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Legacy of the Silver Dragon - Off to See the Goblins

Voda Vosa

First Post
OOC: Seems my post was swallowed by the information highway.

Muzdim's grip loosens around his axe. His knuckles return to their normal colour, as he lets out a sigh, releasing all that anger he was accumulating anticipating a fight. "Aye aye..." he replies to Antares, with his hand extended, signalling him to calm down. "Just some drunk loggers with no gut for a fight." he adds, with a small smile."Now lets get back to sleep."

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Now that they can, green eyes examine him from head to foot in the firelight. No sign of injury, either on the dwarven priest or on his would be opponents, so events do seem to have somehow turned out for the best? That is an unexpected, and most welcomed relief!

Still... "Is- Is that wise?" Though it saddens him to say so, "Perhaps this river, once thwarted, might find more cunning ways to flow away from the light?" That makes little sense, even to him, and so he tries again: "Ah, what I meant to say, in truth, was: perhaps we should sleep as one this night, and set firm watch?"

He looks from one to the next (and occasionally outwards, to the eerily quieting dark), feeling anything but certain.

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Nay, I don't think they'll dare. At any rate, Stellan would hear them as he did before. Night." the dwarf states, he yawns, scratches his belly and turns to his sleeping accommodation, walking slowly there, leaving Antares with his overly worried self to take care off.


In truth, the night does pass uneventfully enough even if any crack of a branch outside gives certain elves a sleepless night. Or maybe it's the tent rattling snoring of a large Cleric. In any event, as the sky begins to brighten, a new sound arrives. The patter of rain against the tent and barracks. Stellan shows up to the tent, pokes his head inside and says "Shall we go?" his face already rain slicked. "It's a lovely day for a walk in the woods."

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
the dwarf states, he yawns, scratches his belly and turns to his sleeping accommodation, walking slowly there, leaving Antares with his overly worried self to take care off.
The young mage breathes in- then closes his mouth without a sound, eyebrows raised in some surprise: trust in the good will of others from master Stonehand?

And his own found sadly wanting, it seems, when the press of events came calling...

Antares dips his head, the blush of small shames coming to his cheeks with realization: he had been thinking ill of these men, even going so far in their hasty rush over as to suspect some were - perhaps - knowing agents of the dancing star, evil in their hearts and harm for all behind their every action... Yet likely they were men not unlike himself; men worried about the safety of their town and loved ones and seeking solutions in an uncertain, seemingly unknowable world... (And certainly getting seemingly more and more unknowable with every drink they drank!). Despite repeated warnings, he had fallen into the easy trap of assuming the worst!

And yet, what if they weren't? What if they were indeed agents of the Dark Man? Or, perhaps worse, what if the good they sought could not, in any way, meet his own understanding of that lofty concept? What then the part of caution? The part of trust? The part of assuming the best of every stranger you meet until proven otherwise? (And sometimes beyond then, if the proponents of second chances are to be believed?)

"A... complex man is master Stonehand, friend Stellan. At once trusting and suspicious, secretive and- Lady Beatrix!" She and Stoneburner are even now seeking a man to stop a fight that no longer exists! "Ah. Perhaps we can locate her before then?"

And they set about doing just that -- troubled, late-night thoughts of right and wrong still whirling and twirling ineffectually in at least one of their heads. :)

In truth, the night does pass uneventfully enough even if any crack of a branch outside gives certain elves a sleepless night. Or maybe it's the tent rattling snoring of a large Cleric. In any event, as the sky begins to brighten, a new sound arrives. The patter of rain against the tent and barracks. Stellan shows up to the tent, pokes his head inside and says "Shall we go?" his face already rain slicked. "It's a lovely day for a walk in the woods."
"I believe that may qualify as an outrageous lie, friend Stellan." Antares gives his friend a small, tired smile, although his emerald eyes themselves are quite awake, and have obviously been for some time: he had given up even trying to pretend to sleep just before the rise of dawn, and was now fully dressed, just finishing his interrupted letter to Teacher Dysare. "Although the sound of raindrops on canvas is in truth lovely," he admits. "And quite calming as well."

He has always loved rainy days...

And it even seems to pacify lady Merryburg's seismicity -- although that might be a sign of rising consciousness instead?

OOC: Antares will want to find someone of trust to deliver the letter to Dysare (against compensation, of course), then have breakfast at the camp's kitchens before starting the trek proper? He'll try the old man they talked to yesterday to recommend someone for the former, assuming he can find that worthy?

Voda Vosa

First Post
Muzdim exited his quarters with a grumble. He hated interrupted sleeps. He hated rain as well. He briefly lifted his eyes to the falling rain, muttering a curse to some god. His beard turned quickly into a black and grey stream of leaking hair. He spotted Stellan at Antares' tent and approached quickly. He grunted "Breakfast. We can wait for this cursed rain to stop before getting out in the woods, can't we?"

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Ah. Well." Antares has the good grace to actually look embarrassed, "As I understand it there is some, possibly slight urgency to our mission, I would say, master Stonehand? I do apologize, in truth." Since the trip itself was his idea, amazingly enough...

He gets up, stretching long limbs before extracting his heavy woolen cloak in preparation for transit to the camp's kitchens: "Is it really quite so bad?"

Voda Vosa

First Post

"Ah yes yes yes, the mission." The dwarf nods in resignation. "Well it is pouring. At least lets get our bellies stuffed."

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"In deed," agrees the elven mage with a quiet smile. "And surely mighty dwarves cannot melt?"

OOC: Does Beatrix or the goblin need to be woken up, Gambler?


Beatrix looks up blearily at the conversation in the tent, and hears the rain on the fabric. She groans, "Malborka... I must have done something to offend you. I arrive at village at your request, and now sent out of the village. In the rain. Ah, but better to finish your work quickly to show I am willing and able. And then I will be back under a proper roof with proper food again!" It has something of the sound of a prayer to it, and when she finally stands (nearly knocking over the tent as she does), she is beaming. "I heard someone say 'Breakfast'! Let us eat, and thus by taking time to enjoy the blessing of Malborka, we may be refreshed!"

She moves towards the entrance, tugging the goblin behind her, the creature obviously also tired and stumbling to keep up with her.

The meal goes relatively smoothly, the old man making a point to talk with the party as they find food and eat. And he himself offers to take the letter from Antares back to the village. "Young master, I would be happy to do so. I think some members of this camp need reminding that Ascadar needs people to help each other in these times." It is said loudly enough to carry to others around him, none of which say anything, but pay even more attention to their food and drink.

OOC: Ok, level up time for Muzdim and Antares. Thank you both for hanging in as long as you have so far. I figured it was time. Please find the level up rules in the pdf located here:

Then please post your character to the OOC thread for approval. If you have any questions, let me know.

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