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D&D 5E (Recruiting) Greyhawk Old-School Sandbox-Style Campaign


This is definitely an interesting design idea, [MENTION=12460]airwalkrr[/MENTION]. I have a few questions.

1) Are you looking for total simulation in your design? I get that there is no hand-holding and spoon-feeding of PLOT™, but are all of the players essentially being Solo DM'd until if/when they encounter one another in-game?

2) If _most_ of the adventuring types are either Fighter or Rogue, what does that mean for the world at large? Are adventuring types common, uncommon, or rare?

3) I'm guessing you are looking specifically for the Swords & Sorcery "Conan/Red Sonja" type feel for the game. Are demi-humans just as rare as adventurers?

4) I am not 100% sure just how _low_ you're aiming for low magic... would a character with a dream of flying and/or owning/building a flying vessel be on par with the Greyhawk Experience?

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This is definitely an interesting design idea, [MENTION=12460]airwalkrr[/MENTION]. I have a few questions.

1) Are you looking for total simulation in your design? I get that there is no hand-holding and spoon-feeding of PLOT™, but are all of the players essentially being Solo DM'd until if/when they encounter one another in-game?
Excellent question! All characters will begin play in the City of Greyhawk, whether they already live there or traveled there in search of adventure; it is the best place to find adventure in the Flanaess after all! More specifically, it is well-known that the Green Dragon Inn in the River Quarter is a great place to trade in rumors of adventuring locales and hidden treasure. At the beginning of the campaign the starting players will have to make their way to Green Dragon Inn and seek out reputable sorts. Some might be NPCs, but they should all eventually come into contact with each other. It will be up to the players to negotiate the terms of their adventuring company contract (anything from an official document to an unspoken agreement) and then seek out an adventure.

2) If _most_ of the adventuring types are either Fighter or Rogue, what does that mean for the world at large? Are adventuring types common, uncommon, or rare?
Adventurers are an uncommon, but not unheard of sort. It would be rare to encounter a party of adventurers on the road or inside a dungeon. But you might very well come face-to-face with other NPC adventurers (most of whom will be fighters or rogues) in places like the Green Dragon Inn where adventurers, whether retired, active, or would-be, tend to congregate.

Fighters and rogues are common within the profession, making up at least 50% of those who call themselves "adventurers." Clerics and wizards are uncommon, but many adventuring companies of at least four or five members count at least one such in their group. All other classes combined make up perhaps 10-20% of the adventuring types at large. Only the largest of adventuring companies, those sporting 10-12 members, are likely to have a character such as a druid or paladin in their ranks.

3) I'm guessing you are looking specifically for the Swords & Sorcery "Conan/Red Sonja" type feel for the game. Are demi-humans just as rare as adventurers?
Humans are the dominant civilization in the Flanaess and demi-humans are not a common sight. "Respectable" elves and dwarves do not associate with humans unless it is to ally themselves against evil forces, and that is the extent of most of their interactions. It is quite unusual to see them elsewhere, however when you do, it is often in the company of adventurers, as they fit in very few other places among the human societies. Usually demi-humans such as elves and dwarves join adventuring companies in the quest of rooting out evil places or in search of forgotten lore or knowledge of their ancestors, but they can have other motivations as well, especially dwarves who are quite greedy when it comes to precious metals and gemstones. Halflings associate with humans in a few places, but mostly live in their own communities, very much like the Hobbits in Middle-Earth. Halflings are exceptionally rare when it comes to adventuring, but those few that do tend to excel at it and display immense bravery and cunning. They often do it for the excitement as much as the prospect of wealth.

Within the City of Greyhawk, the population is over 90% human. Of the fraction that are demi-human, many keep to themselves as much as possible, as they tend to stick out. Some humans even outright fear them. You might encounter a prosperous dwarf shopkeeper who deals in curios and valuable items (he could also be a fence). You could hear of a halfling baker whose biscuits and muffins are to die for. There could be a reclusive elf wizard whom everyone seems to know of but very few have actually met. These individuals often face prejudice in public however, so they tend to avoid being in the public eye.

