favor
As the group walks towards Town Hall, the cleric appears deep in thought. "Did you say something? Ah, sorry, Vandor, there's been a lot on my mind." She looks over to her childhood companion, and smiles distractedly. "I am glad you decided to joins us. Not that I expected you to refuse accompanying me on such a grand adventure." With a sly grin, Aja's mood seems to lift as she gives Vandor a playful shove on the shoulder.


At the Town Hall, Aja sits, astonished yet again at the sum the reward promises. "Such rewards usually mean similarly difficult danger. Did Ser Baine go alone, or did he see it fit to bring companions for safety? Has he left word from his first expedition anything about his findings?" As she waits for responses, the servant of Erastil looks about and studies her group anew, trying to compare this group's competence against the patrol groups she's trained under. Motley. For better or for worse, this group is far more diverse than any groups she's traveled with to date. Unable to estimate the group's ability to work together, Aja shrugs. We'll see, I guess.


Guest 11456

“When exactly did Baine go missing? Who was the last person to see him beforehand? Perhaps they might know where Baine was planning to go down there.”

"Four teams in all have entered the caves, but only one came back to report what they found—Khonnir’s first expedition. Khonnir spoke at length with the council before going back in, and he confirmed what his group told us, despite how outlandish it sounded. The first team was a group of halfling adventurers, the second a group of local thugs, and the fourth a small adventuring party devoted to the worship of Brigh from out of town. Khonnir’s team undertook the third and fifth expeditions under Black Hill, and it was on the fifth expedition—his second trip—that he went missing. The first team entered the caves seven days ago. The second entered six days ago. The third, Khonnir’s first expedition, entered five days ago. The fourth team entered four days ago. The fifth team, Khonnir’s first expedition, entered two days ago."

“Are there any maps or surveys about the tunnels underneath?”

"Sorry, we have no maps or surveys. Until recently we didn't even know that these caves existed."

"Such rewards usually mean similarly difficult danger. Did Ser Baine go alone, or did he see it fit to bring companions for safety?

"I do not know who went with him in his expeditions but I believe the he took the same individuals on both of his trips in."

Has he left word from his first expedition anything about his findings?"

"The caves are inhabited by several enormous vermin and other scavengers, along with some strange humanoids who had the ability to blend into the shadows of the cave walls, and a nest of gremlins. Khonnir believed this indicated a deeper connection in the caves to the Darklands, but of more immediate interest was his discovery of a wall of solid metal deep in the caves. A wall made of a skymetal alloy called glaucite. He said it was like the kind we mine from the hills and surrounding plains, but formed into a structure with doors. It was near one of these doors that Khonnir found the broken automaton that he brought back after his first expedition."


First Post
"So he's been gone two days," Zeta said. "The machine he recovered, is it in your possession now?"

She was going over a list of things they might need. Sunrods to chase shadows away and expose these creatures. Acid might be useful to dissolve locks or hinges on this skymetal door. Did acid burn skymetal? She wasn't sure. Regardless, it could be useful.



"The reward you offer is quite large just for the task of returning Counselor Baine, even considering the probability of danger. The wall of metal sounds interesting. If one of the automatons was found near that, it is logical to conclude there may be more beyond the wall. The Technic League would be quite interested in such things. I am quite curious regarding what we may find in the caves."


Hailey Navare


Hailey rested her chin on her crossed arms. There was not much useful information to be had but a series of snippets. Though she did not expect a whole lot to be known when the man with the answers was the one missing.

“How long was his first expedition, less than a day or overnight? Did he leave word of his intentions going back in this second time? Two days is not that long if he was expecting to go much deeper and prepared for a multiple day trip.”

[sblock=Mini-stats]Hailey Navarre
Init +6, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14 (Chain shirt) , CMD 16
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +3
HP 12; Current: 12
Conditions in effect: Rapid Reload, Point Blank Shot
Grit: 3
Deeds: Gunslinger Dodge, Quick Clear, Up Close & Deadly

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock]


Guest 11456

"The machine he recovered, is it in your possession now?"

No, Khonnir took it to his home I believe. He was planning on studying it when he had the time.

"The wall of metal sounds interesting."

"We know very little about the metal wall. Khonnir examined it himself, and confirmed that it was an alloy of adamantine and iron, and that one of the doors in the wall was locked tight but the other was open. He had planned on exploring deeper beyond that door on his second expedition, but who knows if he actually made it that far?"

“How long was his first expedition, less than a day or overnight? Did he leave word of his intentions going back in this second time? Two days is not that long if he was expecting to go much deeper and prepared for a multiple day trip.”

"For Khonnir's first expedition they were gone only a few hours. They were on a time limit and would be on the same time limit this time as far as I know. The entrance to the caves is flooded. They needed to swim to get to the cave and the spell they were using had a time limited. That reminds me, you’ll need to swim a bit to get to the caves as well. Joram Kyte has agreed to cast water breathing on any group to aid in entering the caves—free of charge, of course. You can find him at the temple of Brigh or up at Crowfeather Palace when you’re ready to go. As far as who would have been the last to see him, check with Val, Khonnir’s adopted daughter. Val has closed down her father’s tavern, the Foundry, for the time being. She’s told me that any group that’s going into the caves to look for her father can use the tavern, free of charge, as a headquarters and a place to rest between forays. You should look for her at or near the Foundry."

[section]Twist fidgeted in his seat, trying to listen carefully but not altogether successful. "You said Bazlundi Otterbie and Joram are working to get rid of Torch's waste disposal system. If they aren't done soon, and we have to use Joram's spell to cross the flooded cavern, how are we supposed to get back out? Is the flooding getting worse every day or has it stopped?" The ratling boy scratched at his ear and looked around trying to guess who could and could not swim.

"Oh, yeah...and is the Council offering teams supplies? Rope, torches, rations, and the like? I'm not sure Val's still at the Foundry. I heard she's gone missing." Uncertainty flickered tightly across Twist's features.[/section]


First Post
"Even so, we can look at the Foundry," Zeta murmurs. "If she's there, so much the better. If not, there could be signs there we can use to follow her, or find out what happened to her."


Hailey Navare


Hailey did not like the sound of swimming to reach the caves. Water played hell with her pistol’s ammunition. She was going to need another waterproof bag or two.

“Good points, Twitch.”

She turned back to the old dwarven woman.

“Are the caves flooded as well? Or maybe they just got delayed and are trapped without a spell to breath while swimming back. Mayhap we should have some scrolls or potions with that spell for ourselves to come back.”

With the other mentioning about going to the Foundry first, Hailey nodded in silent assent, It made sense to go there first and see what else they could learn.

[sblock=Mini-stats]Hailey Navarre
Init +6, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14 (Chain shirt) , CMD 16
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +3
HP 12; Current: 12
Conditions in effect: Rapid Reload, Point Blank Shot
Grit: 3
Deeds: Gunslinger Dodge, Quick Clear, Up Close & Deadly

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock]

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