4) I am not 100% sure just how _low_ you're aiming for low magic... would a character with a dream of flying and/or owning/building a flying vessel be on par with the Greyhawk Experience?
Such a thing would be a bit unrealistic within the setting (although there will always be those with unrealistic dreams). Practically-speaking, there is no such thing as a "flying machine" or even a magical flying vessel. Such things are the stuff of legend, perhaps powerful magic possessed by the ancient Suloise Imperium or Baklunish Empire. But for all the extraordinary magic possessed by those civilizations, their magic ended up destroying both civilizations in an event known today as the "Twin Cataclysms," leaving very few signs of their existence remaining. A powerful archmage named Zagyg was once Lord Mayor of the City of Greyhawk, but he grew insane over the years of his tenure. Eventually he disappeared completely, leaving a number of questionable projects in the works and a fortress called Castle Greyhawk which today is said to be infested with monsters. It is for reasons like this that many people fear magic. This fear is the chief reason magic does not currently flourish in the Flanaess today. Those who know magic tend to keep it to themselves. Even Greyhawk's University of Magical Arts is shrouded in mystery. The pyramidal structure has no outwardly visible entrance, and no one seems to know just how the students of this place, whomever they might be, gain access to the interior.

The city is lit at night by oil lamps (or in the poorer districts by torchlight or not at all), not by everburning lanterns. People travel by conventional means such as horse and cart, boat, or walking, not by taking flying carpets or riding pegasi through the skies. Courts of law rely upon testimony and evidence to determine the truth, not divination magic. There are no shops that deal regularly in magic items (although in rare cases one might stumble across a magical item for sale in a shop almost by accident); finding a buyer or seller for a magic item is a difficult process as only the wealthiest could afford such items, and even then finding someone who wants an item might be a difficult process. Most people would not even think of using magic to accomplish everyday tasks. And the open use of magic in public is frowned upon. There are even strict laws about the use of magic in public; any spell or magic item that causes collateral damage to the city or its citizens in any way (including magic that manipulates the mind or divines secrets) can subject the user to harsh fines, imprisonment, or even (in the most serious of cases), severing of the fingers and removal of the tongue.

There are certainly exceptions to the rule. Wizards might use prestidigitation to entertain a crowd. A cleric might be called upon to remove disease if a terrible blight has struck the city and quarantine has failed. But these are still exceptions. Such things are not common by any means.


Samara Renae is a female half-elven Knowledge priestess of Fharlanghn with the Acolyte background. She is tall for a half-elf, 5' 8"; she has green eyes with blonde hair in a short pixie-cut style.

She was raised in the city by her human mother who is a retired Soldier. She has never met her Elven father; Samara was conceived when her mother was fighting in a foreign [country/city]. Because her father never returned to see her grow, Samara harbors resentment towards Elves and her Elven heritage, blaming the Elves [and 'their' war?] for her missing Father.

Her mother's violent war stories weighed heavily on Samara's heart; rather that take up the sword like her mother, she instead turned to the shrine of Fharlanghn for education and training in the healing arts. Once completed, she would leave home and begin helping the simple folk who have likely suffered the most from troubled times.


Helmut Krauthammer, Human Fighter Soldier. Helmut is tall and long-limbed, hardened by many battles. He has blonde hair that he keeps in a knot in the back, and pale blue eyes that have seen much suffering. Helmut was a sergeant in the army. During a recent battle against an orc horde, he led his platoon on a dangerous charge to take a hilltop. Though they were successful, many good soldiers died, and Helmut swore that he was done with the soldiering life. He now casts about for purpose, but he fears that fighting is in his blood. He has turned to scholarly studies in an attempt to find something beyond warfare.

Helmut Stats

[B]Name:[/B]      Helmut Krauthammer
[B]Class:[/B]     Fighter 1
[B]Race:[/B]      Human
[B]Background:    Soldier[/B]
[B]Size:[/B]      Medium (6'3", 202 lbs)
[B]Gender:[/B]    Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Lawful Neutral

[B]Str:[/B] 16 (+3) save: +5    [B]HP:[/B] 13 (1d10+3)
[B]Dex:[/B] 12 (+1) save: +1    [B]AC:[/B] 18 (Chainmail + shield)
[B]Con:[/B] 16 (+3) save: +5
[B]Int:[/B] 15 (+2) save: +2    [B]Speed:[/B]   30'
[B]Wis:[/B] 8  (-1) save: -1    [B]Init:[/B]    +1
[B]Cha:[/B] 14 (0)  save: +2    [B]Passive Perception:[/B]    11

[B]Skills:[/B]                   [B]Abilities:[/B]
Acrobatics         +1     Fighting Style - Dueling
Animal Handling    -1     Second Wind (1d10+1, 1/short rest)
Arcana             +2     
*Athletics         +5     
Deception          +2     
*History           +4     
Insight            -1        
*Intimidation      +4         
Investigation      +2
Medicine           -1
Nature             +2
*Perception        +1
Performance        +2
Persuasion         +2
Religion           +2
Slight of Hand     +1
Stealth            +1
Survival           -1

Armor: All, shields
Weapons: Simple, Martial
Tools: Playing cards, vehicles (land)
Languages: Common, Orc

[B]Weapon                  Attack  Damage     Type[/B]
Warhammer , 1h              +5    1d8+5      B
Hand Axe  , 1h              +5    1d6+5      S
Hand Axe  , thrown (20/60)  +5    1d6+3      S

2 Hand Axes
Sergeant's Insignia
War trophy
Deck of cards
Common clothes
Belt Pouch
Explorer's pack:
  Mess kit
  10 torches
  10 days rations
  50' hemp rope

[B]Money: 10 gp[/B]

[B]Soldier:[/B] Military Rank - Sergeant, Infantry
[B]Personality Trait: I break every situation down into a tactical combat analogy.[/B] 
[B]Ideal: Things always go better when you are part of a group and everyone knows their role.[/B] 
[B]Bond: It is my duty to make reparations to the families of those who died under my charge.[/B] 
[B]Flaw: I have little sympathy for those who can’t cope with tragedy and misfortune.[/B]

I plan for Helmut to initially struggle to turn his attention away from soldiering and warfare, as he looks toward becoming a scholar and begins to learn bits and pieces of arcane knowledge. Magic at first fascinates him out of what he thinks is scholarly curiosity, but as he becomes more proficient and gains some small proficiency in it, he finds that he turns this knowledge toward martial pursuits. Eventually (when he reaches 3rd level), Helmut will give in and accept that fighting is in his blood, embracing his new identity as an Eldritch Knight.

Edit: One note about Helmut. He has proficiency in History, because that was the best skill available to the Fighter class and Soldier background to reflect his scholarly interests. However, if it's ok to mix it up, I think that Arcana would fit the character better.
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Here's Gray, my wandering wizard. The rest changes make for some interesting dynamics, so I focused on rituals. We'll see how far I survive.

Stats (pre-racial bonus)

[MENTION=12460]airwalkrr[/MENTION] I slightly altered my background, pending your approval. Swapping out proficiency: musical instrument for proficiency artisan's tools (drawing supplies). I like the idea of Gray endlessly drawing, with the margins of his spell book filled with tiny sketches of people and places he's seen.

Also I assumed it was okay to have spent my 10 gold, and begin with a familiar already summoned. Zilla- the lizard.

[B]Name:[/B]       Davis Gray
[B]Class:[/B]      Wizard 1
[B]Race:[/B]       Human
[B]Background:[/B] Outlander
[B]Size:[/B]       Medium (5'11", 155 lb)
[B]Gender:[/B]     Male
[B]Alignment:[/B]  Chaotic Good     

[B]Str:[/B] 13 (+1)              [B]HP:[/B] 9 (1d6+3)
[B]Dex:[/B] 14 (+2)              [B]AC:[/B]   12
[B]Con:[/B] 17 (+3) 
[B]Int:[/B] 19 (+4) save: +6     [B]Speed:[/B]   30
[B]Wis:[/B]  8 (-1) save: +1     [B]Init:[/B]    +2
[B]Cha:[/B] 11 (+0)              [B]Passive Perception:[/B]     9

[B]Skills:[/B]                    [B]Abilities:[/B]
Acrobatics         +2       Spellcasting
Animal Handling    -1       Arcane Recovery
Arcana             +4       Cantrip: Light
*Athletics         +3                Prestidigitation
Deception          +0                Ray of Frost
*History           +6       
Insight            -1       Wanderer
Intimidation       +0       
Investigation      +4        
*Medicine          +1
Nature             +4
Perception         -1
Performance        +0     [B]Spellcasting:[/B]   
Persuasion         +0       1st: 2       6th: -
Religion           +4       2nd: -       7th: -
Slight of Hand     +2       3rd: -       8th: -
Stealth            +2       4th: -       9th: -
*Survival          +1       5th: -

Armor: none
Weapons: dagger, dart, sling, quarterstaff, light crossbow
Tools: Drawing supplies
Languages: Common, Goblin, Orc 

[B]Weapon                Attack  Damage     Type  Range[/B]
Quarterstaff           +3     1d6+1        B
Quarterstaff, 2h       +3     1d8+1        B
Dagger                 +4     1d4+2        P
Dagger, thrown         +4     1d4+2        P   (20/60)

Ray of Frost           +6     1d8        Cold    60     + target speed reduced 10'

Dagger (2)
Component Pouch
Hunting Trap
Unlucky Rabbit's Foot
Traveler's Clothes
Belt Pouch
Explorer's Pack

[B]Spellbook:[/B] (*prepared)
*Alarm (R)
*Comprehend Languages (R)
*Detect Magic (R)
Find Familiar (R)
*Protection from Evil and Good

[B]Money:[/B] 0 gp

[B]Personality Trait:[/B] I’m driven by a wanderlust that led me away from home.
[B]Ideal:[/B] Free Thinking. Inquiry and curiosity are the pillars of progress.
[B]Bond:[/B] My family is the most important thing in my life, even when they are far from me.
[B]Flaw:[/B] My endless curiosity and lack of caution will be my end.
[sblock=Background]Davis Gray was a precocious child, endlessly frustrating his tutors. He would skip his lessons to go wandering down to the creek, he would shirk the work they set him and go exploring in Widow Mattison's attic. He wouldn't study, he wouldn't mind them . . . and then he would effortlessly pass whatever test they set him.

His parents were of solid merchant stock, hardworking and dedicated. He loved them in his own way, but he knew their life was never for him. He was truly devoted to his older sister, Doreen, and she was one of the few people who could get him to sit still for more than a few minutes. Between his parents, his sister, and all the villagers who benevolently tolerated his explorations, he received enough supervision to survive his childhood.

Eventually he was sent away to study magic, in a hope that it would give him a solid focus in life. At first he was captivated by the newness of it all, his master, his studies and his new home. But eventually his wanderlust returned in force. He finished up what he could of his apprenticeship, and headed out into the world. He is a vagrant, a drifter, and explorer and an endless wanderer, but not without purpose. Every new thing he learns, every new sight he sees, he records them all in his mind. Each town he passes through, he tries to find someone headed the right way and convince them to send a letter back to Doreen. He's never quite sure if any of the letters ever make it home, or if his couriers just pocket his coin and forget the request. But he writes anyway, just so he can share his discoveries with something.[/sblock]

This all looks good to me. The proficiency swap (Artisan's Tools instead of Musical Instrument) is fine. I would like to note that this is, in my mind, the perfect character for this campaign. Davis will fit the milieu like a glove. As an Outlander, he will not be used to being around a lot of people, which would be natural in a world where magic is feared by most. He also does not practice a lot of "flashy" magic that would draw attention to himself, focusing instead on rituals. It seems like you really thought this one out. Well done! For anyone else still in the character creation process this is a great example to look to.

Edit: One note to add. By starting with 0 gold, you are effectively limited to a Wretched lifestyle (PH 157-158). You might want to think about that and wait to summon your familiar. At least Davis does not have a terrible Survival skill, but he will rely on that skill or charity to find necessities of life, and a +1 is not much to rely on.
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[B]Name:[/B] Arion Wenter / Zenith Winter
[B]Class:[/B] Roue 1
[B]Race:[/B] Elf - High
[B]Background: Charlatan[/B]
[B]Size:[/B] Medium (5'6", 135lbs)
[B]Gender:[/B]     Male
[B]Alignment:[/B]  Chaotic Neutral

[B]Str:[/B] 10 (+0) save: +0     [B]HP:[/B] 9 (1d8+1)
[B]Dex:[/B] 16 (+3) save: +5     [B]AC:[/B] 14 (Leather + Dex)
[B]Con:[/B] 12 (+1) save: +1
[B]Int:[/B] 16 (+3)  save: +5     [B]Speed:[/B]   30
[B]Wis:[/B] 13 (+1) save: +1     [B]Init:[/B]    +3
[B]Cha:[/B] 11 (0) save: 0     [B]Passive Perception:[/B]    15

[B]Skills:[/B]                    [B]Abilities:[/B]
Acrobatics          +3      Expertise - Sleight of Hand, Perception
Animal Handling    +1      Sneak Attack -1d6
Arcana             +3        Thieves Cant
Athletics          +0           Darkvision
*Deception         +2        Keen Senses
*History            +5          Fey ancestry
*Insight             +3        Trance
Intimidation       +0         Cantrip - Minor Illusion
*Investigation      +5
Medicine            +1
Nature             +3
*Perception         +5
Performance       +0
Persuasion        +0
Religion           +3
*Slight of Hand    +7
*Stealth           +5
Survival           +3

Armor: Light
Weapons: Simple, Shortswords, longswords, rapiers, hand crossbows, longbow
Tools: Disguise, Forgery Kits and Thieves Tools
Languages: Common, Elvish, thieves Cant, Goblin

[B]Weapon                Attack  Damage     Type[/B]
Rapier        , 1h         +5     1d8+3          P
Shortbow    , 2h         +5     1d6+3         P
Dagger       , 1h         +5     1d4+3          P

2 daggers
Leather Armour
Quiver with Arrows(20)
Burglars Pack
Disguise Kit
Forgery Kit
Thieves Tools
Fine set of clothes in Red Beret
"Shell game"
Straw hat
Common clothes

[B]Money:[/B] 0 gp

[B]Hermit:[/B] False Identity - Zenith Winter (merchant selling historical treasures)
[B]Favourites Schemes:[/B] Zenith Convinces people that worthless junk is worth spending money on.
[B]Personality Trait:[/B] Born Gambler who cannot resist taking a risk for payoff.
[B]Ideal:[/B] I am a free spirit, no one tells me what to do.
[B]Bond:[/B] I owe everything to my mentor, a horrible person who is probably rotting in a jail somewhere (Mandor Gertransian)
[B]Flaw:[/B] I cannot resist swindling people who are more powerful than me.

The only mistake I saw was that Survival should be +1, not +3. This is a very interesting character. I like it a lot. I see a number of strong points with a one or two poignant flaws that really fit the spirit of the milieu. Like with Davis, I should note that starting with 0 gold might not be a wise thing to do.

I would like to know more of this Mandor Gertransian character. The bare necessities such as race and profession plus one interesting piece about Mandor's story should suffice. I can flesh out any details you would like to leave for me. I might be able to incorporate the character into the campaign.


Ok, thanks. However, I just noticed this from your original post:

So I'll need to come up with another character concept.

Helmut Krauthammer, Human Fighter/Eldritch Knight Soldier. Helmut is tall and long-limbed, hardened by many battles. He has blonde hair that he keeps in a knot in the back, and pale blue eyes that have seen much suffering. Helmut was a sergeant in the army. During the last war he led his platoon on a dangerous charge to take a hilltop. Though they were successful, many good soldiers died, and Helmut swore that he was done with the soldiering life. He now casts about for purpose, but he fears that fighting is in his blood.

This looks great so far. If I might suggest a few details for the background... How old were you planning to make Helmut. If he is at least 25 or so, he might have fought in the Battle of Emridy Meadows against the Horde of Elemental Evil. Otherwise he might have fought more recently against an invasion by the orcs of the Pomarj from the south. If he comes from another land, such as Furyondy or Veluna, he may have skirmished against the forces of Iuz or the Horned Lands.


Samara Renae is a female half-elven Knowledge priestess of Fharlanghn with the Acolyte background. She is tall for a half-elf, 5' 8"; she has green eyes with blonde hair in a short pixie-cut style.

She was raised in the city by her human mother who is a retired Soldier. She has never met her Elven father; Samara was conceived when her mother was fighting in a foreign [country/city]. Because her father never returned to see her grow, Samara harbors resentment towards Elves and her Elven heritage, blaming the Elves [and 'their' war?] for her missing Father.

Her mother's violent war stories weighed heavily on Samara's heart; rather that take up the sword like her mother, she instead turned to the shrine of Fharlanghn for education and training in the healing arts. Once completed, she would leave home and begin helping the simple folk who have likely suffered the most from troubled times.

A very fine submission. The elves of Celene[/quote] would fit her father's heritage well. The only war these elves have engaged in recently was the Battle of Emridy Meadows, which was 7 years prior to the campaign's start. However, the elves were dealing with the Horde of Elemental Evil years before that decisive battle. Otherwise the elves of Celene are quite isolationist. Alternatively, her father could have been a Knight of Luna, a dissenting group of Celene elves which seeks a more active elfish role in fighting evil, or the Knights of the High Forest who wage constant war against the evil demigod Iuz to the west.


This looks great so far. If I might suggest a few details for the background... How old were you planning to make Helmut. If he is at least 25 or so, he might have fought in the Battle of Emridy Meadows against the Horde of Elemental Evil. Otherwise he might have fought more recently against an invasion by the orcs of the Pomarj from the south. If he comes from another land, such as Furyondy or Veluna, he may have skirmished against the forces of Iuz or the Horned Lands.

When I came up with the idea for Helmut, I had the notion that he would have fought in some border conflicts against the orcs of the Pomarj. I picture him right about 30 years old, so he would have been a veteran during the orc invasion, which fits with his rank of sergeant leading a platoon of soldiers. Looking at the map of Greyhawk, I think that would make the Principality of Ulek his most likely homeland, but I'm not sure what the details are of the orc invasion you mentioned.


The only mistake I saw was that Survival should be +1, not +3. This is a very interesting character. I like it a lot. I see a number of strong points with a one or two poignant flaws that really fit the spirit of the milieu. Like with Davis, I should note that starting with 0 gold might not be a wise thing to do.

Thanks, I am glad to hear that I got the brief right. I have fixed up the original post to make survival +1. I have a few items in the burglars pack that I will sell if required to get by, but honestly, Arion is planning on picking a couple of pockets of a couple affluent looking people. He can't resist.

I would like to know more of this Mandor Gertransian character. The bare necessities such as race and profession plus one interesting piece about Mandor's story should suffice. I can flesh out any details you would like to leave for me. I might be able to incorporate the character into the campaign.

I have also updated my original post with more information on Mandor with a couple of hooks. Feel free to caveat any/all of it.

Thanks in advance for running this game, I am getting very excited.

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